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The Weird Travels of Aimee Schmidt: Seeking Others

Page 10

by J. A. Schreckenbach

  “Dad, seriously, you're a grown man, and you don't need my, or James's, permission to do anything. I just wish you had filled me in before I got here this weekend. Anyway, I'm cool with this, but I'm really tired. I need to go to sleep. Are there any other surprises you wanna to tell me tonight?”

  “No, that's all I wanted you to know,” he answered, “except that I love you, which isn't a surprise.”

  “I love you, too, Dad.”

  Aimee grabbed her backpack from the rocker, went to her room and shut the door, then locked it. Zonker waited patiently for her. She sat down on the bed and rubbed his head. “Well, Z Boy,” she whispered, “it looks like you have a new housemate. She better be treating you good.” Aimee looked down at Zonker. He stared at her like he understood every word she said.

  Suddenly, her phone on the nightstand vibrated. She rushed around to that side of the bed and noticed DT sent a text.

  aimee, where r u??? please call!!!

  She pulled back the comforter, puffed a couple pillows against the headboard, then got under the covers. After turning off the light, she sucked in a deep breath, then hit Dylan's number. On the first ring he answered.

  “Hey,” he anxiously greeted.

  Aimee replied, “Hi.”

  “I've been trying to reach you all evening. Everything all right?”

  “It's okay now.”

  “Good...” he answered and stopped.

  Aimee waited a few seconds. She could tell he wanted to say something. Something important. “Are you at the hotel?”

  “Yeah, I'm getting ready to go to bed. We have a big day tomorrow.”

  “I know. You have to keep up your winning streak.”

  “Yeah, the pressure's on. I wish you were here. If you're up in the stands, I know we'll do good.”

  Yes, he still loves me! “You know I'll be watching here with Dad and Hannah.”

  “I know, but it's not the same. Besides I really miss you. And...well...uh...,” Dylan paused.

  “Yes?” she asked.

  “Yeah, well, what I'm trying to say is I'm sorry, real sorry, about the other day...”

  Aimee interrupted, “No, Dylan, I'm sorry. I shouldn't have acted that way. I mean, I expected this to happen, you know?”

  “What do you mean?”

  “Well, you're incredibly sexy, and funny, and a fun guy, and the Bears snagged the best quarterback the school will ever have...”

  “Oh, babe...” Dylan interjected.

  “Really, I mean it. I knew girls would be attracted to you. I just was kinda hoping you wouldn't be this much of an attraction, and I guess I figured you would decide you didn't want to be tied down...especially with me.” There, she finally said it. She told him how she felt.

  Before she could say another word, Dylan responded, “Well, do you remember what I said when I put your ring on your finger?”

  “Of course I do. You said you wanted me now and forever.”

  “Nothing's changed, sweetheart,” Dylan said. “And nothing's gonna change no matter how many challenges come our way. I love you, and I hope you still love me since I've been such an ass this past week. I know it's gotta be hard waiting on me all the time, and then to finally get to go meet some of my friends and I cut loose like that, and especially for me not respecting how you felt...”

  “Dylan, it's all right,” Aimee said. “I know how much you love me. I trust you, and I know you trust me. And that is all we need to make it through these obstacles.”

  “Ah, geez, babe, you don't know how I have wanted to hear that all week.”

  Aimee asked, “Then why did you take so long to call?”

  “I figured you would call later that night, or not let me leave and beg me to stay...” Dylan stopped for a few seconds, then continued, “...but the truth is you had every right to be upset, and it took me a few days and sleepless nights of deep soul searching to admit what a jerk I've been and how rough it's been for you when we're not together. And I made it worse when we finally had time together by drinking, and well, paying more attention to my friends, and acting like a...”

  “And all of those girls are friends?” Aimee interrupted.

  “Hell no! That's what I'm trying to tell you. They think they are, and I may be friendly, but I let them know I'm you...only Sunday I shouldn't have been drinking. It screwed with my judgement so I have no excuse. I hope you'll forgive me.”

