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The Weird Travels of Aimee Schmidt: Seeking Others

Page 20

by J. A. Schreckenbach

  Dylan stood on the deck, looking out at the Pacific. The breeze was cool, the sky was a deep blue, and the water a blue-green hue. He couldn't pull himself from the view. Aimee busied herself putting up a few things in the bathroom, then grabbed her coat before stepping out to join him.

  She eased her arm around Dylan's waist and snuggled into him. Despite the cool air, she could feel warmth emitting from his body. They stood there for an eternity, looking at the gorgeous view. Dylan pulled Aimee even closer into him. Before long, in the passion of the moment, they were in each other's arms, kissing wildly. Dylan started to say something, and Aimee put her finger on his lips. “No words,” she ordered. “Just let our bodies do the talking.”

  Dylan smiled as he kissed her finger. Then suddenly, he swept her up in his arms and carried her to the bed. Finally around three, as they lay in each other's arms, Aimee suggested, “Do you wanna get something to eat, then maybe we can walk the beach for a while? I want you to enjoy the sunset tonight. They are amazing here.”

  “Sounds like a plan,” he agreed. Dylan brought her hand up and kissed her Promise ring, then her lips, and they both got out of bed and dressed quickly.

  After eating, they walked to the beach. It was chilly, but a couple of kayakers were weathering the water. No one else was on the beach. They cruised the beach forever, tangled in each other's arms, paying no attention to the temperature. Like little kids, they chased each other and skipped rocks across the water. The time flew by, and before they realized it, the sun was low in the western sky. Together they sat down in the cool sand and silently watched the waves. Dylan was the first to break the quiet. “Aimee,” he started, “you're the love of my life. And I want you to know I'll always love you, and only you.”

  Aimee felt warmth spread across her cheeks. She leaned her head against his shoulder, then said, “I love you, more.”

  Dylan chuckled. That was his signature line, and he was convinced now, more than ever, that she loved him as much as he loved her. Nothing, not his father, nor the challenges of the world, would come between them. They gazed into each other's eyes with more love than they had ever experienced. Their lips met, and they kissed with a sense of everlasting love. Finally the embrace ended, and they sat entwined in each other's arms watching the crimson sun swell, then disappear as it slid below the water's horizon.


  “Hey, wake up, sleepyhead,” Dylan said as he shook Aimee's shoulder. He was already up, dressed, and had a small pot of coffee made.

  Aimee slowly turned over, raked the hair out of her face, and asked, “What time is it?” She tried to squint with one eye to see the clock across the bed on the side table.

  “It's 6:30,” he said as he sat down on the edge of the bed and put a steamy cup of brew on the side table for Aimee.

  “6:30!” Aimee exclaimed. “We just went to bed four hours ago.”

  “I know, but I thought we could enjoy a sunrise walk on the beach.”

  Aimee yawned and sat up against the headboard. “You are sooo a romantic, Mr. Townsend.”

  Dylan smiled, then handed Aimee her cup of coffee. “Here, maybe some caffeine will get you going. We have a bit to get out there before dawn starts to break.”

  “Okay, okay. It's your birthday so whatever you want, you get.”

  “All right!” Dylan exclaimed as he jumped up to get Aimee something to wear. In a fast minute he was back with an arm full of clothes. “Here,” he said and handed Aimee everything she needed.

  “Dylan, I'm a wreck. Give me a couple minutes so I can dress and at least brush my teeth and hair.”

  “You look gorgeous just like you are,” Dylan commented, then he grabbed her hand and tried to pull her out of bed.

  “I'm gonna be ready in a minute. You can time me,” Aimee announced as she jumped up and started to put on her underwear. A minute and a half later, she was putting on her last shoe. In a flash she was in the bathroom and back, her teeth brushed and her hair up in a semi-smooth ponytail. “Okay, I'm ready with time to spare.”

  Dylan grabbed his room key with one hand and Aimee's hand with the other, then they headed out the door. The sky was a cool gray with a few stars still dotting the western sky when they hit the beach. They walked for about ten minutes while the sun began to slowly rise in the eastern sky. They stood arm in arm watching the dark waves roll onto the beach. The sun's rays slowly, purposefully, colored their backside and shot across the water as dawn transformed into day. Neither said a word while they watched another day emerge. After a good ten minutes, Dylan finally stated, “It's amazing, isn't it?”

