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The Secret Life of Trees

Page 50

by Colin Tudge

  medicines 6, 134, 170, 187, 222

  medullary rays 83

  meiosis 422

  Melaleuca 209

  Melia 222

  Meliaceae 221–3

  Melicocca 225

  melons 168

  mengkulang 215

  meranti 219

  meristem 422

  mersawa 219

  metabolism 422

  metals, in soils 265–6

  Metasequoia 105, 110–11, 282

  methyl salicyclate 205, 358

  Microberlinia 90, 185

  micronutrients 252, 422

  micro-propagation 270

  micro-satellites 335–6

  Milankovitch cycles 303

  Mimosa 186

  minerals 257–8, 422

  Minusops 232

  miro 39, 41, 119

  Misodendraceae 165,

  mistletoe 164, 256

  mitochondria 66, 67, 422

  mitosis 422

  Mitragyna ciliata 239

  molybdenum 252

  moncots 48, 422

  mongongo nuts 388

  monilophytes 74–5

  monkey ears 186

  monkey puzzle tree 41, 103

  monkey-bread tree 215

  monocots 128–9, 139–56, 422

  monocotyledon 422

  Monodora myristica 132

  monoecious 125, 422

  montane forests 278

  monterey pine 392

  moonseeds 160

  mopane tree 358

  Moraceae 191–4, 195

  Morus 191–2

  mosses 69–71

  mountain ash (Eucalyptus) 211

  mountain ash (Sorbus) 189

  mountain pine 119

  Mouriri 389

  muhuhu 246

  mulanje cedar 110

  mulberry 191–2

  multicellular organisms 68–9

  Musa 15, 24, 155

  Musaceae 155

  mutualism 422

  acacia-ant 182

  with Frankia 189–90, 259

  fig-wasp 331

  game theory 334–5, 336–8, 339–40

  mycelium 260, 422

  mycorrhizae 97, 182, 210, 260–61, 422

  Myoporaceae 242

  Myoporum 242

  Myrica 208

  Myricaceae 208

  Myristica 132

  Myristicaceae 132

  myrrh 220

  Myrsinaceae 232

  Myrtaceae 209

  Myrtales 208–13

  myrtle 209

  Myrtus 209

  Nageia 98

  nastic movements 266

  natural selection 52, 422–3

  naturalists 28–9, 47

  Nauclea 239

  needle palm 151

  neem 39, 187, 222–3, 354

  nematodes 339–40

  neolinnean classification see Linnean classification

  Nepal alder 203

  Nephelium 225

  Nerium 240

  Nesgordonia 214

  nettles 194

  New Caledonia 98, 101, 102, 118, 120, 129, 278, 287

  New Zealand 118–19, 133

  niches 423

  Nicobar breadfruit 145

  nipa palm 152

  nire 201

  nitrates 258

  nitric oxlde 272

  nitrogen 252, 257, 258

  nitrogen fixanon 180, 189–90, 202, 203, 206, 208, 258–60, 423

  noble fir 115

  Norfolk Island pine 41

  Norway spruce I 16

  Nothofagaceae 196, 201

  Nothofagus 107, 165, 200–202, 278, 290

  Nothotsuga 113

  Notocactus 163

  nucleic acid see DNA; RNA

  nucleus 66, 423

  nut 423

  nutmeg 132

  nyotah 232

  Nypa 152, 264

  Nyssa 230

  Nyssaceae 230

  oaks 196, 197–8

  British 39–40

  centre of origin 280, 409–10

  classification 409

  distribution 278

  leaf loss 351

  naming of 39–40

  tropisms 268

  oceanic islands 287

  ocelots 345

  Ochnaceae 179

  Ochroma 217–18

  Ocotea 133–4

  octoploidy 23

  odoko 178

  oil palms 146, 149

  okra 213

  Olacaceae 165

  Olea 86, 242, 243

  Oleaceae 242–3

  oleander 240

  olives 388, 391

  olivewood 243

  Onagraceae 209

  onions 143

  opepe 239

  Ophiostoma 191

  Opiliaceae 165

  Opuntia 163

