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Sevenfold Sword_Warlord

Page 34

by Jonathan Moeller

  It had not improved since his last visit.

  The King’s Chamber occupied the highest level of the Blue Castra’s central keep, its high, wide windows overlooking the city of Trojas and the sea below. The floor had been covered in gleaming marble that matched the pale blue granite of the walls and ceiling. It had been a magnificent chamber once, a place where the King of Trojas entertained his guests and held banquets.

  Taerdyn’s growing madness had transformed the room into an abattoir.

  Long wooden tables ran the length of the room, piled with books and scrolls and strange alchemical instruments, alongside stacks of bones and jars of brine that held organs cut from humans and orcs and muridachs and jotunmiri. In places, the floor had been cleared, and symbols in blood painted upon the stone. The air vibrated with necromantic magic, cold and potent. Khurazalin had wielded necromancy for centuries, and even he was impressed by the level of power gathered within the room. The chill bit into his flesh, even beneath his heavy crimson robes.

  Of course, some of that might be the fact that he wore a living body again after the Shield Knight and Tamlin Thunderbolt had destroyed his undead vessel at Aenesium.

  “Idiots,” muttered the Necromancer of Trojas. “Idiots, idiots, idiots.”

  Khurazalin rebuked himself for allowing his attention to wander and turned his attention to the man who had once been the Arcanius Knight Taerdyn but was now the Necromancer of Trojas.

  He hadn’t aged at all well.

  The Necromancer wore a heavy black robe stained with blood and other fluids, and the stench of rotting flesh came from him. The hands and face beneath the robe had turned gray, the veins black. He walked with a heavy limp, muttering to himself all the while, and the Sword of Death rested in its scabbard at his waist. It looked identical to the Sword of Fire and the Sword of Air, save that it was the black of a moonless, starless night.

  “Idiots, all of them idiots,” said the Necromancer. “None of them see. None of them understand! The New God is rising. The Kratomachar is coming. The Seven will be reunited, and the dark power shall rise. Justin doesn’t see it. Hektor doesn’t see it. The Confessor sees it, but he wishes to steal it. Idiots, all of them!”

  The Necromancer turned, the hem of his robe and cloak leaving a trail of blood and grease on the floor, and his eyes swept over Khurazalin.

  He didn’t see Khurazalin, of course. Nor did he see the Masked One of Xenorium.

  The Maledictus of Shadow, waiting silently in his mist-wreathed robes behind the Masked One, ensured that.

  “Come,” said the Masked One, beckoning with a hand armored in black metal. The Sword of Shadows waited in its scabbard at his belt, and black armor concealed him from head to foot, including a masked helm that hid his face.

  Khurazalin obeyed his master and followed him down the stairs, the Maledictus of Shadow gliding after them in silence. The Necromancer’s endless rants faded as they descended to the courtyard of the Blue Castra. The Masked One strode to the center of the courtyard and stopped, gazing at the sky.

  “Justin Cyros is dead, is he not?” said the Masked One.

  “Yes, master,” said Khurazalin. “And the Keeper has subverted Calem. That now means that three of the Seven Swords are with Hektor Pendragon.”

  “Indeed,” said the Masked One. “But it matters not. What matters is that the Seven Swords are on the path to reunification. Whoever does the work of reuniting the Swords is irrelevant. The Guardian Rhodruthain brought the Shield Knight and the Keeper here to hinder me, but they shall fulfill my purpose in the end. They shall achieve my aims, and they know it not.”

  “But the Shield Knight and the Keeper are dangerous,” said Khurazalin. “They are more dangerous than any foe we have yet faced.” The Masked One inclined his head in acknowledgment of the point. “Suppose they realize that you are their true enemy, master?”

  “They shall not,” said the Masked One. “At least until it is too late. Irizidur is dead and the seven infants are scattered. Soon the two survivors shall be found and slain. And the Shield Knight and the Keeper will not realize the truth until it is too late. Do you know why, my disciple?”

  Khurazalin shook his head, but the Maledictus of Shadow spoke.

  He could not see the Maledictus’s face beneath the mists filling the cowl, but the voice hissed inside of his skull.

  “The Masked One of Xenorium,” came the Maledictus’s telepathic whisper, “is no threat to anyone.”

  “Do you see?” said the Masked One. “Only Rhodruthain knows, and he is discredited. Come. There is work to be done.”

  Khurazalin followed his master from Trojas, confident that neither Hektor nor the Confessor nor the Shield Knight would stop them.

  Because the Masked One of Xenorium was no threat to anyone.

  And because of the Maledictus of Shadow, everyone believed that.