  Aimee glanced at him and replied, “Thank you for getting me up.”

  Dylan smiled and tucked her in closer to him. “Let's go get some breakfast, and then take another walk later before we head back to Eugene.”

  “I could use something to eat, then maybe we can enjoy that nice, big bed one more time before we check out.”

  Dylan kissed her and said, “This weekend has been the best.”

  After a scrumptious breakfast, Dylan and Aimee walked quickly back to the hotel. Aimee had been playing footsies under the table with him. He got the message, and they both were in a hurry to get back to their room. No one, but the two of them, was in the elevator, and before the door could shut they were kissing and groping like it was their first time to have sex. Dylan dug out the room key from his pocket, kissed her juicy lips once more, then grabbed Aimee's hand just as the elevator's door started to open on the second floor. Together they started to bust out, just as a young man walked up to get into the elevator. Dylan glanced back at him, and the man looked at Dylan.

  Dylan abruptly stopped. “Joseph?!” he exclaimed like he had seen a ghost.

  Joseph was much more obliging. He stuck his hand out waiting for Dylan to return the gesture. Dylan looked at Joseph's extended hand and cautiously shook it. With sincere enthusiasm, Joseph greeted, “Well, if it isn't the rising star of UC, Dylan Townsend. It's great to finally see you. Aimee tells me you are so busy with football and school you don't have time to have dinner with me, my treat, I might add.”

  Aimee's face turned white. She couldn't get out two words without tripping over her tongue. Finally, she managed, “Jo..uh...Joseph. What are you doing here?”

  Dylan looked at Aimee, his eyebrows tucked into one long line, but he didn't say anything.

  Joseph answered Aimee before Dylan could ask what was instantly on his mind. “Well, our dig site, the one I was telling you about, is located a few miles from here. I usually stay at this hotel when I'm working. The view of the ocean is incredible.”

  “Yeah, it is,” Aimee agreed with a strained voice. “Look Joseph, it was nice to see you, but we have to go.” Aimee grabbed Dylan's hand, and attempted to get Dylan to move from the spot where he was planted.

  Dylan wasn't leaving, at least not as fast as Aimee wanted him to. He looked confused, like he wasn't sure what to say, but he felt compelled to say something. “So Joseph,” he started, “why are you in Oregon?”

  Joseph chuckled lightly. “Well, like I told Aimee, (Dylan abruptly shot a stern look at his girlfriend while he listened to Joseph's answer) UC was interested in the research I was doing, and they invited me to head up some digs to analyze and compare two groups of coastal settlers, two worlds apart, but who lived in the same time in history, and who were wiped out by similar epidemics. Really interesting field work, if I might say so.”

  Dylan stared soberly at Aimee, then flatly commented, “Yeah, it sounds really interesting.”

  “Well maybe we can finally have dinner tonight, and I can bore you with all of the pertinent research we've done so far. This area is full of rich history. I'm gathering some incredible data.”

  “Thanks for the invitation, Joseph,” Dylan began, “but Aimee and I have to head back to Eugene this afternoon.”

  Aimee quickly blurted, “Yes, I have to work in the morning so we need to get back today.” She tried to smile to at l
east seem cordial, but Dylan kept shooting daggers at her with his dark, brown eyes. Her entire body turned to cooked spaghetti. She didn't know how much longer she could stand before her legs and back bone gave out.

  Finally, Joseph tapped the elevator button again. The door instantly opened, and he grabbed it to keep it from shutting. “Well, it was great to see you two. I'll be here until the next quarter begins. I'm teaching a couple more classes, then after the Winter quarter concludes, I'll be finishing the research here with my group of graduate students before I head back to England. I hope we can get together at some point.” He paused and stared at Aimee. His blue eyes were as powerful as ever. Aimee forced a weak smile at Joseph, nodded without realizing it, then quickly looked away. She couldn't talk. Her stomach sat in her throat. She grabbed Dylan's hand again and finally pulled him from his spot.

