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Celebrity Dirt: A Fake Relationship Romantic Suspense Standalone

Page 19

by J. D. Hollyfield

  Faint, quivering breaths.

  Turning the corner, I grab the body and smash them against the steel container.

  “Please. Please don’t kill me.” The trembling of a female’s voice slaps me in the face as my eyes adjust to the dark.

  “Jesus Christ.” She’s young. Too damn young.

  “Please.” She starts to cry, and I cover her mouth.

  “Shhh…I’m not going to hurt you. But you have to be quiet.” Fuck! “Can you tell me your name?” Her clothes are barely hanging on, and a horrid stench radiates off her filthy skin.

  Her lips tremble as she replies. “Erin… Erin Campbell.”

  “Erin, my name is Logan. I’m going to get you out of here safe, okay? But I need you to listen to me. Can you do that?” She nods, her head thrashing up and down, thick tears running down her dirtied face. “Good.” I pull out my phone and fire off Jake’s number.


  “They’ve already been here. The containers have been emptied and moved.” I place my back against the container, staying alert. “I found a girl. She must have gotten away during the transition. I need backup now.”

  “We’re a couple minutes out. Sit tight.”

  “Couple minutes is too long. Where the fuck are you? You said twenty minutes!”

  There’s a stall in the line, and my stomach drops. Everything I’ve spent the last two years working on falls to the wayside. “Where the fuck is Addy?” Drums beat in my ears with each passing second. “Jake, where the fuck is Addy?”

  “We’re tracking her. Her location just pinged her at Vincent’s residence.”

  “Goddammit. Why the fuck is she there? I need you to get her out of there.”

  “We’re not sure. I have a unit on site. They’re waiting it out, but after what you just said—hold on…Valdez just entered the property.”

  “Get her the fuck out of there!” I shout, becoming careless.

  “Something’s off. They’re pulling the plug and going in.”

  My heart pounds violently against my ribcage. “Jake, talk to me. What’s happening?”

  “They’ve just disabled his security, and my men are making their way inside—” There’s static through the line, his two-way radio sputtering out. “Fuck, Broderick, your cover’s blown. Get the fuck out of there. Now!”

  I hang up and grab the girl, pulling her behind me. “Stay close to me.” With my gun pointed toward where I left Emilio, I cautiously walk back. When I turn the corner, he’s on his phone. He looks up, and our eyes collide as he reaches for his gun.

  “Fuckin’ drop it,” I growl, ready to blow his fucking brains out if I need to.

  “Hey, whoa. What’s the problem?”

  “You know what the problem is. Lower your weapon.”

  We have a stare-off until he concedes. “Yeah, bro, chill. We’re good. Putting it—”

  He tries to take a shot, but I fire first. Two bullets lodge into his chest.

  A shrill scream explodes from the girl as I jump forward, kicking his gun out of his reach. Red and blue lights explode across the yard.

  I reach for the girl, and she screams for me not to touch her. “I’m not going to hurt you. You’re safe now—”


  I whip around at Jake’s voice. “What’s going on?” I spit out.

  Jake puts his hand on my shoulder. “Logan—”

  “Fucking tell me!”

  He nods, his sullen eyes a punch to my gut. “The raid was unsuccessful. We found Renaldo Valdez and his second in command dead. By the time they entered the premises, Vincent had fled on his private helicopter. Addy wasn’t found. We believe he still has her.”


  “We’re working with air traffic control right now to locate the aircraft. Seems Leoni spares nothing when it comes to getting anyone and everyone on his payroll. The ATC has nothing on their radar of him leaving or where he’s going. As soon as we track them—”

  “Wait.” The tracker. “Addy’s wearing a tracker.” I rip my phone from my back pocket and pull up the tracking app. The screen opens, and I zoom in on her location. “She’s at Iroquois Landing. I’m going there—”

  “Broderick, that’s reckless. Wait for a unit.”

  “No. I’m saving her life.”

  “Logan, stand down! That’s a direct order.”

  “I don’t work for the FBI. You ain’t stopping me.” I race off, then turn around. “The girl. Her name is Erin Campbell.”


