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Page 16

by Alex Grayson

  “I’m yours.” I have to bite back the moan that threatens to spill from my throat when he rocks forward.

  “And I’m yours.” He smiles, knowing full well what he’s doing. He’s using his sexual abilities to force me into submission. Not that I’m complaining. “No games. I want all of you. I want to know every part of your life.”

  God, I love this side of him. I love that he seems so desperate for me. It’s a high I’ve never experienced before.

  “Fine, you can come.” I let out a dramatically playful sigh.

  “As your boyfriend?”

  “Ugh.” I roll my eyes. “If you promise to control that wicked tongue of yours.”

  “I thought you liked my wicked tongue.” He leans down and kisses me, slowly and deeply, my fingers finding the back of his hair as I tug gently on the strands.

  “You know what I mean,” I say when he breaks the kiss.

  “I do.” I feel his smile against my cheek as he kisses his way down to my jaw and across the side of my neck. “I promise to be good.” He nips at the skin along my collarbone.

  “I’m curious to know what that looks like.” I giggle when he squeezes my side.

  “Well, you’re going to have to wait.” His face comes back up to mine. “Because right now, I’m going to be bad.” He licks his lips. “Very, very bad.”



  We pull up to a medium-sized, white farmhouse. It’s nothing like I pictured Savannah’s childhood home to be like. In my mind, I saw her growing up in a sleek, modern home with big pillars, the perfect landscape, and a huge wrought iron fence. This most certainly isn’t that.

  The house is old, but still very well taken care of. Big trees litter the large property—a tire swing hanging from one of the low branches—and a porch that wraps around to the back of the house. There are a few Christmas lights hanging from the roof and a big blow up Santa in the yard. It looks homey and comfortable. Like a happy family lives inside.

  Savannah fidgets beside me, and I reach over and grab her hand. “Hey. You okay?”

  Her eyes slide to me. “Yeah.”

  I lift a brow when she starts nibbling her bottom lip. “You’re nervous.”

  “Kinda.” She lifts and drops her shoulder. “I’ll be honest. I’ve never brought a guy home before.”

  This makes me grin. “So that makes me special or something, right?”

  She snorts and rolls her eyes. “Or something,” she mutters.

  Chuckling, I lean over and plant a kiss against her lips. When I pull back, she still looks uncomfortable. Her anxiety doesn’t sit well with me.

  Grabbing her chin, I turn her face my way.

  “If you really don’t want me to be here, I can leave. I don’t like the thought of you being uncomfortable in your own home.”

  Even though I don’t want to leave, I still make the offer. I’ve never wanted to meet the parents of girls I’m involved with, but for some reason, I do want to meet Savannah’s. They have to be good people if they brought someone such as their daughter into the world.

  Some of her worry melts away. “No. I’m being ridiculous. I want you here.”

  “You sure?”

  She smiles. “Yep.”

  There’s a tap against the window and Rylee’s face appears through the glass.

  “You guys coming, or are you going to hang out in the car the rest of the day?”

  One more peck against the lips later and we’re climbing out of the car. The four of us opted to take two cars since Savannah is planning to spend the night with her parents and Z and Rylee are going to his dad’s house for a bit after dinner. With reluctance, I chose to go to my father’s house for the night. Z’s dropping Rylee back at home later tonight and will pick Savannah up tomorrow afternoon on his way back there.

  It’s difficult as hell having three families to worry about during the holidays.

  It’s cold outside, so when I see Savannah shiver as we walk up the drive to the front door, I wrap my arm around her shoulders to try to warm her up.

  “I can’t believe it’s been three months since I saw Nora and Silas last,” Rylee comments. “I’m used to seeing them almost as much as I saw my own parents.”

  “They’ve missed you. Especially Mom.”

  “I’ve missed them too.”

  When Savannah opens the door, a wave of delicious scents assail us. I drop her overnight bag by the door right as a loud squeal pierces the air.

  “There’s my girl!”

