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Chubby Chicks Rule

Page 10

by Desiree Day

  “Oh, okay,” she said relieved, but her instinct told her that there was more. “Is that all?”

  “Maybe I let him touch them.”

  “You let him touch?” Jessica asked wide-eyed.

  “And lick.”

  “And lick? How did it feel?”

  “Like heaven. His lips were so soft,” Samantha said dreamily. “He licked me like I was his favorite flavor of Baskin-Robbins ice cream.”

  “Wow!” Jessica said entranced.

  “But that’s all we’re doing. I’m not doing anything else. I’m only fourteen, I’m not ready for that yet.”

  “Has he asked you?”

  “Not outright.”

  “So when do you think you might do it?”

  Samantha shrugged. “Dunno. Not anytime soon. For one we barely know each other. And I don’t want to end up like my cousin Cara, fifteen with one baby and another on the way.”

  “Wow! Is that a chastity belt or what?”

  “Yep. That’s a chastity belt.”

  A few seconds later they heard the doorbell, shortly after that Samantha’s mother knocked on their door and popped in.

  “They’re here.”

  “Cool.” Samantha picked up her overnight bag and slung it over her shoulder.

  Her mother eyed the bag. “You are staying overnight at Jessica’s aren’t you?”

  “Mom!” she squealed. “Of course I am. Where else would I be.”

  “You could be at a lot of places. But I want you at Jessica’s and I want her mom to call me as soon as you get there. You understand?”

  “Yes ma’am.”

  “Good.” She gave Samantha a hug. “Have a good time.”

  “Thanks Mom.”

  “Come here.” She motioned to Jessica and she stepped into her arms. “You have a good time too.”


  They sauntered out the room to meet their dates.

  An image of the Starbucks incident flashed through Jessica’s head as she self consciously followed Matt to their booth. The last thing she needed was for Matt to see her big hips knock over somebody’s plate of pancakes.

  She gratefully sunk into her seat, Matt followed behind her, Samantha and Sean sat across from them. From the way Samantha and Sean were kissing and touching each other at the movies, Jessica was certain that they’ll be playing under the bed sheets by summer.

  “That movie was crunk!” Sean said.

  “Yeah, all that action, the fighting, the special effects, it was off the chain,” Matt chimed in.

  Jessica and Samantha looked at each other and laughed. Boys.

  When Matt and Sean finished acting out their favorite parts of the movie, Matt grabbed Jessica’s hand and smiled at her. Samantha rested her head on Sean’s shoulder.

  The waitress sauntered over to their table. “Don’t y’all look cute,” she said to Samantha and Sean. “Is he your boyfriend honey?”

  Samantha smiled and nodded. “Sure is,” she said then kissed Sean.

  The waitress eyed Jessica and Matt. “Y’all look cute too. Are y’all a couple?”

  Matt squeezed Jessica’s hand then said, “Yep. This is my girl.”

  “Well, all y’all are cute. My name is Betty and welcome to IHOP.” She took their orders. Matt and Jessica ordered salads and Samantha and Sean each ordered T-bone steak and eggs plates. They chatted about different things until the food came.

  Jessica waited until Samantha and Sean were focused on their food before she whispered to Matt. “You didn’t even ask me.”

  Matt frowned. “Ask you what babe?”

  “To be your girl. You just assumed that I was.”

  “So am I supposed to get down on my knees and stuff?” Matt teased.

  Jessica pondered his question before she saw that he was joking and she blushed. She felt like a ten-year-old. Where other girls had spent their whole lives around boys and learned some of their mysteries, she felt like an alien from another planet. She didn’t know the rules about boys and girls, but she at least knew that a boy should ask a girl to be with him and not make a city-wide blast without her consent. “No you don’t have to unless you want to,” she finally said.

  “Just joking with you girl. I’m not about to mess up these Sean John’s,” he said swiping at his jeans as though they had lint on them.

  Jessica narrowed her eyes. “What’s more important, me or your damn jeans?” she hissed.

  “Hey, don’t be getting all tart with me. Can’t you take a joke.”

  “I’m sorry. I’m just tense,” Jessica apologized.