  His words fade into the distance as I throw myself into my car and peel out. I race through the streets, breaking every traffic law. Dread stabs me in the chest. Vincent has had her for over two hours. A horrid reel of images, thoughts, sickening things he could have done in that time flashes through my mind. If he’s found me out, then he knows who she is too. I slam my fist against my steering wheel. I’m losing grip on my control. Why the fuck did I let her go? “Fuck!” Again and again, I slam my fists. If anything happens to her, it’s my fault. The thought of her not being okay, or worse… My mind spirals, and I step on the gas, flying through the streets at ungodly speeds.

  She’s smart and resilient. If anyone can talk their way out of the gruesome clutches of Vincent Leoni, it’s her. But I can’t stop picturing her sweet smile. Quirky giggle. The smell of her sugary skin. Her moans…fuck, everything about her. Everything is going to be okay. She’s going to be okay. I’m going to find her and spank the shit out of her. Then, I’m going to take her home and fuck her until she knows never to disobey me again. I need to see her again. My heart springs against my chest, beating in panicked waves. My phone buzzes. A text from Jake pops up.

  Jake: Unit is ten minutes out. Wait for them.

  That’s ten minutes too long. Addy doesn’t have that. I need to get my shit together. I’m no good to her if I storm in there without a clear head. I push down the doubt, evaporating my fear, and go into cop mode. I heighten all my senses. The landing is pitch black as I pull in. I park down the deserted street, jump out, and jog the remainder of the way. The port is huge. It could take forever to find her. I slow down and rest against a shipping container, pulling up my app. Addy’s location pings just up ahead. I survey the area and the direction she’s located. She’s toward the water. Fuck, she’s on the barge.

  I take off in a sprint, zigzagging between containers. When I almost reach the barge, I’m stopped by voices.


  “I don’t give a fuck. Just roll the barrels on. We gotta go. I’m gonna take a piss.” He walks off into the dark, and I follow. He’s about to pull his cock out when he’s alerted to my presence.

  “Don’t fuckin’ move, motherfucker.”

  Chino snickers cruelly. “Was wondering when Prince Charming would make his appearance.”

  “Drop your weapon.”

  “Wow, sounds like a true pig. Looks like the rumors are true—”

  I take the butt of my gun and bash it into his skull. “I’m not gonna ask again, you piece of shit.” He grunts, dropping his gun, and I kick it away. “Where’s Addy?”

  “You’re a little too late, Romeo.” His evil laugh sickens me, and I hit him again. “Not the news you wanted to hear? How about she was a good girl all the way up ’til the end. Didn’t scream once while I tore up that pussy. I see now why everyone got a hard-on for her.” I kick out his feet, and he falls to the ground. I topple over him and take my fist to his face, over and over, destroying everything I can. I don’t stop until the images of his disgusting words fade. The problem is, they don’t.

  “Where the fuck is she?”

  “Why, you into dead chicks? Gonna get one last fuck in—”

  His words echo in my ear, mingling with the soft sound of her laughter. Her beautiful smile. Her fearless heart. Dead. Dead. Dead. My ability to think logically becomes moot. I shove the barrel of my gun against his head and pull the trigger.

  I suck in a tattered breath until my
mind clears, and I snap out of my manic haze. The gunshot will have alerted someone. Squashing the emotions threatening to be my own death warrant, I need to be on the move. I refuse to leave her here. No matter what I find.

  A single, bright docking light flashes toward the water. They’re getting ready to depart.

  Adrenaline courses through my veins as I take off running for the dock. A thin layer of sweat coats the nape of my neck, and I force my breathing to keep a steady pace. My calves start to burn, but I push myself harder. Only a few yards to go and the barge begins to pull away from the dock.

  My shoes pound heavily on the ground. I hit the end of the dock and jump without second guessing the distance between.

  My foot slams over the ledge by less than an inch, avoiding plunging into the lake. I fall forward and roll onto my side, grunting as my shoulder slams into the hard deck. Hurling myself up against a container, I retrieve my gun as two shadows walk past. The tracker indicates Addy has to be no more than four or five containers ahead. I take off, heading toward the other side of the container.

  Four containers.

  Three containers.

