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Needing Her

Page 11

by Annabelle Love

  “You don’t seem to get it, Hailey.” Slowly turning me around, Anthony lifted his wet fingers to his lips as his eyes bored into my lids. Licking the long digits with a groan, he pushed his fingertips into my mouth to caress my inner cheek. “You’re mine—understand? I’m not half-assing this.”

  “… Don’t make me regret this, Anthony.” My heart rate slowed dangerously fast, and I grumbled heavily around Anthony’s forefinger. Retreating from my mouth, he caressed my cheek to leave thick trails of saliva, and I tilted my head into his palm even as it traveled down. Heaving a shuddering, unstable breath, I didn’t dare open my aching eyelids, and my knees folded when he pushed down on my shoulder.

  “I won’t.” Anthony’s promise rained down on me like a cleansing deluge, and I slumped slightly as he held my arms above my head by my wrists.

  “Trust me.”

  Chapter 21


  “Where did you get this stuff—where did you even hide this stuff?” Anthony didn’t answer me as he finished checking the ropes that tied me up. My weak question bounced around the otherwise silent room, and he carefully lifted me up to secure me vertically to brace hooks jutting out from the door frame. Thick bra straps cut into my shoulders, but I could barely feel it over the fire that licked my abdomen and boiled my blood.

  “I’ve been planning this since your doctor’s appointment. I stored it at the hotel and set it while you were at work.” Furrowing my brows over shuttered lids, I started to frown only to gasp when Anthony tugged at the thick ropes that hogtied my body with my arms and legs behind me. “You went on birth control. I took that at face value and wanted to do something special.”

  “Special…” Shivering as firm, callused hands dragged up my legs to knead my ass, I could almost see Anthony’s expression looming out of the abyss. “I like being special.”

  “You’ve been my special girl since I first saw you at the airport, Hailey.” Moaning softly, tingles spread across my face when Anthony squeezed my ass and held my exposed slit to the roughness of his jeans. His breath caused the fine hairs on my face to stand up, and his lips brushed my own heavily. “How’re your arms?”

  “I never did this before… suspension…” Anthony cracked a slight smirk at my confession, and butterflies fluttered in my belly as his lips curved against my own. “You’re not a bad hogtie-er.”

  “I’ve never done this before, either.” Finally, my eyelids cracked open of their own volition, and the dull sunlight streaming through the curtains nearly blinded me. My whimper only spurred Anthony to kiss me deeply, and my heart itself shivered at the intimacy of the moment. Closing my eyes once again, I opened my mouth for his tongue to wrap sweetly around mine. My knees ached, as thick rope held my legs apart, and I flexed my toes against my fingers as anticipation seeped from my slit.

  I wasn’t stupid or ignorant; Anthony had a way of doing things, and intimacy wasn’t his style at all. He’d managed to keep it all well-contained, but now his hand trembled as it cupped my cheek.

  Bondage and domination weren’t mutually inclusive, but they blended heavily. I’d learned the ins and outs of this world for the first time at 16 years old; I’d had a good number of partners over the past 11 years, they’d all been learning experiences.

  But Anthony was the end of the line for me, and this was proof.

  This was the difference.

  Trailing hot, heavy kisses down my jaw and neck, Anthony kneaded my ass heavily, and I hummed in pleasure as my head fell back. His dry lips scraped against my sensitive skin, and he dragged his nails along my outer thighs. The bulge in his jeans pulled the fabric taut, and a whimper burst from my throat when the catch on his zipper flicked my nub.

  Panting harshly as he mouthed my pert nipples beyond my bra, my heart twisted between my lungs as fire threatened to melt my insides. Gasping with a slight jerk, my head flopped forward, and my eyelids pried apart when Anthony pushed my legs further apart. The frame attached to the door helped support me, and my fogged mind only faintly realized how much planning had to have gone into this.

  “Wow…” My low groan earned me a knowing, wicked smirk, and Anthony placed sloppy, openmouthed kisses down my belly as he dropped to his knees. Anticipation caught my breath in my tightening throat, and my abdomen clenched tightly when his hooded eyes met mine.