  Matt reached under the table and squeezed her thigh. “Just relax. You know I’m digging you.”

  “I know,” she said quietly.

  Matt grinned. “Jessica Smith will you be my girl?”

  Chapter 17

  Matt and Jessica walked down the hall hand in hand. This feels so right, Jessica thought as she grinned to herself. She squeezed Matt’s hand and he looked down at her.

  “What’s that for?”

  “For being such a nice guy.”

  “Thanks,” Matt stammered. Jessica rubbed his arm. She knew she had embarrassed him.

  “Look at the two hippos!” Chloe yelled as they sauntered passed.

  “Ignore them baby.”

  Chubby chicks rule, remember that and the rest of your life is gravy. “They’re ignored.” Jessica squeezed his hand.

  “Do you want me to smack the crap out of her?” Samantha asked, as she sidled next to them.

  “You’d probably end up killing her and I’ll have to come visit you in prison and I don’t have any proper clothes to wear to a prison visit,” Jessica said dryly.

  “So you got it all figured out huh?” Samantha asked. She glanced at her friend, Jessica looked like she had found the secret to heaven on earth. She bounced when she walked and she was the first glowing virgin Samantha had ever seen.

  “Just a little.”

  “Don’t worry about it, she’ll probably starve herself to death.”

  “Well that’ll save me some jail time,” Samantha said with a laugh.

  “I got to run,” Matt announced.

  “Working in the store?”

  “Yep.” Every free moment Matt had was spent working in his family’s soul food restaurant. It did really well since it was the only one in the small Upstate New York town.

  “Talk to you later?” Jessica asked. Matt nodded before kissing her. He sauntered down the hall. “I’m dating the cutest boy in school,” she said to Samantha.

  “Pleaze, Sean looks so much better than him. He even has college girls trying to pick him up.”

  Jessica smothered a giggle. Sean was so short that he made her think of a miniature man. “Yeah right.”

  “You saying my boyfriend ain’t cute?” Samantha asked.

  “Don’t get mad at me. Sean is a cutie. Come on let’s run to the library, I need to use a computer,” Jessica said, changing the subject and avoiding a fight. They were strolling down the hall when, “Oh my God, here comes The Mac!” Jessica squealed. She glanced at her friend who stood calmly by her. Jessica nudged her. “Let’s go.” Samantha stood still. “Why aren’t you moving?”

  “She’s not going to bother us.”

  “How do you know?”

  “I just have this feeling.”

  Ms. McKenzie stopped in front of them. “Ladies. Open up!” she ordered.

  “That’s not fair. It’s not class time.”

  “That’s one of the fun things about my class. I can check up on you anytime during the school day and I bet if I look hard enough it’ll probably say anytime. So open up and blow!” Jessica did as she was told. “French fries, chocolate ice cream, cheeseburger.”

  “That’s not right,” Jessica protested weakly.

  Ms. McKenzie motioned to Samantha. “Come here.” Samantha stood in front of her. “You know what to do!” Samantha exhaled. “Cheeseburger, onion rings, strawberry milkshake.”

  “It was good,” Samantha stated with a grin. “I enjoyed every last drop.”

  “How much weight did you lose this week?”

  Samantha shrugged. “Dunno.”

  “Dunno!” Ms. McKenzie mocked. “Well, I do. Zero! You didn’t lose one ounce.” She glared at Jessica. “What about you Ms. Smith? How much did you lose?”

  “Half a pound,” Jessica mumbled.

  “What did you say?”

  “Half a pound,” Jessica repeated a little louder.

  “Half a pound. Does that sound like a lot to you Ms. Smith?” Jessica shook her head.

  “I need the perfect punishment for you two.” She tapped a finger against her chin while she studied Jessica and Samantha. A grin grew over her face. “I got it!”

  “Does she have the authority to do this?” Samantha groaned to Jessica. They had donned hair nets, oversize aprons and latex gloves.

  Jessica shrugged. “I guess so, since the principal didn’t say a darn word when he went by. This isn’t so bad. I thought the punishment would be worse.”

