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Magic Touch

Page 17

by Leia Stone

  “My girl,” he crooned, claiming the chair next to mine and wrapping a short, stubby arm around the back of it. “I never thought I’d see the day you’d be married with a baby. But you’re rocking it like you’ve rocked everything else in your life. You’re a fine bride, and a finer mother. I couldn’t be prouder of you.”

  “Shit, Cass. You can’t make me cry at my own wedding reception,” I whispered, swiping beneath my eyes to keep my mascara from running down my cheeks.

  “You know me,” he said, “I gotta speak my heart with you. Always have.”

  I nodded. “I love you too, Cass. Best friends forever.”

  “Forever,” he echoed, and took in Brock and Caleb. “You take good care of my girl, Brock. I know where to find you if you don’t.”

  Brock smirked. “That’s because you live five minutes away and have a telepathic connection with my wife.”

  My wife. My breath hitched in my chest as emotion rushed through me, and I blinked furiously, trying to keep myself together.

  “Still,” Cass pressed, “you know I’ll always have her back.”

  “Cass, my friend,” Brock said, “I wouldn’t have it any other way. For Evie, everything. I’d give her the entire world if I could.”

  “You already did,” I squeaked, and Brock and Cass both whirled on me as I sniffled. But they didn’t comment on my emotional moment. Cass leaned his head against my shoulder, and Brock squeezed my thigh beneath my dress.

  “What do you say I get out of this dress and we head off on our next adventure?” I asked Brock.

  He grinned. “Getting you out of this dress has been top on my list all night.”

  Cass chuckled. “Finally, my girl’s getting as much action as I am.”

  Before Cass could elaborate, I shot to my feet, picking up Caleb. “I’ll change. If you can grab our bags, we can leave right after,” I told Brock.

  “The happy couple is leaving for their honeymoon!” Cass announced the second I stopped talking. “Let’s gather round to see them off so they can go have lots and lots of hot sex!”

  The wolf pack threw their heads back and howled into the descending night. I laughed, working to ignore the fact that my dad was out there among them somewhere.

  “Cass might be drunk,” Brock commented, but I wasn’t sure. Sex was always Cass’ favorite topic and he knew he had to babysit, so he’d better not be.

  By the time I returned in my signature tight jeans, crop top, and kickass boots, everyone had gathered, and they were cheering, hooting and hollering, basically making as much noise as you might imagine a hundred-plus-odd supes could make.

  Brock stood at his truck, our bags loaded, “Just married” scrawled across every window except the windshield. Silently, he extended his hand toward me, and wolves and witches whistled and yelled some more.


  The one word had me searching for the one person I wanted to be sure I saw before I left. “Dad…”

  The crowd parted so he could wheel forward, Cho pushing him along the rough terrain of Brock’s land—of our land—until he was close enough to continue on his own.

  “I’m so proud of you, my daughter. You’re strong and magical and beautiful, inside and out. You’re fit to lead these people who surround you.”

  “This is Brock’s pack, not mine,” I answered my dad. “He will be leading them, not me.”

  My dad shook his head gently, his dark hair sliding along his head. “Now that you’re married, what’s his is yours, and these wolves look up to you already. I have no doubt you’ll prove a fit leader.”

  I opened my mouth to say something, but shut it in the end, and simply nodded and smiled.

  “Your mother would have been just as proud of you as I am,” he added, and I sniffled.

  “Thanks, Dad,” I said over that pesky lump in my throat.

  “Now, go have some fun with your husband. You’ve earned it.”

  I tried not to consider what he might be suggesting, especially with Cass and Tianna laying on the sexual innuendo as thick as icing on a cake for their eager audience. Nodding rapidly, I stepped to Brock instead.

  “Say goodbye to Daddy,” I told Caleb while Brock leaned down to kiss our son’s forehead.

  “Come to Uncle Cass.” My bestie was approaching us, his hands outstretched.

  “You’re sure you can handle him while we’re gone?” I asked.

