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Interview with Dismas

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by Imelda Nugent

arise. I really did not know how many days, weeks, months, years, decades, or centuries but all I know Jesus called my name and I woke up. Now, I am here enjoying the gifts of the Heavenly Father through Jesus Christ.” Then he put his right hand on the table and Mel stopped the video cam. She told him that they will have a break.

  He invited her to go to the gallery and look at the paintings. The gallery is just across the road. Mel just left all her things on the table because she knows nobody will take it. They were walking inside and people are going and coming. They all are looking very happy and contented in life.

  Then a little boy with a blue cap is playing with his ball in the corner of the hall. Then he runs towards his mother sitting on a bench reading a book. Everybody is safe and the mother is worried free. Wonderful life and everybody is feeling blessed all the time.

  As they entered the gallery Mel was so amazed by the beauty of all the paintings. She really admired the details of each painting. It was really wonderful to see all these things.

  She was examining the painting near the door. A very gorgeous cardinal and she knows it is male because of its radiant red color and the feathers looks so real and the color combinations are really extra ordinary. It is really a beautiful bird and a beautiful painting.

  Then she looked at the names of the painters and at the bottom they indicated how many years they finished it. With big round eyes she exclaimed. “50 years!” Everybody looked at her and she just bowed my head in shame. Dismas just nod at her in approval.

  They admired all the paintings in the gallery and she noticed a sign in the exit door (If you really love the painting you can have it.) She cannot explain to herself how generous the people in Paradise. For 50 years you made it and then give it to somebody you did not even know. Dismas and Mel went out the gallery and went back to their table in the cafe.

  Dismas expressed his awe in Paradise while we were walking. “Isn't it amazing to see all these wonderful things around us? These are all gifts from the Heavenly Father. He really loves us unconditionally. Jesus taught us about the goodness of the Father and His disciples spread the good news to all the corners of the earth. The people who listened to them are enjoying Paradise forever."

  He will wipe every tear from their eyes, and there shall be no more death or mourning wailing or pain, for the old order has passed away. Rev. 21:4

  They are back in the cafe and she continued her interview.

  Mel switched on the video cam. "Do you know anything about the Devil or Satan?" Dismas took a deep breath. "Well, He was locked up for a thousand years." ( Rev. 20:3 "and threw it into the abyss, which he locked over it and sealed, so that it could not lead the nations astray until the thousand years is completed. After this, it will be released for a short time.") He was defeated and locked in there. He was released from prison after a thousand years and was able to gather armies to fight against the holy ones. The holy ones are those beheaded and really witnessed for Jesus. They were the ones who walked on earth and spread the good news of the kingdom of God in heaven and on earth. The second death has no power over them. They belong to the first resurrection." He bowed his head.

  I was able to witness the battle of the Devil and the holy ones. “I could not believe that I was once deceived by the devil. He was really good at making people follow him. He is very beautiful and very charming. He just looks at you and shows you the things around then you just follow him. The devil got followers and they are not happy. They want to conquer the world but they cannot do it.” He explained. “Then his time is up God send all the evil ones to the burning fire and they will not bother us again.” He smiled. Then he remembered his companion Gestas.

  "Why are you sad?" She asked. "I am not sad because in paradise you will not feel sadness, pain or sickness. I think it is because of Gestas. He is my companion for a long time and I loved him even though we are doing bad things. I am not sure if he is not included in the second death." He looked away. His face is calm and gentle. "The second death is the pool of fire. The Devil and all the false prophets were hurled there. The names that were not written in the book of life were also there. They were tormented day and night forever and ever." Dismas paused and smiled. "You must be a good person Ms. Mel Sanchez because you are here in Paradise. Your name is in the book of life." "I am one of the lowly ones in the list." She joked.

  This is my third question. “What can you say about Paradise?”

  He took a deep breath and said. “Paradise is a place where nobody will die, no more pain, no more crying, no more problems, no more bills, no more illegal drugs, no more prostitution, no more pollution, no more sickness, and no more sins.” Dismas looked at me and explained further. “You see Mel, Paradise is a perfect place that is why everything you see here is perfect. Like for instance the painting that you saw in the gallery. You really admired it because of its perfection. The people here can do all the things that they want in perfection because they have all the time. They have forever to make their master piece.” He gave a little wink and continued.

  “Look at that car.” He was pointing at the yellow, four door car. “I was not familiar with all those things in my life time but maybe you are.” “Yes.” She answered. He went on. “These cars are running with the use of water. There is this one guy discovered the power of water. He invented an engine that will operate with the use of water and some other guys invented a car using the solar power. All the transportation is powered by the sun or water and so far they are all in good condition. We don’t worry on accidents too as you know." He paused. "I enjoy walking and I went to different places in months. I admire the mountains and all the creatures around. The people I meet go with me for a mile or two and we really had a nice time walking Others use horses, donkeys and other animals to go to the place they want to visit Transportation is not a problem in Paradise.” He stopped and waved at the old man.

  Then he continued. "This is what we call resourcefulness. We use all the things around that are given by the Heavenly Father. Jesus told us about that in the bible. We don’t need to worry, everything is provided by God. And if there are really certain things that we cannot do, then the angels will come and give us an idea.” She was amazed by all the things he has mentioned.

  Dismas hold his glass and slowly took a sip of water.

  "What makes the people around here busy?" Mel looked around

  “Well. Miss Sanchez, in Paradise everything is free. If you want to eat fruits, you can just pick any fruit in the fruit trees around you or you can go to fruit stands. There are people who love to pick fruits and they are happy to serve others who want to eat them.” Then he paused and continued. "Just like you Miss Sanchez. You love to writing and you inform people for free. It makes you happy telling others the good news."

  “Some Chefs, Cooks and Restaurant managers put up some restaurants for those who want to eat while traveling or just want to eat out. Life in Paradise is perfect and all the food is made in perfection and everything taste good. Everybody worked for everybody and a simple thank you is enough to pay somebody in the work he or she has done. We do something because we cannot just sleep all day. Remember my dear that we are living forever. In our day to day life in Paradise we find something exciting to do like, making clothes, shoes, bags, home decors, home appliances, kitchen utensils, and many more. We do different activities just like the old earth but this time it is perfect."

  Blessed are the meek for they will inherit the land. Matthew 5:6

  She is reading her next question on her notebook. How he was able to know and learn to love the Heavenly Father.

  He looked at her and asked, "Do you have some more questions? I accept even silly ones." Then he laughed.

  "Well, if you really insist. Who taught you about God?" She looked at Dismas and had a little smile on her lips.

  "God is wonderful." He exclaimed. “I will tell you who taught me about His goodness. Jesus is for sure number one in the list. He gave his life to save all of us from the
sin which Adam committed. I learned also from the people the qualities of God." He counted his fingers and said, "God has so many good qualities. Can I just tell you the stories of those people I met?"

  She is very eager to hear all the stories and this will be like a good gossip emagazine and this will delight her readers. She gave a big grin and said, "Yes!"

  These are the good people in Paradise Dismas talks about:


  She is a very loving daughter and always obedient to her mother. She is a member of a dance group in her college years and has a lot of good friends. She graduated in college and got a teaching job in a Public School. Then she met this man named Tentong and they were very much in love with each other. They got married at the age of 27 and blessed with six children. They were happy as a family. Financially they were okay but then when their poultry farm closed because of the hens got virus and died. Their land was taken by the bank and has not enough money to sustain the needs of the family.

  Minda and Tentong did not stop and tried to make a way to earn an income for the family. Tentong got into gambling because he really wants to get back the money and save the land. But he was wrong and the more he goes to the casino the more he loses his money. Minda

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