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Zombie Battle (Book 5): Survive

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by Jacqueline Druga

  “How many people are we talking about getting off the mainland?” Don asked.

  “I’m figuring we can save close to a million.”

  “A million. That’s not even one percent of the population.”

  “How many are left out there, Don?” Lance questioned. “How many are battling? Dying? This whole thing is going to be an arduous process. Hell, we may not have enough fire power to take out all the reanimated, we may have to wait until everyone one of these things just dies out. Who know how long that will take? We get the word out and we save as many as we can. To be honest with you. I’m looking at this as an extinction level event, and I can’t allow that. I can’t allow that to happen. If we can save a million people, then, man doesn’t become extinct. It’s not many, but it isn’t the end.”

  “The explanation is a good one. It is. I think I’ll have that drink now.” Don reached across the desk for the bottle.

  Chapter Ten

  London, England

  Lucille felt good about resting for the night. She spoke to the Minister of Defense and had him working on a plan to implement the naval forces, along with air to assist the United States. More than that within an hour she was able to pull together an emergency conference call with several heads of States and members of the UN to inform them that they were not to give up on the United States. She even forwarded the screenshot picture of that Hollywood actor and the faces of those involved in the online video chat.

  “These are the people we want to burn out,” Lucille stated. “They are alive, fighting and have not given up hope.”

  Her plea worked. She even managed to get a spot on Ren Ryan’s video circle, telling him he was important to the morale of his people and he was to keep encouraging individuals to listen to their government officials. If they say stay put then do it. Hunker down if advised and leave if told.

  A glass of wine, wound down the evening and finally Lucille felt as if the world was getting a grip on something that could have gotten out of control.

  Just as she undressed for bed, ready to lay her head on the pillow, she heard the ringing of the doorbell. She grabbed her robe, believing it was important considering the late hour.

  Her daughter, Tabby peeked out her bedroom door.

  “Mother, is everything all right?”

  “I’m certain. Go on back to bed.”

  The security camera positioned by the front door was useless, for some reason it was off. But she did manage to see the back of the head. It was Swanson, she was certain.

  Tightening her belt on her robe, Lucille looked through the peephole of the door then opened it. “Swanson?” she asked with surprise. “What’s going on?”

  “We have a situation,” Swanson stepped inside. “I tried to call, but the phones are now done.”

  “I just spoke on the phone.” Lucille said with surprise. “Did you try my mobile?”

  “Yes. Nothing, but a ‘try again’ later’ message.

  “Mummy.” Tabby called from the staircase. “The internet is down. I can see a connection but I can’t connect to anything.”

  Lucille spun with concern to Swanson. “Is this all spanning from what is happening in America?”

  Swanson shook his head. “No. Think back. Years ago. SARs.”

  “All right.”

  “How did it get out of control so fast?”

  “The Chinese government never … oh dear God.” Her hand shot to her mouth.

  “Officials were keeping it quiet there, in hopes of containing it. In hopes that their fate would be determined like the United States. Once we removed the ‘burn out’ order, they released their info, but it’s too far too fast. They don’t know how many have crossed borders. But they didn’t cause a chain reaction. It’s everywhere. It has just taken days for the news to surface and for one bite victim to become two then four and so on. Long enough for the numbers to be where the US was weeks ago.”

  “So in a few days, a week, we’ll be in the same position as America.” Lucille stumbled back. “What do we do?”

  “I know we agreed to have our military aid the United States. But we must rescind,” Swanson recommended. “Like German and Russia. We must now worry about ourselves. I have a feeling we may need our own survival plan.”

  Lucille’s feeling of hope and confidence flew out the window and was rapidly replaced with fear and doom. She peered up to the stairs where her daughter stood listening, then back to Swanson.

  Her night wasn’t slowing down and ending like she had planned, it was only just beginning.

  Chapter Eleven

  Brooks, North Carolina

  She clenched the phone so tight, a layer of sweat formed between her hand and the phone. Irma begged and pleaded in her mind with every ring. ‘Please answer. Please.’

  And then he did. Saul actually called out, “Jack’ when he picked up.

  “Saully,” Irma wept. “Saully it’s me.”

  “Oh my God, Irma. Sweetheart. Thank God. Are you and the baby ok?”

  “Yes. Yes we are. Lil is as well.”

  “I am so glad Jack found you.”

  “Garrick did. We’ve just pulled over before it gets dark. He gave me the phone to call.”

  “Garrick? Where’s Jack?”

  “He ... he’s on his way to get you, Saul. He gave me his phone. He wants to get you to meet us at the coast. We’re going to try to catch the rescue ships or get on the islands like the radio says.”

  “Where are you?”

  “North Carolina. We pulled into this small town and we’re in this garage right now.” Irma said.

  “Are there any reanimated there?”

  “Yes. Many. They’ve destroyed this town, Saul. Buildings are pulled apart.”

  “It seems as if we can’t categorize them at all. The germ seems to hit everyone differently. Some more violent than others.”

  “I know.”

  Saul breathed out. “I miss you, Irma. I miss you very much. I miss the baby.”

