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Playing the Game (Drekinn Book 7)

Page 10

by Jana Leigh

  ‘Where did the bear go?’ Kade asked.

  ‘She popped?’ Calli said carefully.

  ‘Impossible, she is a shifter, yeah one of her dads is a Sidhe, but shifter is predominant, she would not be able to pop and shift,’ Kade said.

  ‘Okay, yeah I get that, but still you saw it,’ Calli whispered and then she stepped backward again, played the scene and she saw the same thing. Sadie running, grabbing the syringe and shooting it into her veins. Then she shifted into her bear who roared and then strangely left, Sadie didn’t shift, one second the bear was there the next she wasn’t and Sadie was.

  “Sadie, focus on your bear,” Calli ordered and Sadie cried a little, Calli felt Pilar and her mates move in. Cherri and her mates move in. Rissa and her mates move in and Kiki and his mates move in. They were together in a tight circle, giving their love and acceptance to Sadie, to Sabrina, welcoming them both into the pack, the feeling was amazing, the whole thing, Calli seriously had never felt like this before, none of them had, but with each new addition they remembered the past, they remembered the good, they remembered the love they had, for their parents, for the community. Damn, it was overwhelming. But Calli and Kade held them firm as they walked through finding the bear.

  “Sadie, where is your bear?” Calli asked firmly and Sadie shook her head.

  “Dead, I saw her dead,” Sadie whispered and Calli shook her head.

  “No, impossible, your bear can’t die and let you live. Look harder, she was there, and then she was gone.”

  Sadie started crying as she felt the pain again. She was thinking she wanted to die, Sadie had apologized to her bear and told her she just wanted to protect her, make her safe from all this. She wanted her bear to be at peace, she was trying to give it to her but her bear refused to leave, it was stubborn. But then Sadie had a flash of a memory, something she had read while she was in the facility, Patient A was a bear. She would take care of her bear, Sadie had sent the bear to Patient A.

  Calli sucked in a breath, she knew Sadie didn’t know she was actually speaking out loud, because she was sobbing, being held by her mates to remain connected, she was completely out of it and it was okay. They were going to give her the strength to make it through this.

  “Sabrina?” Calli said to the bear who was looking up at them curiously. “Where did Sadie’s bear go?”

  Sabrina made a chuffing noise and then all froze, she growled and snapped, telling them a story in her animal form, weirdly enough they all got what the animal was saying. She had taken the bear when it had appeared and hid it in Sabrina when she shifted, the bear was hers, a sister. Sabrina wanted a sister, someone to protect, to call her own. Everyone else had family and she didn’t, it was lonely, her whole life she had dreamed of her family showing up and claiming her. But it had never happened, when Sadie’s bear had come to hers and showed her they were sisters, she had done the only thing she could and hid her bear.

  Calli soothed the bear, and suddenly, there were two. One who was sitting up head high and proud, the other cowering on the floor under the other one, allowing her to protect her.

  They all moved into pet the bear, show it love. Calli used the powers she had to enter the bear, find her shame and ease it. Slowly and with intent, she healed the bear’s wounds, made it forget what happened, eased its wounded mind, gave it the ability to love, forgive, and move on. Slowly the bear rose higher and higher until it was sitting proud next to the other bear. Calli sucked in a breath at the majestic sight. They were gorgeous. Sadie sobbed and fell to her knees and greeted her other half.

  The Drekinn Pack surrounding them and healing them together. Sadie looked up and smiled at the others and then Sadie moaned and shifted, taking her bear back, licking her sister, turning to her mates and chuffing. Everyone stepped back and let them have their moment. Calli falling back against her mate and letting him hold her up, almost collapsing in exhaustion.

  “My gods,” Brooks said as they stared.

  “She did it,” Syd whispered and they all grinned. Then the bears roared loudly and all of them jumped, not because they were startled but because it sounded like they were in pain, both of them.

  “What is going on?” Cherri said and Calli pulled herself upright.