  oranges 220

  orchids 125, 143

  orders 49, 58, 423

  organelles 66, 423

  organic compounds 252, 423

  organisms, origin of 65–6


  Apocynaceae 240

  apples 188–9

  Gardenia 238

  legumes 186

  Liquidambar 170

  palms 150–51

  Prunus 189

  Sapindaceae 225

  Orobanche 242

  osiers 177

  osmosis 255, 423

  Ostrya 202, 206

  Ostryopsis 202

  outcrossing 423

  ovary 123, 423

  ovule 123, 423

  Owen, Richard 49, 54

  Oxalidaceae 179

  Oxalidales 179

  Oxalis 179

  oxygen 65, 252, 263, 371, 410

  Pachycarpae 218

  padang 232

  pagoda tree 240

  palaeobotany 281–2, 424

  Palaquium 231, 232

  palm cabbage 148

  palm heart 144, 148

  Palmae 145–52

  palms 83–4, 142, 145–52

  palmyra 146, 149

  Pandanales 144–5

  Pandanus 144–5

  Pangaea 283–6

  paper birch 306

  papyrus 153

  Paracetoma 243

  paradise nuts 235–6

  parallel evolution 424

  parallel venation 424

  parana pine 41, 103

  Parasitaxusa 118


  of acacias 183

  of alders 203

  broomrapes 242

  and cold 300–301

  coniferous 118

  defences against 352

  definition 424

  mistletoes 164–5

  and plant evolution 350

  of rubber 174

  sandalwood 166

  and sex 300

  speed of adaption 360–61

  and tropical diversity 299–300

  Parkia 186, 328–9

  parlour palms 151

  pathogens 424

  pau marfin 220–21

  Payena 232

  peach palms 149

  peach 189

  pears 189

  pecans 207

  peepul 38–9, 192

  pelargoniums 168

  Peltogyne 185

  Pennington, Toby 289

  peonies 168

  pepper vines 128

  pepper 138

  Pére David 228

  Pereskia 163

  periwinkles 240

  Persea 133

  Persian walnut 207

  persimmons 230, 231

  petals 123

  petticoat palm 145, 151

  phenolics 356

  phenotype 424

  pheromones 272, 358, 424

  phloem 83, 146, 424

  Phoebe 133

  Phoenix 149

  phosphorus 252, 257, 261

  photoperiodism 274–5, 424

  photosynthesis 253–4, 256, 374, 410, 424

  phototropism 267, 268, 424

/>   Phyllocladaceae 100, 119–20

  Phyllocladus 119–20

  phyllodes 119, 120, 181, 424

  phylogeny 53, 59, 424–5

  phylum 58, 425

  physiology 425

  Phytelephas 149–150

  phytochrome 275, 410–11, 425

  Phytophthora 203

  Phytotrade Africa 393

  Picea 113, 116

  Picramnia 219

  Pieris 234

  pigments 267, 275, 356–8, 425

  Pimenta 209

  Pinaceae 100, 101, 112–17

  pine seeds 388

  pineapple 153

  pines 41–2, 99, 113–14

  Pinus 99, 113–4

  pioneer trees 86–7, 96–7, 113, 182, 194–5, 298

  Piper 138

  Piperaceae 135–8

  Piperales 135–8

  Piratinera 191

  Pistacia 223, 338

  pistachio 223, 338

  pitomba-de cerrado 389

  plane trees 22, 161, 226

  plantations 392–3

  Platanaceae 161

  Platanus 22, 161, 226

  Platycladus 110

  pleaching 205–6

  plum yew 104

  plum 189

  Plumeria 240–41

  pneumatophores 264–5

  Poaceae 153–5

  Poales 153–5

  Podocarpaceae 41, 100, 101, 117–19

  podocarps 113, 117–19

  Podocarpus 113, 117–19

  poisons 135, 226, 230, 234, 237

  pollarding 270

  pollen 76, 425

  of conifers 99

  of cycads 78

  fossil 281–2

  tricolpate 158

  pollen tube 123, 425

  pollination 425

  acacias 182–3

  avocado 133

  Betulaceae 202

  birches 205

