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by Joanna Wayne

  One look and he knew he was in deep trouble.

  “Jack Sanders?”

  “In the flesh.” He met Kelly’s gaze and then looked away quickly.

  “What are you doing here?”

  “I’m with Prescott Personal Securities.” He didn’t want her to get the wrong idea—whatever that may be.

  “Oh.” She stepped aside, and he entered the spacious suite, taking in everything at once the way he’d been trained to do—but still taking in too much of Kelly.

  There had been plenty of women since Kelly, beautiful and sexy women. He’d liked them just fine. It was only that the timing had never been right for making any of the relationships permanent.

  He halted his runaway thoughts. No way he was going there. He never took chances with client’s lives, and he damn sure wouldn’t start with Kelly’s.



  A special thanks to Allison Lyons and Sean Mackiewicz

  for creating the wonderful world of Prescott Personal

  Securities. And a big smile for all the authors involved in

  this series, a great team who made working on the book both

  satisfying and fun. And a wish of magic to lovers everywhere.


  Joanna was born and raised in Shreveport, Louisiana, and received her undergraduate and graduate degrees from LSU-Shreveport. She moved to New Orleans in 1984 and found the mix of cultures, music, history, food and sultry Southern classics along with her love of reading a natural impetus for beginning her writing career.

  Now, dozens of published books later, Joanna has made a name for herself as being on the cutting edge of romantic suspense in both series and single-title novels. She has been on the Waldens Bestselling List for romance and has won many industry awards. She is a popular speaker at writing organizations and local community functions and has taught creative writing at the University of New Orleans Metropolitan College.

  She currently resides in a small community forty miles north of Houston, Texas, with her husband. Though she still has many family and emotional ties to Louisiana, she loves living in the Lone Star state. You may write Joanna at P.O. Box 265, Montgomery, Texas 77356.

  Books by Joanna Wayne













  Jack Sanders—Prescott Personal Securities (PPS) agent hired to protect Kelly Warner and her daughter, Alexandra.

  Kelly Warner—Wife to Nick Warner; a woman whom it seems everyone is out to kill.

  Nick Warner—Actor with lots of secrets, some deadly.

  Alexandra Warner—Four-year-old daughter of Nick and Kelly Warner.

  Mitchell Caruthers—Nick Warner’s manager/publicist.

  Hal Hayden—Nick Warner’s “friend.”

  Detective Gilly Carter—Denver detective investigating Nick’s murder.

  Drake Patton—Actor friend of Kelly Warner.

  Devon Degrazzia and Billy Sheffield—Part of the local criminal element.

  Karen Butte—Investigative reporter with lots to lose.

  Evangeline Prescott—Owner and hands-on manager of PPS.

  William “Lenny” Leonard—PPS technical support man, a real whiz at the computer.

  Sara Montgomery & Cameron Morgan— PPS agents.

  Angel—Goth-queen receptionist at PPS.


  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Chapter Seven

  Chapter Eight

  Chapter Nine

  Chapter Ten

  Chapter Eleven

  Chapter Twelve

  Chapter Thirteen

  Chapter Fourteen

  Chapter Fifteen


  Chapter One

  Friday, 3:12 a.m.

  Rented house just outside Denver

  Kelly woke from a restless sleep and lay in the middle of the king-size bed, alone as usual. Wouldn’t the paparazzi love to have a shot of this? The wife of sexy, rugged film star, Nick Warner, stuck in the rambling, rented ranch house with only her four-year-daughter for company while her husband partied without her.

  Stretching, she pushed back the sheet and comforter and threw her feet over the side of the bed. The house creaked and groaned as she padded barefoot to the bathroom. Renting the house, a rambling structure on the edge of town, had been her idea.

  The glitz and glamour surrounding premiers at the Mile High Film Festival turned Denver hotels into a media circus, and Kelly just plain wasn’t up to it. She was about to crawl back into bed when she heard her daughter calling for her daddy.

  “I’m coming, sweetheart.” She wasn’t Daddy, but she’d have to do. She stepped into her slippers and pulled on her robe. The house was downright drafty.

  Kelly found her daughter sitting up and clutching her worn Pooh bear.

  “I want Daddy.”

  “He’s not back yet. Did you have a bad dream?”

  “No, but Daddy’s here. I saw him.”

  Kelly sat on the edge of the bed and pulled Alex into her arms. “No one’s here but us.”

  “Daddy was in the hall,” Alex said insistently. “He stopped right outside my room, but he didn’t come in.”

  A thread of apprehension wove its way along Kelly’s nerve endings, but she brushed it aside. It couldn’t have been Nick. He never returned from a night of partying quietly. And it couldn’t be anyone else. The security guard that Nick had hired was just outside.

  Kelly tousled Alex’s soft blond curls. “Daddy’s not home yet, sweetheart. You must have dreamed it. Would you like a glass of milk? That might help you get back to sleep.”

  “Yes, ma’am.”

  “I’ll get it.” Kelly was halfway down the hallway when she sensed movement behind her. Her pulse skyrocketed, and she spun around.

