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Resisting the CEO: Office Second Chance Romance (Dirty Hot Resistance Series Book 2)

Page 5

by Emelia Blair

  My eyes lower down her body and linger on the way the pair of faded jeans are hugging her hips. They would fit so perfectly in my hands. Startled by the thought, my shoulders tense and I stare fixedly at a point in the wall.

  “You okay?” Kendall gives me an odd look, as she hands over the papers to me.

  I clear my throat. “Yes. Did you—?”

  My question cut short when a delighted voice cries out, “Kendall, Kendall. Look at me!"

  Max is standing in the doorway, with something that looks like underwear on his face and a red bra on his head, the straps of which are tied under his chin. He has a bedsheet tied around his neck. “I’m a superhero!”

  Kendall makes a small sound almost like she’s choking. “That’s my bra! What are you doing?!”

  She makes a grab for him, but he dances just out of reach, grinning. “Hi, Caleb!”

  “Hi.” I bite my tongue not to laugh at the mortified look on Kendall’s face as she’s scrambling over furniture to get to the five-year-old, who thinks it’s some sort of game.

  When she tackles him in mid-air, she swiftly turns around, falling on her back on the floor with a loud thud that has me stiffening, the boy cushioned in her arms.

  I’m vaulting over the couch, fear a bitter taste in my mouth. “Are you…?”

  Kendall snatches the red bra from on top of Max’s head, growling, “What is wrong with you?”

  Max looks up at her, suddenly recognizing he’s in more trouble than he realizes. “I…?” His lower lip wobbles.

  The angry expression on Kendall’s face softens. She helps him stand up. “Are you hurt?”

  “No.” He shakes his head, not looking her in the eyes.

  She crouches down ‘til she’s eye level with him.

  I notice the wince she tries to hide.

  She looks at Max. “Good, because you’re grounded for a week. No cartoons.”

  He gapes at her, the shock of the punishment making him forget temporarily that he’s supposed to look repentant. “But—?”

  “Want to make that two weeks?” Kendall tugs off the underwear off his face. “How many times have I told you not to go through my drawers?”

  “But you have all those cool toys in —”

  Kendall slams a hand over his mouth, her face beetroot red as she hisses, “Shut up!”

  I hide the stunned satisfaction on hearing this and my mind goes to every place possible. But I can’t stop imagining Kendall on her bed, fucking herself with a toy, and the image is seared into my brain.

  Kendall’s eyes widen as they meet mine.

  Without thinking, I let her see the heat in my eyes.

  She swallows, and then immediately lowers her eyes, refusing to maintain eye contact. There’s a tremor in her voice, as she says, “Go wash your face. And come sit here. No more jumping around.”

  As Max trudges away, his body hunched as if his small shoulders are bearing the weight of the world.

  Kendall turns to look at me, and there is a stubborn tilt to her chin, as if daring me to comment on what Max has just unwittingly revealed.

  It’s the way she’s watching me, her eyes narrowed in a challenge, as if she’s ready to take me on, that my heart stutters for the first since I’ve laid eyes on her again. And I realize that Duke was right.

  I was jealous.

  This whole thing may have started out as fulfilling a promise to the girl who’d been the first person to show me what love and affection was, to carve a place in this world for her where she knew every luxury and comfort she desired, but as my eyes move over her face, I realize it had always been more than that. A desire to tie her to my side in a way that would never let her escape. To have her in every way possible. To have a claim over all her smiles, all her tears, all her anger and her joy.

  I wonder when I had fallen in love with her.

  Maybe as I had walked away from her all those years ago, even as she had begged me not to go. Maybe when the FBI had stripped me of everything, and all I had to keep me company for the next three years were memories of her. Or maybe it was when she had made me crack a smile, a young angry boy, who had been hurt by the world so many times that he refused to trust another soul.

  Change of plans, then.



  I curse Max for opening his mouth.

  The way Caleb is watching me right now, it’s making my mouth turn dry, a considering gaze, filled with heat. But he doesn’t do or say anything.

  I refuse to feel ashamed of anything.