  Dylan looked at Aimee, then back at Joseph. He finally managed to respond, “We’ve gotta go. I guess I'll see you on campus.” The two traded a long stare, almost like the one they had shared that night at Briar Farm, then Joseph looked at Aimee once more and smiled. He said, “Good to see you,” then he stepped into the elevator and the door shut.

  Aimee dropped suddenly onto a bench sitting against the wall. She couldn't breathe, nor could she look Dylan in the eye. She knew she was in trouble. Major trouble. She should have told him when she first found out Joseph was in Eugene, but she thought it would cause tension between them. She wasn't sure why, but she sensed Dylan didn't really like Joseph. Dylan didn't wait for her. He started walking towards the room and went in before Aimee could get up off the bench. Aimee didn't want to go into their room. Not now. She knew Dylan was pissed, and he had a right to be. She hadn't told him that Joseph was in Eugene. A fact like that shouldn't have been kept a secret. It was like she was covering it up because she was guilty of something.

  Aimee's weakness subsided a bit, and she wobbled back to the room. Dylan was sitting on the edge of the bed, staring at the TV, only it wasn't on. Things didn't feel good. Aimee shut the door and slowly walked towards Dylan. She sat down next to him, but he made no effort to look at her.

  Aimee had to say something, but she didn't know what to say. I'm sorry I didn't tell you the man who saved my life has been in Eugene for the past few months, and I didn't know it until a few days ago. Or, maybe I should tell him I didn't say anything because it just slipped my mind. But she couldn't lie. Not to Dylan, the man she loved more than life itself. “Dylan...” she started.

  Dylan interrupted her. “Why?” he said.

  Aimee didn't understand his question. “Why, what?” she asked.

  “Why didn't you tell me Joseph was here?” he demanded, but not in an angry tone. Hurt was obvious in each word.

  Tears started to cloud her eyes. She never meant to hurt Dylan, she only wanted to avoid the tension she knew would result if he knew Joseph was here. With a wavy voice, she tried to answer, “I just felt you didn't need to know. I don't know, Dylan, I mean ever since we got back from England...any time his name was mentioned...well, you got all tense, like you are now...only I didn't know why...(she paused and wiped the tears running down her cheeks with the palms)...but...(she sniffled)...but if we didn't talk about it, it would go away, and then he just showed up one night at the same restaurant I was at...and, well, I didn't know how to tell you...”

  Dylan got up and walked over to sliding door. He stood there looking at the water for a very long time. Finally, he said, “I think I'm ready to go home.”

  Aimee flew into the bathroom and slammed the door. The tears poured from her eyes. She sat on the edge of the tub and sobbed until no more tears would flow. When she came out of the bathroom the suitcases were gone, and Dylan was too. She grabbed the things in the bathroom, her backpack, found her keys, and looked around the room. She had so wanted this weekend to be the best they had ever had together. The tears started flowing again as she walked out.

  Chapter 11 Seeking Others

  The drive back to Eugene was excruciating. Aimee wanted to talk. About anything. Or nothing. She hated the silence. Only Dylan wasn't going to comply. For a very short while he stared out his side window, looking at anything. Or nothing. Then before long, he reclined his seat and drifted into sleep, or perhaps he was faking to avoid any interaction with Aimee at all. Not a word was exchanged between the two of them the entire trip back. Aimee felt numb, worse than she had ever experienced before. She wanted to cry, but she had cried herself out at the hotel. So, she drove in silence, processing everything that had happened back in Oceanside, and praying that when Dylan woke up he would have forgiven her, and everything would be back to the way it was before they ran into Joseph.

  When Aimee pulled into the parking lot at the dorm, Dylan abruptly sat up, rubbed his eyes, looked around, then pulled his seat back into upright. Aimee smiled at him when he looked her way, but there wasn't a reciprocated greeting. He was still upset.

  “Dylan, please...” she started as she reached over and touched Dylan's arm.

  “Look, Aimee,” he interrupted, “I don't wanna talk about it right now. Okay? I'm really pissed at you. I need some time to think about I don't know. I'll call you tomorrow.” He didn't say another word, just got out of the car and grabbed his bag from the back seat, then walked away.