  Taerdyn had carried the Sword of Death for so long, had been so twisted by its corrupting power that sometimes he forgot his own name. So many men had called him the Necromancer of Trojas for so long that he had come to think of himself by that title.

  The Necromancer of Trojas paced back and forth, muttering to himself, going over the spells in his mind.

  He was going to save humanity.

  The New God was coming. The Kratomachar was rising. The Seven Swords would be reunited. Talitha had known the truth. The Necromancer wished he could have saved her, but it was too late.

  It was up to him to save mankind.

  Though he would have to kill them all to do it.


  Thank you for reading SEVENFOLD SWORD: WARLORD!

  But there are more adventures to come for Ridmark and Calliande in SEVENFOLD SWORD: NECROMANCER, the next book in the series coming in early 2018.

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  A Second Author's Note

  Thanks for reading SEVENFOLD SWORD: WARLORD, and hope to see you back for SEVENFOLD SWORD: NECROMANCER in 2018!

  If you would like to read about how Ridmark and Calliande met and their first adventures together, check out FROSTBORN OMNIBUS ONE.

  Glossary of Characters

  ACCOLON PENDRAGON: The son of Sir Arandar and grandson of the High King.

  ADRASTEA PENDRGON: The wife of King Hektor Pendragon.

  ARDRHYTHAIN: The last archmage of the high elves, and the founder of the Order of the Magistri and the Order of the Soulblade.

  AEGEUS: A Knight of the Order of the Arcanii, strong with water magic.

  AELIA LICINIUS ARBAN: The eldest daughter of Gareth Licinius, and the late wife of Ridmark Arban. Killed at Castra Marcaine by Mhalek.

  AGRIMNALAZUR: An urdmordar, slain by Ridmark Arban in Urd Arowyn.

  ANTENORA: A former apprentice of the last Keeper of Avalon upon Old Earth, cursed by Mordred Pendragon’s dark magic to live forever until she finds redemption. Now the apprentice of Calliande of Tarlion.

  ARANDAR PENDRAGON: A Knight of the Order of the Soulblade and current bearer of the soulblade Heartwarden. The bastard son of the High King Uthanaric Pendragon, and the father of Accolon and Nyvane. Plague killed his wife Isolde. Currently the Prince Regent of the loyalist army of Andomhaim.

  ARCHAELON: A Knight of the Order of the Arcanii. Betrayed Hektor Pendragon, and killed by Ridmark Arban at Castra Chaeldon.

  ARISTOTLE TEMPUS: King of Echion in Owyllain, and allied with Hektor Pendragon.

  ARLMAGNAVA: A Frostborn woman, a Seeker of the Order of the Inquisition of the Dominion of the High Lords, the military Order of the Frostborn devoted to spying and recruitment of allies.

  ARMINIOS: A king and Companion of King Hektor, and an experienced ambassador.

  ATREUS TRENZIMAR - The King of Cadeira. Allied with Justin Cyros.

  AXAZAMAR: The King of Khald Tormen and older brot
her of Narzaxar.

  AZAKHUN: A dwarven Taalmak of Khald Tormen. Caius baptized him into the faith of the Dominus Christus in the Vale of Stone Death.

  THE ARTIFICER: A dark elven noble and wizard, formerly the apprentice of the Warden. His spirit was bound to the Iron Tower. Defeated by Ridmark and his companions.

  AVENTINE ROCARN: A knight in service to Tarrabus Carhaine.

  BORS DURIUS: A son of Dux Kors Durius of Durandis.

  BRASIDAS VALAROS: The King of Talyrium. Allied with Justin Cyros.

  CADWALL GWYRDRAGON: The Prince of Cintarra, the largest city in Andomhaim.

  CAIUS: A dwarven noble of Khald Tormen and a friar of the mendicant orders. The first of the dwarven kindred to convert to the church of the Dominus Christus.

  CALAZON: A dwarven stonescribe and advisor to Prince Narzaxar.

  CALEM: A mysterious assassin and wielder of the Sword of Air.

  CALLIANDE ARBAN: The Keeper of Tarlion, the guardian of the realm of Andomhaim against the powers of dark magic. The daughter of Joanna and Joachim, and the former student of the Magistrius Marius and the Keeper Ruth.

  CAMORAK: A Magistrius in service to Joram Agramore of Dun Licinia. Prone to drunkenness and boorish comments, but nonetheless a skilled healer.

  CARADOG LORDAC: A knight in service to Tarrabus Carhaine.

  CATHALA: The mother of Tamlin Thunderbolt. Killed by Justin Cyros at the Monastery of St. James.

