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Chubby Chicks Rule

Page 14

by Desiree Day

  “Nothing’s going to happen. Trust me,” Jessica pleaded. “Just trust me when I say that nothing is gonna happen.”

  Matt tenderly ran his thumb over her cheek. “I think Marco got some type of hold on you.”


  “Yep,” he said with a nod. “Ever since your party. You blush when Marco’s name is mentioned, you forget how to talk when dude is in your presence. It took you almost a whole week just to tell me what was up.”

  “That’s not true,” Jessica protested although ninety nine percent of what he said was on point. She averted her eyes.

  “Ha ah, I got you girl. You can’t even look me in the face. Does this guy have you so twisted after a kiss that you can’t even talk to me, be with me?”

  Jessica looked him squarely in the eyes. “Nope. It’s not even like that. All I’ll be doing is tutoring him, that’s it.”

  “That’s it huh?” Jessica nodded. Matt leaned down and gently pulled on her bottom lip, he suckled it before slowly inserting his tongue in her mouth. Jessica grabbed onto it like it was a Blow pop. After five minutes of tongue wrestling, Jessica pulled back dazed, Samantha might not be the first one to lose her virginity.

  “Did you hear me?” Matt asked.

  “What?” Jessica asked, pulling herself out of her trance.

  “I want to sit with you when you tutor Marco. If my best friend going to try to push up on my girl. I want to be there. Is that okay? Can I watch you tutor Marco?”

  Chapter 25

  “I didn’t realize that this was going to turn into a party,” Marco said, almost pouting. Jessica glanced over at Matt and giggled. She felt more comfortable because she had gotten her parents’ permission to have her friends over. And since they loved Samantha and Matt her request was easily granted.

  “You don’t want me to think that you’re trying to push up on my girl do you?” Matt called. He was sitting in his favorite spot playing his favorite Wii game. It looked like he was focused on the game, but he was really homed into Jessica and Marco.

  “Naw dawg, you know it ain’t like that,” Marco lied smoothly, the last thing he needed was getting caught breaking the man law of hitting on your best friend’s girl.

  Sean sat on a bar stool with Samantha standing between his legs and her arms wrapped around his neck with her head on his chest. She swayed gently to the Maroon 5 song playing. “Yeah right,” Samantha mumbled against her boyfriend’s shirt.

  “What did you say baby?”

  “That boy is hotter for Jessica than a piece of poor White trash is for a billionaire but she doesn’t see it.”

  “Matt’s on it and he’ll handle it.”

  “I know. I know Marco’s pissed as all get out. Sorry boy.”

  “Focus,” Jessica said. Marco eyes were wandering, more to her breasts than his schoolwork.

  “I’m on it shawty,” Marco whispered.

  “Good, let’s try to work on this math.”

  Two hours later, the crew was gone and Jessica and Matt were left alone.

  “See that wasn’t too bad was it?” Jessica asked as she snuggled next to Matt. She didn’t believe that in such a short period of time she had come to care for him so much.

  “Yeah, because I was here to keep things in check.”

  “Yes you did,” Jessica said and gave him a peck on the lips.

  “Is that all you’re giving me?”

  “You want more? You got to take it,” Jessica said as she popped up off the couch and raced to the other side of the room.

  “So you want a brother to chase you?”

  “Isn’t that what a lot of girls want?”

  “I don’t know, you tell me. You’re the one who devours Cosmo as though it was the Bible,” Matt answered all the while inching closer to Jessica.

  “It is,” Jessica answered then raced past Matt when he got too close.

  “Okay, so now you think you’re running track. I got something for your butt,” he threatened. He watched her out of the corner of his eyes until he sensed she wasn’t paying attention, then he rushed her. “Ah ha gotcha!” They both slid to the floor.

  Jessica felt like an octopus had captured her. Matt’s hands were all over her body, touching places that no boy had ever touched before. Matt rolled over so that he was on top of her. He’s not that heavy, she absent-mindedly thought. His hands trailed down her sides then stopped at her breasts. He slid his hand under her sweater and began caressing her breasts.

