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Rise of the Faire-Amanti (The Ascendant Series Book 3)

Page 28

by Raine Thomas

  Fantastic, Gren grumbled, clearly unenthused about working with someone who, up until then, had been a sworn enemy. Now go kill Vycor and save our asses.

  That’s the plan, Kyr assured him. Be careful, Gren.

  His tone softened, likely sensing the emotion behind her words. I will.

  They disconnected. Kyr gave herself one brief moment to feel bitter over the fact that the friend who was like a brother to her would be risking his life due to Vycor and Shaya, then pushed it aside. Gren knew what he was doing and accepted the risk just as she and Ty did.

  “Vycor and Shaya will probably be here any second,” Sem prompted, bringing her attention fully back to the hangar and the many Mynders watching them.

  She nodded. “Right. Please do what you can to give us a minute.”

  Sem and Owyn turned and started issuing orders to the Mynders. Kyr took Ty’s hand. They knew they didn’t have long to accomplish this crucial next step in their attack against Vycor and Shaya.

  Remember, we’re reaching out to everyone, she thought as she held Ty’s gaze.

  It was a reminder to her as much as to him. This would require a push beyond anything they’d tried before, an extension of their abilities they’d never attempted. They had to reach all minds, including those that had been influenced, if this was going to make a difference. It was their belief that the boost given to them by the La’run would allow them to accomplish it.

  They opened their minds…and made everyone see.

  The memory reel began with scenes from their youth, the time just after they were first introduced to each other. It continued through their formative years into late adolescence and then young adulthood, conveying the mixed feelings they experienced while together, the feelings they didn’t fully understand.

  Next came Kyr’s life lessons, which altered their relationship even more. The pull between them had been strong and inevitable, but they resisted it because they had been told it was forbidden.

  And still, their love blossomed.

  They showed the world the length and depth of their love, revealing a few intimate memories like the one of Ty’s forearms burning agonizingly when he touched her out of passion or tenderness. They conveyed how painful it was for both of them when Kyr was told she had to choose one of the Vawn as her amanti. They shared their private vows of love to each other.

  Then they revealed Vycor and Shaya’s treachery, one act at a time.

  The attack on Kyr on Earth.

  Conspiring with the V’larians.

  Torturing Kyr through the Ruvex Rite.

  Spying on and threatening Kyr and Ty.

  Influencing Brunyr and many other Alametrians.

  Stripping Ty of his abilities.

  Forcing him to kill the woman he loved.

  The tajeria mine in the Dark Lands.

  Lying about the fates of Outcasts who were sent to the mine.

  Kidnapping Sem and the Great Divyner.

  They ended the series of memories with their formal pairing through the Proce-Amanti, rescuing Sem and Caelys, and recruiting the Shelvaks to help save Alametria.

  As the rush of thought escaped her, Kyr lost her balance. Ty grabbed her and pulled her against him. She pressed her cheek against his chest and realized that the power of the memories had made her cry.

  It had only taken a minute or two, but she felt significantly drained. Wiping her eyes, she made herself stand on her own. Now wasn’t the time to show any form of weakness.

  Her shoulders straightened as she turned to face the Mynders in the hangar with them. They all shared similar expressions of shock and betrayal. Their thoughts told Kyr that the reactions were directed towards Vycor and Shaya.

  Glancing at Ty, she saw his smile. He knew, as she did, that everyone who had received their message probably wore the same expressions as the Mynders. They had just taken a decisive step in defeating Vycor and Shaya.

  No sooner did that thought enter her mind than the hangar doors blasted open and Mynders came streaming in.

  Chapter 46

  Thank the all-mighty Yen-Ki that the Mynders didn’t appear to have any projectile weapons, Ty mused as he brought forth his de’llum. Kyr followed his lead, unsheathing her Oro blades. The Mynders siding with them moved into a protective barrier around them. Ty instinctively started to push to the front of the line, but realized these Mynders wanted to prove themselves to him and Kyr. They felt he was as worthy of protecting as she was. It was ridiculously humbling, but if he didn’t know that Kyr needed him by her side, he would have moved forward.