  “Dylan, I do forgive you, if you'll forgive me for being so pigheaded and not stopping you from leaving or not calling after. I sooo wanted to, but I wanted you to call first. You don't know how bad this week has been for me.”

  “For me, too,” Dylan said.

  “Well, babe, I'm not there physically, but I'm in your heart and I'll be rooting you on tomorrow in Dad's den. I'll see you Sunday, but I won't be back until mid-afternoon. Dad wants me to go to church with him and Hannah, and I already promised I would. Can we get together when I get home?”

  “You bet,” Dylan quickly replied. “Let's do something different, just the two of us, okay?”

  “Sounds awesome!” she answered with enthusiasm she hadn't felt for days.

  “Great! So, I'll call you tomorrow night after we get through with the post-game stuff, all right?” Dylan asked.

  “I'll be waiting. I love you, Dylan.”

  In a soothing tone, Dylan replied, “I love you more.”

  In the dark, Aimee attached the phone to the charger, then settled back onto her pillows. Zonker scooted up next to her side, then plopped down. She scratched his head and looked up at the dark ceiling. The week had been the worse ever since going off to college, what with the horrible fight, then coming home to find her dad and Hannah living together and soon to be hitched without any family, and then the mission. Even though she helped the kid, it felt like the most traumatic one so far. She sighed deeply, then whispered, “Yeah, Z Boy, you're so lucky being a dog. You don't have to deal with all these crazy human problems. You just worry about your next meal and where you're gonna sleep. But it's all good. I did okay on my mission. Made it back without any real injuries. And Dylan and I are gonna make it. No more jealousy. Only trust.” Zonker's beady eyes stayed glued on her until she quit rubbing his head. Finally he laid his head on Aimee's stomach and they both fell to sleep. ...

  Chapter 7 Unforeseen

  ...Dylan knocked on the apartment door. When Aimee opened it, he stood there with a bouquet of yellow roses with peach tips. Her favorite roses.

  “For you, sweetheart,” Dylan said, “a little something to start out our special day.”

  Aimee gushed, “Dylan, they're beautiful!”

  Dylan leaned in and kissed her lips, then commented, “Nothing compared to your beauty.”

  Aimee blushed as she quickly invited him in while she searched for a vase. He sat down to chat with James and Sacha.

  “Hey, man, great game,” James said while he put down the sports section of the paper.

  “Thanks,” Dylan replied. “I finally got some decent play time.”

  Aimee came out of the kitchen, stood behind Dylan's chair and placed her hands gently on his shoulders. He peered up. “Ready?” he asked.

  “Yep, whenever you are.”

  Sacha inquired, “So, where are you two going?”

  Aimee revealed, “I don't know. Dylan's surprising me.”

  Dylan added, “Yeah, I've planned a day full of surprises.”

  After they got into Dylan's FJ, she asked, “So where are we going?”

  Dylan shrugged, smiled mischievously, turned the key, then shifted the SUV into Reverse. In a couple minutes they were rolling west on Highway 126.

  “Dylan,” Aimee started, “...uh, where exactly are we going?”

  “Can't tell you,” he answered. “It's a surprise, remember?”

  She sighed. “Well, can you at least tell me if there's lunch involved?”

  “Yes, we'll eat,” he answered. “Can you wait a couple hours?”

  She whined, “I can, if I must.”

  A couple hours and a half dozen CD's later, they pulled into the parking area to access Otter Rock, their favorite place to surf. She had a suspicion when they left town on 126 the destination was the coast, but Dylan didn't ask her to bring her boards or suits. The only beach gear she had was the flip flops on her feet. Finally, she couldn't stand the suspense.

  “Okay, Dylan, I've been good. I haven't pestered you about where we were going, so do you think you can share with me now what we're doing at Otter Rock, on a perfectly awesome day to catch some waves, without our boards?”

