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The Weird Travels of Aimee Schmidt: Seeking Others

Page 36

by J. A. Schreckenbach

  Aimee immediately pulled herself up onto her hands and knees, got her bearings, then crawled to Joseph. “I need to get you to a doctor!” she exclaimed.

  Joseph propped up on one hand and put up one finger with the free hand. In between coughing and gasping for air, he blurted out, “No! Water! Get me some water!”

  Aimee tore to the back door of the restaurant and started banging on it. Within a few seconds, one of the cooks pitched it open and looked at Aimee with big eyes. “Whatthahell!?” he exclaimed.

  “I need some water!” screamed Aimee. The young man looked at Joseph choking, then Aimee, and wheeled around and disappeared into the kitchen. Within a few seconds he was back with a large glass of water and a wet towel.

  “Here!” he said as he handed the items to Aimee, then followed her out. Soon a server appeared in the doorway to watch the action.

  Aimee handed the water to Joseph, who gulped down the contents instantly. He handed the glass back to Aimee. “More,” he commanded in between coughs. Aimee handed the glass back to the cook, who flew back inside and returned in a flash. Joseph drank about half the glass, wiped his hand across his mouth, and rolled over to his hands and knees. His choking slowed to an occasional spurt. After a long moment, he started to get up. The young man and Aimee both jumped in to help him to his feet.

  “Are you okay?” Aimee asked anxiously.

  Joseph nodded.

  The young man stated, “Man, you need to get to a doctor.”

  Joseph shook his head. “No,” he managed in between a couple intermittent coughs.

  Aimee tried to hand Joseph the remaining water. He shook his head. “I'm good,” he said.

  Aimee sucked down the remaining water and handed the glass and wet towel back to the cook.

  “Thank you so much,” she said.

  “You sure you're okay, dude?” he asked Joseph.

  Joseph nodded.

  “Here,” the young man said as he handed the wet towel back to Aimee. “You might need this.”

  “Thank you,” Aimee replied graciously, then turned her attention to Joseph. “Let's get you to the truck.” She placed her hand tenderly on his back, then smiled at him as they began to walk towards the parking lot. She grabbed her backpack lying near the truck. After they got to the truck, Aimee flipped down the tailgate and Joseph scooted onto it.

  She held out her hand and said, “Keys, please.”

  Joseph dug into his front pocket, then he placed the keys into her hand. Aimee quickly unlocked the truck to grab Joseph's water bottle. “Here, drink,” she ordered. Joseph took the bottle and sucked down a long swig of water, then placed the bottle on the tailgate. He wiped his arm across his mouth and replied, “Thank you.”

  Aimee smiled, then began to wipe Joseph's face with the wet towel to remove the soot. Surprised, Joseph flinched. “Keep still,” Aimee muttered, and continued to wipe the black from his face. He peered into Aimee's eyes while she gently scrubbed. She glanced at him once, and his eyes captured hers immediately. She paused for a few seconds as they connected. In a fleeting moment Aimee forgot everything around her. Every problem vanished, and she felt one with the man who sat in front of her...and it terrified her!

  Joseph reached up and snatched the towel from her. “Here,” he said as he returned the favor and gently wiped the few spots on Aimee's face. She let him as she gazed into his magnetic, blue eyes.

  “There now. We're even,” he said. “You okay?”

  Aimee nodded, struggling to keep in control of her emotions. “I...uh, I'm good,” she answered quietly.

  Joseph touched her chin and lifted her face up and smiled. “Thank you for being there for me,” he said. “I couldn't have saved both of them without you, and, I might not have gotten out without your help. See, that's why they want us together.”

  Looking away, Aimee silently mulled what he said. In her mind she knew he was right, that together they could do more for others. But, in her heart, she felt differently. The was no way possible she could continue to travel with Joseph and remain true to Dylan. She feared the more she was with this man, the more her heart would be tempted to wander, and she had never thought of herself being with anyone but Dylan. And that was what scared her the most.