  His penis felt hard against her leg. She tentatively reached between their legs and touched it.

  “Rub it,” Matt begged.

  “I don’t know,” Jessica said. “I don’t want us to do anything.”

  “We’re not going to do anything, all I want you to do is rub it. That’s all. I’m throbbing like a mutha. Help me out.”

  Jessica hesitated then, “Okay.” She reached between their legs and clutched his penis. He groaned. “I’m not hurting you am I?” she asked panicked.

  “No. It just feels so good,” Matt answered.

  Jessica giggled. “Good.” She softly stroked Matt’s penis until his hips began moving up and down. He had entirely forgotten about her breasts.

  “You know what would feel even better?”


  “If I take it out.”

  “What?” Jessica shrieked as the story of Samantha’s cousin came to mind. She began struggling as she tried to shove Matt off her, but it was like trying to push off a boulder.

  “Calm down,” Matt said trying to ease Jessica’s movements. “It was just a suggestion, we don’t have to do that.”

  Jessica stilled. “Okay. I’m not ready for that, that’s all.”

  Matt kissed her forehead. “I understand babe, when we both decide to do it, I want it to be special. And it won’t be on the floor of your game room.”

  “I’m sorry.”

  “Don’t be. I understand, It’s a big step.”

  “Samantha and Sean—”

  “We’re not them,” Matt said cutting her off.

  “How do you know what I was going to say?”

  “’Cause I know you girl. Let Samantha and Sean do what works for them and we’ll do what works for us. Got it?”

  “Got it.” Jessica lifted her head up for a kiss. Matt’s lips met hers. “You can finish what you started,” she said while placing Matt’s hand on one of her breasts. Suddenly she froze. “Did you hear that?”

  “What?” Matt murmured, he had pulled up her blouse and was trying to unhook her bra. The only thing he heard was the blood rushing from his head to his penis.

  “I thought I heard something,” she said and peered toward the door as if expecting someone to walk through.

  “I thought everybody was out?”

  “They are. No one isn’t expected back until—oh!” Matt had unhooked her bra and fastened his mouth on one of her nipples. She cupped the back of his head. “Oh my God!” she moaned, his lips felt like velvet sliding over her skin. “You feel so go—”

  “Jessica what the hell are you doing!”

  Jessica pushed Matt off her and scrambled to pull up her top. “Mom? Dad?”

  “I can’t believe your parents,” Matt said still dazed by what went down.

  “Me either.”

  “So whenever we’re ready to do it, they’ll pay for our hotel room and birth control?”

  “I know my parents are a little overprotective of me, but this is a little bizarre.”

  “I thought your father was going to kill me when they found us.”

  “Me too, I was so scared. But when they told us that I was mortified. I don’t want my parents to know when I finally do it. And I especially don’t want them to finance it. How sick is that?”

  “They’re not sick. They just want to make sure that their little girl doesn’t lose her virginity on the floor or in the backseat of some car. I guess it’s a new rich people thing.”

  “I guess,” Jessica answered with
a shrug. “But they also told me that they really like you so that’s why they didn’t trip like they did when they walked in on me kissing Marco.” Matt pursed his lips together, but didn’t say anything. “I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to—”

  “That’s okay, it happened,” he said, his tone dismissive.

  Jessica gave a grateful sigh. “So if we decide to do it, are you going to take my parents up on their offer.”

  “Hell yeah. A brother won’t have to pay for a thing.”

  “Matt!” Jessica shrieked. This wasn’t the same person who wouldn’t accept a pair of Timberlands from her without a fight.

  “Just joking girl.” Matt chuckled. “When we decide to do it, it’ll be a private session between us, not your parents.”

  “So when are we going to do it?” Jessica asked shyly.

  Chapter 26

  “Thanks for helping me. I don’t know what I would’ve done if you weren’t here for me,” Tamia called from Jessica’s bathroom. She had apologized over and over again on how she treated Jessica in the bathroom. And Jessica saw a little of the old Tamia emerging.