  cycads 78

  figs 125, 329–37

  Lecythis 237

  oaks 197

  Sterculiaceae 214

  Polygonales 160

  polymorphism 15

  polyploidy 22–5, 203, 425

  pomegranate 209

  Pometia 225

  pondweeds 142

  poplars 178, 390, 392

  populations 425

  population, human 365, 387

  Populus 178, 390, 392

  port orford cedar 106

  Portulaceae 163

  potassium 252, 257

  potatoes 23

  Pouteria 231

  Prance, Ghillean 35–6, 326

  predators 350, 359–60, 425

  prickles 353

  pride of India 222

  Priestley, Joseph 173

  privet 242

  Proenca, Carolyn 389

  prokaryotes 65–6, 425

  Prosopis 186–7

  Protea 160

  Proteaceae 160

  Proteales 160–62

  proteins 252

  protozoa 57

  Prumnopitys 119

  Prunus 189

  Pseudolarix 113

  Pseudomyrmex 182

  Pseudotsuga 113, 117

  Pseudowintera 357

  Psidium 209

  Pterocarpus 185

  Pterocarya 208

  Pterygota 215

  Puca 389

  pumpkins 168

  Punica 209

  purgatives 135

  purple loosestrife 208

  purpleheart 185

  purslanes 163

  Pyracantha 189

  pyrethroids 354

  Pyrus 189

  Quassia 219

  queen palm 151

  Queensland maple 220

  Queensland walnut 133

  Quercus 39–40, 85, 196, 197–8, 409

  quickthorn 189

  quillworts 73

  quince 189

  quinine 174, 239

  r-strategy 18–19

  races 26

  radicle 426

  Raffia 150

  Rafflesia 324

  rain tree 186

  raisin tree 190

  ramara tree 409

  rambutan 225

  rank 426

  Ranunculales 160

  Raphidophyllum 151

  rasamala 170

  rattan 146, 150

  Rauvolfia 240

  Raven, Peter 79

  Ravenala 156

  Ray, John 47–8, 128

  Raymo, Maureen 302

  reaction wood 426

  red alder 203

  red gum 170

  red mangroves 176–7

  red maple 199

  red oak 197, 198

  red pine 41, 119

  red silk cotton tree 217

  red spruce 199

  redwoods 42, 298, 312–16

  reeds 153

  relicts 96

  reproduction strategies 18–19, 317–18, 329–37

  Reserva Florestal Adolfo Ducke 35–7, 406

  resins 170

  Retrophyllum minus 118

  rewarara 160

  Rhamnaceae 190

  Rhamnus 190

  Rhizobium 180, 189–190, 259, 260

  rhizome 426

  Rhizophora 176–7, 242, 264

  Rhizophoraceae 176–7

  rhizosphere 295

  Rhodesian teak 185

  Rhododendron 234

  rhubarb 160

  Rhus 223

  rhyniophytes 73

  ribonucleic acid see RNA

  rice 387

  Ricinus 172

  rimu 39, 41, 119

  riverine forests 278

  RNA 63, 252, 426

  Robinia 186

  Rollinia 131

  root hairs 148

  roots 254

  adventitious 140, 147, 270

  aerial 264

  buttress 88

  of monocots 140

  nodules 259–60

  of palms 147–8

  stilt 144, 147, 264

  Rosa 188, 189

  rose acacia 186

  rosa peroba 240

  Rosaceae 188–90, 359, 409

  Rosales 188–195

  roses 189

  rosids 158, 167–226

  Rosoideae 409

  rowans 189

  Royal Oak 1

  royal palm 147, 151

  Roystonea 147

  rubber 172–6

  Rubiaceae 238–9

  Rubus 188

  rue 220

  Ruscaceae 144

  Ruta 220

  Rutaceae 220–21

  Sabal 151

  sabina 107

  sacred trees 192–4, 240–41

  Salicaceae 177–8

  salicin 178

  salicyclic acid 178, 358

  Salix 24–5, 177–8, 278

  Samanea 186

  samaras 226

  Sambucus 228

  sandalwood 165–6, 183, 392, 393

  Santalaceae 165–6

  Santalales 164–6

  Santalum 165–6

  sap 426