  Cass brought both stubby hands to his hips, bringing my full attention to his rhinestone booty shorts. It seemed as if every single light in the forest reflected off his attire. “Of course I can handle him. If I can take down giant trolls and demons, I can surely handle a little rug-rat for a few days. He and I are going to have so much fun. I have the whole week planned out. We’ll hit the bar every night to pick up the fae ladies.”

  Suddenly Tianna was right behind Cass, her arms crossed, a scowl pressed across her face. He hip-bumped her. “You know I’m just kidding, T. The fae ladies are for the little man, not me.”

  I panicked. “The ‘little man’ does not need to be going to bars. Maybe this was a mistake.”

  Cass laughed, clutched his little potbelly, and then he laughed some more. “I’m just messing with ya, Eve. We’ve got it under control. I even bought this little baby piano for him to play with. Go have fun. T and Molly are going to help me.”

  I glanced at Molly. She was drinking straight from a bottle of wine, dancing with both brothers at the same time, one pressed to either side of her, their hands all over her.

  Cass peered at her too. “She’ll help me tomorrow. Once she sleeps off her hangover.”

  “Come on, wife, you heard Cass. Time to have some adult fun.” Brock kissed Caleb another time, took him from me, and handed him over to Cass, who promptly hitched my baby boy onto his rhinestoned hip. Caleb was instantly fascinated with the lightshow that was Cass, playing with his sparkly bowtie. In another three years my son would by taller than my bestie.

  “He’ll be fine,” Brock whispered, his breath hot in my ear. “We need time for ourselves.”

  Hell yeah we did. I nodded, my eyes pinned to Caleb, and allowed Brock to lead me to the truck.

  After our guests supplied enough fanfare to make me feel like a celebrity, Brock finally pulled the truck away, beeping the horn lightly a few times. Even with the windows closed, I could make out the celebration of those we were leaving behind.

  Brock pointed us away from home and started down the long drive toward town, and eventually the airport.

  “So where are we going?” I asked.

  “I booked us a very private hut directly over the crystal-clear water in French Polynesia. There will be plenty of fine white sand, sunshine, and no clothes required. Hell, better yet, no clothes allowed. How’s that sound?”

  “Like a dream.”

  Wild sex with a naked Brock, with no crying baby. What more could this girl ask for?

  I’d already gotten everything I wanted.

  What’s next?

  Evie’s story has drawn to an end, but if you enjoyed her adventures, check out another of Lucía and Leia’s series! They all contain plenty of magic, adventure, and attitude.

  Find your next read:

  Lucía’s Amazon page.

  Leia’s Amazon page.

  Lucía’s webpage.

  Leia’s webpage.

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  Thank you for reading our wild stories!

  Acknowledgments from Leia

  Wow what a fun Co-authoring experience. A big thank you to Lucia for being an amazing, creative, and easygoing individual.

  Thank you to our editor Lee from Ocean’s Edge editing for putting the finishing touches on this manuscript. Also a huge thanks
to our ARC team for their excitement for this book and for helping find any last typos. Lastly, thank you to my family as always for supporting my dream. Love you guys.

  Oh and I can’t forget, thank you Tate James for teaching me what a crotch goblin is.

  Acknowledgments from Lucía

  A huge thank you to Leia for having faith in our seed of an idea, which led to the adventures you just read. I didn’t realize it could be so much fun to share a fictional world with another writer! Of course, Leia is no ordinary author. In her, I found not only a fabulous writer, but also a wonderful friend. Leia, I’m ever so grateful to share this wild ride with you, girl.

  I’m also deeply thankful to all the readers who make the endless hours working on our books worthwhile. Creating magical worlds is a great passion of mine, one which would be far less meaningful without your support. Thank you, dear readers, for all your enthusiasm and love for our characters! It means the world to me.

  And finally, a great big goofy-smile thank you to my family. My three daughters, beloved, and mother are there for me through the ups and downs, and they love me through it all. I’m so grateful that you believe in me and the crazy ideas I come up with. I love you!




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