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The Weird Travels of Aimee Schmidt: Seeking Others

Page 12

by J. A. Schreckenbach

  “Good morning back,” he answered. “You on campus yet?”

  “Just got here. Where are you?”

  “Leaving the dorm for class. Wanna have lunch together?”

  “Sounds great. Let's meet about 11:30 outside the library, then we'll walk somewhere. Okay?”


  “Hey, before you go, we got an invite to a Halloween party Saturday night after your game.”

  “Really? Whose party?”

  “My two friends I run with, Sarah and Lynn...”

  Dylan interrupted, “The lesbians?”

  “No, my friends,” Aimee replied. “Does that make a difference that they're gay?”

  Dylan stammered a second when he answered. “Well, uh, no, it doesn't matter, as long as I don't get hit on by some dude.”

  “Dylan, I didn't know you were a homophobic.”

  “I'm not, it's just that, well...” he paused.

  “Yeah, well what?” Aimee waited for his explanation.

  “Nothing. We can go, and if it's a drag we'll leave. All right?”

  “All right. Good,” she said, then added, “'s a costume party.”

  “Hmm. Cool. I've got a idea that we can go as a couple,” he answered sounding a bit more excited about the whole idea of going to a party hosted by Aimee's gay friends.

  “Great. You can tell me when we meet. I gotta go.”

  “Me, too. See you in a couple hours.”

  Saturday around 9 pm, Dylan showed up at Aimee's apartment dressed like Clyde Barrow, toting a plastic machine gun. James opened the door after Dylan knocked.

  James laughed. “Cool costume, dude. Hope you two don't try to knock off some banks tonight.”

  Aimee, dressed as Bonnie Parker, stepped around James and said, “I don't think so. The occupational hazards of being bank robbers are kinda high. Bonnie and Clyde didn't get to stay around very long.”

  Sacha joined them. “Wow, you two look like the real deal. Here, let me get some pictures.” She had her phone out and grabbed Aimee's arm before she could protest.

  Finally, they got through posing and headed for the party. Sarah and Lynn rented a house not too far from campus, but in a section where mainly students lived. Since it was Saturday, and the Bears had won, Aimee figured there would be a lot of parties going on tonight.

  “Well...” she began as they pulled alongside the curb a few houses down from their house, “it looks like a bunch of people are here.” A group of people dressed like vampires were going inside the house, while another carload of creepy monsters was getting out of their vehicle a couple cars in front of them. The outside of the house was decorated with jack-o’-lanterns and a machine pumped white fog like it was coming out of the ground near some headstones. A bloody, rubber hand came out of the ground in front of one of the gravestones. Marked on one was Sarah's name with a birth date and today's date for her death. Lynn's name was on the other one. Before they could knock on the door, it opened. Sarah greeted them dressed like a twenties flapper girl.

  “Bonnie!” she exclaimed. “You came!” She hugged Aimee and then extended her hand to Dylan, “And you must be Clyde, the upcoming, hotshot gangster everyone's talking about.”

  Aimee introduced them, “Sarah, Dylan. Dylan, Sarah.”

  Dylan chuckled and shook her hand and greeted back, “Nice to meet you. Thanks for inviting us.”

  Sarah led them in, talking over her shoulder loudly because of the music and people visiting and laughing. They walked through the living room. Lots of people were packed into every room, but no one Aimee recognized, mainly because she didn't know a lot of people in Eugene, and everyone was dressed in a costume.

  Sarah pointed towards the kitchen. “Drinks and food in the kitchen. Keg on the back porch. Bathroom is down that hall. And leave your keys with Gavin, the dude over there at the end of the bar dressed like a werewolf, in case you get too smashed to drive. He's the official key holder and his partner, Neal, the state trooper back in the den, is the assigned DD tonight. A handful of us hosting this party drew straws and they were the lucky ones.” She giggled, then continued, “A bunch of people are partying out back. Mingle and introduce yourselves to everyone. I think just about everyone here goes to UC.” Sarah stopped and smiled, then added, “And Dylan, I'd watch out for Neal. He's been looking for someone to handcuff tonight.”

  Dylan laughed at first, then stopped and knitted his brows together. He looked at Aimee and mouthed, “Don't leave me alone, okay?”