  “I don’t know,” Calli whispered.

  “Look,” Declan said.

  The group backed up and watched as they witnessed something they had never seen before. Bears, morphing, morphing, changing, fuck shifting into another animal. And before their eyes were two wolves.

  “What the fuck?” Simon said.

  Calli took her mate’s hand and turned, “Okay, now what the fuck is going on?”

  Rissa laughed and clapped her hands and rolled her eyes as everyone looked at her like she was crazy.

  “Come on,” Rissa said and they all stared at her, then the now wolves sitting there grinning, yes grinning and licking their paws. “Really, does any of you have more than a one dimensional mind? Calli has a gift she didn’t know she had, her mom said in the letter we all had special gifts and shit. So, why are you all surprised that Sadie and Sabrina who are the Drekinn, both of them, have something unique?”

  They all looked at Rissa and then at Calli, then to the two wolves. They howled loudly and Kade let out a startled laugh.

  “Wow,” he said and Rissa interrupted again.

  “Yay, super powers. I can’t wait until I get mine!”

  Simon sighed and put a hand to his nose and she turned and glared. “Hey, shut it, maybe I will get the powers to be an awesome serial killer and I will surpass you.”

  Everyone laughed and then Rayne and Storm leaned down and held out their hands. Sadie walked up and nuzzled their hands and then shifted and smiled at them.

  “They like you,” she laughed and they both fell in love with their mate.

  “You got some explaining to do!” Calli said when Sabrina shifted back and looked at her alpha.

  Chapter Thirteen

  Storm looked over the back balcony and watched the shifters running. They had already run, and were back in their room for the night, they had declined to run with the pack for their first time. They wanted to run with their mate alone. So they had shifted into their cats and Sadie shifted into her bear and they ran, only pausing long enough for Sadie to shift into her wolf and then they ran some more.

  Now they were in their suites, dinner was complete, talking was finished and they were waiting for Sadie to come back into the room. Would she accept them fully tonight? They didn’t know but the twins were both aware of the fact that they were hoping. Their cats clawing from the inside wanting their mate, needing her acceptance.

  During dinner Sadie had been so different, more confident, apparently Calli did a little healing of her soul as well. She felt light and giddy, ready to finally come into the fold. Hell, she had even teased them during dinner about cooking for her. She called them her own personal sexy chefs.

  “Damn, she is amazing,” Rayne said into the window as they watched.

  “Yeah, she is,” Storm said and then looked at his twin. “She is everything we could have hoped for. All this time, the shit she went through, I don’t know, man, I’m not sure it will be so easy for me to forget how she looked these last few days.”

  “We have traveled for hundreds of miles. Went through countless towns, hid, avoided, and finally we are here and able to be in the open, we met our mate, we met our pack, I really don’t think we can think of it any other way,” Rayne said.

  “I hope so,” Storm said and looked back into the room, and stared at her closed door. “You know, telling her about our past few years, of wandering, not really having a purpose, it seems so anticlimactic. I mean, she did all this shit, and what have we done? Nothing.”

  Rayne sighed and said, “Brother, you are looking at this wrong, it is not what we have done, it is what we are going to do. I know we are not done yet; we still have a war to fight.”

  “Yeah, I guess, I don’t know I just fe
el so…”

  “Inadequate?” Rayne said and Storm sighed and nodded.

  “Why?” Sadie whispered and they both turned and looked at her in surprise.

  “Oh, honey, I am sorry, I was just venting,” Storm said and Sadie shook her head.

  “It’s okay, you are my mates, we have to feel like we can talk to each other right?” she said. “Now, why do you feel like that?”

  Storm looked at his brother and shrugged and then said, “You are our mate; we should have been there to protect you. None of this would have ever happened.”

  Sadie giggled and then stepped forward, she was wearing a robe. Both men were feeling the mating pull, it was stronger since their cats had seen her healthy and happy animals.