  Dylan chuckled, then stuck the FJ into Park and popped open his door. He slid out, shot around and opened her door, then held out his hand for hers. “Well,” he started, “we never really enjoy the beach when we're here, so I've packed a totally incredible lunch, and I have a blanket, and we're going to spend the day talking and enjoying each other at this great place.” He grinned. Aimee smiled, took his hand, and stepped out onto the pavement.

  The beach wasn't very crowded considering the sky was brilliant blue, and the temperature was warm for the end of September. They searched, then found a perfect spot a ways down. Both slowly walked barefooted, holding hands, and watching the waves roll in. The icy water trickled over their feet. After a bit they reached the spot and spread the blanket. Dylan set down the picnic basket.

  Dylan asked, “Hungry?”

  “Starving,” she replied.

  They sat down onto the blanket and Dylan started pulling out the goodies, then handing them to Aimee.

  She commented, “Wow, Dylan, this is amazing! You're so sweet.” She leaned over and kissed him, first lightly on the lips, then harder and before long, their tongues played together. After a minute Aimee broke the embrace. “Dylan, this is really special. I love you so much.”

  Dylan answered quickly, “I love you more.” He gave her a quick kiss right before reaching back into the basket and grabbing a couple wrapped sandwiches. He passed them to Aimee, then a couple containers. She placed everything on the blanket. Once more he stuck his hand in the basket, then handed her a small, rectangular black box.

  Surprised, she asked, “What's this?”

  He smiled, then instructed, “Open it.”

  The jitters started, just like they did the first time he surprised her with a suspicious small box; the one with her Promise ring. Her hands trembled. She managed a deep breath and slowly raised the lid and peeked. A huge solitaire diamond set in a gold band stared back at her. Before she could say anything, Dylan jumped in and took the box from her, and then carefully slid out the ring. He got up onto one knee before starting his speech.

  “Aimee, I know you promised to have me forever. It's just that I feel we need to make this even more official. I love you more and more each day, and I would be honored if you will marry me.”

  Her throat constricted, like someone was choking the life out of her. She couldn't breath, much less say anything. Aimee knew exactly what she wanted to say, but she hesitated looking at the ring, then at Dylan. His gorgeous chocolate eyes stared at her intensely waiting for a word of affirmation.

  Aimee started to say what she knew he wanted to hear, then stopped. She looked up. A young man approached them from down the beach. He smiled. Her heart quit beating.

  Dylan caught her startled reaction and turned. He instantly shouted, “Joseph?! Whatthahell are you doing here?!”...

  …Aimee jerked up from her bed gasping for air. Zonker immediately jumped off, just like he always did, and scurried to the door wanting to escape. The room was dark, but in a second she realized she was still in her bed at home. “Grrrrrrr!” she hissed. Unfortunately, Joseph had managed to worm his way back into her dreams. After a deep breath, she settled back under the covers. The green numbers on the clock read 4:35. Zonker jumped back on the bed and settled in by her feet. “Sorry, Z Boy,” she whispered. Aimee pulled the phone from the charger and checked. No messages. She quickly texted Dylan. you all my heart...good luck to you tonite...

  She tapped Send, then put the phone back on the side table and flipped over. Mr. Joseph Smith was going to drive her nuts, and she had an uneasy feeling the real reason he was in Eugene had nothing to do with research. There was one reason only, and she was it! But why? Who is he really? she wondered. Too many of her dreams involved this man, who she didn't know until this past summer in England. That wasn't just a freak coincidence. Okay, Eugene's big enough. Just don't run into him again, Aimee decided as she turned over. She had too much other stuff to worry about besides Joseph, but somehow she knew their paths would cross again.

  The green numbers now read 5:05. Too wired to sleep, she flipped on the bed lamp, got up and grabbed her psychology book, then got back under the covers. Zonker raised one eye and peeked at her. He knew it wasn't time yet to get up so he went back to sleep. Aimee read until daylight, then slipped on running clothes and headed to the bathroom. Z Boy waited at the back door until she got to the kitchen. She let him out, then got a glass of water. Dad's bedroom door opened, and in a second Dr. Morris walked into the kitchen.