  When I start glaring at him, he arches a brow at me. “I wasn’t the one who rifled through your private things.” The bastard is smirking.

  I have the urge to throw the underwear at his face, just to ruffle up that damn composure of his.

  However, I restrain myself, and ask through gritted teeth, “What did you want, Mr. Starr?”

  If he notices that I’m putting the barrier of my employment between us, he pretends not to notice. He glances through the file. “Well, I did want an update on the feasibility report, but you seem to have your hands full with things here. I wouldn’t want to disturb you.” Even as he says this, he takes a seat on the sofa, no sign of leaving.

  I give it a second, before saying, “You’re still here.”

  He’s studying the copy of the report he has in his hand and doesn’t even spare me a glance. “Yes, I know.”

  I resist the urge to kick him out of my house, asking with a bite, “Would you like me to get you some coffee?”

  “That would be great,” he says distractedly.

  I scowl. “Caleb, it’s seven in the evening and you’re sitting in my home, working, while I’m in the midst of moving! Surely, you can find a better location to do this?”

  This does get his attention and he folds the contract. “I have nowhere to be.”

  I’m trying to wrap the idea of this wealthy man who probably sleeps in money, choosing to sit in the middle of this mess that comes out of packing an entire house up.

  Max returns and sits next to Caleb, duly chastised, and determined to show repentant he is of his crimes if just to get his TV privileges returned.

  I walk into the other room to bring out one of the remaining boxes and I hear him whisper to my boss, “Are you also in trouble?”

  I don’t know whether to laugh or cry when Caleb replies solemnly, “It certainly seems so.”

  Entering my bedroom, I stare at the mostly empty room where I have spent the better part of a decade, where I’ve had my heart broken, where I’ve had sleepovers with that little angel outside when we used all the available cushions in the apartment and built forts.

  Not all the memories are bad, I muse, wistfully, as I pick up a box.

  Carrying it out, I see Caleb stand up, and before I know it, he’s taking the box from me.

  His voice is quiet, “I don’t mind helping out, especially since I’m imposing.”

  “You don’t have…”

  He’s already putting the box with the rest.

  I settle my hands on my hips, staring at him. “You’re very strange.”

  “I beg your pardon?” He’s shrugging off his jacket.

  “For a boss.” I study him. “You took me shopping, you’re in my home, and now you want to help me move.”

  He’s watching me with, an inscrutable look in his eyes, a small secretive smile playing on his lips, which is part amusement, as if he knows something I don’t.

  “What are you playing at, Mr. Starr?”

  Caleb’s smirk grows broader, and he murmurs, “You know, every time you call me Mr. Starr, I feel like I’m in trouble.”

  I narrow my gaze at him, trying to understand just what he wants when there’s a banging on the door and I hear a loud voice ordering, “Open up, Kendall! I know you’re inside!”

  I stiffen as I recognize the voice. “Max, go to my room,” I instruct, my tone sharp.

  Caleb takes a step forward and my eyes cut to him. “Stay with
him. This has nothing to do with you.”

  If I see the flash of annoyance in his face, I ignore it.

  Does Caleb Starr think he knows me?

  He hasn’t even touched the first layer of who I am.

  I open the door to see my landlord, his large frame blocking the whole door.

  “What do you want, Arthur?”

  Arthur is the son of the original man I signed my lease with. His father was a decent sort. His son, however, doesn’t take after him in that regard.

  He sneers down at me, his voice scratchy, and grating on the ears. “You movin’?”

  I keep one hand on the door, ready to slam it in his face, if necessary. “What’s it to you?” I bare my teeth at him, not willing to budge an inch. I can smell the beer on him as he breathes on me,

  His beady eyes look all excited as he says, “Heard you were whoring yourself out to some rich boy.”

  I stiffen at the insult, but I know better than to be baited by the likes of him. “You heard wrong, dick face.” I don’t care that my cultured boss might hear me. He knew what he was hiring.

  Arthur’s eyes narrow at me. “You better watch that mouth of yours, bitch.” His sneer is repulsive. “Or I can put it to good use. Who’s the rich boy?”