  “Don’t you realize?” Sadie said and stopped when she got in front of them and looked up. “You are my knights in shining armor, the ones who beat back my insecurities, without you, I would have given up right when I got here. I didn’t want to stay; it was only because I found you that I did. You didn’t give up on me, you slayed my demons, and now we are going to be mates in every way.”

  “We don’t have to…” Rayne said and Sadie rolled her eyes and laughed.

  “Am I going to have to tell Rissa you refused to mate with me?” Sadie teased and both men looked at each other and then her and shook their heads. In a second she was in Storm’s arms as he strode across the room to the master bedroom.

  Sadie laughed when Storm kicked open the door to the room, looked around quickly, and then carried her to the bed. Rayne was right behind them and when Storm sat her on her feet, they both surrounded her. She felt their love and acceptance, and she closed her eyes, this was so much more than she ever thought she would have. How could she ever explain to them how much she felt for them? She couldn’t put it into words, they were the reason she was still alive, she knew it in her heart, because if they had not been here when she had popped Stephan and her here, she would have died soon after. They gave her reason to hope. To dream of a future with no pain, only love and family.

  Storm leaned down and kissed her for the first time and she sighed, her first kiss, they would be the first, the last, the only ones she kissed for the rest of her life, Sadie almost cried from the gentle sweetness. He slowly explored her lips with his and then nudged her mouth open with his tongue and continued to explore. She groaned in his mouth when she felt Rayne kissing her neck, reaching around and cupping her breasts from behind through her clothes. They were going to kill her, she thought. She had never done this before but she wasn’t scared at all, she just didn’t want to forget a second of it.

  Storm pulled back and then spun her and she was facing Rayne, who was smiling. He bent and kissed her. He was more demanding than his brother had been. They may be twins, but she was going to have no problems telling them apart in the light or darkness. He didn’t wait, he pushed his way into her mouth and grabbed the back of her head and tilted it so he could get the best angle. He was gentle but firm and she felt herself become wet between her legs, oh my gods.

  Storm pulled the tie to the robe and then slowly pulled it off, careful not to scare her, but also showing her how excited they were to finally make her theirs. Then he stared at her with a smile and she felt loved, before covering her breasts with his large hands and squeezing gently, he whispered to her, “Perfection.” Sadie leaned back a little so she was giving him as much access as she could. It felt so good to be touched by her mates, she really never thought this day would ever come.

  Rayne pulled back and growled. “Mine,” he said with a deep voice and she laughed at the look on his face. If she could take a picture, she would, just to remind her how sexy her mates were when they were aroused. His eyes that were normally green, turned a dark shade of brown, and glittered with passion. How she could remember this right now she didn’t know, but she forced herself to, every single second of this needed to be burned in her mind, so if things got shitty, she knew she had something to hold onto. Her mates were never going to let her down, she could feel it. Shaking her thoughts aside, she suddenly was very eager to move this along.

  Sadie quickly pulled off her underwear and stood before them naked. She almost covered herself when she saw the look on their faces. They stared intently at her body, without speaking they had stopped what they were doing. Hell, did that mean they were disappointed? She wondered a second before Storm pulled her back into his arms and kissed her soundly then released her and finished undressing. Rayne did the same and she giggled.

  “Bed,” Rayne ordered and she looked up in surprise, and then grinned. She liked them like this, being sweet was awesome, but this, she felt herself heating up, and she looked forward to her mating because she was finally going to belong to them.

  Sadie nodded shyly and then walked to the bed and crawled in the middle. She wasn’t sure how this was supposed to work. She had no experience with sex, and hadn’t really thought beyond getting naked and being together. She looked at their erections and her eyes widened.

  “Holy sh-shit,” she stuttered.

  Rayne laughed and said, “Thanks, I think.”

  “Uh, there is something you should know. I, uh, well that is, fuck,” she said frustrated and looked at her mates.

  “Just spit it out, sweetheart,” Storm said and crawled on one side of her while Rayne did the same on the other.

