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Legend (A Wolf Lake Novella)

Page 5

by Jennifer Kohout

  The pack was remote, cut off from the world but they weren't completely isolated. Sam had noticed books, magazines and music players. Their clothes were obviously store bought and there had been several different kinds of cookware. She was just about to ask about it when they arrived at the stream.

  "I could kiss that man," Sam muttered, some of her earlier anger with Nafarius dimming in light of the crystal clear stream. Eager to wash off the events of the past twelve hours, Sam toed off her shoes and peeled out of her jeans.

  "I brought soap and shampoo," Maddie said, handing Sam a bottle of both.

  "I could kiss you," Sam said.

  Maddie laughed. She liked Sam. She was smart and funny and despite what the rest of the pack thought, Maddie didn't think Sam would do anything to hurt them.

  Sam looked down at her dirty clothes. "I should have walked into the water with these on. Ugh..." taking a whiff, she realized that her clothes were seriously ripe. A person wouldn't need to be a werewolf to track her in these.

  Maddie held up the dress. "If you don't mind wearing one of these, I can wash your clothes and get them back to you later," she offered.

  Sam eyed the sun dress warily. Maddie was at least four inches shorter and two dress sizes smaller. There was no way Sam's curves would fit into one of the young woman's dresses. "One of yours?"

  Maddie shook her head. "It doesn't really belong to anyone." Clothes were somewhat communal. Nafarius saw to it that they had what they needed and people were able to pick and chose. But there were always extras laying around.

  Sam shook out the dress and held it up. It was a simple sun dress. Dark blue, it came to her calves and was made of soft material. "Thanks." Dropping the rest of her things, Sam walked to the water's edge. Testing the temperature with her toe, she shivered. "Damn, that's cold."

  "Just jump in," Maddie suggested helpfully. "It's easier that way."

  "I notice you're not getting in," Sam said and slipped into the water. Quickly, she dunked her head. Already she felt better, dried sweat and dirt washing away in the stream's gentle current.

  "I don't need a bath." Maddie climbed up onto a large boulder that jutted out into the stream, creating the pool that Sam was bathing in. The day was growing warm and she was content to sit and watch.

  Sam realized she was adjusting to the cold and let herself enjoy a few minutes of being clean and free. The stream was beautiful, sunlight glittering on the water while birds and bugs chirped near by. Looking up, she saw Maddie watching her. Curious, noting that they were alone, she swam over to rest her arms on the boulder. "Would you shift for me?"

  Maddie smiled, she wondered when Sam would get back around to asking. "Sure," she said, standing, she slipped out of her dress.

  "Wait!" Sam reached out and lightly touched Maddie on the foot. "Does it hurt? I don't want you to do it if it's painful." She had vague memories of Roland changing, of the rearranging that took place. Most of that night was a blur of fear and panic but that...that had stood out.

  Maddie was touched by her concern. "It's...uncomfortable," she hedged. "But it's worth it," she added, thinking of the freedom that came with the ability to run.

  Sam nodded. Withdrawing her hand, she stood quietly watching as Maddie dropped to her hands and knees and started to shift.

  Half way through she regretted having asked. Maddie was clearly in pain, her muscles growing and changing, bones rearranging themselves. Her skin rippled, the flesh loosening to accommodate her expanding girth. Until finally, her body bowed as fur sprouted in a burst of color.

  "" Sam stared at the small wolf that had replaced the young woman. Like her human form, she was petite, dainty with thick, blonde fur and gold eyes. "You're beautiful."

  Maddie dropped to her belly and army crawled towards the edge of the boulder. Slowly, she touched her nose to Sam's hand, inviting her to touch.

  Sam didn't hesitate. Reaching up, she buried her hands into the thick fur of Maddie's neck. "It's not as soft as it looks," Sam said, addressing her comment to Maddie. "Not like a dog's fur either."

  Maddie tipped her head, pressing it into Sam's hand.

  "Your nose is cold!" Sam couldn't help it, she laughed. "No licking!"

  Maddie gave a short woof of amusement. Pointedly, she looked at Sam before glancing back towards the den.