  “We miss you Saully and love you. We need you, so you listen to Jack, ok, you come with him. You find us.”

  “I will. At some point my work must end. I found the cure, but it’s useless. I don’t have enough to save the world nor time to make it.”

  “Saully, that is an understatement,” Irma told him. “If we were dealing with humans only then maybe it could be controlled. But Saul, everything that lives gets infected.”

  “Are you sure?”

  “Yes.” Irma nodded. “Deer, birds, Saul, rats … rats got Steven. That’s another reason we had to stop. He needs to rest. He saved us Saul; he saved your wife, your grandson and your wife’s new friend. He risked his life to get us. I will tell everyone what he has done and so should you.”

  “He was attacked by rats?” Saul asked.

  “Yes, they bit him. It wasn’t too bad, but he’s sick. Garrick gave him the cure you had sent, but … I can’t figure it out. He doesn’t look like he’s going to turn. He asked for a mirror and said he doesn’t look like our Peruvian flu people, but he’s bad. I don’t think he’s making it through the night.”

  “His breathing?”

  “Like your Yaya when she was at the end. Labored, thick.”

  Saul exhaled. “If he was attacked by rats, Irma, it’s more than our germ. Rats carry many things. This is way over our heads.”

  Irma sniffled. “Saul, I must end this call if I want to save power to call you tomorrow. Please, be careful. I’m not sure how I can live my life if I don’t have you in it.”

  “I will.”

  They spoke a few more moments, said their goodbyes and then Irma waited a few more seconds. She looked at Lil who held on top Jerry. While they waited on Garrick to return. Parked in a dark dingy garage, she needed a moment to herself. The sounds of the undead filled the air around them. And while she knew they had to stop for the night, she hoped they could actually make it through the night to get moving in the morning. While she stood there, taking that time.
She also prayed for Steve, that God would do whatever He felt was best for the man who would forever be a hero in her eyes.

  Chapter Twelve

  Cleveland, Ohio

  “It’s everything,” Saul explained over the phone to Lance. “Anything that breathes on this earth is infected. We lost control of it not only the moment it crossed our borders, but the second it crossed species.”

  “We’re pulling you out of there,” Lance told him.

  “Who Stilton?” Saul questioned.

  “We haven’t heard from Stilton or his men in hours. We believe they were lost or something in the Akron attack. But from radio reports we got, it’s in Cleveland and we have to get you. Tomorrow morning, we’ll lift you, Powers and Dodds. Dodds and his weapon will come here; you and Powers will be placed on board the USNS Comfort.”

  “No.” Saul stated firm.


  “No. I am going to be with my wife. I’m done. I’ll send everything with Powers, but I need to be with my family. This is all going down. Things as we know it are over. We’ve been apart long enough. If my end is coming, I need it to be with my wife and grandson.”

  “Where is your wife?”

  “She’s with Sergeant Edwards' wife in North Carolina. They are headed for the coast.”

  After a pause, Lance stated. “Apparently you spoke to her, can you get in touch with her again?”

  “I will in the morning.”

  “Get a location on her and Edward’s wife. We’ll grab them after you. Will you come if we bring you all onboard?”


  “Then we’ll arrange that in the morning.”

  Saul thanked him, but wasn’t putting much stock into the ‘picking up Irma’ plan. He was focusing on leaving Cleveland, yes, but to find his wife. He ended the call and faced Powers and Dodds who were in the office.

  Dodds scratched his head. “It’s hard to figure out what’s going on in only half of a conversation.”

  “They want to move myself and Powers to a Hospital ship and you …. They want you there. Wherever ‘there’ is.”

  “They want my weapon. I’d rather stay with you two. I’ll give them the weapon and head wherever you go,” Dodds said. “I’m pretty certain, wherever they are isn’t going to be good in a short spell.”

  Saul cracked a smile. “Why would you say that?”

  “Serious?” Dodds laughed. “They have the worst luck. I followed the news … sort of. Well a conspiracy site. Lance was there when the president bit it, so was the Secretary of Health. They had to put down an agent. Let’s not forget about the news conference gone wild. They make it safely to a bunker. What happens? DC blows up. What happens next? The bunker goes down. I bet they had to walk through a radiated city to get out.”

  Saul swiped his finger over his lip to hide his smile. “They did and they got attacked.”

  “Ha!” Dodds pointed. “I knew it. Bad luck duo. I’ll just pass on joining them. Who the hell knows what will happen next to them guys?”

  “Well, you can explain to him.” Saul said.

  Powers shook his head. “You obviously told them you didn’t want to go, Saul. How did they handle that?”

  “They didn’t. He said they’d get my wife after they get us. I just need a location from them.” Saul shrugged. “We’ll see what happens tomorrow. They’re supposed to come and get us. However I’ll be honest with you … Jack Edwards is on his way. He left his wife to get me and I’ll be damned if I’ll leave before he gets here. If he said he’s coming, he’s coming. I’ll wait right here for Jack.”

  “Wait no more, Saul.” Jack walked in the room.