  Aimee watched him until he disappeared into the building. She prayed he would suddenly change his mind and come running back to the car to tell her he couldn't wait until tomorrow, that she was wrong for not telling him, but that it was okay. He understood. He didn't like Joseph, but he trusted Aimee, and he knew she would never do anything to slight their relationship. Not once did he look back. The tears returned, and she cried the whole way home.

  Aimee busted through the door and tore to her room. She didn't want to see anyone, or have to explain anything. James was sleeping in their first weekend out of school, but Sacha was up and on the couch watching TV. “Aimee, what's wrong?” Sacha called after her as she dropped the remote on the couch, then raced after her.

  Aimee didn't stop. She slammed the door and locked it. Within a few seconds, James came out of his room, looked at Sacha, who was knocking on Aimee's door, and demanded, “Whatthahell is going on?”

  Sacha replied, in between the knocking and begging Aimee to open up, “I don't know. She just ran through crying and locked herself in her room.”

  James shook his head, then went back into his room and closed the door. He had a feeling he better keep out of it, whatever it was, and let Sacha handle it.

  Sacha continued to talk through the wooden barrier, “Aimee, pleaaase, open up and let me in. I know you're upset about something. Don't shut me out. Let's talk. I wanna help.”

  Sacha didn't give up. She quit knocking, but she didn't leave her spot. Finally, after an eternity, the door opened. Sacha cautiously stepped into the room and looked at her sister-in-law to be. Aimee's face was puffy and whiter than usual. Her eyes were bright red, her cheeks were wet. Sacha instantly wrapped her arms around Aimee and just hugged her. Aimee's tears continued. Finally, Sacha released the hug and grabbed a couple of tissues off the bedside table. She handed them to Aimee and said, “Wanna tell me why you're so down and out, especially since you were supposed to be having a birthday celebration this weekend?”

  Aimee whipped a couple more tissues out of the box, swiped at her face, then blew her nose before she answered, “I screwed up...big time...” She stopped, sniffled, wiped her nose again, then continued, “...and I think...uh, oh gosh...” Again she paused, tried to catch her breath, then attempted to finish, “...I think Dylan's gonna break up with me.”

  Sacha's face changed instantly. She looked shock. She grabbed Aimee's arm and led her to the bed and they sat down. “Whatthahell happened?” she asked.

  Aimee wiped her eyes, blew her nose, then answered, “I didn't tell him Joseph was here in Eugene...”

  Sacha loudly interrupted,“What!? The same Joseph who saved your life last summer in Engla

  Aimee nodded.

  Sacha continued her questioning, “Aimee, what is he doing here?”

  “He's doing research on the coast for UC...and...he's, uh, he's teaching, too, while he's here.”

  “And?” Sacha inquired.

  “And? What do you mean?” Aimee asked confused.

  Sacha restated her question, “Well, why would Dylan get upset because the man who saved you is here in Eugene? That doesn't make sense, unless...” she stopped suddenly, and looked into Aimee's face. Aimee stared back.

  Aimee snapped after a quick second when she realized what Sacha was thinking. “, no, no, no, nothing has, or will ever happen between Joseph and me. Why would Dylan think that?”

  Sacha placed her hand gently on Aimee's arm. “Aimee,” she began, “I don't think you realize how incredibly beautiful you are. I've seen guys checking you out.”

  “What!?” Aimee replied.

  “Yeah...” Sacha continued, “...and I know just how much Dylan loves you. I bet he thinks Joseph is here because of you, and he...well maybe he thinks something is going on between you and Joseph because you knew he was here, and you didn't say anything. So, did something happen at Oceanside?”

  “Yeah,” Aimee said, “we ran into Joseph at the hotel.”

  “Omigod,” Sach whispered.

  “Yeah, omigod,” Aimee repeated. “Dylan didn't act mad at first. He was terribly hurt...hurt that I knew Joseph was here, and I didn't say a word, but I only kept it from him because I knew he would act just like this. By the time we got home, the hurt turned to anger.”

  “Aimee, he's like any red-blooded male. Don't you see? Dylan's crazy jealous, and...”

  “But he has nothing to be jealous about,” Aimee said with pain in her voice.

  Sacha advised, “Well, then let him know that he has nothing to worry about. And that you're sorry, but he needs to trust you. That's just as important as the love you share.”


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