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Death's Twilight

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by A. J. Leavens

Death’s Twilight

  By A.J. Leavens

  Copyright 2014, A.J. Leavens

  ISBN # 978-0-9937049-0-1

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  To Connie, for always encouraging me to be the best I can be. I Love You.

  To Noel Coughlan for being an extra set of eyes and catching the things I missed. Your help is greatly appreciated.


  To those who have come with me on this journey to fulfill a dream - your support of this project is much appreciated. I am honored.


  Since 1966, the governments of many nations had been searching for ways to reduce use of fossil fuels and natural resources. In the last years of the Twentieth Century, consumption of pulp and paper products reached critical mass, and leaders realized the need for change. Think tanks were formed, and the brightest minds of the generation were brought together to solve the paper crisis. They found the solution: electronic mail.

  With this invention by Ray Tomlinson in 1971, paper letters became less and less common, with over four million emails sent daily by 2000, and by 2015, all mail was being sent electronically. On Saturday, December 18, 2032, a series of mistakes by a group of then-World Leaders caused the Brothers of the Holy Dagger, a renegade organization in Zambia to push “The Button”.

  The retaliation by all G8 countries that were nuclear capable caused total nuclear winter. It was called The Great Fire. Citizens who survived revolted further, and all existing governments were wiped out. There was great civil unrest, and militant groups of all sizes, races, and religions fought for the next seventy years until a man calling himself George Washington united a group large enough to restore order.

  Washington’s strategy sessions were done using an old relic found in the Smithsonian Museum. It was a “game board” – something families used to compete amongst each other with – of a centuries old game called Risk. To make matters completely easy, Washington’s new government divided the Earth into forty-two territories mimicking the territories on their strategy map.

  A member of Washington’s officer corps was installed in each of the territories to act as a Principal – Head of State as it were – and keep order among the citizens and encourage good faith among territories. These Principals reported back to Washington – and the United Territories was born.

  World population was decimated by the nuclear attacks – with nearly five billion dying from radiation sickness alone – so breeding was highly encouraged by all capable citizens, with some Principals giving bonuses of greater rations or extensive properties for larger families. People had jobs, and industry flourished. The Government realized that certain areas were more appropriate for certain skill sets. Asia Territory, as an example, became synonymous with technology.

  Individuals who showed promise in a specific skill set were transferred to the appropriate territory so they could utilize their skills to their fullest. The orders came via The Letter, and often separated family members. As the population began to restore itself, world population began to increase so quickly, it made the baby boom of the 1950′s look small in comparison. Families eager for assistance began having seven, eight, or nine kids. The result was a doubling of the population in less than ten years.

  By the time Lincoln took office seventy years after Washington, it had doubled again. Population was returning to pre-nuclear levels. Officials realized that if the population continued to grow at the current rate, the planet would be unable to sustain the population for no more than ten years. They needed a solution, and relatively quickly. They imposed levies and taxes on households with more than four members. They actively discouraged, and eventually banned, breeding for citizens over forty.

  But it wasn’t enough. Population equalization was a mandate, and The Letter evolved. Since 2116, Emissaries have delivered over One Hundred and Five Million Letters in every city, town and village in the world.

  Excerpts from a public address by Dwight D. Eisenhower, given to the graduating Alpha class of 2308 

  Congratulations, Emissaries

  You have been selected from birth to be part of our Emissary Program. You have undergone specialized education and training, and have excelled at all tasks given to you. You have proven your worth to your superiors, and have achieved the rank of Alpha in the Program.

  Alpha privileges include a suite at The College, and the luxury of having all of your immediate needs taken care of. Funds earned while performing your Deliveries will be yours to spend as you see fit. We also provide you with a state-issued hover for use while performing your duties.

  Accepting this status comes with a great sense of duty. You will be part of the elite force of Two Thousand Emissaries delivering The Letter on a daily basis to individuals. You have a quota of Two Hundred and Twenty-Eight Letters annually, with an average time frame of one and a half days. Should you fulfill your quota before day Three Hundred, you may be eligible for additional bonuses, upgrades, or time off. 

  Once again, let me welcome you to the program, Alpha. You have worked hard to get here, and we appreciate the diligence it takes to make you what you are. Enjoy your new status. You've earned it. 


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