  Ms. McKenzie decided that since they loved food so much that they should share their enthusiasm with the rest of the school and serve them lunch for an entire week.

  For an hour each day they were glued behind a counter ladling out inedible food to listless eyed hollow cheeked teenagers.

  Samantha glared at her. “What could be more freakin’ humiliating that serving this crap to a bunch of butt cracks,” Samantha snapped while slapping some lima beans on the tray in front of her. The owner of the plate frowned at Samantha and pushed her tray towards Jessica.

  “They’re not all butt cracks.” Jessica smiled as she ladled cling peaches on the girl’s plate. “They’re all nice people.” She waited a second then, “What are you trying to do, start a riot? Keep talking like that, we’ll have half the school ready to beat our butts and dip us in those mashed potatoes.”

  “I just hate this,” Samantha whined. “And I hate Ms. McKenzie,” she tacked on.

  Jessica’s face suddenly reddened. “Oh no!”


  “Oh no!” she repeated.

  “Oh no what?” Samantha asked frustrated.

  “Oh no that!” Jessica jerked her head toward the line of students. Four people down was Darryl.

  “Don’t let them see you stress,” Samantha hissed. “I didn’t realize that the school fed animals,” she said as Darryl and his crew stood across from Samantha and Jessica.

  “I’m sure they do, since they have animals serving food. Hey pigs make sure you don’t eat it all. Save some for us.”

  Samantha snatched up a spoonful of beans. Jessica saw the anger in her friend’s eyes. “Don’t do it,” she begged. “Remember, don’t let them see you stress,” she whispered.

  “She won’t do anything,” Darryl mocked. “She talks big, oops,” he slapped his hand over his mouth. “That’s because she is big. She’s huge.”

  “You wish you were huge!” Samantha said with a sneer, causing Darryl’s friends to crack up laughing.

  He poked out his chest. “Oh, I’m huge, do you want to see?” he asked as he began fumbling with his pants.

  Jessica covered her eyes. “Stop it! We don’t want to see.”

  “Take it off!” his friends started chanting.

  “Yeah take it off,” Samantha joined in. “Let’s debunk the myth.”

  Darryl grinned as he looked over his shoulder. A crowd had gathered around him as though he was a Pepsi distributor giving away free samples. “Y’all ready for a huge show?”

  “Yay!” the group shouted in response.

  “Y’all ready to see something huge?”

  “Woo hoo!” The crowd yelled.

  Jessica vigorously shook her head. “No!” she screamed, but her voice got eaten up by the shouts.

  Samantha snatched up a dishrag and waved it over her head. “Take it off. Don’t be skeerd!”

  Darryl unzipped his jeans after unbuttoning them, with a little tug they slid down to his feet, he kicked them off. He stood in front of everybody wearing only a pair of white briefs, shirt and sneakers. His legs were the color of bleached flour. He pointed to his crotch. “Doesn’t this look huge?” he yelled. By now, every pair of eyes were on him.

  “No!” the crowd answered. “Get naked! Get naked!” They chanted.

  “Yeah, get naked,” Samantha joined in.

  “No. Don’t get naked,” Jessica whispered, giving up any hope that she’ll be heard. “I don’t want to see this.” She replaced her hand over her eyes, but occasionally she’d fan them to peek through to see what was happening.

  “I’m going to get naked,” Darryl roared. “I’m going to do it!”

  “Do it! Do it! Do it!”

  Darryl smiled as he slid his fingers in the elastic waistband. He pulled down the top exposing an inch of skin.

  “Don’t be shy,” Samantha yelled. “Go all the way!” Caught up in the moment, Darryl pulled off his underwear. The whole lunchroom burst into applause. Darryl stood in front of them all pointing to his newly freed penis as though it was a million dollar bill.

  “That’s not huge, that’s a Vienna sausage,” Samantha roared and laughed until tears came to her eyes. Everybody joined in.

  Suddenly Darryl realized that he was standing naked in the lunchroom and people were laughing at him, not with him. “I’m huge!” he said as he raced toward Samantha. “And I’ll show you how huge.”

  “Oh shit!” Jessica shouted. “He’s coming right toward us.”