  Since he wasn’t physically battling, he tried to get through the barriers in the minds of those Mynders under Vycor’s influence. It quickly became apparent that he wouldn’t be successful.

  Their minds have been directly touched by the V’larians, came the La’run’s thought. If you and the Ascendant use your abilities to their full extent, you will get through. But their minds would likely be broken in the process.

  Clearly, that wasn’t an option.

  Spare as many lives as you can, Ty sent out instead, making sure everyone in the hangar heard him. These Mynders aren’t acting of their own free will. Incapacitate and disarm. If you’re going to serve under me, you’ll prove you’re capable of following this order.

  Ty was tall enough to see most of what was happening around them. He tried not to think about the potential danger Kyr was in. She had been trained, he reminded himself, and he wasn’t about to let anything happen to her.

  There were shouts and the sounds of clashing weapons. Light sparked from de’llums with each strike they issued. Bodies surged and retreated as they faced off. Ty realized that they were making headway. It seemed that Sem and Owyn would lead their group to victory.

  Until the second wave of Mynders entered the hangar at a run.

  Too many, Kyr thought, swallowing hard.

  He wondered if she was right. They were sorely outnumbered. Ty searched the faces of their new opponents, but didn’t see Vycor.

  The gutless, dickless piece of—

  A gap opened to his left, distracting him. He brought his de’llum up and met the downward thrust of his opponent’s weapon. Even as he did that, another opponent joined the first, trying to slice through Ty’s armor at the waist. He barely managed to dodge the blow, swiveling and lifting his boot in a well-aimed kick. The second opponent’s de’llum flew from his hand, deactivating once it lost touch with his skin. Ty used the momentum from the kick to twist his weapon sideways and force his first opponent’s de’llum towards the ground.

  Another Mynder got through. His de’llum whooshed past Ty’s head as Ty dropped and rolled. It would have hit Ty’s opponent if the Mynder hadn’t been aware enough to get out of the way.

  When Ty regained his feet, five more Mynders greeted him. He glanced around, but didn’t see Kyr.

  Where was she?

  As if in answer, the lights went out.

  De’llums down! Ty sent out.

  Around the hangar, de’llums went dark. Ty felt the confusion of their opponents, who tentatively continued their advance even though they could barely see. Ty didn’t move, but he watched the darkness move around him.

  It was over within a minute. The hangar seemed to come alive and swallow their opponents one by one. As more de’llums winked out and occasional grunts or cries echoed around them, Vycor’s Mynders lost their nerve. Ty watched his opponents exchange glances and then turn to run.

  They didn’t make it far.

  You are clear, Faire-Amanti.

  Thank you, Ty told the La’run. Let us know when you’re back under cover.

  You are clear, he repeated.

  The lights came back on, telling Ty that the La’run had also communicated to Kyr. She walked over from a wall panel with a small smile on her face.

  It helps to be little sometimes, she thought. I was able to sneak away.

  You’re amazing, you know that?

  Her smile widened as she joined
him and he brushed her cheek. Their attention turned to the Mynders still standing in the hangar. Sem and Owyn approached, looking around at the downed but breathing bodies on the ground.

  “Shelvaks, huh?” Sem said. “Handy.”

  Ty nodded and waved at the bodies. “We need to do something with these guys until we have time to deal with their influencing.” He looked around at the Mynders in their group, who stood at attention awaiting his order. “Good work. Collect Vycor’s team and lock them in a room somewhere for now.”

  There were nods and salutes as everyone got to work fulfilling the command. Ty appreciated their efficiency and wouldn’t soon forget it.

  “We need to find Vycor and Shaya,” Kyr said. “Let’s get into the palace.”

  “As soon as your armed escort is ready, Ma’jah,” Sem replied as he bent to lift one of Vycor’s Mynders under his arms to drag him across the hangar.

  With everyone pitching in, it didn’t take long to clear the space. They then made their way as a group into the palace. Kyr thought they should start looking for the Advisor and Guardian in their chambers. It was as good a place to start as any.