  “Are you ready, Hailey?” I could only nod dumbly, and Anthony’s smirk grew wider before he licked my bare mound with the tip of his tongue. “I’m ready.”

  Thick undertones laced Anthony’s rasping voice, and my pupils blew as the sheer magnitude of this moment bore down on me. This had nothing to do with what happened today; he’d been upset, sure, but his insistence that this was an apology was just to mask his true intentions.

  He wasn’t ready to tell me that no one else mattered. He wasn’t ready to admit that his life thus far had been bleak and grim, and Antonya and I had brightened it. He didn’t want to fuck this up by going too fast because he was still working on himself.

  “I’m ready—” Choking out the declaration, I ground my teeth as the intensity of his stare shot straight to my core. Shivering from the waves of pleasure that flooded my veins, my ass tightened under his palms as just his attention alone sent me over the edge. “Anthony-y-y-y…”

  Straining against my restraints, I craned my neck as my muscles cramped tightly, but the pain of it was lost under the sheer ecstasy Anthony forced on me. Rough, chapped lips brushed my throbbing clit, and I buckled as my body became too much for my skin. Callused fingertips circled my entrance, and he held my ass with his other hand to slowly, sweetly, delve into my depths.

  “Oh- oh-h-h-h… fuck… fuck… yes-s-s!” Anthony’s knuckles buried in my folds, tongue swirled around my clit as his grumbles and grunts reverberated up my spine. My walls tightened, undulating against his long, thick digits, and my orgasm only intensified until I could feel it in my abs. “Fuck, fuck, fuck—”

  “Let go, Hailey—I got you, babe.” Throwing my head back, I shook wildly and colorful spots popped like fireworks in the abyss behind my eyelids. Anthony’s heavy demand—his promise—resonated with my very bones as they trembled inside tense cocoons of muscle, and he twisted his fingers with a sharp jerk.

  My jaw dropped, but all that escaped was a strangled choke, and even it wasn’t strong enough to rise above the blood pounding against my eardrums.

  Even as Anthony’s mouth left my core after just a tease, he stroked my inner walls as they seeped the rapture of his attention. The zip of his jeans bounced around inside my skull, and a needy gasp scraped the back of my throat.

  Quivering violently, the expectation alone was enough to roll my eyes in their sockets, and the head of his cock swiped along my slit to leave burn marks in its wake.

  My lungs throbbed desperately for air, but I couldn’t force them to expand, and Anthony tightened his grip on my ass in preparation. His lips captured mine, free hand tangling in my hair, and he slowly, tenderly thrust into my channel. Moaning breathlessly, my sound mingled with his groan, and he tightened his grip on my scalp when his hips hit mine. The sting of his cock stretching my walls only added to the pleasure that washed through me, and cold prickles surged up my torso all the way to the base of my neck.

  This was so different than just yesterday; the dominating roughness with which Anthony had brutalized me was almost completely absent. He was careful, thinking of exactly how to move beforehand, and each kiss of his flesh to mine was sweet and considerate. This past weekend, he focused on my pleasure but administered it his way.

  Now, though, he kept his word—he made love to me my way. I desperately wanted to know if that fed the savage beast in him even a little bit; maybe it was the same for him as it was for me.

  Exiting my channel, Anthony gasped down my throat as his tongue pushed past my teeth, and I spasmed with a violent jerk. He set a firm pace, the head of his cock pressing insistently against my cervix, and his steady thrusts flung me over the edge and
into an abyssal vortex of pure, white bliss.

  Anthony’s taste coated my tongue as his tangled with it, and I swayed slightly, with each thrust of his hips. Plowing through my aching entrance, his cock caressed my walls as they tightened sharply only to release in quivering exhaustion.

  But Anthony couldn’t maintain such a slow, soft pace, and his nails digging into my ass caused warning bells to bang against my skull. His kiss turned harsh, teeth dragging along my bottom lip, and his hand in my hair pulled at the strands as it slid to wrap around the right side of my face. My heart rate jolted into overdrive, and I managed a shallow, hot breath before his thumb held down my tongue.

  “I have to… I have to… to—” Tilting my hips at Anthony’s unsteady stuttering, I sucked heavily on his thumb as thrill mixed with the profound trust in my chest to create a maelstrom of violent perfection.