  I’m nearing the last one when a man walks between two containers in front of me. Before he’s able to turn around, I wrap my arm around his throat and tighten my grip, cutting off his air supply. When he stops struggling, his limp body falls to the ground, and I’m on the move again.

  Two containers.

  Fear of the unknown takes over. What’s on the other side of the door? What has she truly endured? I stroke my hand over my aching chest. Fuck, I can’t do it. The thought of her not being alive slices through me, and I’m incapacitated by the panic of what I’ve done. Her death will be on me. My hands run down my face, guilt seeping deeper into my soul. I should have done things differently. Told her how amazing I thought she was. All the times I stayed awake and watched her sleep, wishing we’d met on different terms. Took her out on a real date. Allowed her to meet the real me—not this disgusting façade of a man she thinks I am. I should have told her she wasn’t the only one falling hard.

  I would confess that there’s never been another person in my life that has challenged me the way she has. She’s driven me to the brink of madness with her smart mouth and horrible listening skills. And she has stolen my heart with her gentleness and passion. And for the first time in my life, I’m scared of the unknown.

  I start to slow. The dot indicates she’s in front of me. A purple container with Valouro stamped across the side. I swallow down the thick ball of emotion clogging my throat. If I don’t pull it together, neither of us will leave this ship. And I owe her that much.

  I pull on the padlock, rattling the door. Locked. “Fuck,” I hiss, reaching for my phone. I fire off a text.

  Me: On the barge. Need backup NOW.

  Jake: On site. Sit tight.

  I can’t wait any longer. Using the butt of my gun, I slam it into the padlock. It takes three hard hits until it finally unlatches. Ripping the lock off, I pull the heavy door open. It’s too dark and my eyes can’t adjust fast enough. The interior is a dark canvas, and I can’t see her. I take a step inside, the overwhelming stench of sweetness tainting my nostrils. The minimal light pouring in from the outside illuminates faint shadows and I take another step inside. Thump. Thump. Thump. My heart slams against my ribcage. I don’t see her. I don’t hear her. Thump. Thump. Thump. What if I’m truly too late? The faintest shadow catches my eye. There’s a small silhouette curled in the middle of the tight space.

  “Addy.” My throat locks, and I drop down to her side, afraid to touch her. My hand grazes down her back. “Addy, fuck.” My fingers slip under her back to scoop her into my arms, her wet shirt soaking through mine. A weak moan escapes her, and I freeze. “Addy?” I hold my breath, maneuvering her onto her back. Her eyes are closed, blood smeared across her pale face. I press two fingers against the pulse at her neck, and an exhale falls from my lips at her faint pulse. “Jesus, Addy. Stay with me, okay? I’m going to get you outta here.”

  Her eyelids flutter open, and I could fucking cry. “L—Logan?”

  I swallow down another ball of emotion. “Yeah, baby. It’s me. I got you.” I try to lift her, but she howls out in pain.

  “My arm. He shot me in the arm,” she cries out. My eyes fall to her arm that’s been wrapped in a strip from the bottom of her shirt. “Logan, you have to stop them. I was right about the mayor. The girls. They’re in barrels. A cop—he’s a cop. He’s the one who’s—”

  “Addy, slow down.”

  “I can’t! They’re going to get away…”

  She falls limp in my arms, and I panic, shaking her. “Addy! You gotta stay with me.”

  Footsteps echo from just outside the container, and I press my finger over her mouth. “Shhh…” I use my body as a shield to block her and reach for my gun.

  “Chino, where you at?” A voice sounds in the distance. Addy becomes restless behind me, grabbing at my shirt. She pulls on my arm.

  “Logan…” her voice is weak. I turn back to her, needing her to stay quiet, but her eyes roll back, and she slumps against the ground.

  “Chino! That you?”

  I grab for her. “Addy, stay with me.”

  “He’s…a…bad guy.”

  “Addy.” I gently smack her cheek. “Don’t close your eyes. You hear me?”

  “Chino?” Just as I move to look through the doorway, a guy sticks his head into the container. I pivot and aim my gun at him. “Shit, Broderick? Good thing you’re here. I was just coming to—”

  “What are you doing here, Garcia? How did you find us?”

