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Taylor's Geek Charming

Page 4

by Angela Franklin

  “Relax, Taylor, it’s just us.” He whispered as he loosened his arms, but didn’t let her go.

  “You said you need me to try the computer.” She reminded him, still trying to pull away.

  “It can wait a few minutes.” He pulled her closer to him.

  “I have a lot of work to do catch up on.” She told him pushing against his chest. She could feel all of the muscles there, and barely resisted the urge to run her hands over them.

  “Dinner at my place.” He tried again.

  “I have too much to do here. If I don’t finish it, I’ll have to work tomorrow instead of going to the cookout.” She told him honestly.

  “You need an assistant.” He said releasing her slowly, letting his hands caress her as she pulled away.

  “That is on my list of things to do.” She said walking to her desk. She was surprised her knees didn’t give out as she walked. This man really messed with her.

  Taylor walked over to the computer with Chad hot on her heels. He walked her through what he had fixed, then told her to try it. He leaned over her shoulder as the computer started up. She could feel his warm breath stir the loose hair on her neck, and she shivered. She didn’t even have to be looking at him for him to affect her. As she opened different programs to make sure everything was running right, she felt him get closer until he was pressed against the back of her chair with his arms on the desk on either side of her. Just listening to him talk made her melt into a puddle of goo.

  “Are you sure you can’t come over for dinner?” Chad asked as he closed his arms around her.

  “I have to get caught up now that you got the computer fixed.” Taylor held perfectly still. She didn’t want him to know how much he was getting to her.

  ‘We can have a late dinner. You can call when you are finishing up, and I can have dinner ready when you get there,” Chad said as he rested his chin on her shoulder.

  “No, it is going to be late.” Taylor murmured hoping he couldn’t hear how fast her heart was beating.

  “Then I will stay here with you.” Chad nodded.

  “You can’t.” Taylor said softly.

  “Sure I can, it’s a public library, and I am a public person.” He shrugged.

  “Nice try, but it’s after hours.” Taylor laughed.

  “Well, … I’m the tech guy, I should stay in case you have any more problems.” He whispered, gently rubbing her stomach where his hand rested.

  “Chad…” Taylor started.

  “I don’t like leaving you here alone.” He squeezed her closer, like he was afraid she would disappear,

  “That’s very sweet, but this is a small town. I am perfectly safe here. Plus, I have the sheriff on speed dial.” Taylor laughed as she thought of how demanding the guys had been about making sure her and the women in the group had their numbers just in case.

  “You don’t have mine.” Chad huffed.

  “Would it make you feel better if I did?” Taylor asked hopefully.

  “I would rather stay with you.” Chad grumbled.

  “I need to get to work. If I don’t get this done, I will have to come here instead of going to the cookout tomorrow.” She was trying to stay strong against him.

  “Fine. I will give you my number. If I call or text, and I will, I expect you to answer. If you don’t I will come looking for you.” Chad picked up her phone and put his number in her contacts.

  “You don’t have my number.” She turned narrowing her eyes on him.

  “I do now.” He said as his phone dinged in his pocket. “Now, give me a kiss before you walk me to the door.” He smirked at her.

  “Yeah right.” Taylor huffed as she went to step around him.

  “Not so fast.” Chad reached out and pulled her close against his chest.

  “I’m not kissing you.” She snapped.

  “I can live with that, for now.” Chad said hugging her tight. When he loosened his arms a little, Taylor looked up at him. He leaned in quickly and kissed her forehead.

  “I said no kiss.” She narrowed her eyes.

  “That wasn’t a real kiss, and since you won’t hug me back, it’s the least you could do.” Chad grinned at her.

  “Cheater.” She huffed. “I couldn’t have hugged you even if I wanted to. You have my arms trapped.” She wiggled them to prove her point.

  “If I free you will you hug me?” He cocked an eyebrow at her.

  “No, you already stole a kiss.” She shook her head.

  “I didn’t think you would.” He smiled.