  This is it—the unparalleled bond of a pair in absolute sync.

  Taking my obvious hint, Anthony pulled back only to snap his hips roughly, and the slap of his skin against mine speared my brain. My pleasured shriek muffled from his thumb, and he shoved the digit down my throat as his animal burst free.

  Choking harshly, I jerked and flexed against my binds, and my fingernails clawed frantically at the tops of my feet. Muscle cramps shot down my thigh and up my calf, and I clamped down on his cock even as he forced himself in.

  “Shit… shit… s-s-shi-i-it! Hai- Hailey—” Grinding the words finely through his teeth, Anthony gasped and sputtered between thrusts, and my head fell back as my orgasm ripped through me. The powerful spasms only intensified the pain in my leg, but even then, it wasn’t more than a tickle compared to the ecstasy that swamped my mind.

  Retreating from my channel with a jerk, Anthony ground against my belly, and sweat eased the friction. Hot, thick ropes of cum shot up to cling to the underside of my soaking wet bra, and I moaned weakly as his shaft rippled and pulsed against my flesh. Panting harshly to deepen the cracks on my lips, he pressed his forehead against my chin, and my tongue tingled as his thumb slipped out of my mouth.

  Chapter 22


  “Here you go, babe.” Handing Hailey the remote control to the television, I carefully lifted her legs to sit underneath them. Her body was still covered in goosebumps, trembling even as she languished on the couch with Antonya on her breast.

  Propping her calves on my lap, my fingers itched to wrap around her muscles and ease them of the sharp twisting and spasming that dented her smooth skin. Supposedly, the cramp didn’t hurt, but it surely looked like it did, and I frowned slightly as the News droned in my ears.

  “Is the pork loin in the oven, I didn’t hear the beep…” Smiling at the heavy slur her words rode, I nodded as Hailey dropped her head against the armrest out of the corner of my eye. Massaging her leg, tingles shot up my arm when her foot twitched, and butterflies swarmed my chest.

  She didn’t act this way after the last few times we’d had sex; sure, she was tired—she was satisfied—but she never exuded this serenity.

  “Yeah, babe, it’s in. That’s why I got up. How’s Antonya?” My question only earned me a soft groan, and my smile widened as I glanced up Hailey’s body. The breast held back by her fresh bra already leaked through the fabric, and amusement filled my chest. She had a doctor’s appointment at the hospital to be approved to donate her milk, but she was still struggling. Even if she pumped beforehand, our sexual escapades left her soaked, but the notion wasn’t disgusting at all to me.

  I wasn’t going to mess with her breasts, though. I’d learned that on Friday that they could turn her into a pain-riddled mess in less than the time it took to blink.

  “My nipple feels like it’s going to fall off. It hurts.” The peacefulness of early evening permeated the living room, and Hailey lifted her head to glance down at Antonya. “I don’t mind it so much, I don’t think.”

  “Yeah.” Offering a non-committal response, I turned my attention back to her leg to find Hailey’s cramp easing up some. We’d showered quickly, but there wasn’t much time between then and when Antonya began to stir. Our daughter stayed awake for a half hour or so before latching onto Hailey’s chest, and I’d carried her around for a majority of that time, so Hailey could relax.

  Furrowing my brows deeply, I pursed my lips together as a twinge of irritation swept through me. Everything I had so carefully planned had fallen apart mid-way through. Hailey’s desire to be immobilized had just intensified my need to fuck her brains out; the exact same thing that happened at that club had happened again. The only difference now was I could see what happened afterwards, and the guilt that I’d always felt about that night didn’t burrow into my chest.

  She hadn’t been fudging the truth even a little bit when she said that she wasn’t hurt. Seeing her, now, was almost like closure.

  “So…” Breaking me from my thoughts, Hailey’s roughened voice slithered in my ears above the sound of the weatherwoman, and I tilted my head. From this angle, I had a clear view up her nose, and my throat tightened with affection. “What do you want to do about that guy?”