  Aimee shook her head and whispered, “Dylan, she was talking about your costume, you know. You're Clyde Barrow, and Neal's a state trooper. Geez, calm down. I'm sure no guy is gonna hit on you, although I wouldn't blame them if they did.” Aimee winked, then added. “You're really hot. If I wasn't your girlfriend already, I'd be hitting on you, Clyde.”

  “Funny, funny,” he said sarcastically.

  They made their way through the crowd into the kitchen. Dylan grabbed two bottled waters and handed one to Aimee.

  “What? You're not gonna have a beer?” she asked.

  “I better not. I don't want a repeat of the last time we partied.”

  “Hey, Dylan,” greeted a guy from behind them. Dylan spun around. A very tall male dressed in overalls and a straw hat approached.

  “Andrew?” Dylan asked. “Hey, man, how's it goin’?” he said when he realized who it was. The two shook hands, then Dylan continued, “Do you remember my girlfriend, Aimee?”

  Andrew smiled broadly at Aimee. “Yeah, I do. It's nice to see you again.”

  Aimee smiled back, really surprised to see Andrew at Sarah and Lynn's party. “It's good to see you, Farmer Murphy,” she said. Andrew grinned. Aimee continued, “It looks like Sarah and Lynn know a lot of people.” A couple pushed past them trying to get to the keg outside. Dylan moved out of the way, and Andrew continued talking.

  “Yeah, they know a lot of people from campus. Both of them run track at UC,” he said.

  “What!?” Aimee exclaimed. “They never told me they ran track, and we've been running together for about a month now.”

  Dylan added, “Yeah, I know we have some good runners. I haven't had a chance to meet too many of them yet.”

  “Well, quite a few of the people here tonight are in sports at UC.”

  Just then a girl dressed like a street walker walked up and wrapped her arm around Andrew. “I was wondering where you wandered off to,” she said. Instantly Aimee's gut flipped inside out. The girl glowered at Aimee first, then Dylan.

  Andrew didn't pick up on the tension between the three of them. He pitched his arm around her shoulder and said, “Brandi, Dylan and Aimee. Dylan, Aimee, this is Brandi.”

  Aimee and Dylan looked at each other, then at Brandi. Aimee wasn't sure who would reach across and rip out her heart first, her or Dylan, that is, if Brandi had a heart. But surprisingly, they stayed in control.

  Dylan went first. “Hey” was all he said.

  Aimee had even less to say to her, but she managed a somewhat civilized scowl.

  Brandi's reply was strained. “Imagine running into you two.”

  Andrew looked confused. “Y'all know each other?”

  Brandi answered while glaring at Aimee, “Yeah. We went to East Medford together.”

  Dylan said, “Yeah. So, what are you doing here in Eugene?”

  “I moved here a few weeks ago. I'm enrolling in the next quarter.” She looked like she enjoyed the reaction she was getting from Aimee and Dylan. She knew how much Dylan hated her, especially for what she did to Aimee. And Aimee, well, she could have gone the rest of her life never seeing Brandi again. But she also knew Brandi knew that Aimee knew Brandi had orchestrated the plan to have Aimee knocked off. And then Aimee somehow mystically showed up at Brandi's party miles away shortly after Aimee was supposed to be dead. It was a twist of fate, for Brandi that is. Even though she didn't get convicted, Aimee knew Brandi had to live with what happened that night. And that made it sort of a st
range kind of revenge for Aimee.

  Dylan could tell Aimee was really uncomfortable. He said, “Hey, man, we're gonna head outside. I'll see you later.”

  Andrew replied, “Later.”

  Dylan grabbed Aimee's hand and tilted his head towards the back door. Brandi and Aimee traded one more I hate you stare before Aimee forced a smile for Andrew, then she followed Dylan through the kitchen and out the backdoor. Lynn, dressed in a pinstripe suit with her hair slicked back and a thin penciled mustache, was sitting on Sarah's lap. Sarah had a beer in one hand and her arm around her partner. Lynn looked up and saw Aimee and Dylan. She jumped up to greet them.

  “Hey, there!” she began. “Sarah told me you were here. So, you must be Dylan.” She stuck out her hand waiting for Dylan to shake it. Dylan finally broke a smile.

  “Yep, and you're Lynn, right?” he countered.

  “Guilty,” she answered. “Your costumes are totally cool. Man, we should have had some kind of costume contest. People really got into it this year.”

  Aimee asked, “You do this every year?”

  Lynn answered, “This is our third year.”

  “I can't tell who any of these people are,” Aimee stated.