  “Chad, I need to get to work.” She reminded him.

  “Okay,” He released her, but took her hand and pulled her to the door with him. “I need your address so I can pick you up tomorrow.” He said at the door.

  “I will just meet you there.” She replied.

  “Okay, I will see you tomorrow. Remember to answer your phone or I will be back, and make sure you lock the door behind me.” Chad said giving her a smug smile.

  “Yes, sir.” Taylor saluted him.

  “I could be a ‘sir’ if that’s what you want.” Chad wiggled his eyebrows.

  “Oh geez, just go.” She laughed.

  “I’ll see you tomorrow.” He smiled then walked out.

  Taylor closed and locked the door behind him, then went back to her desk. First, she had to put up the help wanted ad. She was tired of always doing everything. She loved the library, but she could use a break once in a while. After she had that done and posted on the internet, she turned to all the books she had to enter in the system. She had just finished putting the third book in when her phone dinged with a message. She considered ignoring it, but figured if it was Chad, he might actually show up if she did. She picked up her phone and checked it.

  Chad: Have you made it home yet? He texted an hour later.

  Taylor: Still have 10 more books to enter, then I have to check in all the books that have been returned.

  Chad: It’s late, you need to be home by now.

  Taylor: Yeah, but I have to get this done.

  Chad: Did you post the ad for help?

  Taylor: Yes, hopefully I can find someone soon.

  Chad: Is it going to take you much longer?

  Taylor: Probably an hour to an hour and a half.

  Chad: That will be after 11. Can I take you home please?

  Taylor: I will be fine.

  Chad: I don’t like the thought of you being alone so late.

  Taylor: This is Cedar Springs. I will be fine.

  Chad: Text me as soon as you get home.

  Taylor: Fine, I need to get back to work.

  Chad: Be safe, and call if you need anything.

  Taylor: I will.

  Taylor wanted to be annoyed at him for being so pushy, but it felt nice to have someone want to take care of her. All the guys watched out for her, and that could be annoying too, but this was different. She was more that capable of taking care of herself, but it was nice knowing someone else cared. She finished her work in a daze. She still wasn’t’ sure she wanted whatever he thought he was doing, but the attention was nice.

  It had been a while since she had gone on a date, but she clearly remembered always being asked first. Chad didn’t care if she wanted to or not, he just pulled her along. After their run in with Miss Jenkins, she had just wanted him to leave her alone. She could easily fall for him, but she knew better. He was new in town, once he adjusted to life here, he would have lots of people to hang out with and things to do. He would meet everyone tomorrow. Taylor knew he would fit in with the group. He had met most of them already, but he would have more time to socialize with them tomorrow.

  When she got home, she washed the makeup off, then crawled in bed. She couldn’t stop the memory of his arms around her from playing through her mind. Taylor had felt so small in comparison to him. He was tall and broad. She could curl up against him forever, but she knew better. The feel of his hands rubbing against her as she pulled away was burned into her senses. Just a
s she started to drift off to sleep, her phone rang. She looked at her clock and saw it was midnight. Who would call her at midnight? She grabbed the phone without checking the caller ID afraid something was wrong.

  “Hello?” She answered quickly.

  “Please tell me you’re okay.” A delicious male voice said.

  “Of course, I was almost asleep.” She snapped, not happy about being called so late.

  “Did you forget something?” He rumbled.

  “Apparently I should have turned my phone off.” She said around a yawn.

  “You were supposed to text me when you got home.” Chad reminded her.

  “Seriously? I’m a grown woman. I don’t answer to you.” She was considering hanging up on him.

  “Baby, you said you would be home by now.” Chad sighed.

  “And I am.” She huffed.

  “I got worried when you didn’t call, and went to the library to check on you.” He told her softly.

  “You don’t even know me. You have no right to tell me what to do.” She snarled at him.

  “I’m not telling you what to do. I’m just worried about you, and I want to know everything about you.” He said as she heard a door shut.