  CEAROWYN MARDIUS PENDRAGON: The High Queen of Andomhaim and wife of the High King Arandar Pendragon.

  CLAUDIUS AGRELL: A knight in service to Tarrabus Carhaine, serving as Constable of Castra Carhaine.

  CLEMENT: A priest of Aenesium.

  THE CONFESSOR: A dark elven lord, once the lieutenant of the Sovereign. Now the ruler of Urd Maelwyn and the bearer of the Sword of Water.

  CONNMAR PENDRAGON: The founder of the realm of Owyllain.

  CONSTANTINE LICINIUS: The son of Gareth Licinius, and a Swordbearer, wielder of the soulblade Brightherald.

  CORBANIC LAMORUS: A vassal of the High King, and current Comes of Coldinium. Now serves as Constable of Tarlion, defending the city from Tarrabus Carhaine.

  CORTIN LAMORUS: A knight and the son of Corbanic Lamorus. Appointed as the new Dux of Calvus.

  CROWLACHT: A headman of the orcish kingdom of Rhaluusk and a warrior of King Ulakhamar. Fought alongside Ridmark and his friends at the Iron Tower.

  CURZONAR: A Prince of the Range, son of the Red King Turcontar and the First Queen Raszema.

  THE CUTTER: An urdhracos bound to the service of the Sculptor.

  DAGMA: Sister of Jager, and former seneschal of the keep of Dun Licinia. Now the seneschal of the Shield Knight and the Keeper.

  THE DARK LADY: A mysterious sorceress who appears in the dreams of Tamlin Thunderbolt.

  DECIMUS: A man-at-arms under the command of Sir Ector Naxius.

  DIETER: Husband of Dagma, Jager’s sister. A skilled carpenter.

  ECTOR NAXIUS: A knight in service to Dux Sebastian of Caertigris. Familiar with the manetaurs, the tygrai, and the Range.

  GARETH ARBAN: The eldest son of Ridmark Arban and Calliande Arban.

  GARETH LICINIUS: The Dux of the Northerland, and father of Constantine, Imaria, and Aelia.

  GAVIN: A young man from the village of Aranaeus in the Wilderland, now a Swordbearer and the wielder of the soulblade Truthseeker.

  GOTHALINZUR: An urdmordar, slain by Ridmark Arban at the village of Victrix.

  HEKTOR PENDRAGON: King of Aenesium, wife of Adrastea, and father of Kalussa and Rypheus. Bearer of the Sword of Fire.

  IMARIA LICINIUS SHADOWBEARER: The youngest daughter of Gareth Licinius, and a former Magistria of the Order. The new bearer of Incariel’s shadow after the death of Tymandain Shadowbearer. Defeated in the final fight at the Black Mountain.

  JAGER: A bold halfling thief and merchant, married to Queen Mara of the Nightmane Forest. Serves as her Prince Consort.

  JOACHIM ARBAN: The youngest son of Ridmark Arban and Calliande Arban.

  JOANNA ARBAN: The daughter of Ridmark Arban and Calliande Arban. Died a few days after birth.

  JOLCUS: An Arcanius Knight skilled with earth magic and the handling of trisalians.

  JORAM AGRAMORE: A knight and vassal of Dux Gareth Licinius. Currently serves as the Comes of Dun Licinia.

  JUSTIN CYROS: The King of Cytheria and bearer of the Sword of Earth.

  KADIUS: A decurion of men-at-arms in the army of Arandar Pendragon.

  KAJALDRAKTHOR: A Frostborn warrior, and Lord Commander of the Order of the Vanguard. Leader of the Frostborn forces in Andomhaim.

  KALDRAINE PENDRAGON: The eldest son of High King Uthanaric Pendragon and heir to the realm of Andomhaim. Murdered during the battle of Dun Calpurnia.

  KALOMARUS: The legendary Dragon Knight, who disappeared after the first defeat of the Frostborn.

  KAMILIUS: A Companion knight who serves King Lycureon the Young as Constable of Megarium.

  KEZEDEK: A headman of the sautyri tribe of Myllene.

  KHARLACHT: An orcish warrior of Vhaluusk and follower of Ridmark Arban.

  KHAZAMEK: The Warlord of the city of Vhalorast. Allied with Justin Cyros.

  KHURAZALIN: An orcish warlock and the Maledictus of Fire.

  KOTHLARIC PENDRAGON: The High King of Owyllain, betrayed at Cathair Animus after the defeat of the Sovereign. Believed dead, but actually imprisoned within magical crystal at Cathair Animus.