  Lynn commented, “Pretty much everyone goes to UC. A few are on the track and field team like Sarah and me.”

  “How come you two didn't tell me you ran for the Bears?” Aimee asked.

  Lynn shrugged. “I don't know. It just didn't come up, I guess. Hey, Dylan, great game today. Y'all really creamed them. I wancha to know we can’t wait for you to take the field as starting QB.”

  Dylan smiled. “Thanks. I should start next year with Mason graduating next quarter.”

  “Awesome,” Lynn said. “Guys, I'm gonna get a beer. Can I get you something?”

  “Thanks, but we're fine,” Dylan answered.

  Dylan guided Aimee around a few people standing and talking, and over to a couple vacant chairs in a group of people sitting and partying. They sat down, and the couple next to Dylan recognized him and started a conversation. Aimee couldn't concentrate on what they were saying. Seeing Brandi had her completely frazzled. She sensed something ominous about this. Subtly, she eased around and spotted Andrew, his back to them, still standing at the bar talking to someone. And there she was, Brandi, opposite Andrew. She was watching Aimee and Dylan through the sliding door. Aimee whipped back around and leaned into Dylan.

  “You okay?” he asked suddenly.

  She whispered, “Yeah, but don't leave me by myself tonight.”

  “I won't, if you won't leave me, either.”

  “Promise,” she said holding out her little finger.

  Dylan looked at Aimee's finger waiting for a return pinkie promise. He snickered, then hooked his little finger into hers.

  “But, I need to head to the restroom,” Aimee announced. “You good while I'm gone?”

  “Yep,” Dylan assured her. Aimee smiled and stood to leave. Brandi and Andrew were no longer in the kitchen. Relieved, she sighed.

  After using the toilet, Aimee washed her hands and adjusted her beret before going back to the party. She opened the door and standing there in the hallway was Andrew.

  “Oh,” Aimee said startled. “I'm sorry for hogging the bathroom. All yours.”

  Andrew smiled. “Thanks.” He paused as he slowly slid around Aimee. His eyes stayed locked on hers. She tried to smile back, but it felt awkward. Aimee hurried down the hallway. She looked back and he was still in the hall checking her out. She stopped long enough in the kitchen to grab a couple more bottles of water. Aimee looked out the back, and sitting in her chair talking to Dylan was her nemesis, Brandi Peters. It looked like a one-sided conversation, and Dylan didn't appear happy. Aimee instantly felt like ripping her apart. She plopped the bottles down on the counter and tore out of the house towards Dylan. He jumped up quickly and cut her off before she could make it to Brandi.

  “Come on. Let's get out of here,” he said and grabbed her arm. Aimee glared at Brandi, who had an evil smirk on her face. Aimee's eyes narrowed and they traded wicked stares for a few seconds, then Aimee spun around and they left quickly.

  Sarah stood at the front door waiting for a new couple to make it to the house. “Leaving all ready?” she questioned as Aimee and Dylan eased past her.

  Aimee lied. “Yeah, but thanks so much for inviting us. I dunno what's wrong. I'm not feeling well so Dylan's taking me home.”

  “Oh, I'm sorry. Take it easy tomorrow. No running. Hopefully we'll see you on the trail on Monday. Okay?” replied Sarah.

  “Okay,” Aimee answered. “Thanks for asking us, Sarah. It really is a cool party. I'm sorry we need to go.”

  Sarah smiled at Aimee, then greeted the disguised couple coming up the front walk. “Bob. Abbi. It's about time you two got here,” she said before she gave them both a hug.

  Dylan held Aimee's hand while they walked in silence to his FJ. He unlocked it, then opened the door, and Aimee climbed in. In a couple seconds he got in and grabbed for his seatbelt. Before he stuck the key in the ignition, he stopped and looked at Aimee.

  “You okay?” Dylan asked.

  “I'm not sure,” she answered as she looked out her side window.

  “Aimee, don't let her get to you. She'll destroy you, and us, if you let her.”

  “Dylan,” she started, glancing over at him, “did you know she was coming to school here?”

  “Nope, and Robert or Trent would have told me, that is if they even knew. She never talked about going to college. Actually...” he paused, then finished, “something tells me she's here for one reason, and one reason only.”

  “And what's that?”

  “She's gonna try to make our lives miserable.”

  “You really think that's why she's here?” asked Aimee.