  “Bad…bad…bad…” Addy mumbles, her voice barely audible.

  The officer’s eyes bounce between us, his nervous energy giving him away.

  “You can put the gun down, man. I’m here to help. She okay? Why don’t you head out? I’ve got her…” he trails off, starting to realize he’s been made. He draws his gun, but I get out the first shot. His neck explodes as a bullet slices through his jugular. He drops his gun and cups his neck, but it’s useless. His body drops like a rag doll at my feet.

  “Addy, we gotta move.” She’s barely conscious. I scoop her in my arms, and she lets out a pained cry. “Baby, I’m sorry, but if we don’t go, someone else is going to come looking. Do you think you can stand at all?”

  She makes an attempt but clutches her ribs, and I grab her before she falls forward. “Fuck, okay.” Ignoring her cries of agony, I lift her in my arms. “Help is on the way, but I’m not sure we have enough time. We gotta search the outer barge for a possible emergency raft.” She doesn’t respond, and I worry she’s passed out on me. I slide out of the container, careful not to jar her, and trek back the way I came. Weaving through the rows of containers, I follow the sound of the waves, until I get to the stern of the barge. A strong gust of wind threatens to push me forward, but I lock my feet to not lose my balance. Something hanging off the side, but I can’t get close enough to see. It’s too windy.

  “Addy, I have to put you down for a second, okay?” She faintly nods.

  I rest her up against a barrel and dash toward the edge. My knees hit the deck, and I lean over and pull at the rope. Securing myself, I reach over, only to realize it’s just a line of buoys. Fuck! “Okay, we’re gonna need to find another way.” I quickly stand to grab Addy, but she’s not there.

  “Looking for her?”

  To the right, Vincent stands with Addy at his side, his arm around her neck, holding her upright. I reach for my gun, but he has the advantage and aims his at me. “I wouldn’t do that.”

  Slowly, I bring my hand to my side. “Just let her go. She has nothing to do with this.”

  “So, it’s true what they say? You’re loyal—just to the wrong side.” Addy tries to jerk out of his hold, but he only tightens his grip, and she chokes on a strangled breath.

  “Let her go,” I demand.

  Vincent’s sinister laugh disappears into the night air, chi
lling my blood. He digs his thumb into her windpipe, causing her to have another choking spell. “You both put on quite the performance fooling me. I actually thought you were deeply in love. The way you fucked her on your couch, your bed. How protective you are over her…the videos my men sent me were magical. I may have jerked off once or twice thinking about how she sounds when she moans. Quite the lover she is.”

  I take a steady step toward him, but he jolts Addy back and stabs the barrel of his gun into her temple. “I looked forward to taking her from you and making her my little pet—until I got bored with her, of course. Even after knowing she would be a shell of the person she is now, I still got an extremely generous offer for her.”

  Addy’s head slumps over, and I take another step closer. Her face is ghostly pale. I have no idea how much blood she’s lost and can’t even fathom the other injuries she’s endured. “I said let her fucking go.”

  “How cute. My little dog talks back. How about you get the fuck out of my way, and I’ll be real sweet while I violate her in every way imaginable.”

  My jaw clenches to the brink of cracking. “The last thing you’ll do is lay a fucking hand on her. It’s over, Leoni. Your train shipments are being halted as we speak, and the barge is surrounded. You’ve got nothin’ left. Give it up.”

  “Your scare tactics are useless on me. This doesn’t end when you say.” Vincent starts to walk backwards, dragging Addy. She looks unconscious. The wind picks up, carrying the sound of crashing waves against the barge. “I’ll send you a postcard from Portugal.” I monitor his every move, every flinch, every hesitation. I just need one delay in his movement to reach for my gun and get a shot off first. I see my chance, but my finger locks up, and I miss it. Another one. Fuck. He continues to step backwards, and I freeze up. I can’t risk him taking her, but I can’t risk missing and shooting her either. The wind picks up again, and a wave crashes up over the ledge. The frigid water smacks at my back, and I lose my footing. I fall and slide forward. Vincent reaches for the handle of a barrel, but his shoes slip under on the wet surface, and he drops to the deck floor.


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