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The Venerate Salvation

Page 18

by Troy Dukart

  I wanted to cry when he said that.

  “Go see if he needs you,” Lt Col Fabian told me.

  “Yes, sir!”

  Zixin returned with their mother. Strafe was still firing up the energy beam into the sky. The Whiteclouds jumped out of it and shook their bodies like after a bath. He lowered his arms and the beam dissipated. The orb dimmed until it became completely black and dropped to the floor. The golden armor flaked away into dust and floated off in the wind. He blinked his eyes a few times before he fell to a knee with exhaustion. I put my hand on his shoulder.

  “I'll be fine. I'm glad it's finally over,” he whispered.

  I laughed, “Just when I thought I knew everything about you, you still keep surprising me.”

  I gave him a hug and kissed him on the cheek. “Help me up please,” he said.

  We pulled his arms over our shoulder's and brought him to his feet. Claire and Zixin smiled at us.

  Before we could enjoy the moment, Strafe's body language became rigid and tense; he lowered his eyebrows as he scanned the room, “Something's not right.”

  “What's the matter? Azazel is gone,” Karma replied.

  “It's not over.”

  I heard the sound of metal banging over my shoulder. Emerging from a pile of rubble with a gun in his hand was Parker, aiming right at me.

  “Time to die!”

  Parker fired the gun but Strafe pushed Karma and me out of the way. At that moment, time moved in slow motion.

  I fell to the floor.

  I whipped my eyes back at Strafe.

  Strafe closed his eyes, turned his head, and raised his hands out to protect himself.

  Parker fires the gun. It echoes loudly in my ears. I can see the bullet shoot across the room. It hits Strafe in the chest. Strafe’s eyes widen, he is stunned.

  Sprinkles of Strafe’s blood dot across my face after the bullet enters his body. I gasp, but can’t take another breath. I feel paralyzed.

  Zixin is screaming, but his voice is muted to me.

  His mother Claire cried out in agony. Her hands cover her mouth.

  Strafe collapsed to his knees as he touches the hole in his chest. He looks over to me and closes his eyes, then folds his body to the floor, face down.

  The next few seconds, watching Strafe motionless seemed like an eternity. I couldn't believe my eyes. At that moment, I could hardly contain myself. Karma's face lost all color. The world returned from slow motion, and as I screamed, my hearing came back to me. STRAAAFFFEE!”



  Even with the plague purged, it seemed some people were inherently evil. The rest of the world simply fell victim to it.

  Pushing away the scrap, Parker had a big smile on his face while pointing the gun at me, “Did you really think I would let you and your ex-boyfriend ruin this for us? The time for the Venerate Salvation is at hand. The portal has been opened.”

  “How could you do that!?” I stuttered between tears, falling to my knees, lump in my throat, my body numb, “What portal!?”

  “This whole operation's objective was to open a path to their world. To survive there is extreme. We needed this machine to create husks that would allow us to travel there safely. With Tiras out of the way, I will be a proven ally. He wanted to kill them, I want to partner with them as the General did. Tiras's purpose was only to be a guinea pig and spread his virus. I'll repair the machine and the plan will proceed.”

  I could've tried to attack him but he would shoot me before I could reach him. His gun fired armor-piercing rounds.

  “Parker, these aliens will turn on you. They are not our friends,” I insisted.

  “I've heard enough from you. You had your chance to stand with me.”

  He cocked the gun and aimed down the sights. With lightning speed, the Whiteclouds ambushed him and bit into his flesh to keep him still; he failed to account for them. Zixin ran forward. Parker smacked away Pup and fired a few shots at Zixin but he deflected them with his God Arms. He got close enough to slap the weapon away.

  “AAAAAHHHHH!!!” he screamed.

  Zixin punched his hand down Parker's throat down to the elbow. He lifted Parker off the ground and held him there for a moment. Zixin's arm began to glow bright and then it exploded with energy. The explosion filled Parker's body with energy which inflicted gruesome pain. Every vein Parker had protruded through his skin as he squirmed in agony and screamed. Zixin took his time while looking into Parker’s eyes, not allowing him to die slowly. It looked cruel, but honestly, he deserved it. Parker’s whole body writhed in anguish before Zixin punched his other hand through his stomach, continuing to fill him with energy. Parker’s body grew to twice its size before the mass finally exploded as Zixin ripped him in two, exploding his body into bits like he was hit with dynamite.

  Blood, guts, and bone flew in every direction.

  Zixin stood there, breathing heavy before letting out a fit of anger with a scream. A fitting end to a despicable human being.

  He turned around and ran to his brother, who laid motionless. He picked Strafe up by his head and shoulders, “Strafe! Strafe! Wake up!”

  I knelt beside them, “Is he alive?”

  I saw slipping vitals, dipping blood pressure, and slowed breathing while scanning him. The bullet traveled through his hands and breastplate and landed in his spine. It missed his heart by millimeters.

  I cauterized the wound to stop any infection. We needed to supply him with some replacement blood.

  “I'm gonna go find a first aid kit,” Karma said before running off.

  Strafe began to cough. His eyes cracked open.