  KORS DURIUS: The Dux of Durandis, Andomhaim’s western march against the mountains of Kothluusk.

  KURASTUS: A Magistrius and the Master of the Order of the Magistri.

  Kyrian THE PIOUS: King of Callistum in Aenesium, and allied with Hektor Pendragon.

  KURDULKAR: A manetaur Prince of the Range and a follower of the shadow of Incariel. Killed by Ridmark Arban.

  KYRALION: A gray elf of the Unity of the Illicaeryn Jungle, sent as an emissary to the Shield Knight and the Keeper.

  LANETHRAN: A bladweaver of the high elves.

  LEOGRANCE ARBAN: The Dux of Taliand, and the father of Ridmark Arban and Tormark Arban.

  LINUS RILLON: A knight of Tarrabus Carhaine and one of the Enlightened of Incariel. Killed by Accolon in self-defense.

  LYCUREON THE YOUNG: King of Megarium in Owyllain, and allied with Hektor Pendragon.

  MALACHI TRIMARCH: The last king of Trojas, murdered by the Necromancer.

  MALHASK: The king of the orcish kingdom of Khaluusk and a vassal of the High King.

  MALVAXON: The Rzarn of Great House Tzanar of Khaldurmar.

  MALZURAXIS: A dwarven scout of Khald Tormen.

  MARA: The daughter of the Traveler, the dark elven lord of Nightmane Forest. Now rules as the Queen of Nightmane Forest.

  MARCAST TETRICUS: A knight formerly in service to the garrison of the Iron Tower, now opposed to Tarrabus Carhaine.

  MARHAND: A Swordbearer, and Master of the Order of the Soulblade. Carries the soulblade Torchbrand.

  MARIUS: Known as the Watcher, Calliande’s former teacher in the magic of the Magistri. Watched over her in spirit form after she awakened in the Tower of Vigilance without her memories.

  MARTELLAR: A manetaur khalath in service to Prince Curzonar.

  THE MASKED ONE: Ruler of the city of Xenorium and bearer of the Sword of Shadows. Formerly an Arcanius Knight named Cavilius.

  MHALEK: Orcish warlord and shaman who believed himself a god. Defeated at Black Mountain, and the killer of Aelia Licinius Arban.

  MICHAEL: The former soldier who serves as Tamlin's master-at-arms and seneschal.

  MIRIAM: The sister of Arandar’s late wife Isolde. Her husband died in the same plague that killed Isolde.

  MORIGNA: A sorceress of the Wilderland, and former lover of Ridmark. Murdered by Imaria Licinius and the Weaver at Dun Licinia.

  MOURNACHT: A Mhorite orcish warlord and shaman, later subverted into the service of Tymandain Shadowbearer. Killed by Ridmark Arban near Dun Licinia.

e former king of Khald Tormen, father of Axazamar and Narzaxar.

  NARZAXAR: The younger brother of King Axazamar of Khald Tormen and the Taalakdaz (chancellor) of the dwarven court.

  THE NECROMANCER OF TROJAS: Ruler of the city of Trojas, and bearer of the Sword of Death. Formerly an Arcanius Knight named Taerdyn.

  NICION AMPHILUS: The Master of the Order of the Arcanii, and the younger brother of Tyromon Amphilus.

  NYVANE: The daughter of Sir Arandar and granddaughter of the High King.

  OBHALZAK: The Warlord of the orcish city of Mholorast. Allied with Hektor Pendragon.

  OCTAVIUS: A friar hired as tutor to the children of Ridmark Arban and Calliande Arban.

  PAUL TALLMANE: A vassal of Tarrabus Carhaine, member of the Enlightened of Incariel, and Constable of the Iron Tower. Defeated by Ridmark Arban and killed by Jager at the Iron Tower.

  QAZALDHAR: An orcish warlock and the Maledictus of Death.

  QHAZULAK: An Anathgrimm orc. Champion of Nightmane Forest, and Lord Captain of the Queen’s Guard.

  QUINTUS: A merceny soldier and lieutenant of the smuggler Smiling Otto.

  PARMENIO: A Knight of the Order of the Arcanii and a skilled scout and hunter.

  RALAKAHR: A manetaur khalath in service to Prince Kurdulkar of the Range. Killed by Ridmark Arban.

  RASZEMA: The First Queen of the manetaurs, and senior wife of Red King Turcontar.

  RHISON MORDANE: A household knight of Tarrabus Carhaine and an Enlightened of Incariel.

  RHODRUTHAIN: A gray elf and the Guardian of Cathair Animus.


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