  “Chad, this is Cedar Springs, not New York. We have virtually no crime. Why did I hear a car door?” Her curiosity got the better of her.

  “I told you I went to the library. I just got back home. I’m from Calder Valley, which is smaller than Cedar Springs and it wasn’t even safe there.” She heard something in his voice that made her pause.

  “What’s happen?” Taylor asked worried about him.

  “Sophia’s mom set her up with this guy, and he left bruises on her on their first date. She snuck out the back and called me. A month later, her mom invited him over for dinner when her brother, Jackson, and Tanner, who is now her husband, got home from the military. The guy started stalking her. She moved in with her brother and Tanner so she wouldn’t be alone. One night, she was running late getting off work, and the guy shoved her in her car and almost raped her. She hadn’t called Tanner yet, so he went to check on her and was able to stop him in time.” Chad’s voice wavered as he told her the story,

  “Oh.” Taylor whispered. “Thank God she was okay. I’m sorry, I’m not use to checking in with someone. I understand where you’re coming from now, and I will try to do better, but you have to relax. There is no reason to worry about me. I don’t have a psycho coming after me. Even if I did, they would let me go after an hour because I would get on their nerves.” Taylor joked, trying to lighten the mood.

  “Baby, please don’t joke. I don’t even want to think about something happening to you.” Chad said softly.

  “We need to go to bed, it’s getting late.” She told him.

  “I can be there soon.” He replied and she laughed.

  “You can sleep in your own bed, Romeo.” She was glad he was back to joking.

  “Way to kill a guy’s ego.” He grumbled.

  “I’m sure you will be just fine.” She said snuggling back down in her bed.

  “Are you in bed?” He whispered.

  “Of course. I told you I was almost asleep when you called.” She thought that was obvious.

  “What are you wearing?’ His voice was husky.

  “Not a chance. Good night, Chad.” Taylor laughed.

  “Good night, Beautiful.” Chad said, and she hung up.

  Taylor couldn’t believe what Sophia had went through. No wonder Chad was so protective. She would keep that in mind when he asked her to check in. There was no reason to make him worry. She drifted off with an image of his smiling face stuck in her head.

  Chapter 5

  Chad woke up slowly. He didn’t want to leave the delicious dream he was having. Taylor was cuddled up close to him in his dream, her curves fit perfectly against him. Only one thought was able to break through and get him out of bed. He was going to see her today. After he left the library yesterday, he had texted Tray and asked for Taylor’s address. After a stern warning to be good to her, Tray had sent it to him.

  He was glad she had friends that truly cared for her. He got out of bed, and went to take a quick shower. The cookout wasn’t till one, but Tray said they gathered early, and made a day of it. He figured if he wasn’t at Taylor’s by ten she would already be gone. He brushed his teeth, then put on a pair of wranglers and a navy-blue t-shirt. As he got ready to walk out, he grabbed a hoodie just in case it got chilly later.

  He had considered taking her breakfast, but he wasn’t sure what she would want, so he decided he would take her out if she wanted breakfast. Her car was still in the drive when he pulled in and he relaxed. He wasn’t giving her the option of going by herself. He wanted her by his side all day. He was discovering a very selfish and possessive side of himself. He had never really cared before if his girlfriend was busy or if she was okay. With Taylor, he wanted to know every move she made, he turned off his truck, and went to her door. Her house was small but cute. She had a patio set on the porch and flower beds lined both sides of her side walk. He could imagine her reading on the porch in the evenings. He smiled when he saw her flowery welcome mat in front of her door. He knocked and waited. When she opened the door, he lost his breath. She had a towel wrapped around her hair, and she was wearing a tank top and short cotton shorts.

  “Chad, what are you doing here? How did you get my address?” He heard her ask, but he couldn’t respond. His mind had blanked at the sight of her. She clapped her hands in front of his face, he blinked and saw the confusion on her face.

  “What are you doing here?” She repeated.