  An older woman who looks like Savannah hurries across the floor in a blur. My arm drops from her shoulders as the woman yanks Savannah forward into a tight embrace. After a moment, she lets her go with a loud kiss to her cheek before she stands back. Keeping hold of Savannah’s arms, she runs her eyes from the top of her head to her feet.

  “What in the world are you doing to yourself, Savannah? You’re practically skin and bones. It’s a good thing I’ve got a table full of food.”

  Savannah giggles nervously, her eyes darting to Rylee before coming back to her mom. “It’s nothing. I’ve just been having some stomach issues lately. And before you ask, I have a doctor’s appointment next week. I think it’s ulcers.” She wrinkles her pert nose.

  Rylee and I share a look. An unspoken agreement to watch Savannah during dinner to make sure she eats. Ever since Rylee talked to her about our concerns, we’ve kept a close eye on Savannah. Thankfully, we both noticed her eating more. Rylee’s concerns, on top of my own, really scared the shit out of me. Eating disorders can be very dangerous.

  A huge wave of relief came over me when she started eating more and began taking better care of herself.

  Letting go of her daughter, Savannah’s mom turns to Rylee and gives her the same tight hug and loud kiss.

  “You, young lady,” she gives Rylee a pointed look, “have waited too long to come see Silas and me. How have you been?”

  Rylee smiles softly at the older woman. “I’ve been good, Nora. Sorry I haven’t been by. It’s been a little hectic with school.”

  Nora’s lips tip up. “Don’t fret. So long as you’re doing good, I’ll forgive you.” Her eyes leave Rylee and slide to Zayden. “You must be Rylee’s boyfriend, Zayden. Savannah told me she’d be bringing you.”

  “It’s nice to meet you, ma’am.” He holds out his hand for Nora to shake.

  “Please, call me Nora.”

  Her eyes move to me next. She doesn’t say anything at first, instead quietly assessing me. It makes me want to shuffle my feet.

  “And who might you be?” Her questioning gaze flickers to Savannah. “You didn’t tell me you were bringing a gentleman along.”

  “Sorry, Mom. This is Oliver, Zayden’s best friend. He’s uh….”

  She stumbles over her words. I have no idea what she plans to tell her mom about my role in her life, but I decide to take matters into my own hands. Stepping forward, I hold out my hand.

  “I’m her boyfriend. It’s nice to meet you, Mrs. Reynolds.”

  Her brows jump up and she looks momentarily surprised. After a moment, she fits her hand into mine.

  “Well, this sure is a surprise,” she says, a smile forming on her face. “It’s great to meet you too, Oliver. Please drop the missus. Nora will do just fine.”

  With a nod, I step back. Glancing at Savannah, I tense, unsure if she’s going to reprimand me for telling her mother I’m her boyfriend or be okay with it. Seeing the small smile on her face says she’s fine with it.

  Thank fuck.

  “Where’s Dad?”

  Nora tosses her thumb over her shoulder. “Out back getting some firewood.”

  I’m about to ask Z if he wants to come with me to help Savannah’s father, but a door slams in the back of the house. A moment later, a tall older gentlemen appears in the hallway carrying a shit load of wood. Because I want to make a good impression and also because I worry that the ridiculous amount of wood the man is carrying will break his back, I step fo
rward and grab a few pieces from the top.

  “Thanks,” he grunts.

  I follow him into a room off to the side. There’s a huge decorated Christmas tree over by a window with a couch, love seat, and a couple of end tables close by. Lights, figurines, and garland are everywhere. It looks like Santa threw up all over the place. Even with the crazy amount of decorations, it’s still tastefully done.

  It’s nothing like what our house looked like during the holidays when I was a kid. My mother always had a professional decorator come in. The Christmas tree was artfully done, and we only had a few strategically placed decorations. Certainly nothing of this magnitude.

  It’s a nice change.

  Stopping at the fireplace, I drop a couple logs onto the dwindling fire and set the rest on top of the pile Savannah’s father made. After poking the coals a few times, he replaces the poker in the holder and stands up, brushing off the front of his shirt.

  As if he just realized a complete stranger is standing right in front of him, he gives me a strange look.

  “Who are you?”

