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Sven's Ride (A Bad Boy MC Romance)

Page 11

by Sara Crest

  “Then we give up the crystal game, all of it, let the Empire State Rollers take all the production and maybe they’ll let John’s death slide. Peaceful end and nobody gets hurt.”

  “That would only work if…” Barron said trailing off. He was silent, he was holding back from saying something, like he knew something that I didn’t.

  Finally he sighed and looked me in the eye “that would only work if we also gave up Emma. The MC’s been talking and gonna try and make you give her up, Walsh would rather have her die than lose any of our guys. He assumes that John’s death is a bigger deal than the meth and figures that Emma would smooth all of this over.”

  “And you support this?” I said clenching my fists in anger. I wasn’t gonna give her up, that girl was the best thing to ever walk into my life, I wouldn’t let them lay a finger on her.

  “You know I wouldn’t support something like that, nothing is set in stone yet but I just want you to know what Walsh and some of the members have been murmuring.”

  He leaned out of the doorway and looked down both ends of the hallway to make sure that nobody was listening in to him before continuing.

  “Maybe you should think about getting out of here with her man. Saul and I wouldn’t blame you, hell it might even put the pressure on Walsh to give up the crystal game since it would be his only bargaining chip.”

  “As much as I’d love to put the pressure on that fuck I’m not running away from the mess that I helped make. I can’t leave this brotherhood, my father stayed and my grandfather sayed. Not to mention this club helped raise me when I had nobody else.”

  Barron scratched the back of his neck and cleared his throat, avoiding eye contact with me. I was about to ask what was wrong but Emma walked out of my room down the hall, I didn’t want to keep her waiting when the Empire State Rollers could show up at any second. Girl deserves to at least see her family.

  “I’ll catch you later Barron” I said looking at him up and down. His whole body language had changed and he still wouldn’t look me in the eye. Guess I just had to assume that it was the nerves getting to him with all that was going on.

  He closed the door on me and I walked over to Emma, putting my arm around her in an attempt to half shield her from the judging eyes of my brothers once we walked back out into the parking lot. This girl has been through too much to deal with even more bullshit put on her. Let them give me their judging stares, I can take it, I can take the guilt. I already had so much of it weighing me down for so long that any more wouldn’t make a difference.

  We walked out of the door to the glares of the men who I called my brothers, I doubt they looked at me the same way now.

  As we walked to my bike one of the brothers began walking with us, taking long drags of his cigarette as he built himself up to tell me something. I was already preparing myself for the worst.

  “You know Sven, if we’re all gonna be dying because of some pussy the least you could do is share it.”

  I lifted my arm up from off of Emma and laid the guy out right then and there, I didn’t care if he was my brother you don’t talk shit like that to my girl and get away with it.

  He fell on the ground holding his mouth in pain, I forgot how bitch-made some of the non minutemen members were.

  I heard Emma scream and I turned around only to have another man jump on top of me, tackling me to the ground, I hit the back of my head against the hard pavement and immediately felt some blood trickle down my neck.

  I shook off the disorientation and pain to see him raising his fist in order to lay me out, I gave him a quick right jab to the jaw that got him off of me.

  As I stood up men started to swarm me, some of them taking out lead pipes from the bags on their bikes, a few more already had wrenches in their hands from when they were working on their rides just moments before.

  “Maybe if we give him to the Empire State Rollers they won’t kill all of us!” one of them cried out. “He’s the fucking reason we’re all gonna die, I didn’t sign up for this shit! Fuck him!”

  The other men started barking in agreement as they began to close in on me from all sides.

  One ran up and swung at me with a pipe, I was able to block it but pain shot through my arm and shoulder. I pushed him away just in time to duck from an otherwise well timed punch from another brother, I recognized him as another minuteman by the red “M” tattoo on his bicep. They should be ashamed for ganging up on a single man like this.

  Him and I went toe to toe, just waiting for the other to throw the first punch. A circle formed around us and I could feel the men getting closer and closer, readying to all jump me and take me down.

  I looked out over the crowd and saw two men dragging Emma away as she called out for me. My eyes darted between the men in front of me and what was happening to her, they would regret ever putting a hand on her.

  I saw them drag her over to a car in the parking lot and throw her on the hood, fucking bastards were gonna try and take her here and now.

  I swung at the minuteman in front of me, hitting him hard in the check and causing him to stumble out of my way. I used the opportunity to try and make a break towards Emma, sprinting into the crowd while trying to avoid their grabs and punches.

  One caught a hold of my jacket and tried to drag me back into the thick of the crowd as men began landing solid punches to my face and gut.

  I could still see her, I could still see the men who were starting to climb on top to her trying to rip her clothes off.

  Suddenly I heard two loud gunshots followed by the cries of a man. I looked out over to see Emma gripping one of the types of revolvers that we gave nearly all new recruits as a “welcome to the brotherhood” gift. She must have grabbed it right out of the fucker’s waistband and shot him with it.

  She stood on top of the hood, aiming down at the men who were trying to have their way with her. I could see tears of anger rolling down her face but what she just did gave me an idea.