  Dylan stuck the key in the ignition, then looked at Aimee. “I wouldn't put it past her. She's evil, Aimee. Just stay away from her.”

  “I plan on it,” she answered. She already had a taste of Miss Peter's evilness. Aimee looked out her window. In the orange glow of the scary jack-o’-lanterns, Brandi and Andrew stood on the front porch. Andrew started to put his arm around her shoulder. She immediately pulled away and started to walk away from him, as if she didn't want him to touch her. Poor Andrew, Aimee thought. Can't he see she's a bitch? Aimee shook her head. Dylan started the FJ and they pulled away from the curb.

  The following Thursday Aimee had a major chemistry test scheduled. She was struggling with some of the material so on Tuesday she decided to visit her professor for some counseling. After about twenty minutes she finished with the session, then she had to hurry to get to her next class. Instead of going down the stairs like she usually did, Aimee jumped into the elevator and hit the “1” button. Another girl stepped in with her and pushed “2”. They stopped on the second floor and the girl stepped out. Aimee tapped the “Close” button, but before the doors could shut, a hand stopped them. Aimee looked up and Joseph stepped in. Aimee wasn't fast enough to push the “Open” button so she could escape. The doors shut and the elevator started down.

  Joseph smiled at her. His crystal blue eyes bore into hers. “Hey, there,” he said, “I've been wondering when I'd get to see you again.”

  Aimee only wanted to get out of there, but she needed to be polite. After all, this man saved her life a few months ago. Reluctantly, Aimee replied, “Hi. I had to visit Dr. Jones for some counseling. Big test on Thursday.”

  “Well, if you need some more help, I'd be glad to work with you.”

  Damn, just what I need is personalized tutoring from one of the two people I really didn't want to ever see again. She needed extra help, but no way was she going to take him up on his offer. After they returned home from England, Dylan, for some weird reason, tensed up any time Joseph's name was mentioned. She was positive Dylan wouldn't be thrilled if he found out Joseph was in Eugene, and he'd flip if he knew Aimee spent any time with him.

  “I really appreciate t
he offer,” she started, “but Dr. Jones gave me some worksheets that I can study before the test. That should be good enough.”

  The elevator stopped on the ground floor. The door started to open. Aimee wanted out before they had any more time to converse. Only before she could escape, Joseph said, “I've been waiting to hear from you about getting together to meet your family.” He added, “It would be great to have dinner with you.”

  Aimee paused, then stuttered briefly, “I...uh...well, I'm not sure when we can...uh...get together. Dylan's schedule is really crazy, what with football and his classes. James and Sacha are running crazy, too. We kinda pass like ships in the night going from class, to work, to...”

  Joseph interrupted, “Hey, no pressure. Maybe the two of us can have lunch some time if everyone else's time is so busy.”

  Aimee's heart skipped. She obviously sucked at getting out of tight spots with the opposite sex. She wanted to say, “No. Absolutely no way will I have lunch with you. Especially by myself.” But instead she heard herself say, “Well, uh, okay.”

  “Great,” Joseph replied quickly. “How about tomorrow?”

  Damn, she thought, just say no! Again, she heard herself answer, but it wasn't the answer she had in her head. “Uh, well, okay.”

  “You pick. I don't know too many places here.”

  The sweat on her neck dripped down her shirt. Geez, I guess I better pick somewhere no one I know would go. “Well, there's a good seafood place by the mall, that is if you like seafood.”

  “Sounds great,” he answered. “Why don't you meet me here about 12:30 and we'll go together.”

  “I'll drive,” she quickly said. No way would she get into his car.

  “Sure. I'm still getting used to how you Yanks drive. I'll see you tomorrow.” Joseph smiled, his hypnotic eyes still keeping her in a trance.

  She shook her head and finally broke his hold. Aimee stammered quickly, “Uh...see you tomorrow.” Like a rocket, she shot out of the building. “Whatthahell am I doing?!” she hissed under her breath. Her brain spun like a top. She couldn't think. Fortunately her legs automatically carried her towards the building where she needed to go. When she made it to class, she dropped into a desk at the back of the classroom, then melted into the seat. The entire lecture went by in a blur. Actually, the rest of the day passed in a daze. When she got home after work, Dylan was waiting in his FJ outside of the apartment. His face lit up when he saw her Camry pull into the space next to his SUV. In two seconds, he was out of his FJ and opening her door.


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