  They boldly took the main hallways, intending to be seen. Ty and Kyr wanted their people to know they were fighting for them, and they weren’t about to shy away from a confrontation. Strangely, though, no Mynder guards came running up to oppose them. The halls were disturbingly quiet, even considering the late hour. The chemical sconces lining the halls flickered as they passed, casting deep shadows down abandoned passages.

  As they rounded a corner, they nearly collided with another group heading in their direction. The Mynders surrounding Ty and Kyr immediately assumed battle stances, as did the Mynders in the other group. Tension eased, however, when Ty spotted Brunyr.

  “Vycor and Shaya have fled the palace,” the Guardian announced, walking through his guards as Ty, Kyr, Sem, and Owyn moved forward. “My sources say they are headed to the Dane megai.”

  Ty thought of the V’larians, Marauders, and influenced Outcasts pushing closer to them from the Dark Lands. “Vycor is trying to consolidate his forces.”

  Owyn frowned. “You think they intend to meet in the Dane megai? It’s not exactly a central location.”

  “That doesn’t matter,” Brunyr stated. “The Advisor must have been harboring land vessels somewhere here at the palace. They departed on two of them not long ago.”

  Kyr frowned. “It’s not a surprise that Vycor didn’t adhere to the palace’s dictates against powered vehicles within the palace proper in light of everything else he’s done. Gren said the V’larians have land vessels, too. They’ll be able to cover a lot of distance quickly.”

  Her thoughts reached Ty and mirrored his. They knew Vycor would choose to take his stand in the Dane megai. That’s where Ty’s family lived…and that’s what Vycor wanted to destroy.

  Sem met his gaze. Ty sensed that his thoughts ran along the same lines.

  We’ve done everything we can to protect them, Ty sent him. They can take care of themselves.

  With a grim expression, Sem said, “If Vycor and the V’larians are traveling on land vessels, we’re screwed. The only land transpo here at the palace are horses.”

  Kyr waved towards the shadows. “Actually…”

  They all saw movement down the adjacent corridor. Ty reassured everyone with his thoughts that these guests were expected. The La’run moved close enough that the light from the wall sconces defined his tall outline. There were a number of alarmed thoughts from the Mynders, even though Ty assured them the Shelvaks were on their side.

  “The Shelvaks arrived on-planet using personal transports meant for land travel,” Ty explained. “They’ll take us to the battle.”

  “Well this just gets better and better,” Sem drawled.

  Ty ignored his cousin. “Each land vessel carries two Shelvaks, but they can fit one Shelvak and two Alametrians. Pair off.”

  As everyone hurried to obey the command, Ty turned to Brunyr. “Will you be okay holding down the palace? We’ll leave your guard.”

  “Take them,” Brunyr said. “We’ve secured the palace to the best of our abilities. I think we both know that Vycor and Shaya don’t intend to return here unless they succeed…and I’m sure you’re not going to let that happen.”

  Kyr stepped forward and embraced her father. “Be careful.”

  “You, too. Both of you.”

  Ty nodded. He took Kyr’s hand and turned so they could follow the La’run through the dark corridors to his vessel.

  My people have joined with your soldier, Gren, outside the Dark Lands, the La’run conveyed. They are in pursuit of the V’larians.

  Kyr’s grip tightened in Ty’s. They both knew it wouldn’t be long now before they finally faced Vycor and Shaya.

  The battle for Alametria was underway.

  Chapter 47

  If Kyr never had to travel by air again, it would be too soon.

  The real battle began in the air. She and Ty sat strapped into a lightweight interplanetary vessel no bigger than one of Earth’s automobiles with the La’run at the controls. The vessel was meant for air travel within a planet’s atmosphere as well as across land. She had felt Ty’s interest when they first approached Alametria and the smaller vessels disconnected from the larger Shelvak mothership outside of Alametria’s atmosphere, spreading out and landing in numerous locations on the planet’s surface. This prevented the V’larian projectile weapons from having only one target on which to focus as they landed. She wouldn’t be surprised if Ty told the Rowe to begin working on something similar for the Alametrian fleet.

