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Broken Hearts

Page 9

by Sam Crescent

  “I’m going to spend all night long playing with this body,” he said.

  “Are you sure you can go that long?”

  “Are you kidding me? I’m being modest.”

  She chuckled. Dick batted her hand out of the way, replacing it with his own. She cried out, arching up into him as he plundered her pussy with two fingers. Martha watched in amazement as he took the same fingers that had been inside her, and sucked onto them.

  “You taste amazing.”

  He went again, teasing her clit, plunging a couple of fingers inside her, before removing them, and sucking the excess cream from the digits.

  “You’ve no idea what you’re doing to me,” she said.

  “You’re soaking wet, and losing any sense of being ladylike.”

  “You don’t want a lady in your bed?”

  “No. I want a woman who knows what she wants. It’s what I want, and you’re going to give it to me.”

  She whimpered as he pressed a thumb to her clit, rubbing at the same time he pumped his fingers inside her pussy, driving her to the peak of pleasure.

  When she was at the brink of orgasm, he pulled away, licking his fingers.

  “Stop pulling away,” she said, practically screaming the words at him.

  In a quick movement, he flipped her onto her stomach, and slapped her ass three times.




  He didn’t stop there, and he covered her back with his body, moving over here. Dick moved her hair out of the way, sucking on the flesh of her neck. She cried out at the instant contact, and she moaned, needing him to be closer.

  “Don’t ever try and lose your temper with me, baby.”

  “I can’t believe you smacked my ass.”

  Dick moved off her long enough to place some pillows beneath her hips, raising up her ass. Next, he grabbed one of the condoms, tearing into the foil packet. She held her breath as the sound of his movements turned her on, and let her know he was putting the condom on.

  One of his hands landed by her head, while his other guided his latex covered cock to her opening.

  The moment the tip of his cock touched her entrance, Martha groaned. Just by the head of his cock on her pussy, she was aroused, and needing him deeper within her walls.

  “Please, Dick.”

  “Are you going to be a good girl?” he asked.


  “No more shouting out commands?”

  “You’re being a bastard.”

  He eased the tip within her, and she tried to take more of him but couldn’t. Dick held her trapped so that he was the one in charge. He changed hands, and wrapped her hair around his fist, tugging her head back so that she looked at him. Dick kissed her lips, sliding his tongue into her mouth, making her melt on the spot. Tugging her hair to the left, he started to bite onto her neck, sucking on the flesh as he also used his teeth to drive her crazy. His cock remained so only the tip of him was inside her.

  “No more shouting out commands? I’m the one in charge, not you?”


  “You’ll do as you’re told?”


  “Good girl.” He slammed inside her, and Martha screamed out as he filled her. His cock was longer, thicker, and wider than any man she’d been with before. Even though it had been a good few years since she’d been with anyone, she’d have remembered a man like Dick.

  “Fuck!” He growled out the word, biting onto her throat and sucking the tender flesh. She knew exactly what he meant. It was fucking amazing. He paused deep inside her giving her the chance to get accustomed to the size of his cock. It was almost impossible to do with how deep he’d gone.

  “One day I’m going to take you without the condom so I can feel how fucking wet you really are.”

  She loved his dirty talk. There was so much about Dick that she’d started to love. From the moment they first met she’d fallen in love with him. He pulled out of her so only the tip remained.

  “Don’t stop, please don’t stop.”

  He didn’t disappoint her, and thrust right back inside. Dick fucked her hard, to the point of pain, where the pleasure and pain mingled together. Her body was unused to having something inside her, and Dick was making her very much aware of how long it had been since she’d been fucked.

  “I own you, baby. You’re all fucking mine. I love this pussy. You’re so fucking tight. I’m never going to want to leave.”

  Martha didn’t want him to leave. She wanted him to stay, and to make love to her.

  Shut up, Martha.

  A few hours ago she’d promised him that she didn’t want anything else from him.

  It was lies, all of it.

  Dick had invaded her heart years ago, and with him being close, he’d awakened a love she thought she’d never had. She’d been a complete and total fool.

  Martha thrust up to meet each one of his, all the while her mind was being opened up, and there was no turning back.

  She was in love with Dick, and it hadn’t happened in the last day. It had happened all of those years ago.


  Spider stood outside of Paris’s house. It was in a good neighborhood, and he couldn’t get his head around why she’d be working at a strip club. She clearly could have a life dancing professionally.

  She wasn’t working tonight, and instead of being at the club and supervising, he was back here, watching her house.

  Finishing his cigarette, he stubbed it out, and made his way toward the front door. He couldn’t get Paris out of his mind, and the more he thought about her, the harder it actually was to just get on with his life. Spider needed to know the truth.

  Knocking on the door, he waited for her to answer.

  Seconds later, Paris opened the door, and she was dressed like she would have been when she was leaving the club.

  “What do you want?” she asked.