  "Time to get back?" Sam sighed. The water felt good, despite the temperature and she wasn't looking forward to going back to the anger and tension that waited. Knowing there was no avoiding it, she made her way to the bank of the stream. Quickly, she dried off before slipping the dress over her head. Gathering her dirty clothes as well as the soap and shampoo, she walked to where Maddie waited.

  * * *

  Nafarius caught sight of Maddie as she trotted into the clearing. Turning, he scanned the woods, his eyes searching until he spotted Sam. The sight of her hit him square in the chest. Covered in dirt, she was beautiful. Clean, she was staggering. Thick, black hair fell in waves down her back while the blue dress did nothing to hide her full breasts, narrow waist or her lush thighs. Watching as she strolled towards him, her hips rolling in that way that only women knew how to do, she stunned him.

  Sam felt Nafarius' eyes on her. Male appreciation warmed her as he swept her from head to toe. Walking towards him, she thought about his offer of protection and the bath. "Thank you," she said. "I feel human again," she added with a smile.

  Nafarius' laugh followed her into the pack's den.

  * * *

  Sam circled the alcove for the thirteenth time. She knew, because she'd been counting. She also knew that the alcove was thirty-six steps around and twelve steps across. She figured that at the rate she was going, she'd be climbing the walls by midnight and would know how many steps high it was as well.

  God, she was bored. Mind numbing, painfully bored. She'd never been one to just sit. She didn't sunbathe, relax at the beach or hang out by the pool. Idleness felt like a waste of time and time was short.

  She'd returned to the alcove after her bath, Maddie shifting again to keep her company. The shift, Sam had noted, wasn't any easier in reverse. They'd spent part of the afternoon talking, Maddie sharing secrets of her life in the pack, things Sam never would have found in books. Eventually, Maddie had been called away to tend to her evening chores, leaving Sam alone. No one guarded her door, but no one came by to see her either. Honestly, Sam was almost ready to chose death over this.

  Restless to the point of desperation, Sam stuck her head out of the alcove. She decided to take it as a good sign when no one (Roland) yelled at her. Looking left, then right, she felt her courage falter. Quickly pulling her head back in before someone saw, Sam looked around the alcove. I can't stay here, she thought. There was nothing to do, no books to read, no TV to watch. Hell, there weren't even any cracks in the ceiling for her to count. The place was empty and if she had to stay there another moment, she was likely to go bat-shit crazy.

  Sticking her head back out, Sam told herself to suck it up and go find Nafarius, or Maddie. Even Roland was a better option than this.

  Maddie had explained that the pack's den was actually a series of caves, alcoves and catacombs all within the mountain. Individuals, couples and entire families had private sleeping quarters but most of them took their meals together at the den's entrance. The alcove where Sam was staying was on the other side of the pack's private area. A random carveout in the mountain, it was rarely used for anything more than storage...and housing human prisoners.

  Turning the corner, Sam stopped and felt her heart hammer hard against her ribs. She'd been drawn by the low murmur of voices, the welcoming sound of friends and family spending an evening together. Only all conversation had stopped, all eyes in the room turning to stare. She searched the sea of faces looking for a friendly smile, for some indication that she was welcome.

  "What are you doing out here?" Nafarius stepped between Sam and the rest of the pack, his body effectively blocking her view.

; "I thought maybe I could help." Sam looked up at him, silently pleading with him to understand. "I can't stay in there another minute."

  "You don't belong out here." Nafarius said, he could feel the pack's displeasure, most of which centered at the spot between his shoulder blades.

  "So everyone keeps telling me, but I'm here and unless you plan to let me go..." Sam left the rest unsaid. It wasn't like she had an effective alternative or made a very believable threat and they both knew it.

  Nafarius stared down into her face, saw the stubborn set of her shoulders. It had taken a lot of courage to walk out here knowing she wasn't welcome and ask to be included. "Fine, but you sit and be quiet." Sam nodded quickly before he could change his mind. Grabbing her by the hand, Nafarius led her to where he'd been sitting talking with Roland. "Sit," he said, pointing to a pile of thick pillows.

  "I'm not a dog," Sam grumbled, as she took a seat.