  “No problem,” Jessica answered. She stood up and did a full body stretch. Against Samantha’s warnings, she had spent the last three hours tutoring Tamia in math. There were only three weeks left of school and Tamia wanted to make sure she aced her final exam and Jessica was the only person she knew who could help her. A loud yawn and a second later she walked toward the bathroom. She and Matt were going out walking later when the weather cooled, but she still had some time before they were going to get together. “Hey, do you want to go to the movies? Or do you want to watch something in our media room? Dad just got the new Brad Pitt—” she skidded to a stop. Jessica stood frozen at the bathroom door.

  Tamia was on her knees hunched over the toilet. Chunks of food and liquid gushed out her mouth. The green mess spewed out as though she was a faucet.

  “Oh my God! Are you okay? Mom!” Jessica ran to the intercom and shouted for her mother. “Mom!” she called frantic. Tamia hurried after her friend.

  “Shut up!” Tamia hissed. “Just shut up! I’m okay. Call her back and tell her nothing is wrong. Hurry up before she shows up!”

  But it was too late, Jessica’s mother showed up outside the door. “What happened? What’s wrong?” she cried equally upset. It was rare for her daughter to yell the way she did.

  “Nothing Mrs. Smith,” Tamia gave a little laugh. “I guess I scared Jessica. I puked. It must’ve been the tacos I had for lunch…bad meat. I’m sorry,” she said sheepishly.

  “Oh dear. Would you like some Pepto Bismal or some ginger ale?”

  Tamia shook her head. “I’m okay.”

  “Would you like me to take you home?”

  “I’m fine…really,” she insisted. “My mom will be here in a minute.”

  Mrs. Smith backed out of the bathroom. “Okay let me know if you need anything before your mother comes. Don’t be shy, you’re practically my second daughter.”

  Jessica saw a flicker of surprise in her friend’s eyes. “Are you okay?”

  Tamia grinned. “Of course, I’m okay.” She reached into her handbag and pulled out a small bottle of mouthwash, twisted off the cap and poured it into her mouth as though it was a Pepsi. She swished it around in her mouth before spitting it out. Plucking a tissue from its box, she daintily dabbed at her mouth. “It’s not like this is the first time I’ve thrown up.”

  “Oh no, you’ve been sick. Have you been to the doctor?”

  “I’m not sick bitch,” Tamia said and Jessica cringed she really believed Tamia had changed. “I like throwing up.”

  “What is that supposed to mean?”

  “It means that I do it all the time. I’m a pro. See.” She stuck her finger in her mouth and gagged.

  “Stop!” Jessica shouted. Her stomach rolled with revulsion. “You purposely make yourself throw up?”

  She knew it was bad, they had a whole class on bulimia. Because they were so many girls wanting to look like a fashion model that they forced themselves to puke.

  Tamia averted her eyes. “Yeah how else do you think I can stay so thin? I mean I lost the weight in fat camp. But now I have to keep it off.” Jessica shook her head. “Don’t look at me like that,” Tamia retorted. “You don’t understand, I have boys looking at me now. I have friends.”

  “I was your friend,” Jessica said quietly. “I’ve been your friend ever since kindergarten and you practically grew up in my house.”

  “But now I’m popular. And I can—”

  “Sit wherever you want in the lunchroom,” Jessica finished for her.

  “Well, duh, but I wasn’t going to say that. I was going to say,” she said pausing dramatically. “Is that I can walk down the hall and everybody knows me. It’s not like it was when I was in middle school where people laughed at me and called me Tamia Tippo Hippo. I have boys liking me and girls wanting to be me. And I don’t want you messing it up for me.”

  “You need help. We learned all about it in our health class. Don’t you remember?”

  Tamia twirled some hair around her finger. “Of course I remember. But I’m not hurting myself,” she countered.

  “Are you crazy?” Jessica asked. “You’re ruining your throat and you’re destroying your teeth. How is that not hurting yourself.”

  Tamia ran her tongue over her teeth. “There’s nothing wrong with my teeth. Besides everybody’s doing it.”

  Jessica resisted the urge to blurt out her mother’s response. “That doesn’t make it right,” Jessica replied gently.

