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Submissive Nanny

Page 11

by Viktor Redreich

  "Between her legs," he ordered, and she moved forward until she was on her knees between Angela’s thighs. She ran her fingers over her bare legs and watched as a curl of hair brushed down over her shoulder.

  "Lick her."

  She didn’t need telling twice. She leaned forward and brushed her lips over the outside of her panties. She could smell Angela’s musk from beneath her underwear. Never before all of this had started had she ever thought about going down on a woman before, never had she thought that she would be able to do it with any skill. Even the first time it had happened, she had been eating out her husband’s sperm – it had been about Zev, about their mutual connection with him.

  But now that they had established their own relationship, something that belonged to the two of them alone. And when she tasted her, when she kissed her, when she made her cum, it was a build of that connection, just the same way that she had developed her connection with Zev before she had known it was going to end up with her here.

  Slowly, she peeled down the panties of her lover, sliding them off over the very same feet she had just taken her shoes from. There was an intimacy in her allowing Bianca to take her clothes off like this, in trusting her to disrobe her completely. Moving gently, softly, she pressed her mouth to her clitoris, tasting her properly for the first time. She couldn’t help but let out a long moan of relief, as though this was everything that she had been waiting for this entire time. The taste of her, the scent – she was so good, so tempting. Bianca had no idea how she had managed to wait this long to get what she wanted from her. But there was something about taking instructions from Zev that made it all the hotter, all the sexier to her. All three of them, working in tandem, to make this happen...

  "Finger Angela, and play with yourself too," Zev commanded her, and Bianca could feel his eyes burning into the two of them. She was so good at pleasing them both; she had learned it inside out, quite literally. She did as she was told, slowly guiding her fingers into Angela’s dripping cunt and caressing her own clit at the same time, like she was trying to play out some gorgeous tune she had heard a hundred times before but never played herself.

  Angela gasped, and she reached down and stroked Bianca’s hair, always a sign that Bianca was doing a good job and that she was already craving more. Her fingers traced shapes along that sensitive spot at the nape of Bianca’s neck, and she wriggled against her own hand, her body waking up, coming softly and slowly back to life as though she had been asleep all this time. Sometimes, she wondered if she had ever really been awake before she had been with the two of them – when she looked back on her life before they had become a part of it, everything just seemed dull and dusty by comparison to everything she was doing now.

  She ate Angela out eagerly, satisfied in the knowledge that no matter what expensive food and fancy wine the family had enjoyed downstairs, nobody was eating as well as she was that evening. She could hear Zev’s breath becoming more labored behind her, and she knew it was taking everything he had in him not to get to his feet and put himself in the middle of the two of them. He liked to wait, Bianca had discovered, until he literally couldn’t take any more, and then he would join them, wild with lust, unable and unwilling to hold anything back. Which was just how they both liked him.

  And it was more than the simple straight-man thing of being into it when women hooked up with each other, too. If it had been just that, he would have grown tired of watching them like this, and he certainly hadn’t reached that point yet. No, there was something about the exchange of power that took place, when Bianca submitted to them both in this way, that brought out the beast in him. Seeing her give in to their desires, and, with it, hers as well. He knew just how repressed she had been when she had first come to them, and now, instead… well, she was cumming with them, a far preferable state of affairs for all of them, it seemed.

  Speaking of cumming. Bianca was already starting to rock her hips back against her hand, her vulva slick with wetness as she inched closer and closer to the edge of her release. She needed it, craved it more than anything else – she wanted to feel the gush of her wetness as she came, and she wanted to do it right here, shared between the two of them, her tongue tracing the musky folds of Angela’s beautiful, soaked cunt.

  Angela’s fingers began to dig in to the back of her neck, holding her in place, and she started to writhe on the bed as she arched closer and closer to her own orgasm. Bianca once again marveled at the fact that, up until a few months ago, she had never gone down on a woman before. How had she held out this long? They tasted so good, smelled so good, felt so good beneath her tongue. Angela was delicious, a dessert that Bianca had been foolish to deny herself all this time.

  "Lift your hips," Zev ordered Bianca, and she did as she was told at once, moving back on to all fours. In a moment, she felt his fingers brush hers aside, as he began to play with her clit. She heard the zip of his pants, and she didn’t have to wait long before she could feel the head of his impressive hardness pressed up against her pussy. She moaned, trapped between them, safe between them, as he slipped himself inside of her.

  And with that, she was simply there to pleasure them both. Her body was given over to what they wanted from her, and she wouldn’t have had it any other way. He ran his hands up her back and grasped her head, pushing it hard against his wife’s glistening labia, and Bianca licked and sucked and kissed at Angela’s cunt until the only thing she could taste were her juices filling her mouth, spreading over her tongue. Zev wasn’t holding back, fucking her in long, deep strokes that filled her to the very brim, and she was rocking her hips back to meet him as best she could. No matter how much they gave her, she always craved more – the joy of being with more than one person at a time, she supposed.