  “Sorry, sir.” I wipe my hands down my pants before offering him one. “The name’s Oliver. I’m Savannah’s boyfriend.”

  He glances down at my hand. “My daughter doesn’t have a boyfriend.”

  It’s not often I get nervous around people, but Savannah’s dad’s accusing eyes damn sure has me fighting the urge to step back from him.

  Before I get the chance to retract my hand, he reaches out and grips it tightly. I keep my expression neutral and strengthen my grip. Not in a domineering way, but to show him I’m not some weak punk that can be easily intimidated.

  “Savannah and I recently started seeing each other,” I explain.

  “Daddy!” Savannah yells, hurrying over to us. “What are you doing? Trying to scare off Oliver?”

  He lets my hand go and faces his daughter. “I’m doing no such thing.” A grin breaks out across his face. “I’m just sizing up your new boyfriend here. He’s got a firm grip.” He shoots me a wink. “That’s a point in his favor.”

  “You’re such a brat sometimes,” Savannah says with a laugh.

  “Get your butt over here and give your daddy a hug.” He yanks her forward and she wraps her arms around his neck.

  I step back to give them privacy but stop when her dad shoots me a look over her shoulder. He releases his daughter.

  “Oliver, right? I’m Silas. So long as you treat my daughter good, we’ll get along right as rain.”

  There’s no mistaking the threat behind his words. If he gets wind I’ve been treating his daughter wrong, he’ll break my kneecaps. Got it.

  Jerking my chin up, I tell him, “Looks like we’ll be good friends then.”

  “Food’s ready!” Nora calls, popping her head around the doorway. “Silas, honey. Will you bring up a bottle of merlot from the cellar?”

  “Sure thing, sweetie.” After a gentle pat to Savannah’s shoulder, he walks out of the room.

  “Your dad’s something else,” I tell Savannah with a grin. “I like him.”

  She smiles, looking more relaxed than when we first got here. “What can I say? He loves me and wants to make sure my man treats me right.”

  “Just the way it should be.”

  “Come on.” She grabs my hand. “They’re all waiting on us.”

  “So, Oliver,” Nora starts, sipping from her wine glass. “Tell us about your dad. Obviously, we know Rylee’s mom married him. That is, if I’m not getting you mixed up with someone else.”

  I set my napkin down beside my plate and pick up my water glass. “Yes. It’s been what?” I look at Rylee. “About a year now?”

  “Yeah. They married right before Christmas.”

  “What kind of work does he do?”

  “He’s a lawyer. Real Estate.”

  “And your mom?”

  “She’s in Tennessee. I’m not sure what she’s doing right now.” I pause. “We don’t stay in contact much these days.”

  Understatement. I’m currently pissed at the woman and have no desire to know what she’s doing.

  “I’m sorry. It must have been hard when they divorced.”

  I shrug. “It is what it is. No sense in dwelling on it.”

  Rylee looks at me with a lifted brow. Yeah, too bad I didn’t feel that way sooner. It would have saved a lot of heartache and pain for several people—mainly Rylee.

  “What are you in college for? What are your plans after you graduate?” Silas asks.

  “Honestly? I don’t have a clue. It’s still up in the air. My father wants me to follow in his footsteps, but I’m not too keen on becoming a lawyer.”

  Reaching over the table, Nora pats my hand. “I’m sure it’ll come to you soon. It’s difficult deciding what you want to do with the rest of your life.”

  It is. Especially when you can’t think of one damn thing you’re good at.

  “How about you, Rylee? How’s college been treating you?”

  While the rest of the table discusses Rylee and Savannah’s college life, I glance over at Savannah. More specifically her plate. I’m happy to see over half of her food gone.

  A few minutes later, Nora pushes back her chair and stands. “Savannah, Rylee, why don’t you help me clear the plates and bring out the desserts?”

  “Sure thing, Nora.”

  Dropping her napkin on the table, Rylee stands and grabs both hers and Z’s plate. When Savannah reaches for mine, her elbow hits her glass of water and knocks it over. Straight into her lap.

  “Crap,” she mutters, staring down at the water soaking her clothes.