  sap gum 170

  sapele 222

  Sapindaceae 224–5

  Sapindales 219–26

  Sapindus 225

  Sapium 172

  sapodilla 231

  saponons 355

  Sapotaceae 231–2, 265

  sapucaia nuts 235–6

  sapwood 84, 88–9, 426

  Sarraca 186

  Sassafras 133

  sassafras 133

  satinleaf 231

  satsumas 220

  sausage tree 243

  savannah 426

  Saxifragales 168–70

  saxifrages 168

  scented satinwood 179

  Scbefflera 228

  Schoepficaceae 165

  Sciadopiryaceae 100, 120

  Sciadopitys 120

  scientific names 49

  Scolytus 191

  Scorodocarpus 165

  Scotellia 178

/>   screw pines 144–5

  Scrophulariales 241

  sea-grasses 125, 142

  seasons, awareness of 274

  seaweeds 58

  Sebertia 265

  secondary cambium 85

  secondary centres of diversity 280–81

  secondary growth 83–4, 142, 144, 146, 426

  secondary metabolites 267, 352–9

  secondary thickening 83–4, 142, 144, 146

  sedges 153

  seed dispersal 342–9

  seed plants 75–80

  seeds 75–6, 78, 78–9, 149–50

  Selaginella 73

  self-fertilization 320

  sepals 122

  Sequoia 105, 110, 111

  Sequoiadendron 110, 111

  series 211

  sessile leaves 211

  sessile oak 197, 198

  Seville orange 220

  sexual reproduction 318–19

  shadbush 189

  shade trees 391

  shapes, of trees 89–90

  shea butter tree 231

  shellac 190

  she-oaks 206, 259, 260

  shisham 185

  Shorea 218

  short-day plants 275, 426

  shrubs 15, 426

  Sideroxylon 232

  silk oak 160, 233

  silver beech 201

  silver birch 205

  silver pine 119

  silver yellow pine 119

  Simaroubaceae 219

  sissoo 185

  sitka spruce 346–7, 356, 392, 393

  smoke bush 223

  snakewood 191

  snowberry 228

  sodium 252

  softwood 426

  soil 257–66

  Solanaceae 237–8

  Solanales 237–8

  Sophora 187

  Sorbus 189

  sour cherry 189

  soursop 131

  South America, origins of biota 288–9

  South American cedar 222

  southern beeches 107, 165, 200–202, 278, 290

  soya 389, 390

  Spanish moss 153

  Spathodea 40, 243

  speciation, in rainforests 296–301

  species 20–22, 27–30, 50, 52–3, 58, 426

  Speight, Martin 359, 360

  spermatophytes 74

  spice star anise 129

  spider-worts 143

  spikes 147

  spindle tree 171

  spines 353

  Spiraea 189

  spores 70, 74, 75, 426

  sporophytes 70, 76, 427

  Spruce, Richard 29

  spruces 113, 116

  spurges 172

  squashes 168

  St John’s wort 179

  stamens 123

  Stapelia 240

  star apple 231

  star fruit 179

  Sterculia 40–41, 214

  Sterculiaceae 213, 214–15

  stink wood 134

  stomatas 254, 255, 256

  stonecrops 168

  Storax 170

  strangler figs 192

  strawberry tree 234

  Strelitzia 155

  Strelitziaceae 155–6

  Striga 242

  strobilus 78, 427

  Stryax 170

  strychnine tree 166

  Strychnos 166

  subspecies 26, 427

  substrate 427

  succession 304, 427

  succulents 427

  suckers 427

  sugar maple 199, 200, 226

  sugarberry 191

  sugi 110

  sulphur 152, 257–8

  sumac 223

  sundews 160

  Swartzia 389

  sweet cherry 189

  sweet gums 170, 409

  sweetsop 131

  Swietenia 38, 221–2

  Syagrus 151

  sycamore 126, 161, 226

  syconium 330, 341–2, 346, 427


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