  “Good morning,” she said, then stepped over and hit the On button on the coffee maker. “How did you sleep?”

  “Okay,” Aimee answered, “until about 4:30 when I woke up and couldn't get back to sleep.”

  “I hate that, when you wake up too early and then you toss and turn the rest of the night. Usually it's something weighing on my mind that keeps me awake.” She half-smiled, then asked, “Something bothering you?”

  Yes, something is bothering me. Actually a lot of somethings, but I can't discuss anything with you. “No, not really. I'm just stretched a little with school and work, and not getting to see Dylan enough.”

  Dr. Morris peeked up while she poured cream into her cup. “You didn't say much about Dylan last night at dinner. Everything okay with you two?”

  Aimee paused. She wasn't sure what to answer, but she wasn't comfortable talking about Dylan with Dr. Morris. She was going to be family, but Aimee guessed she still thought of her as an outsider. Besides, what was bothering her with Dylan was private, something she didn't want to share even with her best friend. “Yeah, everything is great with us. I talked to him last night, and we're going to spend time together tomorrow evening when I get back.”

  “That's good,” Dr. Morris stated while she poured coffee into her cream. “You want a cup of coffee?”

  “Not yet,” Aimee replied. “I'm going out for a run first.”

  “All right,” she answered. “Well, anyway, I want you to know that I realize there has been a lot of changes in the past few months, and I imagine it might be a little overwhelming to have me, your former teacher, now living in your house and getting ready to marry your father. But I want to assure you that I'm not ever going to try be your mother. From what Mike tells me, she was a very special person, and no one will replace her...” Dr. Morris paused and waited to see if Aimee would respond. Aimee just stared back. “Well,” Dr. Morris continued, “what I'm trying to say is, I love your dad, and I hope that we all can be a family. I don't want to be a divide between you, and James, and Mike. And I hope that you'll feel comfortable enough to share with me all of the wonderful things in your life, and anything that is bothering you. I'll be here for you, just like your dad, whenever you feel you need me.” She stopped and smiled.

  Aimee took a deep breath, then waited for a few seconds before replying. She liked Dr. Morris...Hannah... and she was right. She wasn't going to replace Aimee's mother, who Aimee still hoped to meet again some day soon, but she didn't think she could share anything that bothered her with anyone, especially the ungifted. “Thanks, Dr....uh, Hannah,” Aimee answered. “I appreciate that, and I promise if something is eating at me that I need a female perspective, I'll let you know.” She managed a smile. That was the best she could offer.

  “Great,” Hannah said. She was getting a second cup of coff
ee fixed. “Well, have a good run. I better get Mike his coffee before he comes out here growling.”

  Aimee chuckled. “So, Dad has you waiting on him already?”

  “No, he's not like that. He doesn't ask for anything. I just like to make him happy anyway I can, and he is really trying to do better so I don't mind doting on him. At least that way I know how well he's behaving.”

  That's not the dad I know, Aimee thought. He was always willing to let me wait on him, and didn't listen to anything I said about his bad habits. Hannah must have casted a spell over him, or she’s still in that fuzzy, warm honeymoon phase where you just overlook all the irritating things about the person you love. Anyway, I can’t worry about their relationship. I have enough problems with my own. Zonker scratched at the backdoor, so Aimee stepped over to let him in, then she said, “Hannah, that's really cool. I'm glad you're part of Dad's life. He's changed, for the good.”

  “Thanks, Aimee. It's really important for me that you and James know how much I love Mike, and how much I want to be a part of your family. So, anyway, go be healthy and we'll have breakfast when you get back. I promised Mike I'd make something special this morning. Mike said you like breakfast tacos.”

  “Sounds great, just no meat, please,” she answered.

  After an hour, Aimee returned to find Dad with a hot cup of coffee at the kitchen table with the newspaper spread open. Hannah was busily preparing breakfast. Dad peered up and greeted, “Good morning!”


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