  Now, they took off from the palace grounds and flew above the trees marking the borders of the Vawn megai. Unfortunately, even though they hit the air with other Shelvak ships and spread out, they were still at risk of getting shot down. Kyr’s palms were slick with sweat as she gripped the handles on either side of her slightly reclined seat. The world skimmed by in a dark rush outside the sloped viewing shield. Booms and vibrations rocked them, making the interior of the compact vessel shiver and convulse. Kyr expected it to implode any second.

  The only good thing about the blasts was that it meant they were near the Dane megai. She read from Ty’s thoughts that he believed Vycor had met up with the V’larians and was now trying to kill Ty and Kyr before they could land. Ty’s instincts on such things were rarely wrong.

  If that was the case, Vycor was incredibly stupid for using the projectile weapons. All they had to do was follow the blasts to their source to find him.

  That’s my girl.

  Kyr managed a smile at Ty’s thought, even through her fear. Some of his strategic knowledge was rubbing off on her.

  Her smile vanished as the vessel flipped completely sideways and took a stomach-lurching nosedive. A loud detonation reverberated behind them. Suddenly, they were spiraling out of control. Noises unlike anything Kyr had ever heard screamed at them from the vessel’s control panel. All of the noises sounded like doom.

  She squeezed her eyes shut and clutched her seat, trying to keep her terror to herself. And she silently vowed to only travel by horse or on foot from now on.

  The vessel leveled out a few seconds later. She dared to open her eyes and watched several blasts careen across the viewing shield. Somehow, they safely cleared the weapon fire. The La’run brought the vessel to an abrupt halt in the air, altering the engines and lowering the ship to the ground.

  Once again, Ty marveled over the small vessel’s capabilities. They watched as the wings drew in, allowing them to land in the middle of some trees. When they touched the ground, Kyr barely even felt it.

  The viewing shield hissed open as the La’run disengaged the controls. We are on the outskirts of the primary battle zone, the Shelvak informed them.

  Kyr climbed out after him, grateful Ty had suggested that she wear her lightweight armor under her gown. She had removed the gown at the palace before they departed. Armed with her Oro blades, she now f
elt more prepared for the fight to come.

  The sight of the actual battleground shook her, though. They broke through the line of trees beyond their landing zone to find themselves at the base of some low hills. All around them, bodies and weapons clashed and fires blazed. Acrid smoke and the savage, brutal sounds of battle filled the air. Freshly spilled blood and singed flesh added a layer of stink that Kyr knew she would never forget.

  Prayers for her family raced through her mind as she tightened her grip on her Oro blades. She had no idea where Sem and Owyn had ended up or whether Gren and Scarlyt had made it there with the Shelvak reinforcements. As Vycor’s forces spotted her and Ty and the tide of the battle shifted in their direction, she knew they were on their own.

  The La’run eased back into the shadows, but Kyr wasn’t concerned. She knew he couldn’t fight comfortably out in the firelight. He would certainly find a way to be useful, though.

  She opened her senses as she and Ty started climbing the hill. They had to move carefully to avoid stepping between combatants or getting struck by a stray fist or weapon thrust. Both of them instinctively wanted to step into every faceoff to help protect those fighting for them, but they knew the longer they lingered, the greater the chance that Vycor might escape. Their goal was to get to the Advisor, and there were plenty of thoughts coming from Danes who were fighting for their homes and their lives to direct them straight to him.

  Ty’s de’llum illuminated the darkness around them as they pushed up the hill. Within a few strides, he turned to address a pair of charging V’larians. Kyr sensed them trying to influence him, but it wasn’t working. They hesitated moments before reaching Ty, quickly realizing they were physically outmatched.

  Kyr didn’t have time to watch Ty defeat them. She had to lift her blades and meet her first opponent, an armored Mynder who was nearly a foot taller than her and twice her size. He didn’t worry her much. She had trained with Ty and Gren, after all.

  He swept his de’llum high, trying to cleave her head from her shoulders. She ducked and twirled, bringing one of her blades up to slice the back of his weapon hand. She halted her momentum as soon as she was clear of the blow and brought her other blade up to smash him in the face with the pommel. He staggered back but didn’t fall. Before he could move back in, two Mynder allies turned and engaged him.


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