  She crossed her arms over her chest, and he just couldn’t help a glance at those full round tits. Paris had a nice set of tits when she got them out. Spider would be happy for her to keep them out on display all the time. He loved how she worked the crowd, only letting some men see them, and teasing others with what they could see. Some men didn’t even realize that she hadn’t shown them everything when she left stage. Paris gave them all a show, seducing all the men so that they were aroused to the point of pain when she got down to her underwear. Some of her moves on the stage imitated sex, making men think of being between her thighs, fucking her.

  “I wanted to make sure you were okay.”

  “Is stalking in the contract at Naked Fantasies?”

  “You know it’s not.” She was the only woman who’d sat down and read through the entire contract before signing it. “Can I come in?” he asked.

  “You’re not going to go away, are you?”

  He shook his head. Spider needed answers.


  She turned on her heel, and left the door open. Stepping through the door, he entered Paris’s living space. It was like any other family home, complete with all the furniture, and pictures of a family.

  Entering the living room, he stopped when he caught sight of Paris kneeling down beside a woman who looked a little younger than Paris, but this woman was playing with children’s toys.

  “Have you seen enough?” Paris asked.

  “Okay, I’m just really confused.”

  Paris stroked the girl’s hair, and nodded in Spider’s direction. The woman looked exactly like Paris, and smiled at him. It was the way the girl was dressed that made Spider think she looked younger than Paris.

  She moved toward his side, and urged him into the kitchen.

  “Can she be left alone?”


  “What the hell is going on? Why are you taking care of your sister?”

  She bit her lip. “My parents died three years ago when I was eighteen. They were going to Fort Wills on a vacation where they fir
st met, and there was a shootout. You might have heard of it, near a church. They had gone to visit the place where they were married, and they ended up dead.”

  Holy shit.

  “The Skulls made sure that the families who were living in Fort Wills were taken care of,” Spider said.

  “I’m not in Fort Wills. I live in Piston County, and at the time, I didn’t get in touch with them. Asking for money, or anything, has never been my strong suit.”

  “So you’re living here, struggling?” he asked.

  “I promised my parents that if anything was to ever happen to them then I’d take care of Celia. I’m doing what I promised. Their insurance money only takes care of so much. The dancing, it helps.”

  “You’ve been taking care of her since you were eighteen?”

  “Yes. She’s my twin, my sister, and I love her. So that’s my big secret. I’m not interested in forming connections to your club. I work for you, and it’s easy, good money. I love to dance, I can’t go to college, but at least I can dance for a living. It’s not the best life, but it’s my life, and it’s the way I want to live it.”

  “You shouldn’t be living like this. Chaos Bleed was there at the shooting. I’ll talk to Devil, and we’ll get this resolved.”

  “She is all the family I have. I don’t want to get into any trouble.”

  Cupping her face, Spider stared down into her brown eyes. She was the most beautiful woman he’d ever met.

  “Let me help you.”

  He had to help. The thought of her stripping again tore him apart inside. Paris needed his help, and he was going to help her.

  Chapter Seven

  Martha giggled as Dick took her down to the freshly mowed lawn and started to tickle her. He’d been with her about a week now, and it had been the best week of her life. With his help, she’d finished planting her vegetables, completed the weeding, and built a couple of wigwam style tubs for her beans to run up. She couldn’t remember the last time she’d had a day of fun. Today, besides watering her plants, was a day of fun.

  She’d offered to take Dick into town, but he’d wanted to stay at home, and she wasn’t going to complain. During the day they worked, and Dick even did a few odd jobs around the house for her. The edge of the roof was no longer crumbling down. He’d fixed everything, and she no longer had a plumbing problem.

  By night, she belonged to Dick, and he spent many hours making her addicted to his touch. Her own addiction wasn’t even spent with the way he touched her. Lynne talked to her every day to make sure she was alive, but that question had taken a back seat. Dick had proven to Lynne he wasn’t going to kill her.

  “Stop, stop, stop,” she said, giggling. They were sprawled out on the lawn, and he settled between her thighs. The hard length of his cock pressed against her front, making her aware that he was aroused.

  She moaned, arching up against him.

  Their play took a sudden turn, and Dick’s fingers were teasing her, working the strap of her shirt down her arm.

  “We’re all alone out here,” he said.

  “We are.” She wasn’t going to argue with him. They were alone together. Martha lived a secluded life, a solitary one, and she’d not been lying when she said she did.

  Down the strap went followed by the strap of her bra. She bit her lip as he exposed her breast. “I love your tits. I love how big they are.”

  “They’re not too big?”

  “No, they’re fucking perfect. I want you all the time, Martha.”

  He’d been talking to his brothers back at Piston County. She knew he missed his family.

  “I want you, too.”

  “This isn’t something I can walk away from,” he said, surprising her.

  “I don’t know what to make of that.” She rested her head on her hands, and smiled up at him.

  “You know what I mean by that. You’re just being a little difficult.”

  “When we talked last time, you didn’t want to make this complicated. I don’t want to make this complicated either.”

  “Then let’s not make this complicated. It’s just us, but I want you to know I want more.”

  She touched his pulse at the base of his neck, which was beating rapidly. “I can’t leave here. I like it here.”