  “Taking you to the cookout.” He smiled. She looked adorable. Her cheeks were still flushed from her shower, and a sweet smell invaded his senses. It wasn’t one he recognized. It was sweet, but kinda musky, maybe amber. Yeah, that was it. It was something with amber in it.

  “Chad?” Taylor snapped her fingers in front of his face.

  “Hmm.” He said focusing in on her.

  “The cookout isn’t till one. How did you know where I live?” She asked crossing her arms over her chest, unwittingly pushing her cleavage up.

  “I called in a favor. My source said that people get there early, and hang out all day.” Chad smiled and stepped closer to her.

  “I’m not ready yet.” She said stepping back.

  “You look perfect to me, but I don’t like the thought of anyone else seeing you like this.” He let his eyes slide over her.

  “Hey, eyes up here.” She huffed.

  “No problem, but if you don’t want everyone looking, you might want to change.” He smiled at her.

  “Argh.” She growled as she narrowed her eyes at him. “You can come back in an hour or we can meet there like we planned.”

  “I’ll just hangout and wait.” He said slipping past the doorway.

  Without thinking, he reached out and took the towel off her head. He had no idea how women managed to wrap them up like that. He unwrapped it slowly, and watched as her long hair tumbled around her shoulders. He twisted one wavy strand around his finger and watched her mouth form an “O” of surprise. He tossed the towel to the side and wrapped his free hand around her waist. Her green eyes shining against the almost black of her still wet hair. He looked down to the hair curled around his finger, and released it. He had never care about a woman’s hair before, but he was mesmerized by the curl that was made by his finger. He looked back at her face and knew by her gasp she could see the desire in his eyes. He wrapped his hand behind her neck, and pulled her close. Chad wished he could kiss her lips, but he settled for a lingering kiss pressed to her forehead.

  “You need to go get ready.” He whispered against her skin. He inhaled and that sweet amber scent invaded his lungs. “Now.” He growled. He was going to lose control if she stayed. Taylor jerked in his arms and took off like a rocket down the hall.

  Chad picked up the towel, and closed the door. That woman had him hook, line, and sinker. S
he wasn’t completely on board yet, but he could be patient while she came around. He wasn’t sure he could wait much longer to kiss her though. She didn’t have a clue how sexy she was. What she had on covered more than a bathing suit, but it had turned him into a mindless idiot. He sat on her couch and folded the towel, placing it on his lap. The towel had a faint amber scent, and a stronger honey suckle smell. That must be her shampoo. It was good his jeans were snug enough to control his reaction to her. His phone dinged and he looked at it.

  Sophia: You didn’t call me back yesterday, is everything okay?

  Chad looked down the hall and debated if he should text her back. He didn’t want to upset Taylor. He didn’t think she was jealous, but he needed to be sure. He walked down the hall and knocked on the door she disappeared behind.

  “Taylor?” He called out.

  “Yeah.” She opened the door only wide enough to poke her head out.

  “Sophia just texted. Do you mind if I call her?” He watched her face to gage her reaction.

  “Why would I care if you call Sophia?” She said confused.

  “It upset you yesterday.” He said not understanding her confusion.

  “I don’t care who you talk to. What made me mad yesterday was the fact you literally dragged me to lunch, then stayed on the phone. Tell Sophia hi for me.” She smiled at him.

  “I didn’t think of it like that yesterday, I’m sorry.” He felt guilty now, for texting Sophia during lunch yesterday.

  “It’s fine. Go call Sophia while I get ready.” She replied, then shut the door in his face. Shaking his head, he walked back to the couch.

  “Are you okay?” Sophia answered on the first ring.

  “Yeah, I wanted to make sure she was okay with me calling you.” Chad replied. After a minute of pure silence, he asked “are you still there?”

  “Yeah.” She whispered.

  “What’s wrong?” Chad asked confused. “Is the baby okay?”

  “The baby is fine. Are you gonna stop talking to me?” He heard her voice break.

  “No, Soph. She explained she was mad yesterday because I forced her to go to lunch, then stayed on my phone.” He reassured her.


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