  As the men who were holding me got distracted from the scene playing out before them I reached behind me and sure enough one of the guys holding me had a gun on the right side of his waistband. I tore it out of his pants and aimed it up in the air, firing a shot off and causing the men surrounding me to immediately back off and keep their distance.

  I saw the man that Emma shot, he was still very much alive but in pain. From the looks of it she shot him in the leg and the lower gut, hell I wouldn’t be surprised if she accidentally shot his dick off with the way he was grabbing his groin. Fucker would have deserved it.

  “Go ahead sweetheart” one of her attackers said not even realizing that I was walking up behind him. “Go ahead and shoot me, I know you’re too afraid to pull that trigger again you fucking-”

  I pressed the barrel of my gun against the back of his head, right where the skull met the neck.

  “She might be too afraid to pull that trigger again but everyone here knows I’m not.”

  I cocked the pistol and pressed it harder against the back of his head “you got 10 seconds to walk away with your now dickless friend over there.”

  “Fuck you.”

  “Let’s make it three seconds then.”

  “Jesus fucking christ” he said as he dropped the pipe he was holding and began to walk away, staring down Emma who was still pointing the gun straight at him with tears streaming down her face.

  I extended a hand to her to try and help her down off of the car, she slowly reached out her own shaky hand and safely got back onto the ground. She dropped the gun on the ground and looked at the man she shot with both regret and hatred in her eyes as he began to crawl away. The guy deserved what he got but I wish she didn’t have to carry that guilt around with her.

  I grabbed her hand and led her to my bike, pointing my gun at the crowd. I thought that I would never have to point a gun at the men I called my brothers but I guess we do crazy things for the people we care about.

  One man began to step forward but the mi
nuteman I had fought extended his arm out and stopped him. “Let them go” I heard him say in a hushed tone. He had a cut underneath his eye from where I hit him and it was already starting to look bad.

  Emma and I got on my bike, I looked back at my brothers as they began to walk away from the mob they had formed and go back to what they were doing before Em and I came out.

  I started my bike up, revving the engine a few times before burning rubber out of there, as Emma buried her face into my back and cried I couldn’t believe that we actually made it out of there alive. I felt the bruises and cuts on my arms body, thank god I didn’t feel anything on my face or head I didn’t want to deal with another headache.

  As we sped down the street I looked down at the tattoo I had on the outside of my wrist of my father’s initials over two muskets. I liked to think that if he was in my situation he would do things the same way I was. At least I hoped he would.

  Chapter Twenty-Three


  By the time we pulled up to my house I had calmed down from what had happened. My wrist hurt from when I pulled the trigger from the man’s gun. I didn’t want to hurt him, I just panicked and there was no other way to get him off of me, god I hope he doesn’t die because of me. I wouldn’t be able to live with myself.

  “He’ll be alright you know” Sven said as we stepped off the bike outside of my house. “I mean not entirely alright but he’ll live. You didn’t shoot him anywhere fatal.”

  “I’m still gonna feel guilty about it.”

  He took his hand and ran it down the side of my face “you don’t have to feel guilty about anything. After all you’ve been through and with what that guy was about to do you had more than a right to defend yourself. If you didn’t do it I would have.”

  I wanted to feel alright but I couldn’t, not after seeing the way those men reacted just at the sight of us. I couldn’t believe Sven when he said that everything would be fine, the way those men acted is not the way a man acts when he thinks everything will be fine. Those men were acting like their world was going to end, as if this night was the last night they had on earth. Even if they nearly forced me to submit to them on that car, even if they hurt Sven they didn’t deserve to die because of his love for me.

  How did I know he loved me? A man like Sven wouldn’t risk his life and your brotherhood for someone like me unless he loved me. He wouldn’t go against his brothers the way he has already, go against the very tattoos and markings on his body and the blood pumping through his veins if he didn’t love me. I loved him too, I knew I loved him whenever I looked at him. I felt something with him that I never felt before. He protected me so much that I was starting to think it was time for me to protect him. I only knew one way how.

  We walked up to my house but when I opened the door it was clear that nobody was home. I walked around just to make sure but I couldn’t find any trace of them. They must have gone out somewhere, I think mom had off of work tonight so she could be out in town but I had no idea where Milly was. I hoped they were both ok.

  I came back out of their rooms to see Sven in our living room. He turned to me and smiled “nobody home?” he asked.

  “I don’t know where they are, I was really hoping to see them.”

  “Why don’t you call them? Ask them to come home?”

  “I’ll let them do their own thing, I don’t want to stress them out with the truth of what’s about to happen. Let them enjoy some more stress free time before everything starts going down.”

  He sighed and turned back to looking out of one of our windows. As soon as he gazed out he started smiling, staring at the rolling mountain view we had.

  “I think I figured out why I like your little town so much” he said as I approached him and took his hand.

  “Oh yeah? Why’s that?”

  “Reminds me a lot of the town I spent the first few years of my life in, in Sweden I mean. Seeing this kind of scenery just gives me a sense of calm that I haven’t felt in years…”

  “Have you ever thought about going back?” I asked.