  It didn’t take long for her to cum. It never did, when they were both working their incredible magic on her. Sometimes, she felt as though this was what she had been made for – to worship them like this, to make sure they knew just how badly she wanted them, how much she ached for the two of them. Between them, she made sense, made sense in a way that she never had before. When she came, it was around his cock, with her muff in her mouth, and it was everything she needed, the only thing she needed.

  From there, the orgasms seemed to start rolling into one another until there was no distinction between them at all. The pleasure crested and fell and broke and rose again, blissful waves that didn’t stop even as she tried to catch her breath. She focused her attention on Angela, and soon enough the other woman had cum herself, sending a shimmering pool of wetness over Bianca’s face and chin. Bianca focused on the sounds she made, on the contractions around her fingers, and she knew that Zev wouldn’t be far behind his wife. He never was. It seemed like nothing got him off more than seeing the woman he loved cumming hard at the hands of the nanny...

  And sure enough, moments later, Zev spread his seed deep inside Bianca. Bianca couldn’t count the number of times she had done this with him, the number of times she had felt this exact thing from him, but it never got old. Sometimes, it felt like an addiction, like she would never be able to get enough. When he fucked her, everything fell away, and when he marked her as his, the whole world seemed to fall into place.

  He withdrew from her, and Bianca pulled her mouth back from between Angela’s legs to catch her breath. Her hair was matted to her face and she was breathing heavily, but Zev didn’t give her much time to recover before he grasped her and pulled her around to face him.

  "Clean this," he ordered her, and he pushed his slick cock deep into her mouth, getting her to suck and lick on him until he was satisfied with the work that she had done. He thrust shallowly, lazily, and she tasted her juices and his sperm mixed together on her tongue, along with the taste of his wife, too. All of them mingled together, just the way it was supposed to be. As she knelt there, obediently cleaning off the cock of the married man who had just fucked her, she might have understood that this wasn’t average – but as far as she was concern
ed, it was the only thing that worked for the three of them. And as long as it kept working, she saw no reason to change it.

  Once Zev was satisfied with the work that she had done, he pulled himself out of her mouth and headed to the bathroom to wash up. Bianca watched him adoringly as he went, and then turned back to Angela, who was splayed exhaustedly on the bed.

  "You okay?" Bianca asked, laughing slightly – it was always satisfying to see that she had completely spent the older woman, especially given how much crazy sex Angela must have had in her life before she had ever met Bianca.

  "I’m fine," Angela replied with a sigh, and she managed to prop herself up on one hand to face her. "Just a long day, that’s all."

  "Well, I hope I managed to end it well for you," Bianca murmured to her. Angela gestured for Bianca to come over and sit next to her, and Bianca did as she was told at once. Snuggling after the act was done was one of her favorite parts to all of this, a reminder that she was more than just a sex object for the two of them to use when they felt like it. Not that she had any objection to being used that way once in a while, of course.

  "You really did," Angela sighed happily, and she sank back on the bed. Bianca laid her head on the pillow beside her and gazed at her adoringly. She was so beautiful when she had just cum. She was so beautiful all the time, actually, but especially when she was glowing with that post-orgasmic delight that practically shimmered off her in waves.

  Bianca knew she wouldn’t be allowed to stay much longer. She had to get back to her own room, to make sure nobody caught on to what they were doing in this place – not to mention the fact that she would have to be up early to take care of the children, too. But, to her surprise, Angela looked over at her and smiled.

  "Would you like to spend the night here?” She asked softly. Bianca raised her eyebrows.

  "In your bed?”

  "In my bed," Angela agreed, smiling softly. Bianca was shocked, but she was hardly going to turn down the chance to spend the rest of the night with the people she adored so much. She kissed Angela on the cheek and snuggled down in the bed happily.

  "I would love to," She replied. And, before she knew it, her eyes were growing heavy, and she found that she was already close to falling asleep. It had been a hell of a day.

  Though, compared to what was to come, it was nothing.

  Chapter 19

  One fine day

  "Are you sure you want me to come with you?” Bianca asked fretfully, as Angela brushed her hair out quickly in front of the mirror. Angela shot the younger woman a look, cocking an eyebrow.

  "You sure you want to go?” She asked. "You’ve been second-guessing this since I suggested it."

  "I do," Bianca assured her. "But I don’t want to… I don’t want to impose. And I don’t want you to feel like you’re obliged to bring me along or anything."

  "Bianca, I want you there," Angela told her firmly. "I don’t think I’ll be able to get through this without you. You know what my family is like-"

  "I really don’t," Bianca replied, a little nervously. Angela had invited her out to join her at the final dress fittings that everyone was attending in the run-up to the wedding, and Bianca would have been lying if she’d said that she didn’t have any reservations about the thought of the trip. She was completely freaked out about saying or doing the wrong thing, and somehow exposing everything that had been going on with the three of them. She got the feeling that Angela’s family was hardly going to be wide open to the notion of what had been happening over in their household.

  "Well, I want you there," Angela told her, gently but firmly – the tone she always used to make Bianca feel safer.

  "And what about the children?” Bianca fretted. "Won’t they think it’s odd that I’m not looking after them?”