  A man wearing a ski mask clamped a meaty hand over her mouth and twisted one arm behind her back. “Keep quiet. You don’t want that little girl getting in the middle of this.”

  Her pulse raced. Oh, God, don’t let him hurt Alex!

  He dropped his hand from her mouth. “Where’s your husband?”

  “He’s asleep in the back bedroom,” she lied. “He has a gun, and if he hears any noise, he’ll come out here.”

  “You’re lying. I’ve checked the entire house. He’s not here.”

  “No, but there’s a guard outside, and if you don’t get out of here right now, I’ll scream, and he’ll hear me.”

  “There was a guard. Now cut the lying. Where is Nick?”

  “He’s on his way home from a party. He’ll be here any second.”

  “Where’s the party?”

  “I don’t know. What do you want with him?”

  He put his face next to hers, and the sickening stench of sweat and garlic made her gag. “That’s between me and him, pretty lady.” One hand slipped to her right breast.

  “Get your hands off me.”

  “Looks like you’d be glad to have a real man after living with Nick Warner.” He shoved her, sending her crashing against the wall. By the time she steadied herself, he was gone.

  Her heart pounded in her chest as she walked to the door, afraid to even imagine what she’d find. The door was open, letting in a blast of cold air. She stepped outside.

  The gu
ard was there, lying facedown in a pool of blood.

  Friday, 8:58 a.m.

  Prescott Personal Securities (PPS) Headquarters

  “I’M NOT THE MAN for this job.”

  “Care to explain that remark?”

  No, but Jack Sanders knew he’d have to. Evangeline Prescott was the most accommodating boss he’d ever worked for, but she put a lot of thought into the assignments she handed out at Prescott Personal Securities, and she’d expect valid reasons for any kind of protest.

  Jack leaned back in his desk chair, but avoided eye contact. “I know the woman involved.”

  Evangeline pressed the palms of her hands on the back of his desk and leaned closer. “You know Kelly Warner?”

  “Well, I did—years ago. She was Kelly O’Conner back then.”

  “How well did you know her?”

  Barely. Intimately. Both answers were correct. “We went to the same high school our senior year.”

  “That’s all? One year of high school?”

  “Pretty much.”

  “Why do I get the feeling you’re leaving out a few pertinent details? Did you date?”

  “Not exactly.”

  “An attraction?”

  “You could call it that.”

  Evangeline dropped to the chair opposite his desk and crossed her legs, swinging her right foot, the way she did when she was thinking hard about something. She had great legs. Actually, she pretty much had great everything for a woman who had to be forty or damned close. Long, curly blond hair that she usually wore pulled up and knotted at the nape of her neck. Piercing blue eyes. Nice body.

  But there was no getting the wrong idea with Evangeline. Anytime she was inside the doors of PPS Headquarters, she was all business.

  Evangeline glanced down at the sheaf of papers she was holding, then raised her gaze to study Jack. “So you shared an attraction with a soap opera star, and never told us. Such modesty.”

  “She wasn’t a star in high school.”

  “Actually, she was never much of a star,” Evangeline said, “but she is beautiful. I’m guessing she was in high school, as well.”

  “Yeah.” Damned good-looking. And sexy as hell. And… He shook his head to clear the unsettling thoughts.

  “You might have a couple of awkward moments with Kelly, but I still think you’re the man for the job.”

  “Why is that?”

  “You’re a smooth talker. You can hang with the Hollywood types, and you’ll look good on the red carpet.”

  “Red carpet?” He groaned. “Tell me you’re kidding.”

  “Afraid not. Nick Warner wants a bodyguard to accompany his wife and daughter for their entire five-day stay in Denver, and that includes tonight’s premiere of his film, Savage Thunder.”

  Jack pushed back from his desk, stood and walked to the huge window on the right side of his cubicle. The view was great from the top of the skyscraper, the city below them, snowcapped mountains in the distance.

  And now Kelly O’Conner Warner was here in his city. “Any special reason for a bodyguard?” Jack asked. “Or is Nick Warner just looking for someone to punch out a few paparazzi?”

  Evangeline walked over and stood beside him. “Someone broke into the house where they were staying last night. Kelly and her daughter were home alone.”

  “The guy didn’t…”

  “No, all he did was push her around,” Evangeline said, saving him the pain of voicing his fears.

  “Where was Nick while this was going on?”

  “Out. That’s all I know. Nick Warner’s requested protection for his wife and daughter, and I’ve assured him that we can handle the task. You’ll head up the operation, but you can have all the manpower you need.”

  Jack felt a knot of cold fury settling in his chest as Evangeline explained what she knew about the break-in. He didn’t want to think of Kelly at all, but he definitely didn’t want to envision her with some stinking punk.

  “There’s more,” Evangeline said.

  “Like what?”

  “The intruder left a calling card.”

  Jack stiffened, dreading to hear what might come next.

  “Home Security, Inc., had been hired to guard the ranch house during the Warner’s stay. The young guard on duty last night was murdered. Kelly found his body.”