  She moaned when they each took a breast into their hands and began pinching her nipples at the same time. “Wait, can’t think when you do that.” She gasped and sat up.

  Both of them growled in frustration and pulled her back to lie in between them. “No moving,” Rayne said and leaned down and kissed her sensitive nipple. Storm did the same and she thought she was going to come right there.

  “Dammit, I’m trying to tell you something important,” she said softly.

  “Okay, we’re listening,” Storm said and pulled back and looked her in the face. Rayne released her nipple with a big sigh and leaned back. She could tell he wasn’t happy about being interrupted.

  “Like I was saying, you know, before. Well, it’s like this. I have never, you know, done this before,” she said and closed her eyes, waiting for them to be disgusted with her and get up and leave. When she didn’t feel them move, she peeked open one of her eyes and looked at them.

  They were staring at each other grinning and then turned back to her. Before she knew it, they had her on her back and were devouring her, all the while each of them muttering, “She is ours, never been touched by another man. Only us, forever.”

  She giggled and then stopped when Rayne took over kissing her mouth. She sighed and wrapped her arms around his neck. Storm kissed his way down her stomach, she felt him nudge her legs apart, and she resisted for a second. She pulled back, looked at him, and relented when he grinned at her. She had never had someone go down on her and wasn’t sure what to expect.

  She gasped into Rayne’s mouth when Storm used his tongue to separate her folds. Rayne kept kissing her and gently began moving his hands over her breasts, making the nipples pebble under his palm. While his brother flicked his tongue over her clit over and over again.

  She felt him slip a finger into her pussy and moved to take him fully inside her. She could feel him grin against her pussy lips and then added another finger and began pumping them in and out of her. She ripped her lips away from Rayne so she could breathe.

  Rayne looked down at her and smiled. “Feeling a little overwhelmed?”

  “No,” she panted and said, “just need more air.”

  He chuckled and bent to take one of her nipples in his mouth. “Please!” she cried out.

  “What do you need, sweetheart?” Storm said from her slit.

  “I don’t know. Just more,” she cried.

  The twins laughed, and Storm bent down and sucked her clit into his mouth, while Rayne did the same to her nipple. Both of them rolling the nubs in the same way on the roof of their mouths. She couldn’t stand it anymore, and she cried
out their names and came hard.

  It was the first orgasm she had, and it was amazing, she thought and relaxed. This is what she had been missing, and it felt wonderful. Her bear and her wolf both growled in her head with their acceptance of their mates. Holy shit, she thought, she had missed the feeling of completeness with having her animals there for her.

  “Oh no, sweetheart, we are just beginning,” Storm said.

  “Whatever, do what you have to. I will just lay here,” she said, tired from the passion she had expelled.

  Both of them laughed then moved her a little. She moaned, when once again they began to play with her. She felt more of her juices leak from her, getting her ready to take her mates. Everything was new, everything was fresh and with each touch they erased the feelings she had built up around her. They were her knights and she would always feel that way, who cared if it seemed childish, she didn’t.

  Storm settled over her and smiled. “Today we take you separate, but soon we will take you together and you will love it.”

  Her breath hitched when she thought about it. Oh my, she thought, that would be amazing.

  “For now, I’m gonna take this sweet little pussy and make you mine. You are going to scream my name, and then my brother’s when he takes you,” Storm whispered into her ear.

  He began kissing her and used one hand on her nipple and the other on her clit. He brought her back up to the edge in a matter of minutes. She felt him move a little and his cock was at her opening. She sucked in a breath and held it, waiting for the pain to start. She was a little surprised when she felt him slip into her slowly. She stretched but it didn’t hurt. In fact, it felt wonderful.

  She felt him hit the layer of skin that would make her a woman when it broke. She was ready but apparently, her mate was going to be gentle. She pushed up her hips, and he groaned against her neck. She smiled and did it again. He grabbed her hips and then licked the pulsing vein in her neck, and she shivered. It was where he was going to claim her.


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