  Roland's lip curled, a low growl indicating his displeasure.

  "Give it a rest, Cujo," Sam snapped.

  "This is you being quiet?" Nafarius asked Sam, a look of warning cutting off Roland's response.

  Sam glared but snapped her mouth shut. Around them, conversation slowly returned, though not as carefree as before. She felt bad for having interrupted but would rather deal with the guilt than the loneliness.

  Settling in, she listened as Nafarius and Roland reviewed the day's events. Apparently, they had spent most of it inspecting the edge of their territory looking for signs of trespassers. She gathered from their thinly veiled comments that they were looking for both human and werwolf alike. There are other werewolves? She thought, but kept that question to herself.

  It didn't take long before listening to their conversation grew boring. Turning her attention, Sam studied the group around her. Was there any way to tell a werewolf from a human? she wondered. Everyone around her appeared so...normal. It was hard to believe that they could go all furry. Though, that one over there, Sam thought, with the hair growing out of his ears...

  Across the room, Maddie worked with several other women to prepare the evening meal. It was obvious to Sam that Maddie was the only one working, while the rest of the women stood around gossiping. Because she was watching, Sam was the first to see it happen, witnessing the moment as it unfolded.

  Maddie started to turn, two plates of food piled high. At the same time another woman, a tall leggy brunette that seemed to be at the center of attention, took a step back. The two women collided, the plates flipping end over end, crashing to the floor and spraying food everywhere.

  "You clumsy bitch!" Rose brushed food from the front of her dress. "Watch where you're going!"

  Maddie immediately dropped to her knees, scrambling to pick up the broken plates and ruined food. "Sorry, Rose. I didn't see you there."

  "Get me something to wipe this mess off."

  "Just a minute. I want to pick up these pieces before anyone steps..." Maddie never saw it coming. One minute she was kneeling on the floor, the next she was knocked up against the wall, ears ringing and her face on fire from where Rose had struck her.

  Sam jumped to her feet, but a vice grip on her wrist pulled her back down onto her ass. Turning, she saw Nafarius watching her.

  "No." Nafarius didn't turn to the confrontation taking place across the room. He already knew how that one would play out. He was focused on Sam. He had seen the way she reacted and knew any interference from her would be fatal. "It's none of your business."

  Sam glared. "Maddie is the closest thing I have to a friend here. That makes it my business."

  "It's pack business," Roland said, not unkind. "Maddie knows how to handle Rose."

  Sam turned to see that Maddie had managed to appease Rose and was working on cleaning up the mess. A gentle squeeze brought her attention back around, Nafarius releasing her wrist. Sam nodded at him, a silent promise to sit quietly. Around her, the pack worked through the meal, few of them having noticed the altercation. A few minutes later, Maddie came by and handed her a plate, smiling when Sam lightly touched her arm.

  A little while later, the pack broke for the evening, families retiring to their personal spaces while Nafarius walked her to her alcove. Sam felt lighter, a little less alone after her evening with the pack. No one had spoken to her, but a few of them had come by to speak with Nafarius, one or two of them offering her a small smile. Returning to her alcove, she was surprised to find new bedding, several soft pillows and a pile of magazines. There were even a few of her personal items someone had salvaged including a small camp light. It wasn't exactly the Sorrento Hotel, but it went a long way towards making the alcove more comfortable.

  * * *

  The next morning, Maddie came by to collect her, pointedly ignoring Sam's questions regarding Rose. Together, the two women went to work cleaning out the alcove. After that, Sam followed Maddie as she made her way through the day. She tried to pitch in, to help with the young woman's duties, but her offers were gently but firmly rebuffed.

  It didn't take long for Sam to fall into a routine. Her days were spent with Maddie, the two talking and sharing stories. Her evenings were spent with Nafarius and Roland, listening as they discussed pack business and plans for the next several days. At night, she returned to her alcove and tried not to think about the future. She, along with everyone else, knew this couldn't last. The forced peace between her and the rest of the pack would break eventually.

  Surprisingly, it all came to a head over vegetables.

  "Is this a weed?" Sam asked, pointing to a small cluster of green.