  “What if I can give you this, at my place?”

  Martha didn’t know how to answer him. She was afraid, scared to believe it was possible.

  “You’d want this kind of life.”

  “I’d live here with you if I was given the chance. I’m part of Chaos Bleeds, and I know if we’re close to my brothers, they’d protect you.”

  “I don’t need protecting.” She thought about Becky and the way she’d looked on the last day that she saw her. It had been awful, disgusting, and one image that Martha couldn’t get out of her mind.

  “Everyone needs protecting.”

  Dropping her hand from his pulse, she bit her lip. “Maybe I should come and visit you? Would that help?”

  “I’d like to take you with me back to Piston County.”

  She glanced around at her garden. She’d be able to leave it for a week or so, nothing more.

  “When would you like to go back?” she asked.

  “Not yet. I want to stay here with you, in this little world. In fact, I was thinking it’s a Friday, and I’ve spoken to Lynne, and she’s in agreement. It’s time for us to go out, and to go dancing.”

  “You want to go dancing.”

  He scrunched up his face. “Not really but I’ve been talking with your friend, and she told me how much you love dancing.”

  “You’d go dancing for me?”

  “Yes, I’d go dancing for you.”

  “It’s not that bad, surely.”

  “No, it’s not that bad, but we’re talking about dancing.”

  She laughed. There was no way to control her smile.

  “I know and if dancing with you puts that kind of smile on your face, then I want to do it. I want to dance with you.”

  Martha cupped his cheek once again, running her thumb over his bottom lip. “I’ve really missed you.”

  She wasn’t comfortable telling him that she loved him, not yet. Dick was unlike anyone she’d ever met, and she didn’t want to change him, not one bit. He’d been to hell and back, and lived to tell the tale. She didn’t see his past fight with addiction as something to be repulsed by, but something to cherish. He’d come back from whatever dark place he’d been at, and she was so happy he’d come back to her.

  Dick pulled the strap of her shirt back down, and she didn’t fight him. Arousal flooded her once again, and she moaned as the light breeze danced across her nipple. She was already turned on, and the breeze made her nipple pucker even harder.

  “So beautiful,” he said.

  She loved the way he was always complimenting her. Martha wasn’t used to being complimented. She was used to being overlooked.

  Pushing all those doubts aside, she relished the feel of him close to her. He kissed her neck going down to her nipple. She stared down as he circled her nipple with his tongue then bit down with his teeth. Martha cried out, arching up against him.

  With his other hand, he slid it up her thigh. She wore a pair of loose shorts, and it didn’t keep him out. He went underneath her shorts, cupping her naked pussy. Martha loved having a bare pussy, so she hadn’t even allowed any pubic hair to grow back.

  She wasn’t wearing any panties so the moment he touched her pussy, his fingers stroked over bare flesh.

  “You’re already wet for me.”

  He pushed two fingers inside her pussy, at the same time he sucked her nipple deep into his mouth.

  The double hit of pleasure was just too much. She wriggled underneath him, trying to get closer, but needing him to make it a little harder.

  She tugged at his shirt, tearing it away from his body.

  They wrestled on the ground, and Martha pushed him back until he was underneath her, and she was straddling his waist.

  “Now that’s better,” she said.

  “I’m the one in charge,” he said.

  She shook her head. “You’ve been in charge at night. This is my lawn, and I’m on top. I’m going to play a little.”

  Martha pulled her shirt and bra off, loving the freedom of being naked, and outside in the fresh air. He didn’t fight her. All it would have taken from him was a quick push, and he’d have been on top.

  Dick was naked beneath her, and she ran her fingers over his chest, sliding her fingers over his nipples.

  She traced her fingers over some of his ink, the name “Chaos Bleeds” was inked across his heart.

  “I love your ink,” she said.

  “It means something to me.”

  “The club means something to you.”

  “Chaos Bleeds was my salvation.”

  “You really believe you’re unlovable, don’t you?” She tilted her head to the side while she observed him.

  “I’m the man that I am.”

  “And you don’t think that man deserves to be loved?” she asked.

  “I’ve done a lot of bad shit, Martha. I’ve killed people.”

  “Were they innocent?” She didn’t for a second believe Dick was a bad person. He was a person who’d been hit by a hard life, and there was no sign of it ever going away. She would take it away from him, if he let her. Martha knew all about pain, and how hard it was to carry on with a life that seemed destined to shit on you.


  “Then I don’t need to hear anymore. We do what we need to in order to survive. You’ve survived, and you shouldn’t try to fight it, baby. You’ve done your fighting.” She stroked her fingers over the past wounds of his addiction. “You’ve come out the other side stronger than ever.”

  She leaned down, kissing his lips, then following a path down his each of his arms. When she’d gotten her point across, she stood over him, and worked her shorts down her legs.

  He did some odd shuffling movement, kicking off his jeans. She straddled his waist once again, reaching behind her to grip the hard length of his shaft. Working from the base up to the root, she started to masturbate him, getting him harder still.


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