  “You're right. I see why they brought us together, but...” she paused and looked down at her running shoe scuffing the pavement on its own accord, “...but...well...I can't, I don't know how we can continue to do this without being a couple, like your parents, and with me still continuing my relationship with Dylan.” There, she thought, I said it. The fear of losing Dylan weighed deeply in her heart.

  “Well,” Joseph said, “perhaps you need to think long and hard about this gift you were given. You know, they give it to you. And they can take it away, only you don't get to decide that, unless, I guess, you choose a rather beastly way out.”

  Aimee looked up suddenly at Joseph. That thought had never occurred to her. True, she had often prayed for death when she was in the tortuous tunnel, but she had never entertained the idea of opting out of life by her own hand to rid herself of the burden of the gift. “God, no,” Aimee stated firmly, “that's not an option. I mean, I imagine it would be so much easier if we didn't have to keep this such a secret, or worry about not returning hurt, or...” she stopped, took a deep breath, then continued, “...or not returning at all.” She closed her eyes and shuttered.

  “But...” Joseph started.

  Aimee cut in, “But, still, I want to live my life as normal as I can. And if I can't, then I think I might give up and begin to think of the alternative.”

  Solemnly, Joseph looked into her face. He took a long breath. “Very well, then, I guess we'll just have to figure out how we'll make this happen, because I don't think we have a choice. We are going to continue to be sent, and it seems they want us to go together.”

  “Perhaps,” Aimee replied, then she tossed the towel into the bed of the truck. She didn't want to discuss this any more. “Are you good to go?” she asked.

  “I think so,” Joseph said as he extended his hand.

  Aimee looked at his empty hand, and said nothing.

  “Keys, please,” he said.

  She shook her head adamantly. “Nope,” she firmly replied. “I'm driving. You still don't look completely settled.” Joseph shrugged, then slowly slid off the tailgate and walked to the passenger side.

  “No accidents, please,” he directed with a weak smile. “UC leases this truck.”

  Aimee answered, “Sure thing.”

  The journey exhausted them both. Joseph immediately fell into slumber, while Aimee fought to stay awake the long trip back to Eugene. At last, she pulled into the parking spot next to her Camry and shifted the truck into Park. Joseph abruptly awoke and looked around.

  “Hi,” greeted Aimee.

  Joseph yawned, rubbed his eyes, and pulled his seat upright. “Hiya,” he replied. “What time is it?”

  “Nine o'clock,” she said. “You slept the whole way.”

  “I'm sorry,” he hastily apologized. “I should have stayed awake and chatted with you. You okay?”

  “Yes, I'm fine,” Aimee replied. “Exhausted, but I'm okay. I'm gonna head home and take a long shower, then go to bed. I have to be at work tomorrow at noon.”

  “Bugger,” Joseph stated. “I should have negotiated tomorrow off, too.”

  “Yeah, that would have been nice.”

  There was a long, awkward silence, like on a first date when the couple finally arrives back at the girl's place at the end of the night, only this wasn't a date. “So,” Joseph started, “where do you go from here?”

  Aimee shrugged, then looked out her side window at a couple walking by engrossed in their own conversation. “I don't know,” she commented. “I mean, I know the reality of it all. Traveling would be so much easier, less complicated, if we could do it together. But, I don't know what's next. I haven't decided what to do.” She looked at Joseph who intently listened to her, hoping t
o hear her say she had considered what they wanted. But she wasn't anywhere near there yet.

  “Well,” he began as he undid his seatbelt, “I'm sure once you sleep on it, you'll know what you need to do.” He smiled at her, his eyes working their magic.

  Damn, Aimee thought. She closed her eyes, then took a long breath and smiled at him after she opened her eyes. “Thank you for an amazing and interesting day. It definitely wasn't relaxing, but I terribly needed to get away from my own craziness.”

  Joseph laughed. “And battling a great inferno wasn't crazy?”

  “Yes, but I only have to live in that time for a fraction of a moment, and then it's over.”

  Joseph nodded. “Yes, right. You are right.”

  Aimee looked over at Joseph. “Well, thanks again for taking me. I really enjoyed going.”