  Tamia shrugged. “No, but it does make my life a hell of a lot easier.”

  “Where’s Tamia?”

  “What? I’m here,” she said slowly.

  “I meant what happened to my best friend. What happened to the Tamia I used to talk on the phone with for hours? What happened to the Tamia who used to eat fried peanut butter and jelly sandwiches? We’ve been friends since kindergarten and my mom still considers you her second daughter.”

  Tamia grimaced. “That Tamia is gone. She disappeared as soon as I lost those extra sixty pounds I was carrying.”

  “You weren’t the weight, you are what’s inside here,” Jessica said as she pointed to her heart.

  “I’m not that Tamia anymore,” she insisted. “And I never will be. That Tamia was a loser. Nobody liked her. She didn’t like herself,” she said softly and her face began to sag as though she was one second away from a tear fest.

  “I liked her. I did,” Jessica insisted. “I want her back.”

  Tamia sniffed, straightened her back, adjusted her Louis Vuitton bag and spat, “She’s not coming back. And you better not tell anybody what happened here today. Not even your mother. If you do you’re going to be sorry,” she warned. “Very very sorry.”

  Chapter 27

  Jessica was just about to step out of the bathroom stall when she heard Chloe complaining.

  “Did you see that bitch? She acted like she was the only pair of Sevens in the world. She was too fat anyway.” A chorus of snickers went up.

  “She was huge,” Tamia chimed in. “And she almost knocked me down with those big hips of hers.”

  Jessica scuttled back in the stall, sat on the toilet and pulled her feet up. She wasn’t in the mood to deal with Chloe and her crew.

  “I’ll kick her ass the next time I see her,” Chloe said.

  “Cool, hit me up on the celly and I’m there,” Tamia yelled, Jessica heard her go into a stall. A few seconds later she heard gagging then the sound of splashing water.

  “You’re getting faster,” Chloe called.

  “Thanks,” Tamia called and Jessica could hear the pride in her voice. But her voice was drowned out by the sound of chunks of food hitting the water. The sound echoed throughout the bathroom as each member of the crew took her turn. Jessica clamped her hand over her mouth to keep herself from vomiting from the smell of puke in the bathroom.

  “Okay let�
�s roll. I need to run to the drugstore to pick up some condoms.” Jessica heard the sound of footprints marching across the floor. As soon as it went silent she uncurled her body and pushed her way out of the stall.

  “Thank God they’re gone…” Standing at one of the sinks was Tamia. They hadn’t spoken since Tamia and thrown up in her bathroom. “Hi,” Jessica said nervously.


  Jessica turned on the water and peeked at her former best friend. Tamia was reapplying her lipstick with the precision of a laser surgeon. “I heard you,” she finally blurted out.

  “Good for you. Do you want a freaking prize?”

  “Why are you being so mean?” Tamia stopped what she was doing, looked at Jessica, rolled her eyes and returned her attention to her lips. “What you’re doing is wrong.”

  “Blah blah blah. I’ve heard that speech before, and it ain’t fun. So forget it Jessica I don’t want to hear it.”

  “I don’t care what you want to hear. I’m not going to let you do this to yourself.”

  Tamia raised an eyebrow at Jessica. “You’re not going to let me?” she chuckled nastily. “Who are you to tell me what to do?”

  “I’m your friend.”

  “Former friend.”

  Jessica ignored that, considered she just helped her ace her math test. “But I still care and I don’t want you to hurt yourself.”

  “I’m not hurting myself.”

  “Sure you are,” Jessica protested. “What you’re doing isn’t natural. All you have to do is exercise and eat less.”

  Tamia snorted. “Oh like you? I can see the pounds melting off you.”

  Jessica blushed. “It can work. Since Matt and I have been seeing each other, I think I lost ten pounds.”

  “Where? In your big toe? I don’t see it.”

  Jessica’s face crumbled as her eyes watered. “Stop it! Stop being so mean! All I’m trying to do is to help you and all you’re doing is being totally mean to me. Just forget that I said anything.” Jessica reached over and grabbed some paper toweling.


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