  “Bro!” Zixin said.

  “Zixin, you're safe,” Strafe spoke softly.

  “That bastard's gone. Don't worry.”

  Strafe motioned me over. I knelt down and held his hand.

  “I'll be right back, I'm helping Karma find some blood for you!”

  He shook his head and grunted, “No, I need you to listen to me. I don't have much time left.”

  “What!?” we both said in disbelief.

  “When I became celestial, I gained a link to a higher power of knowledge. You must heal this world. Forget about the Venerates until humanity is restored,” Strafe whispered.

  “How do we do that?” Zixin asked.

  “Just help them home. The world will recover. Everyone will be united now. The way it always should've been.”

  Claire put her hands on his cheeks, “Strafe, you need blood or you're going to die honey!”

  “I'm happy you're here Momma. I'm at peace. I saved who was most important to me.”

  “No, no!” Zixin cried, “You're gonna be fine!”

  “I always wondered what kind of person you would be. I pleased to say that you're everything and more I hoped and dreamed for. You have sisters in Yessa and Karma, and Mom is still alive. Look after our Whiteclouds. They will need you now.”

  Tears flowed down my face, “Strafe, don't leave us.”

  “Thank you for being good to me. Take care of my brother. I love.... you... all, so much,” he said while closing his eyes.

  Strafe smiled for a few moments and took in one last breath before his head went limp. My vitals reader showed a weak heartbeat before it flat-lined. I tried shocking his heart back to life, but it wouldn’t start beating anymore. CPR had no effect on him. Zixin gazed down on him in disbelief while holding him. My eyes began to tear up, I couldn’t believe what I was seeing. Claire began to cry hysterically as she collapsed on Strafe’s chest. Karma turned away and sat down and cried in her hands. Lt Col Fabian walked over and got down on one knee and bowed his head.

  Strafe, was gone.



  I knew he truly passed away when the Tongwa left his body. The insects poked through his back and flew off together into the sunset. Their destiny was to protect their host for life. After the host died, t
hey would mate and pass away themselves after the babies hatched.

  Zixin, Claire, the remaining Space Force, and I returned to the United States. Karma went home to Tibet. The world's population slowly healed from the infection and state governments became re-instated. The military had been one of the entities that survived the plague. It helped restore natural order to Earth during our recovery. With their help, I finally located my parents in Amsterdam. They escaped from the Federation and fled underground with a group of angels after what happened in Russia.

  Even though I reunited with my mom and dad, I was having trouble sleeping. Food wasn't going down well. I couldn't go a day without thinking about Strafe. I felt lost. His funeral was in three days.



  Life is returning to the world, but not my soul. Everywhere I go people thank me, but I still feel empty inside. Nothing brings me joy anymore. It's hard to breathe when I think about him. He's always on my mind. Finding the positives in life is difficult right now. Strafe's funeral is tomorrow.



  The alarm goes off. My body aches from lying down too long. I let it ring for five minutes before I get up. Today was the day I would have to say goodbye, forever.



  Losing Strafe was the hardest thing I'd ever gone through. He never wanted this warrior-hero life. Who dreams of staring death in the face for years? Yet, he never shied from the responsibility placed on his shoulders and always fought for those he cared for.

  We took Strafe's remains back to New Santa Barbara to be spread. His story ran up the ranks of the military and government, and the President felt obligated to honor his sacrifice by personally attending the funeral.

  The day was sunny and bright. The smell of the ocean refreshed me. People from all over the world mailed cards and gifts to Strafe's family. Zixin moved in with Claire and the Whiteclouds. I gave them some space to grieve. Karma flew in and they offered her a place stay for the funeral. My parents and I rented a hotel together, since the Federation destroyed our house.

  Zixin and Claire wished for his ashes to be spread in the Pacific. His remains were delivered by a multi-branched military Honor Guard by Mag-Car. They carried his cremated remains down to the beach, across the sand, and stopped at a podium where the ocean waves kissed against and set the jar on top. They then stood in a line next to the jar for the entire ceremony. The Whiteclouds adorned Sky Water funeral wardrobe. Colorful clothes covered their faces and back. Native designs of stars, hunting, and peaceful gathering stitched on the vibrant colors took my breath away.

  They somberly followed the urn behind the Honor Guard. The President opened by calling Strafe “the ultimate unifier, a hero the likes of which our country had never seen. The carrier of our highest values.”

  Politicians, celebrities, and figureheads from all over attended this ceremony. Claire and Zixin could hardly speak. Goliath shivered the whole time next to her. He was Strafe's favorite. Esper buried her head in my lap and I cried with her near me. Pup cuddled with Zixin.

  As the sun began to set, Claire and Zixin carried the box across the sand, with the Whiteclouds following them, as we watched from afar as we gave them this moment of silence. She put an arm around him as he opened the jar and spread the remains into the water and wind. All three Whiteclouds let out a long howl. The military honored him with the playing of TAPS, which is not normal for civilians. My soul shuttered.

  After the ceremony finished and the guest began to disperse, a familiar face tapped me on the shoulder. “Oh, hello sir, you caught me by surprise,” I said wiping away some makeup that had fallen from a tear.