  Once again he was silent, I just wanted him to admit to me when he had his doubts about his life. Everyone has doubts, nobody lives a perfect life. Hell he knows I have my doubts about all of this, I guess he figured that doubts would be the first thing that would lead him to straying away from the brotherhood. But if he didn’t want anything that made him think about leaving why would he keep me around? He knows I probably wouldn’t be compatible with his life back in Boston. I guess he was conflicted between his love for me and his love for the club. I guess soon he wouldn’t have to choose, I would give myself up and make that choice for him.

  “Where do you see us in the future?” he asked me.

  “What do you mean?”

  “10 years from now, where do you see our lives?”

  I paused for a few moments as I thought about it, holding his hand in mine and rubbing it with my thumb. I didn’t even think he saw an “us” that far ahead in the future, just hearing that made me a lot happier than I thought it would. But the happiness was quickly replaced by sadness, he thought everything would work out, I knew that it wouldn’t be that case.

  I knew that I would have to give myself up the the Empire State Rollers in order to make sure that this town, the Freedom Riders, Sven, and my family would be safe. I never liked this town, I always dreamt of leaving, but now there was a very real possibility that I was going to give my life to make sure everyone in it was safe from the wrath of the Empire State MC.

  “I see us going wherever the flow takes us.”

  He laughed “that is such a cop out answer.”

  I punched him playfully in the arm “alright Mr. Knowitall tell me where you see us 10 years from now.”

  He smiled “I don’t know where we’ll be, but I do know that if we’re together we’ll be happy” he said smiling softly at me.

  What he just said would make giving myself up that much harder, but I wasn’t going to let him ruin all that hard work for a girl that had nothing going on in her life and no path to follow. The first chance that the Empire State Rollers came into town I would give myself up and beg to Clay to leave everyone and everything alone. Even if it meant that I had to go with him.

  I let go of Sven’s hand and began to walk towards the kitchen, as I passed by the couch I saw the corner of my diary peeking out. I reached down and picked it up, I had forgotten that I threw it underneath there.

  As I stared at the cover of the book I felt an overwhelming feeling inside of me. I had only experience the freedom of John not weighing on my mind for a few days and they were some of the best days of my life. I didn’t know what would happen to me or to Sven, I didn’t know what would happen once I handed myself over to Clay, but I did know that I was paying Sven back for the few days of freedom he had given me. I only wished I could have spent more time with him, that he wouldn’t have to see me go.

  I took my diary over to our fireplace, turning it on and watching the flame grow. I looked over to Sven to see that he was still staring out of the window too deep in thought to know what I was doing.

  I flipped through the pages marked in red, the ones where I wrote all of John’s transgressions against me. One by one I began to tear them out, crumple them up, and throw them in the fire. Each time they went up in flames I felt even more weight lifting off of me, I could even feel my love for Sven growing more and more as I began to realize how truly free he had made me.

  Page after page burned, destroying the evidence of what John had did to me. All the times he hit me, all the times he nearly got what he wanted, all the times he insulted me went up in smoke. The memory became as dead as the man.

  I watched the pages burn to ash before turning the fireplace back off. In my hands I know held a diary of nothing but good memories, nothing but the good times I had, no trace of the man who tormented me.

  I looked at Sven staring out of the window, I wanted him to know how much I loved him. How much I a
ppreciated him for everything that he did for me. I wanted him to understand that what I was going to do for the Freedom Riders when I gave myself up was an action of love. I only wished that we could have been together longer, that we could have enjoyed each other more, that I could have filled this diary with everything that I loved about him.

  I turned off the fireplace and walked away from it, slowly stripping my clothes and letting them fall to the ground. This could be the last chance I had to be intimate with him and I wanted to make it count. I wanted to make love to him, sweet beautiful love, something I had never done with a man before.

  “Sven” I called out softly.

  He turned from the window to see my naked body standing there before him. I saw his eyes wander up and down as he slowly began to walk towards me. I met every one of his steps with a step of my own as we got close and closer. He slowly pulled his shirt up over his head tossed it aside as the meters between us turned to feet which turned into inches. I felt the warmth of his skin as he came to me and pulled me into him, my bare breasts pressed against his abs just underneath his pecs as he towered over me. I ran my fingers over his muscular arms, tracing the bare skin around his tattoo and feeling how thick and hard his muscles were.

  Our lips drifted closer and closer as I felt my body longing for him.

  “Take me” I whispered with our lips just an inch apart.

  He practically lunged for me, bringing me in and kissing me passionately as I shifted my weight and pushed him so that he was sitting on the couch.

  I climbed on top of him and wrapped our lips together again, grinding my hips against his groin as he began to strip his pants down to his ankles, freeing his massive cock.

  He grabbed my hips and lifted me up, hovering my over his cock as our lips stayed locked together in passion and heat.

  I didn’t know what would happen to me once those men came for us, all I knew was that I wish I could stay in this moment forever.

  I slowly lowered myself down onto his cock, gasping as I felt him slide inch after inch into me. I looked deep into his blue eyes, eyes as blue as water, eyes that reminded me of the summer rain that fell on our cabin the night before.


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