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Page 8

by Alex Grayson

  “Tried that. It wasn’t working.” I move my lips up to her ear and nibble at the lobe. My dick punches against my zipper when she releases a little moan. I cup the side of her face and level mine over hers so I can see her eyes. “When one thing doesn’t work, you try another. As if you can’t already tell….” I press my hips against her so she can feel my hardening shaft. Her eyes widen. “Your body feels pretty fucking fantastic against mine.”

  “Oh, uhh….”

  I cut her off by pressing my lips against hers. I’ve thought about our first kiss many times over the last few days, wondering if my mind played tricks on me and the kiss wasn’t as good as I remembered.

  It did play tricks on me. It’s so much better than memory serves. I could kiss her for hours and still beg for more.

  My hand on her cheek moves to the back of her neck. Using her hair, I tilt her head to the side, gaining better access to her perfect mouth. Her tongue dances alongside mine. Grabbing the back of one of her thighs, I bring her leg up and over my hip so I can press my shaft against her center. She moans, nails digging into my side and her heel pushing against my ass to get me closer.

  What I wouldn’t give to strip her bare right here and take her against the counter. If Zayden and Rylee weren’t in the living room, I might even try. She’d feel so fucking good wrapped around my dick.

  A low growl leaves my lips when her fingers dip beneath my t-shirt to rake along my abs.

  “Fuck, woman. You’re driving me crazy,” I groan against her lips.

  I hike her leg up higher and grind against her harder. My dick pulses, and I feel the wetness of pre-cum against the jean material.

  “Oh!” a squeak comes from behind us.

  One minute I’ve got my tongue down Savannah’s throat, and the next I’m being shoved away. Without looking, I know Rylee is behind us. Savannah’s shocked eyes dart from mine to over my shoulder.

  “Shit!” Rylee says, her voice high-pitched. “I’m so sorry!”

  “Not sorry enough if you’re still standing there,” I growl, my asshole side showing once again. But goddamn it, why the hell did she have to come into the kitchen right this minute?

  “Oliver!” Savannah says loudly, her eyes blazing with familiar anger. “Asshole alert!”

  “Sorry.” I rake my hands through my hair before spinning and facing a wide-eyed Rylee. “Sorry, Rylee. It’s just your timing is shit.”

  “Apparently so,” she mutters. Her gaze flickers back and forth between me and Savannah before a slow smile appears on her face.

  “This isn’t what it looks like,” Savannah defends.

  “It was exactly what it looked like.” I shoot her a what the fuck look.

  Rylee ignores my comment and faces her friend with a cheeky grin. “And what was it supposed to look like?”

  “I don’t know.” She blows some hair out of her face. “Just not what you’re thinking.”

  Rylee laughs. “To me it looked like you two were seconds away from doing the nasty on our kitchen counter.”

  “Rylee!” Savannah screeches. “Jesus.”

  “What?” She shrugs. “I’m just calling it like I see it.”

  I chuckle and shove my hands in my pockets. Savannah looks at me like she’s imagining bashing my head in with a frying pan. Not one of those cheap steel ones, but a heavy cast iron frying pan. I just grin at her.

  “That’s the last time that will ever happen.”

  My grin grows. “We’ll see.”

  Her eyes squint and her tongue darts out to lick her bottom lip. As if she remembered my lips were just on hers and she’s essentially tasting me, her pert little nose wrinkles and she scrubs her mouth with the back of her hand.

  It only makes me chuckle again.

  “Whatever,” she huffs. After shooting both Rylee and me a glare, she storms out of the kitchen. It’s cute. She looks like a middle schooler when she doesn’t get her way.

  “Well, that was enlightening,” Rylee remarks quietly, directing her questioning gaze back at me.

  “Don’t ask,” I warn.

  Her mouth moves, like she wants to do just that, but thinks better of it and walks out of the kitchen.

  I stay behind and stew over what happened between Savannah and me, again.

  Savannah claims it’ll never happen again, but I’ve got news for her. If I have my way, it’ll not only happen many more times, but I’ll also have her naked in my bed, screaming my name.