  Suddenly, without a warning, he leaned over and planted a fast, but tender kiss on the Aimee’s lips before she could deflect from his gesture. “Thank you for going today,” he said, his hypnotic eyes pulling her in.

  Aimee stared deep into his eyes unable to break the spell. She was in shock. She could only nod and hand him his keys. Hurriedly, she got out of the truck and grabbed her backpack from behind the seat. She found her keys, unlocked the door, and Joseph opened it while she got in.

  He said, “Good night.”

  “Good night,” she answered looking at him for only a second. He slammed the door, then watched her pull out and drive away.

  Chapter 19 Enough

  Aimee didn't text or call Dylan when she returned home that evening. The next morning, bright and early, Aimee heard a text hit her phone and she immediately awoke. The cell phone read 8:37 am. She wiped the sleep out of her eyes, then opened the text from Dylan.

  Good morning...I hope you've had a good weekend thinking about us and ready to come when you get always dylan

  She rolled back onto the airbed and stretched, still stiff and tired from the journey the day before. At least the night had afforded her peace. No dreams. Nothing but empty sleep. But now awake, her thoughts and feelings suddenly felt even more muddled, like everything made even less sense than it did before her day with Joseph. The day with him had given her solace about one of the biggest burdens in her life. She had a companion, just like her, a time traveler. And she knew that she would be safer with Joseph on their missions, than without him. Still, being together would be impossible if she wanted any hope of mending her heart and relationship with Dylan. Aimee sighed deeply, feeling more conflicted now than before. After a few minutes, with the phone still in her hand, she started scrolling through the countless pictures of her and Dylan. The ache in her heart swelled, and she knew what she needed to do. Quickly, she sat up on the side of the bed and typed out a message.

  I need more time

  She hit Send, then laid back on the bed and waited. In less than a minute, a return text from Dylan arrived.

  Please sweetheart...let me come over or come here so we can talk together...I love you, all my heart

  Aimee felt the tears forming. She turned to her side and stared at the picture of her and Dylan she snapped that morning on the beach at Oceanside, the day that everything good in her life started to spiral out of control. After a few minutes, still ripped by the stress of the previous day, she drifted back into sleep. But this time, it wasn't dreamless. …

  ...“Dylan,” Aimee began, but stopped. Tears clouded her vision, and she sniffled to keep the moisture in her nose from leaking out onto her upper lip. She was overcome by the moment they had shared. She couldn't keep it from him any longer.

  They were in bed, having just enjoyed the intimacy of making love. Facing each other, their bodies still attached, Dylan looked passionately into her eyes. He tenderly raked the hair out of face and placed it over her shoulder, then answered softly, “Yes?”

  “I..uh...” she paused, gathered in a long breath, then whispered, “I have something I need to tell you.”

  “Okay, I'm listening,” he said while he traced his finger over her shoulder, then down her arm.

  “Promise me you won't be mad,” she seriously requested.

  His hand stopped on her hip. “I couldn't ever be mad at you,” he assured her.

  She took another deep breath, trying to settle the sick feeling in the pit of her stomach, only she couldn't begin.

  “Well,” he began staring intensely in her eyes, “what big secret do you have to tell me?”

  After another big breath, she spit out, “I'm pregnant.”...

  ...The dream sharply ended, and Aimee came out of her slumber gasping for air and coughing. She quickly sat up on the side of the bed, her arms tight across her stomach as she rocked trying to force the awful feeling away. Her stomach was queasy. In less than five seconds, she tore out of the room, almost knocking down James, racing for the bathroom. After vomiting up whatever was left from her dinner with Joseph, she sat down on the bathmat and wiped her face with a wet washcloth. The queasy feeling had turned into pain.

  “Hey,” Sacha knocked and hollered through the closed door, “are you all right?”

  Breathing made the pain worse, but she managed to get out in between coughing fits, “No, I'm sick.”

  “Can I get you anything?” she asked.

  Aimee couldn't answer right away. Another wave of nausea was emerging, and before she could move, she brought up more vomit all over the bathroom floor. Sacha heard her and opened the door to peek in.