  Saul heaved out a breath and grinned. “You son of a bitch.” He hurried to Jack and embraced him. Stepping back, Saul noticed that Jack looked worn, dirty and tainted with smears and specks of blood. “Are you okay?” Saul asked. “Not hurt, right?”

  “Not at all my friend.” Jack squeezed his arms. “Had some problems after we landed. But I’m here. Last stop. Get ready to see your wife tomorrow.” Jack winked and smiled. “Because I’m done chasing your ass around this country.”

  Chapter Thirteen

  Chesapeake Bay

  Eleven pellets. That number, that thought, ran thought Lance’s head after ending the call with Saul.

  There were eleven remaining pellets of Dodds’ weapon. Lance wanted to kill Stilton for using three in Ohio. Since he took them no one really heard from Stilton, probably melted like the creatures he sought to destroy.

  If more than one was going to be used, Lance knew where. Manhattan Island. Two were needed there. After all creatures were destroyed, that was another seal off place.

  He conveyed this information to Dodds who insisted his weapon wasn’t big enough for Manhattan. Three at least would be needed. Lance couldn’t spare three. He wanted to clear a good pocket to seal off. That was all he could do.

  According to Saul, they truly believed the undead would just die off … again. Only for real and for good, decomposing to the point where they were not a threat.

  He spread out a map, using the sketchy information and reports of large groups of undead, trying to determine where to use the weapon most efficiently.

  Don cleared his throat.

  Lance peered up. “I’m sorry, I went immediately to this.”

  “That’s fine. What did Dr. Klein say?”

  “We’ll pick him up tomorrow.”

  “Did I hear you mention something about his wife?”

  “Yes. I told him get to on our chopper and we’d find out where she was and get her.”

  Don stared at him for a moment, looking into Lance’s eyes. “You don’t mean that, though? You’re not getting her?”

  “We can’t and don’t have time.”

  “Then you should have told him.”

  “And then what?” Lance asked sharp. “Have him decline to come. No, I need him. He has to go. Besides, his wife is in North Carolina and is headed to the coast. She’ll be on a rescue ship before we even get Klein.”

  “That’s not true. They probably stopped for the night. Lance, you know as well as I do those ships are filling up. Last report was sixty percent capacity. They’ll be full by morning.”

  Lance lowered his head and returned to the map.

  “That doesn’t bother you?”

  “I can’t let it. I can’t. I have to save who we can. Maybe her Majesty’s navy will have room once they arrive.”

  “They aren’t coming and you know this.” Don leaned closer. “Lance call him and tell him you aren’t getting her or picking her up. Either way, don’t lie to Dr. Klein. At this point in it all, we can’t afford the bad karma.”

  “Do you really believe that it will come back at us?”

  “One hundred percent. Our luck hasn’t been the best.”

  After a long stare, Lance nodded. “Then we’ll get her. As hard as it is going to be to find her, we’ll do our best.”

  “Do you mean that?”

  “I wouldn’t say it.”

  Don nodded.

  Lance returned to his map. He had far too much on his mind to worry about arguing with Don or even bad karma. Don was right about one thing, they hadn’t had the best luck and knowing the way things were going, Lance thought perhaps he didn’t need to chance causing any more bad occurrences.

  Chapter Fourteen

  Newton, North Carolina

  Everyone thought he was nuts. Garrick didn’t care. He was one of those ‘odd’ people that no matter where he went he always had the apocalypse on his mind. Where could he go if he wasn’t near the fortress? Places that would work.

  On his top ten list was a drug store. For years Garrick said that should there be a zombie apocalypse of something where a person had to hide out for weeks, the best place to go was a Rite Aid. They had large loading areas in the back and every accessible window and door was a roll down metal riot gate equipped with a tiny peek through window.

  It didn’t matter if
the store was in a metropolis or off on a small road in a little town. They all had the same thing. Some were bigger than others, but the gates were a constant.

  The first time Garrick had seen those gates was when he went on a fishing trip. They stopped in a small town, and the gates were down. Garrick joked to the clerk, asking if the small town had a history of violence and that was when he was told all of the stores had them.

  Sure enough, in the town of Newton, there not only was a Rite Aid, but the gates were down.

  Not a single speck of light could be seen inside the store. If there had been surely, Garrick would have seen something through the ‘peep windows’


  The dead wandered around the building, occasionally walking into it. No windows were broken. It looked as if the folks simply closed down shop for the night and went home.

  Surely, someone had to think of it as a safe haven.

  It didn’t look it. The store, like the town appeared void of life. Where did everyone in the town go? Did they leave or simply turn into the creatures that meandered the streets.

  Garrick was certain of one thing. He had to get into the store. There was food in there and more importantly and more needed medical supplies for Steve.

  But the problem remained getting into the store without calling attention to the undead.

  Noise traveled and they heard. Garrick had yet to figure out that one. How they heard anything if the brain was only on auto. If they couldn’t talk, how could they hear? Yet they did.

  Garrick figured he had two options. One was to go into the store, get what he needed and take the supplies back to the garage two blocks away. Or, he could simply bring everyone there.

  His gut told him there weren’t any dead in the store, but he couldn’t be sure.


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