  “Sonofabitch! Which detective covered the guard’s murder?”

  “Gilly Carter.”

  “He’s better than most.”

  Evangeline nodded her agreement. “There’s still more.”

  “Hit me with it.”

  “One of our regular informants reported a rumor that there’s a hit out on one of the celebrities attending tonight’s film festival. We haven’t been able to verify any of that, and his information was very sketchy.”

  “Who’s the snitch?”

  “The one they call Blackie.”

  “He’s on again, off again.”

  “We can’t take chances. PPS has several clients attending the major events tonight, so we’re heightening all our security details. Now, do you still want to turn down the case?”

  Yes, for a hundred reasons, all of them having to do with seeing Kelly again. But he wouldn’t, for a hundred more, all of them having to do with the fact that some murderous animal had put his hands on her and that there could be more to come.

  He stepped back from the window. “Well if you need a tough, good-looking, smooth-talking guy for the job, I guess it would have to be me.” His attempt at nonchalance fell flat even to his own ears. “Where do I report?”

  “The Warners have moved from the house to a suite in a downtown hotel.” She walked back to the desk and picked up the papers she’d been holding when she walked in. “The information is all here. Can I tell Nick you’ll be there within the hour?”

  He nodded. “Kelly may request a replacement once she realizes I’m to be her bodyguard.”

  “If she does, it will be her mistake.”

  And if she didn’t, this might well be his.

  Friday, 9:41 a.m.

  Denver Hotel Suite

  KELLY CHECKED ON Alexandra again, then spread the morning newspaper out in front of her and tried to concentrate on something besides last night’s intrusion and the bloody body left at her door.

  The hotel suite was lavish and extravagant, the way Nick liked everything in his life to be. The living-dining combination was filled with dark, wooden tables and tailored chairs and couches. Huge bouquets of fresh flowers topped several tables, framed Western prints adorned the walls, and a bowl of fresh fruit and chocolate-covered strawberries sat next to a chilled and very expensive bottle of champagne.

  The space opened into two bedrooms, one on each side. Alex was in the bedroom on the right. She was huddled in the middle of one of the double beds watching her favorite TV show. Nick and his manager-publicist-confidant Mitchell Caruthers were sitting on the sofa in the main living area, discussing someone named Mike Lawson, whose story they wanted to option for a movie. And outside the door, two cops were standing guard to make sure that no unauthorized visitor came near the suite.

  But there had been a steady stream of guests. A reporter from the local newspaper whom Nick had granted an interview. A camera crew from a TV station. And Hal Hayden, who’d hung around most of the morning.

  There was a knock at the door. She peeked out to see who was next in the parade. All she saw was one of the cops and a table of food.

  She opened the door and the young police officer stepped inside. “Did someone order room service?”

  “I did,” Mitchell said.

  The cop stood back, and a hotel waiter whom Kelly was certain had already been frisked, pushed the cloth-covered cart inside. “Shall I set this up on the dining table?”

  “No,” Mitchell said. “How about rolling it in there?” He motioned to the empty bedroom. “I have to make a couple of phone calls while I eat.”

  The last bit of information was directed to Nick who had start
ed sifting through a half-dozen boxes of shoes he’d apparently had sent over from the nearest Nordstrom store.

  Mitchell went with his food, and for the first time since their daybreak discussion, Kelly had a few moments alone with her husband. She picked up the mate of the shoe he was trying on. “We need to talk.”

  He looked at her as if she’d just asked him to drink poison. “Now?”

  “What’s wrong with now?”

  “The premiere is in a matter of hours, and I don’t want to get stressed again. You know I break out in a rash when I get too upset.”

  She resisted the temptation to throw the shoe at him and handed it to him instead. “You may be able to ignore what happened last night, Nick, but I can’t. I’m taking Alex back to my parents’ house to stay until this blows over. I’ve called the airlines. We have reservations on a five-o’clock flight.”

  Nick’s mouth flew open. “You promised you’d go to the premiere. You know how much I need you with me tonight.”

  “I didn’t count on having a man murdered practically under my nose when I made that promise.”

  “It’s not like we haven’t had threats before. Everyone in this business gets them.”

  “It’s the first time I’ve been in a killer’s hands or had one mere steps from Alex.”

  “None of which would have happened if you hadn’t insisted on staying on that isolated ranch. I tried to talk you out of it.”

  “So now this is my fault?”

  “I didn’t mean that the way it sounded,” he said. “I’m extremely concerned about yours and Alex’s safety. I just don’t see how running to your parents will help.”

  “It gets us out of Denver.”

  “Denver isn’t the problem. Protection is, and I’ve hired a bodyguard service to make certain that both you and Alex are safe.”

  “You hired a guard last night. He’s dead.”

  “Mitchell says that Prescott Personal Securities is the best in the business. You’ll be as well protected as the President of the United States. The studio wants you there tonight, and I promised you’d cooperate.”

  Nick reached for Kelly’s hand and pulled her down to the sofa beside him. “I’d never willingly let anyone hurt either of you. Surely you know that.”


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