  “Forgive me. I'd be remiss to not pay my respects,” now Colonel Fabian assuaged, “Strafe was a true hero, in every sense of the word.”

  For the past month and a half, I hadn't shown up for my military duties. They reported me, “away without leave.” AWOL for short.

  “So, what'll you do now Urena?”

  “I'm, uh, facing jail time, aren't I?” I said as I grabbed the back of my head.

  “Don't suppose you want to work for us instead? You don't get YouTube in prison,” he grinned.

  “I was actually in the middle of filing my application for discharge...”

  Pausing for a moment, he looked out into the ocean and then put his hand on my shoulder, “We've come to recognize your contribution to our country and the Space Force. Officially we can't let you go until your service contract is up, but there is another way.”

  I raised an eyebrow.

  “In the Atlantic, not far from the location of the Titanic, we've discovered a giant whirlpool. One that goes down all the way to the ocean floor.”

  “Sounds like the Navy's problem,” I said.

  “Hmm,” he smirked, “Not exactly.”

  It was in that moment I remembered Parker saying a portal to their world opened. “What if I refuse?” I stated.

  “You will go to prison for five years. Or... because of your contributions to restoring Earth, you complete one final mission for us. Once you finish it, I promise to sign you out early. I'm afraid we aren't quite done with the Venerates or the Slates. Report to this location next week. You will be a part of a team I'm commanding to investigate this anomaly,” Col Fabian explained, “Please give my regards to his family.”

  He handed me a mission card before he returned to a government Mag-Car and drove away. The translucent card shined blue light on my face as I held it up to the sun. I came to peace with finishing this out.

  After everybody but Claire and Zixin left, Karma and I walked over to them. They were still sitting on the beach, where the waves were washing on the shore with the Whiteclouds. We sat down with them and didn't say anything for a while. They were both looking out at where they released Strafe's ashes.

  “I'll call you tomorrow Claire,” I whispered while I patted her shoulder.

  “It's okay sweetie, did you have something to tell us?” she asked, grasping my hand.

  “Oh, um, I won't be able to stay much longer. I have to report back to the Space Force.”

  She wiped a tear from her cheek and caressed my face, “Honey, without you and the Space Force, nobody would've made it through this. You've always done the right thing, don't let anyone tell you otherwise. You're a hero baby. Strafe thought the world of you.”

  Emotions flooded back to me and I had to fight back the tears, “Yeah, I thought that way of him too.”

  “Strafe was someone I wish I met earlier in my life. Such a good man,” Karma frowned as she bowed her head.

  “So tell you what,” she said brushing some sand off Zixin's shoulder, “We'll be here whenever you wanna come to visit. I'm proud of you sweetheart.”

  “I will Claire,” I said as I hugged them both.

  “What will you do Karma?” Zixin asked.

  “I don't know yet, but I'll make sure to come to visit whenever I can,” she winked at him.

  She hugged them too before she walked away. I got up and took a look out at the ocean and then back at Zixin.

  “Bye, sis',” he said.



  It feels strange to continue life after someone you love dies. Almost like you're in a new universe. The reality that things will never be the same came crushing down on my conscious. It's hard to let the past go.

  Whatever life I had left, I promised to live it to the fullest in honor of Strafe's sacrifice.

  I regrouped with the Space Force at a naval port that specialized in special operations deployments off the coast of Florida. The only thing I took with me was my suit; I used it to fly cross-country.

  I reported to my new squadron, the 1st Space Rangers. Before I knew it, we deployed on a Navy carrier to investigate the anomaly. Two days is all it took to reach the location.

  The water remained calm until we reached our target. The waves
crashed violently on the surface and anything within two miles got sucked down into the swirling vortex. Scans from satellites detected a crack in the earth's crust, originating at the site of the whirlpool, contributing to the event. Darkened clouds formed overhead.

  “So, what're they thinking this is?” I pointed at the screen of one of the scientists.

  “We call it a maelstrom, which is a more dangerous whirlpool. This is the largest one ever recorded in human history,” he explained.

  “What's the cause?”

  “Usually, opposing currents meeting together. This is not the case. Only one current should flow through here. Some unidentified object on the ocean floor is creating this with immense force,” he elucidated.

  “Thank you,” I nodded as I leaned over the rail.

  “Urena!” Col Fabian waved me over at the far end of the ship.

  “Yes, sir?” I asked.

  “Come meet your team.”

  I couldn't believe my eyes. Karma was standing next to Sergeant Dill and Astronaut Iovine. Someone else stood against the wall with their arms crossed. They wore a Space Suit but a helmet covered their face.

  “I thought you'd like to be with your people,” he smiled.

  I couldn't hide my grin, even leaning my head down, “I had a feeling I'd see you here.”

  “Likewise,” she winked as we hugged.

  “Everyone, gather up for a mission brief! Captain's orders,” one of the officers spoke over the intercom.

  We all made our way to the hanger of the carrier, took our seats, and waited for the commanding officers to address us. Colonel Fabian and a Navy Captain entered the room and walked to the podium.


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