  “Scratch that,” Nora says. “You go change, Savannah. Your dad can help me and Rylee.”

  “That’s really cold.”

  Laughing, I grab my napkin and drop it in her lap. I lean over and whisper in her ear, “Need help changing?”

  Her eyes turn hooded when she looks at me, her lips quirking up. “As much as I love that idea, Mom and Dad aren’t stupid. Unless you want a bullet hole in your backside, I would highly suggest you not help me change.”

  I grin. “It would be worth it.”

  With a laugh, she presses a quick kiss against my lips and gets up from her chair. “Stay here,” she says sternly. “I’ll be back in a minute.”

  Unable to help myself, I watch her ass sashay out of the room, barely refraining from laughing at the big wet spot on the back of her pants.



  “Well, look at what the cat drug in?” I say, opening the door to find none other than Charles Pierce lounging on the couch like he owns the place.

  I don’t know Pierce that well—not as well as Rylee does anyway—but I absolutely adore him just the same. He’s one of those people you just can’t help but love. He just has this quality about him. It’s hard to explain unless you meet him for yourself.

  “I was wondering when I was going to get to see your fine ass.” He grins, pushing to a stand. I shove the door closed and drop my purse on the chair before wrapping my arms around his middle and giving him a tight squeeze.

  “Damn girl, you’re tiny.” He leans back, easily taking me off my feet.

  I ignore the comment. Everyone keeps saying how much weight I’ve lost, but I don’t see it. I think they’ve all lost their minds.

  “You’re squeezing me to death.” I laugh. He chuckles in my ear, setting me to my feet seconds later. “When did you get in?” I ask, taking a step back.

  “A couple of hours ago.”

  “Where’s Rylee?”

  “Changing. We’re going to meet that hotter than sin man of hers over at some Mexican restaurant. You should totally come with us.”

  “Oh, she’s coming with us.” Rylee appears at the mouth of the hall.

  “I am?” I hitch a brow.

  “Yep. And Oliver is too.”

  “Oliver?” Pierce’s gaze swings to Rylee. “Oh, that’s right.” Something seems to dawn on him. “You’re dat
ing sexy devil spawn.” He gives me a playfully pointed look.

  “Devil spawn?” Laughter bubbles over my words.

  “Son of Satan. Demon. Lucifer himself. You take your pick. He may be F.I.N.E. Fine, fine, fine, but he’s also quite the piece of work.”

  “You don’t have to tell me that.” We exchange a look.

  Pierce wasn’t the only one who had a front row seat to the hell Oliver put Rylee through. Sure, he was there, witnessing it all happening, but then I was the person she came home and called.

  “And yet, you’re the one dating him.” He clucks his tongue on the roof of his mouth, running a hand through his blonde hair. “I gotta admit, when Rylee told me you two were doing the nasty, I was shocked. The last time I saw you, you were fit to be tied. I thought I’d come back to visit, and Oliver would be buried in a shallow grave somewhere because you killed his ass.”

  “Don’t think I wasn’t tempted.”

  “A couple of times I thought it might actually happen,” Rylee interjects, sliding up next to Pierce. “You about ready?”

  “Yep.” He rocks back on his heels.

  “V?” Her gaze slides to mine.

  I look down at my outfit and assess myself. Black leggings and a dark gray sweater. Not really what I would have chosen for a normal dinner outing, but it’s also not bad enough that I really feel the need to change either.

  “Well, considering you didn’t give me much of a choice,” I grumble in mock annoyance.

  “Awesome. And then after dinner—we’re all going out!”

  “Going out? Going out where?”

  “Girl, we got fake I.D.s for a reason. I don’t know about you, but I’m ready to put mine to use. I might even go wild and have a margarita at the restaurant.”

  “That’s my girl.” Pierce turns, high-fiving Rylee.

  “We’re walking, so it’s not like any of us have to worry about driving,” she explains. “Oliver recommended this bar a couple blocks from the restaurant. I guess it’s a hot spot for college kids. They have a live band on Friday nights too.” She grins at Pierce, the two sharing a look.


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