  “V, can I come in?” Rylee’s soft voice filters in through my closed bedroom door.

  “I don’t want to talk about it,” I call back, my gaze locked on the ceiling above me as I lay sprawled out on top of my unmade bed.

  “The boys are gone,” she informs me, a hint of a smile in her voice. “I’m coming in, so if you’re naked I suggest you cover yourself.” With that, the door swings open and Rylee comes strolling in—her thick, dark hair tied in a messy knot on top of her head.

  I purposely avoid looking at her and press my eyes closed. Maybe if I pretend like I’m trying to nap she won’t force me into a conversation I don’t want to have.

  I still haven’t wrapped my head around what happened with Oliver in the kitchen this morning. One minute I’m irritated that he continues to comment on my eating habits—whether good or bad—and the next he’s got me pressed into the counter with his tongue down my throat. And then of course, to add insult to injury, Rylee had to walk in right in the thick of it. And as if I wasn’t mortified enough, Oliver pretty much guaranteed that what Rylee had interrupted was far from over. Well, not if I have anything to say about it.

  Sure, he’s gorgeous. And hands down, the best kisser. But he’s also crude and mean and tends to act like a spoiled child when things don’t go his way.

  So, then why have I been unable to think of anything but his lips on mine since the moment we were interrupted?

  “Hey.” The mattress dips as Rylee takes a seat on the edge of my bed.

  “I said I don’t want to talk about it,” I grumble, throwing my arm over my face.

  “Considering what I walked in on a little bit ago, you have some explaining to do whether you want to or not.” She chuckles. “So, are you going to tell me what’s going on?”

  “Nothing. There’s nothing going on.”

  “V.” Her fingers close around my forearm seconds before she pulls my arm away from my face. “That wasn’t nothing.”

  “I hate him,” I grind out. “Him kissing me doesn’t change that.”

  “And the fact that you were kissing him back?”

  “I plead temporary insanity.”

  Rylee laughs, the sound rumbling from deep in her chest.

  “And the first time you kissed?” My eyes pop open and my gaze slides to hers, the shock I feel likely displayed all over my face. “Oliver told Zayden. Zayden told me,” she says in way of explanation.

  “And you didn’t say anything?” I question, finding it hard to believe that she had knowledge of me and Oliver sharing a kiss and refrained from saying anything about it.

  “Well, in all fairness, I just found out a few minutes ago. The real question is, why didn’t you tell me?”

  “Because it was stupid and it meant nothing. I didn’t want you thinking something was going on.”

  “It’s too late for that. You two practically swallowing each other’s faces this morning kind of solidified that.” She shifts. “You know, it’s okay to like him.”

  “That’s just it. I don’t like him.”

  “Then why kiss him?”

  “I didn’t kiss him. He kissed me,” I argue.

  “From where I was standing, you were kissing each other,” she points out. “Listen, I know you and Oliver haven’t really gotten along in the past, but he’s not a bad guy.”

  “Not a bad guy?” I snort, shooting upright in bed. “Not a bad guy?” I repeat. “Are you forgetting everything he put you through?”

p; “That’s in the past. I don’t agree with what he did, but in a way, I kind of understand. Not that I could ever hurt someone like that, but still, he’s made it his mission to do right by me since then, and so far he has. I’d even go as far as to say that I now consider him a friend.”

  “You’ve always been more forgiving than me. If he had done that shit to me, he would be lacking the parts that make him a man. I would have made sure of that."

  "V." Rylee laughs.

  "I’m serious, Ry. What he did goes way past punishing you for something you had no control over to begin with. Normal people, good people, don’t do shit like that.”

  “Even the best people can make horrible decisions when they’re in pain.” She gives me a soft smile. “All I’m saying is that if you like him, there’s nothing wrong with that. I wouldn’t think less of you. Honestly, I kind of like the idea of you two together.”

  “Now you’re getting ahead of yourself.”

  “Am I?” She quirks a brow.