  “Omigod!” she exclaimed, then quickly shut the door and hollered at James. “She's sick as a dog!”

  In a few seconds, James knocked on the door and yelled through it, “You through?”

  Aimee couldn't move. She thought she was going to die her stomach hurt so bad. After a few seconds she got up, stepped over the puke, turned on the faucet, rinsed out her mouth, then drank from the running stream. She cupped the water into her hands and splashed her face. For the moment, the wave of nausea had passed so she opened the door. James and Sacha stood waiting in the hallway. Both looked at Aimee, then the vomit on the floor.

  Sacha instantly held her nose and ran to the kitchen to get the mop. “Why don't you go back to bed,” Sacha directed, then she stepped around Aimee and immediately started to clean up the mess.

  “I'll get that,” Aimee replied, but she couldn't stay upright. Barely able to make it back to her room, she managed to get to the bed and dropped onto the top.

  James followed her. “Can I get you anything?” he asked with brotherly concern.

  “No, but you can take my phone and call Jeff. Tell him I'm sick and can't come in.”

  “Sure,” he said as he grabbed the phone off the bed, scrolled through her contacts and found Jeff's number. Aimee listened to James talk to Jeff. “Done,” he announced as he ended the call and tossed her phone back on the bed.

  “Thanks,” Aimee mumbled. In a few minutes she was back in the bathroom, this time managing to hit the toilet. This went on most of the day as Aimee slept, then awoke and bolted to the bathroom barely in time. Finally around three she made her last trip to the bathroom, then she slept a fitful couple of hours.

  Sacha tiptoed into the room and set a cool glass of ginger ale on Aimee's makeshift side table. Before she could slip out Aimee awoke.

  Weakly Aimee whispered, “Thanks.”

  “Hey, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to wake you.”

  “That's okay,” she got out before she started to cough. Sacha sat down on the bed and handed Aimee her drink when she finally quit coughing.

  “Man, you have been really sick. What did you eat yesterday?”

  “Just a salad at some restaurant on the coast.”

  “The coast?”

  “Yeah, I had a rare day off from work so I drove to the coast to clear my head. I always find peace on the water.”

  “Oh,” Sacha responded. “Well, whatever you ate, it had a lot of black flecks in it and the bathroom stunk with a weird smell of smoke, more like a
chemical, not vomit.”

  Aimee coughed a few times before she could answer. “Not sure what that's about, but I was pretty sick. Still don't feel great.”

  “Just stay in bed. Do you feel like some soup or crackers?”

  “Thanks, but I think I'll stick to the ginger ale.” Aimee attempted a limp smile. “Thanks, Sacha, for taking care of me. Sorry about the bathroom.”

  Sacha replied, “No problem. That's what family do for one another.”

  Sacha left and Aimee took a long sip of the cool drink. It felt good going down her parched throat. The cough seemed to have suddenly developed during the night. She wondered if her journey the day before had anything to do with her being sick, and if Joseph got sick, too. No use worrying about that, she thought. I don't plan on knowing how to contact him, or him me, so I don't have to worry about him calling me, or even knowing how to get in touch with me, other than the store. She laid back on her pillows and looked at her phone. She had two texts from Dylan waiting for an invitation to come over to talk. Too weak to even text, she laid there staring at the ceiling, the phone loosely in her palm. But within a few minutes, she heard a knock at the door. Then she heard his voice. Instantly her heart was in her throat. James had asked him not to come over. Apparently, he decided he had enough of listening to James. She flipped over towards the door, trying to listen to what he and Sacha were discussing.

  “I was worried,” Dylan stated. “We were supposed to get together to talk and try to work things out, but I haven't had a text or a call all day. I see her car is here. She didn't go to work?”

  Sacha answered, “No, she woke up really sick with a stomach bug. She's been in and out of the bathroom all day.”

  “Damn, is she okay now?” he asked concerned.

  “A bit better, but still pretty weak.”

  “Can I see her?”

  “I don't think that's a good idea. Besides, she's back asleep.”


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