  Chapter 18

  “So do you guys want to come with me?” Jessica asked with a grin. She had just delivered her Christmas presents to her friends. Matt, Samantha and Sean stared at her gifts in awe and shock. It was the beginning of December and she had invited them all over to her house so that she could give them their Christmas presents.

  “Is this for real? You aren’t playing with us are you?” Samantha asked.

  “It’s for real. I asked my parents and they said yes. You guys are my friends and I haven’t had any true friends since Tamia. And looked how she treated me.”

  “I don’t know what to say,” Matt stuttered. He had never received such an expensive gift.

  “This is cool…way cool,” Sean said.

  Jessica beamed. Their reactions were better than she had expected.

  “We’re going to Hawaii!” Samantha shouted. “Woo hoo!”

  Jessica had given each of her friends an all expense paid trip to Hawaii, to be taken during the school break. When her parents told her that they’ll be going out of town she had begged them to let her bring along her friends to keep her company.

  Although she didn’t mind taking exotic vacations with her parents, they were as boring for her as an all girl town would be for a gay man. Since she and her parents spent the Thanksgiving break in Las Vegas and she was lonely, she decided to invite her friends for a week-long trip in Hawaii.

  “Thank you, thank you, thank you!” Samantha yelled as she pulled Jessica into her arms and hugged her. “I’ve never even been out of the state of New York. Thanks girl,” Samantha said, then began crying.

  “You’re welcome. Now go wash your face before you start scaring people away,” Jessica joked. Samantha nodded them made her way to the bathroom.

  Sean gave Jessica a hug. “Thanks girl, you’re the bomb. It’ll be nice to get out of this ice box they call Middleville.” Just yesterday the city was doused with seven inches of snow and more was expected tonight.

  Samantha rejoined the group. “I thought you didn’t like all the bling and baller type stuff?”

  “I don’t,” Jessica answered honestly. “But I’m trying to get comfortable about it. I mean I have it and my parents know that I’ll never take advantage of them. But if I can make my friends happy then I don’t mind spreading the wealth.”

  “Well, keep spreading,” Sean quipped. “’Cause this brother is enjoying the sharing.”

  Matt pulled Je
ssica to a corner. “You know I can never give you a gift that’ll even come close to this.”

  Jessica wrapped her arms around him. “Sure you can, you do it every day.”


  “You give me a piece of your heart. That’s the best gift in the world. It’s priceless.”

  “Thanks babe.” Matt leaned down and kissed her. Jessica pulled him closer and she felt his hardness pressing against her legs and a shot of desire ran through her. That would’ve scared her before but not now.

  “And your parents trust you two in a tropical paradise? I can see a whole bunch of scenarios jumping off and neither one is good,” Samantha called from across the room.

  Jessica pulled away from Matt. “We’re going to have separate suites. You and I,” she said to Samantha. “Sean and Matt and my parent’s suite will be in the middle.”

  “So they got it all planned out,” Matt said.

  “I bet there’s gonna be some sneaking in the middle of the night,” Sean said then chuckled. “What’ll prevent us from slipping into each other’s room?”

  “Because if either of my parents catch you, there will be hell to pay. Trust me.”

  “So we’re going to have a whole week in paradise?” Matt whispered against Jessica’s ear. She nodded. “Are you going to wear a bikini for me?”


  He pulled back and looked in her eyes. “What? Why can’t you wear a bikini for me?”

  “Because of my size. First of all I don’t think that they make one in my size and secondly if they did, I’d look horrible in it.”

  “You’ll look beautiful. We’ll go shopping this weekend for one.” Jessica shook her head. “What?”

  “I’ll get one, but I’ll take Sam with me. That way when you see me in it, you’ll be surprised.”

  “Can’t wait,” Matt said as he nibbled on Jessica’s ear lob.

  Chubby chicks rule! Remember that and everything else is gravy.

  Mr. Smith drove his Range Rover confidently over the icy roads and Jessica, Matt, Samantha and Sean sat in the back seat. Occasionally, he liked to leave the limo at home and drive himself, especially when he wanted privacy and didn’t want the driver privy to his actions.


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