  Maddie looked over Sam's shoulder. "Potato."

  "Oh," Sam left it, and several other similar ones, alone. "What about this?"

  Maddie pulled a bundle of carrots out of the ground, shaking off loose dirt before tossing it into her basket. "Weed."

  Sam went to work pulling the offending growth out of the pack's garden. Beside her, Maddie was busy pulling a variety of root vegetables that would be used in the evening meal. "How many gardens are there?"

  Maddie moved over a row, checked the tomatoes. "Hmmm...maybe a dozen or so. But there's a ton of stuff that grows wild, like the mushrooms. We don't bother planting those, just pick them when we need them."

  "What about fruit? I would kill for a nice, juicy orange." Most of the meals she'd eaten had been of the meat and potatoes variety but there had also been fresh baked bread, apples and cheese.

  Maddie smiled. Sam had a running list of all the things she would kill for. Coffee and pie topped the list. "We eat a lot of berries and there are a few apple trees nearby. Nafarius will bring fruit back with him whenever he comes back from town."

  "He goes into town?" Sam asked, surprised.

  "Hmmm..." Maddie said, her attention focused on a stubborn weed Sam had missed. "Once or twice a year for supplies."

  "Oh," Sam frowned, wondering if this bit of information helped her cause. Nafarius was still unwilling to let her leave and refused to say when that might change.

  "I think that's enough," Maddie said, tossing a last onion into her basket.

  "Oh thank god," Sam groaned as she got to her feet, "I think I have a permanent knot in my back."

  "I told you that you didn't need to help," Maddie pulled one last weed, looking up at her new friend.

  "I feel like a freeloader," Sam said. "You do all the cooking, feeding me. Seems the least I can do." It felt weird, her place not quite a prisoner, but definitely not an invited guest.

  "Well, well, well...look who has been digging in the dirt," Rose stepped out of the trees, her two constant companions close on her heels. Sam knew better than to think that Rose was here to help. More likely than not, she was hoping to catch the eye of the men working nearby.

  Most of the pack's gardens were planted so they worked with the surrounding forest. But a nearby dead tree was threatening to fall, taking out a large part of the garden. Nafarius had ordered it taken down, and several men were stripping down to do the job.
  "What do you want, Rose?" Maddie asked.

  "Me? Nothing," she said, shouldering her way past Maddie, she knocked the basket out of Maddie's arms, vegetables rolling everywhere. "Fetch!" Rose said with a laugh, her two constant companions giggling in appreciation.

  Maddie was reaching for a potato, when she felt Sam's hand on her shoulder.

  "Pick it up." Sam ordered, staring at Rose.

  Rose's eyes narrowed dangerously. "Back off, human, before you get hurt."

  Sam stepped between Maddie and Rose. "Pick. It. Up."

  "Or what? You'll make me?" Rose laughed. "It seems Nafarius' little pet has grown claws."

  Across the way, Roland caught sight of the confrontation and moved to intercept. He may have little use for the human but she was still under Nafarius' protection.

  "Wait," Nafarius said.

  "What? Why?" If Rose harmed the human, Nafarius would be forced to put her down. Right or wrong, Rose was still pack and Sam was human.

  "I want to see something." Nafarius had come to know Sam a bit over the past few days.

  Sam's smile held little humor. "At least I'm not the pack's bitch in heat."

  Sam knew she'd hit a sore spot. Rose was one of those women that spent their lives trying to catch the right man. She walked around flashing flesh trying to tantalize the stronger males in the pack. Maddie had mentioned that there were several willing to take their ease with the female but none of them wanted to mate with her. "Lift your tail often enough and eventually someone will take you up on your offer," Sam taunted.

  "You bitch!" Rose lunged at the human, a low vicious snarl turning her face ugly.

  Sam braced for the strike, didn't bother trying to defend herself knowing that she didn't stand a chance against Rose's inhuman strength.


  Rose froze, Nafarius' roar echoing across the forest. Slowly, every line in her body screaming in reluctance, she stepped back. "This isn't over," she promised, before stalking off out of sight.

  "I told you, a human doesn't belong here." Roland reminded.


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