  “None of your fucking business. What do you want?” I growl at him.

  “When is he coming back?” My landlord persists.

  “Why?” I ask sweetly. “Do you want to whore yourself out to him? I doubt you’re his type.”

  I see the fist coming and belatedly realize that I won’t be able to dodge it. Cursing myself for not controlling my tongue, I mentally prepare myself for the familiar hot white pain. But before it can make contact with my face, a forearm appears, blocking it. Then, everything slows down, as I turn to see my unlikely rescuer.

  Caleb’s face is calm as he steps in front of me, but I see the expression on his face, and I can’t suppress the shudder of fear. The look on his face is nothing short of chilling. There is something so animalistic in his eyes, such a feral look that I’m glad I’m not the focus of that rage.

  I watch in horrified fascination as his other hand reaches out, grabbing Arthur’s wrist and giving it a sharp, deliberate twist that has the man falling to his knees with a howl of pain.

  “I really wouldn’t touch her if I were you,” Caleb says softly.

  The low-pitched menace in his voice, makes my mouth dry. Not because of how sinister he sounds but because of the familiarity of his words.

  A sudden memory seizes me of years long past.

  I’m curled up on the ground, my arms protectively around my head, not crying, not making a sound.

  I shouldn’t have mouthed off to Zack.

  But he shouldn’t have said such bad things about Harry.

  I’m being kicked at by three different children, bullies, and monsters.

  And then, there’s a pain-filled cry when another child comes to my defense, standing before me, glaring at my attackers, his words quiet but filled with the promise of agonizing pain as he says, “I really wouldn’t touch her if I were you.”

  “Fucking bastard!” Arthur is on his feet and I see him charge at Caleb.

  Eyes widening, I’m about to cry out when Caleb sidesteps the attack and then raises his knee in an eerily fast movement, making contact with Arthur’s groin, and as the larger man bends over with a scream, Caleb’s elbow flashes out and he strikes at the back of his neck, making Arthur collapse in an unconscious heap at his feet.

  My eyes flit from Arthur’s form to Caleb, in numb disbelief. “How – What – You’re not going to do that to me, are you?” I swallow dryly.

  Caleb gives me a look as if to say, ‘don’t be ridiculous’.

  I crouch down to check Arthur’s pulse and sigh with relief. “He’s not dead.”

  “Of course not.” Caleb frowns down at me. Then the gleam in his eyes turns dangerous. “Though, if he wants to go another round, I can’t promise the same.”

  I take a shuddering breath, trying to gather my wits as if I’ve not just seen my boss punch out my overly muscular landlord.

  “He’s going to be so mad.” I close my eyes, pressing my cold fingertips against them. “Shit. Fuck.”

  Caleb grabs my wrists, lowering my arms, forcing me to open my eyes and face him. The proximity to him makes me swallow again. Why is he so damn attractive?

  “You’re moving. You’ve got nothing to fear,” he tells me.

  I shake my head. “You don’t know Arthur and you don’t know his friends. He’ll track me down to make me pay for this insult. He knows where Tracy works and where Max goes to school. If he can’t get to me, he’ll get to them.” A part of me is terrified. “You should’ve stayed out of it,” I moan now. “I knew what I was doing.”

  Caleb’s face twists in sharp anger. “You wanted me to let him hit you?”

  I shake his hands off of me, suddenly frustrated, and I growl, “Yes! He would have roughed me up and then walked away.” I slam the door closed on Arthur’s form and start pacing, tossing him narrow-eyed looks which are tinged with fear as the implications of what my boss has done, grows on me. “You know nothing of how—”

  “He’s done this before? ‘Roughed you up?’”

  This time when Caleb approaches me, I stiffen at the naked fury in his eyes, I raise my hands, palms facing him, to ensure he maintains his distance.

  “You don’t know what life’s like here. You can live in your fancy mansions and dine with the rich and mingle with society’s finest, but I have people to protect. Max is a baby.” I lower my arms, clenching my fists. “I shouldn’t have mouthed off to him. I should’ve just—”

  “He called you a whore.” Caleb looks ready to go back and finish the job, his jaw tight.