  "They can think whatever they want," Angela replied breezily. Bianca wasn’t sure if it had something to do with being back at her family home, but she could have sworn that her lover had been brighter and less uptight since she had arrived. As though she was trying to prove a point to her old-fashioned family about everything she could be, and everything she could do.

  "Besides, it’ll be good for Zev to spend some time with the children," Angela replied with a shrug, and she looked at herself in the mirror. To Bianca, she looked perfect, but she still frowned and poked and prodded at herself as though she didn’t like what she was seeing. It was always different when there was family involved, Bianca supposed – you were always holding yourself to a higher standard, trying to make sure that there wasn’t a single detail that could be picked up on and used against you. And, when it came to Angela, it seemed like she was especially protective of anything that could have even been remotely read as a flaw.

  "You really want me there?" Bianca asked again. She wasn’t sure how many times she was going to have to hear her assure her that it was the case before she started believing it, but she guessed one more time wasn’t exactly going to hurt.

  "I really, really do," Angela replied. "My family drives me crazy, it’ll be good to have someone there who can see how batshit they all are."

  Angela flashed Bianca a smile in the mirror, and Bianca found herself returning it. It could be fun, she supposed. It had been a long time since she had been out with any female friends, let alone out to something as silly and fun as a dress fitting. And maybe she could do with taking a little time away from work to chill out, blow off some steam.

  She got herself ready as quickly as she could, going back and forth over what she should wear for such an occasion – should she dress up and look like she had made an effort, or should she go casual and act like she didn’t really care what anyone thought of her? She had no idea. She eventually settled on a simple black dress and matching flats, hoping that she didn’t look too funerial, given the nature of the outing she was about to go on.

  They headed downstairs to meet the rest of the wedding party, and Bianca did her best to keep her face neutral as she was introduced to the rest of the family – she had seen them around, of course, but most of them had acted like she was just a small annoyance in the way of them having a good time, given that she was the help and nothing more to them. There was Angela’s sisters, one of her sister's best friends, Angela's mother, and then another couple of bridesmaids who seemed to have just been dredged up out of nowhere to make up the numbers. They were hanging on to one another like their lives depended on it, like they had never even seen a place like this before in their lives.

  "Alright, are we ready to go?” Angela’s sister, Lydia, asked, clapping her hands together and looking around at the rest of the party. Everyone nodded. She didn’t leave much room for argument, that was for sure.

  They headed out in a cab to a nearby village – the kind of place that seemed as though it had been specifically cordoned off for the stupidly rich to use as their playground. Every single store that they passed could have been best characterized with a haughty sniff, and Bianca could feel her bank account crying out just being that close to that damn place. She knew that she would never be able to afford to go back there in the future, by herself, and she decided that the best that she could do under the circumstances was just to enjoy it while it was right there in front of her.

  "Are you alright?” Angela asked, hanging back outside the door to the store they were going into for their fitting. She must have noticed that Bianca was looking around in something like shock at everything that was happening. Bianca hesitated for a moment, but then decided the best port of call would just be to tell her the truth.

  "It’s just..." Bianca struggled to find the words to express what was going through her head. "I’ve never been to a place like this before. I don’t feel like I belong."

  "Yeah, my sister has a habit of doing that with new people," She sighed, but she patted Bianca’s hand softly – it was the kind of gesture that could have passed for just casual comfort to anyone passing by, but Bianca knew it was meant as more than that. It was meant as a reminder of
everything the two of them had shared, a silent, well, if you can get your head around all of that, this is going to be easy, right? Bianca managed to smile. All she had to do was stand there and tell everyone that they looked great, right? She could manage that. She could totally manage that.

  She headed inside, following Angela to the fitting area of the store – it was lit with shimmering white lights that seemed to pick out the delicate gold on every surface, built-in to make sure that everyone who came through that place seemed to sparkle like the royalty they clearly aspired to be to shop in such a place.

  Bianca didn’t have any dresses to try on, but the assistant seemed to notice that she was a little out of place, and guided her to a plush padded seat and handed her a glass of champagne. Bianca sipped on it happily, letting the bubbles fizz over her tongue and down her throat. It might have been the booze relaxing her, or the fact that she didn’t have to worry about interacting with any of the other women for a hot minute, but some of the tension was beginning to lift from her shoulders.

  She watched as Angela took the dress that was given to her and headed into the changing room. Bianca was sure that she would look amazing no matter what they had put her in – but when she pulled back the curtain to step out, Bianca hadn’t been ready for what she was about to see.

  Angela was wearing a beautiful, peaches-and-cream sheath dress that fell over her body like it had been made for her. Which, Bianca supposed, it actually had been. She had heard the staff talking about alterations, worried they were going to have to make more so close to the wedding, so it was clear that these dresses had been made perfectly for the women who were going to wear them. It was just a bridesmaid’s dress, so Bianca knew that she would be seeing everyone else in the same thing… but Angela was the only one who made her feel like this when she was wearing it. Bianca got to her feet, clutching her glass of champagne in her hand like it was a support system, and looked her up and down.


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