  “I’m gonna make a call. If my father did hire him, I’ll find out. I find it hard to believe that it was a coincidence.” Even though there was a chance it wasn’t, I was fairly certain that Hailey’s run-in with that guy was a hint tactic that my father knew where I was. That alone wasn’t so worrying, but I still clenched my teeth absently as I thought about the situation. If my father found out about Antonya and Hailey, he’d make the biggest fucking issue of it.

  These past few weeks, I’d really began to understand that there were options; just because my father had a heart attack didn’t mean I was trapped in his clutches. He was perfectly capable of handling himself if he was careful, and I’d spent innumerable hours in therapy trying to figure out why he wouldn’t let me go.

  It was no secret that my father wasn’t an easy man; he was so demanding and controlling that my mother had killed herself to get away from him. She’d tried to leave him several times before, but he always got her back somehow.

  The first time, I’d been 12, then 15, then 17, and then she’d overdosed when I was 20. It’d only cemented my hatred for my dad, and after 12 years of going through what she had, I understood her decision.

  “You know, Hailey… I wouldn’t mind doing this for the rest of my life.” Speaking up slowly, I leaned my head back against the couch to suck in a sharp breath, and Hailey hummed softly in acknowledgment. “I’ve worked so much the past 15 years… I don’t think it’d be too bad not to pick up where I left off in real estate.”

  “You’d be a house husband and let me be the breadwinner? It’s not shameful to you ‘cause you’re a dominant manly-man?” Throwing her probing into the light atmosphere, Hailey didn’t so much as twitch a muscle to lift her head. Shaking my head even though she couldn’t see, I continued my ministrations on her leg absently as my mind worked.

  “I have money—it’s not like I’m a deadbeat p-o-s. You work because you love it. There’s no shame in letting you do something you love and have worked so hard for.” Pursing my lips together, I stared at the ceiling to exhale a heavy breath. “Being a dom isn’t about oppressing you… you remember what I said about not having a fragile masculinity?”

  “Yeah... you have a point. You wouldn’t be a deadbeat.” Drawling a response, Hailey carefully slid her legs off my lap, and I lifted my head as she sat up with a harsh grunt. Pulling her bra up over her breast, she carefully switched arms to nestle Antonya. Watching her adjust herself in the growing silence, I arched a brow at the thoughtful expression playing on her face. “I don’t want you for your money, Anthony. I like working, yeah, but…”

  “Babe—it’s okay. We don’t have to talk about it in depth right now. I just thought you should know.” Speaking up as Hailey trailed off, I took a deep breath as she glanced at me wearily from under heavy lids. “We’ll just keep doing what we’re doing, yeah.”

I think we need to talk about it.” Propping her legs back on my lap as she leaned back against the armrest, Hailey held my gaze with a faint glint of determination. “I mean, you’ve got millions of freakin’ dollars. I’ll probably never make a tiny fraction of that in my entire life. If you really don’t want to work anymore, that’s fine, but I need a contingency plan… just in case. That’s the person I am—I’ve always been. It’s not because I don’t trust you, Anthony.”

  Hailey was quick to defend herself, and I narrowed my eyes on her as her face tinged pink.

  “I know you trust me, Hailey.” Licking my lips heavily, I couldn’t help but frown at the ugly, black blotch that spread across my chest. “It’s an assholeish thing to say, but it’s not about you. It’s not about your trust or whether or not you think you’re taking advantage of me. I just… don’t want to work. I don’t want to work when I can do this instead. If I never see the inside of an office building again, it’ll be too soon. If my dad is trying to track me down, he’ll try to do some extreme stuff, and I need you to know that what I want is to be right here.”

  “Oh, that’s not assholeish…” Understanding flashed in Hailey’s eyes, and the redness in her face paled back to her natural complexion. My lungs deflated at the slight smile she shot me, and I kneaded her calf absently as invisible weights lifted from my chest. “I thought you meant because you wanted me to stop working if I got stressed or something—that you could just take over. You can do whatever you want, Anthony. Your dad can’t intimidate me. I did nothing wrong. If you don’t want to work, you don’t have to.”

  For a brief moment, I wondered how Hailey could’ve possibly missed the point of what I’d said, but I only shook my head. She’d just repeated back my original declaration after telling me she needed a contingency plan and that she trusted me not to dump her. It’s the breastfeeding… it makes her loopy.


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