  I try to act casual. “Yes, well. Arthur isn’t exactly known to be respectful to women.” I rub the pads of my fingers around my temple, stemming off the headache. “I need to call Tracy and tell her to hurry up. We need to be gone before he wakes up.”

  Caleb doesn’t say anything as he watches me leave the room and the way his amber eyes follow me, I have to remind myself that he’s not Harry.

  Harry is never coming back.

  I’ve only seen the apartment a handful of times, but it wasn’t furnished then.

  The one thing I adore about this place is the heating system.

  “So…” Tracy looks at me as she opens another box of clothes. “Your hot boss looked pretty sad.”

  “I think you mean broody,” I correct her. “Caleb is always broody.”

  “His friend is pretty cute,” Tracy comments, casually.

  I lift my head, as if sniffing something. “Duke’s a pain in the ass.”

  “He calls you little lady. It’s cute.” Tracy walks over to hang up some clothes. “And he’s easy on the eyes.”

  “Have you gone blind?” I stare at her, concerned. “He looks like a watered-down version of the Hulk.”

  “I know,” Tracy says, dreamily. “I can just imagine him taking me on the—”

  “La la la la, I’m not listening to this.” I walk out of the room, my hands on my ears.

  There’s a strange buzzing sound and Tracy’s laughter dies, and we share a look. “What’s that?”

  “The bell, maybe?” I say hesitantly.

  “Then, go answer the door,” Tracy suggests helpfully.

  It’s Caleb, and he’s holding a box of pizza in his hands. “I thought you ladies might need some refreshments. First night here and all.”

  “Do you come with the pizza?” I ask bluntly.

  When Caleb arches a brow, I realize what I’ve just said.

  “That can be arranged,” he says smoothly.

  My cheeks flush with heat. “That’s not what I meant,” I hiss out.

  He just rakes his eyes over my form in a deliberately provocative manner. “Another time then,” he says with a smirk.

  There’s a shift to the dynamics of our relationship and I do
n’t know where and when it happened. From a boss who’s only ever friendly to me, he’s suddenly flirting, and I’m starting to sense that there’s something else going on that I’m not entirely aware of.

  The whole evening has been so strange that the fact that my billionaire boss might be putting the moves on little old me will probably make more of an impact tomorrow.

  “Kendall, who is- Hi, Caleb. Oh, you brought food!” Tracy looks delighted. “Are you staying?”

  “He has to—?”

  “I would love to,” Caleb cuts me off with a polite smile towards my roommate.

  Tracy smiles, having taken a shine towards him since their first meeting and then cranes her neck to look around him, slightly disappointed when she doesn’t see who she wanted to, “Oh, Duke’s not with you?”

  I roll my eyes at her and say sarcastically, “He’s right next door. Why don’t you go invite him?”

  When Tracy beams at me for the suggestion and darts past Caleb, I gape at her rushing form and mumble, “I wasn’t serious.” I suddenly realize that I’m left all alone with my boss who’s not acting really acting like himself ever since Max announced to the room in general that I may or may not be harboring sex toys in my bedroom.

  I shuffle awkwardly, my mind dwelling on the fact that there’s still Arthur to contend with. When Duke arrived, he had very willingly tied up the unconscious man and left him in his office while Caleb had told me he’d deal with this.

  But Caleb didn’t know what people like Arthur were capable of. With my new salary, I could probably have Max change schools, but Tracy was still unsure about that.

  To top it all off, this is the first time I’m alone with my boss since my little meltdown when I had all but called him a snob to his face, roughly speaking.

  And he’s acting so weird.

  And it’s giving me a headache.

  Caleb prowls around the living area and notes the unopened boxes lying in a corner.

  Some of the things have been unpacked but I know that Tracy and I can’t get it done in one single day.

  However, he’s looking through the photographs I’ve unpacked. “You and Miss Williams have been friends for a long time,” he muses, his tone considering.


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