  “Look, we kissed. That’s all it was, a kiss. It shouldn’t have happened, and it won’t be happening again.”

  “I hear you. Doesn’t mean I believe you.”

  “Ugh. Can we be done now? Because I really don’t want to talk about this anymore.”

  “Fine. I won’t push,” she concedes. “All I will say is that if you and Oliver decide it’s easier to like each other than hate each other, you have my full support. Maybe just keep it behind closed doors next time. As much as I love you both, I’d rather not have that mental picture burned into my brain.”

  “You can leave now.” I gesture toward the door.

  “Actually, there’s something else I’ve been meaning to talk to you about,” Rylee pauses, hesitation in her expression.

  “Okay,” I interject after a few long moments have passed.

  “Are you feeling okay?”


  “Well, it’s just…. I’ve noticed you’ve been getting sick a lot recently. And well, you’ve lost a bit of weight too. I just want to make sure there’s not something going on with you.”

  “I’ve been having some digestive issues. Nothing to be worried about. I’m actually thinking about going to the doctor to be tested for food sensitivities.” It’s the first thing I can think of.

  It’s true. I have lost weight. Probably more than is healthy for my height and build. When this all started, I only wanted to shed a few pounds. Now, I honestly don’t know how to stop it. Even though every time I look in the mirror all I see are imperfections, I have still tried to stop. But it’s like my body doesn’t compute with my brain. I eat and ninety percent of the time I get sick, even though I don’t want to.

  “You’ve never had any issues in the past, have you?”

  “No, but I’ve been doing some research, and they say that you can develop certain sensitivities and allergies with age. Sarah got diagnosed with Celiac Disease last year after eating gluten her entire life.”

  I’m grasping. I know I am. I just hope she doesn’t see through me.

  “I guess that’s true.” She nods. “Well, whatever it is, you should probably make a doctor’s appointment soon. If you lose any more weight there won’t be any of you left.”

  “Yeah. Right.” I roll my eyes.

  “I’m serious, V. Look at you. You’re tiny.”

  “And you’re delusional,” I fire back.

  “I am not. And I’m not the only one who has noticed how small you’re getting. Zayden said something to me over Thanksgiving. And he’s a guy. Guys don’t typically notice things like that.”

  “I’m so glad you two have taken to discussing my weight behind my back,” I snip, aggravation clear in my tone.

  First Oliver, now Rylee and Zayden. Geez, what is it with these people? I get that I’ve lost weight, but with the way she’s acting you would think I was nothing but skin and bones. I have half a mind to pull up my shirt and show her the roll currently curled over the top of my pants.

  “It’s not like we’re sitting around having conversations about it. Zayden mentioned it, and truthfully, I had noticed the same thing.”

  “I’m not anorexic if that’s what you’re implying. I eat. You know I eat.”

  “I wasn’t accusing you of anything. I just want to make sure you’re okay.”

  “Well, I am. I’m perfect.” I force a smile. “And like I said, I’m going to make a doctor’s appointment to figure out what’s going on with my stomach issues.”

  “I think that sounds like a good idea.” She pats my knee as she stands. “And if you want anyone to go with you, I’d be happy to tag along.”

  “Ry, I’m not five. I don’t need my mommy to take me to the doctor.”

  She rolls her eyes. “I know that. I just want you to know the offer is there in case you don’t want to go alone.”

  “Thank you for the offer, but I think I can manage.”

  “Okay then.” She turns toward the door, making it all of two steps before turning back toward me. “By the way, Zayden wants us to go to a party with him this Friday. I told him I didn’t think you were on the schedule at work, but that I’d double check and see if you were free.”

  Rylee and I landed part time jobs at the small coffee shop around the corner shortly after we moved here. It isn’t much, and we’re lucky if we get thirty hours a week between the two of us, but it gives us a little money of our own. Considering that our parents are paying for our tuitions, as well as halving our apartment, we figure the least we can do is buy our own food and necessities.

  “A party? What party?” My ears perk up.

  When I imagined college, I imagined frat parties and bars with fake I.D.s. I envisioned crazy adventures and wild nights where I wouldn’t make it home until after the sun had come up. But it hasn’t been like that at all. Maybe it’s because we’re still freshmen and new to the scene, or maybe it’s because we live off campus and aren’t really on the in when it comes to what’s happening and where, but so far this whole college experience has been a lot less exciting than I thought it would be.

  “Just some college party at the WSU campus. I guess Zayden’s roommate and another friend of his are going and have been hounding him about going out with them.”

  “I’m pretty sure Levi only has me on the schedule Thursday and Sunday this week, so yeah, a party sounds fun. I don’t know about you, but I need a night to let loose.”

  I don’t bother to ask if Oliver will be there. Truth be told, I don’t really want to know. If he shows up, I’ll avoid him. If he doesn’t, even better. Either way, I’m not going to let him, of all people, keep me from attending my very first college party.

  “Great. I’ll let him know we’re in.” She smiles, exiting my room seconds later.

  I flop back down onto my bed, my thoughts drifting back to what Rylee said about my weight and taking notice to how frequently I’ve been getting sick. I thought I was being careful to hide it, other than the pizza debacle last week in which hiding it was impossible, considering I almost yacked all over the Conley’s living room floor. But obviously, I haven’t been careful enough.

  My stomach twists.

  I have a problem. I know I do. But I also know that it’s something I can fix on my own. I don’t need Rylee or anyone else worrying about me. It’s just going to take some time to get my body back on the right track.

  I’m getting really good at lying to myself….

  I shake the thought away, turning my focus to my cell phone as it buzzes to life on my nightstand. Rolling, I snag it off the table before holding it up in front of my face. My stomach twists again, only this time for an entirely different reason.

  It’s a text message… from Oliver.

  Oliver: I can’t stop thinking about that kiss and how much I want to do it again.

  I smile in spite of myself.

  And even though I tell myself not to answer, it doesn’t stop my fingers from flying across the screen just the same. I type a message,
delete it, and then type another before finally hitting send.

  Me: Well I guess it’s too bad for you that it won’t be happening again.

  His reply is almost instant.

  Oliver: Guess we’ll see.

  Me: Guess we will.

  I knead my bottom lip between my teeth trying to keep my smile at bay.

  What the hell is wrong with me?

  Oliver: You can’t keep pretending you hate me. Not when you kiss me the way you did this morning.

  Me: Correction, you kissed me.

  Oliver: Didn’t stop you from kissing me back.

  Me: Lapse in judgement. Won’t happen again.

  Oliver: Keep telling yourself that. We both know you want me.

  I put my hand over my mouth to stifle my laugh, not sure if I’m more amused or repulsed by his off-putting cockiness.

  Me: Keep telling yourself that. Won’t make it any more true.

  I use his own words against him.

  Oliver: Have dinner with me tonight.

  His request catches me completely off guard. Not sure what to say, I wait a full two minutes before texting him back.

  Me: Sorry, can’t.

  Oliver: Can’t or won’t?

  Me: Does it really matter?

  Oliver: Matters to me.

  Me: Fine. Won’t.

  Oliver: Has anyone ever told you that you’re mean?

  Me: Pot meet kettle.

  Oliver: Fair enough. Guess I deserve that.

  I’m still reading his most recent message when another one comes in.

  Oliver: Have dinner with me.

  I shake my head, indecision weighing heavily in my chest. On one hand, the thought of sitting across a dinner table from him trying to fake my way through conversation seems laughable. On the other, I can’t deny the flurry of excitement that swarms my stomach at the thought.

  Me: I already said no.

  Oliver: Come on. One meal.

  Me: And why would I want to do that?

  Oliver: I’ll make it worth your while. I promise.

  I take a deep breath in and let it out slowly.

  Am I actually considering this? Am I actually considering going out to dinner with Oliver freaking Conley? Have I officially lost my mind? I hate the guy. Or at least, I did hate him. Now I’m not so sure what I feel.


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