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Resisting the CEO: Office Second Chance Romance (Dirty Hot Resistance Series Book 2)

Page 9

by Emelia Blair

  It’s not easy to tell this woman before me of the violence I had faced in there which had gone above and beyond anything I had ever faced in my life.

  “He was beating her, and I attacked him. He threatened to strip my skin off and I hit him in the jaw with the wrench.”

  Lana’s face is now paling.

  I continue, “Tr—she ran for it to get help, but he came to pretty quickly and his friends arrived. They held me down and he kept true to his promise.”

  Lana’s eyes are wide in her face, horror written all over it.

  I finish with, “The police arrived. I was taken to a hospital. The guy got away and well, they stitched me up, but the scars won’t go away.” I glance at Lana now. “I don’t want your pity. I walked into that situation with my eyes open.”

  Lana blinks at me. “I don’t pity you. It takes a very strong person to do something like that, a very brave person. I can see what Caleb sees in you.”

  I stare at the last part. “What’s that supposed to mean?”

  She blinks. “Well, he did seek you out.”

  “What?” Her words make no sense to me. “My resume was sent to him.”

  Lana’s lips part in understanding. “Oh shit, you don’t know.”

  “Don’t know what?” I ask in a low voice.

  She looks uncertain.

  I press on deliberately, “Lana, you say that you want to be my friend and yet, you’re telling me something which sounds exceedingly disturbing.”

  “It’s not like that,” Lana immediately says, gesturing with her hands. “It’s just—fuck. Look, I don’t think I’m supposed to be telling you any of this.”

  “Please tell me.” I grit my teeth, something settling in the back of my mind.

  I can tell that she’s already regretting this, but she’s cornered herself and there’s no way out. “He’s been looking for you for a few years now. When he came to the Capital, he found out that you were here. And then he took over this firm and I was told to hire you. That’s all I know. That’s why I was so wary of you. I thought you were somebody who planned to take his money or take advantage of him with the way he was lavishing you with an apartment. All those clothes, access to his private accounts.”

  My heart is in my throat, and suddenly I feel boxed in, and I stammer out, “B-but why? I’ve n-never met him ‘til now!”

  Lana meets my gaze, her voice solemn. “He said he owed you a debt he could never repay.” She looks worried. “Kendall, you cannot tell him I told you. I thought that whatever it was between the two of you had been worked out.”

  ‘It’s not what you think, Kendall.’ I recall Caleb’s words from a few days ago, when I had confronted him in his apartment. I remember the way he held me in his arms, bringing me out of my panic attack. “I don’t understand,” I mumble.

  “Kendall?” Lana gives me a pleading look. “Please don’t tell him I told you.”

  I take a shuddering breath and reply, “I won’t. Thank you, though.”

  I stay for a few hours longer in the office that night, my laptop closed, a million thoughts racing my mind, and it’s pretty late when I finally return home.

  Scenarios of confronting Caleb play by the hundreds in my mind during the night but when I walk into the office the next day, tired from the lack of sleep, one look at his closed door has me realizing that there is no way I can confront him without revealing Lana’s role in this.

  And besides, what exactly am I supposed to say to him?

  Caleb has a meeting across town today, so he’ll be in late. That gives me plenty of time to mentally prepare myself to face him.

  The practical part of me warns me to keep my mouth shut. For whatever reason Caleb has dropped this job in my lap, I am financially stable, doing a job that I actually like and am quite good at.

  I could put all of that at risk if I even think of getting in his face.

  After all, isn’t that why I’ve steeled myself from his advances, mild as they may be?

  Not that it matters, I think bitterly, playing with the small fidget cube that Lucas had left here and that I keep hiding every time he drops by. Caleb seems to have moved on with someone far more suited to him.

  I sneer at the thought of the stunning blonde who had waltzed in here yesterday, like she owned the office.

  And then, the words he snarled at Lucas, the way he reacted to Lucas’ taunt.

  My head is spinning, and I feel agitated, not knowing what to do.

  I haven’t had the opportunity to talk to Tracy since she was asleep when I got back and gone when I woke up.

  There is still the matter of this debt that Lana says that Caleb thinks he owes me.

  I’ve never met him.

  So lost in my thoughts, I don’t notice the door of my office opening and someone calling my name.

  A loud rap on my desk has me jumping in alarm. “What?!”

  I look up and freeze when I see Caleb. “Hey. Hi.”

  Caleb blinks at me, and then frowns. “You look sick and tired. When did you get back last night?”

  The way he so casually says ‘get back’, making it sound like we have a familiar living arrangement makes me shift in my seat. “Around two,” I mutter. “I’ll bring you a—"

  “Have you had lunch?” he asks, abruptly.

  “Lunch?” I repeat, stupidly, as if the very concept of that word is foreign to me.

  He studies me. “Clearly not. Order up something, for me as well. We’ll have lunch together. I need to discuss the arrangements for Friday with you.”

  Having in such close proximity is making all those thoughts from last night rise up again, and I just nod.

  Within an hour, I’m plating Indian curry into two plates and taking it inside.

  Caleb has taken off his jacket, his shirt sleeves rolled up to his elbow, and he’s running one hand through his hair, the other playing with something dark and dense in his hand.

  When he sees me enter, he immediately slips it into his pocket, and accepts his share. We’re sitting at the small coffee table in his office, and he puts the food aside and stares at his laptop screen. “There’s been a change of schedule. We’re flying out tomorrow.”

  “Flying where?” I reel back at the sudden news.

  “To the Dorthman meeting in LA,” Caleb says, his eye still on the screen.

  “I didn’t know you wanted me to go with y-you,” I stammer out, surprised.

  “Yes, well. Now, you do. We have one meeting a day before that Heiman’s thing and the second meeting is three days later. So, pack clothes for a few days.”

  I start mentally counting out the things that have to be done. “That’s too soon. I have to make hotel reservations and—”

  “All that’s arranged by Dorthman’s team,” Caleb cuts me off. “They were too eager to please me since my meeting them is technically a favor.”

  “So, you need me in LA for these two meetings?”

  “And the ball.”

  My head shoots up at this, startled. “The ball? I – Aren’t you taking Reina Sheffield?”

  Caleb raises a brow at me. “I never said that.”

  I gape at him. “You didn’t deny it either, yesterday.”

  He just gives me a small smirk. “I hope you have time to get a dress between now and morning because my jet’s going to be leaving early morning. And we do have a lot of work to do today.”

  “You planned this.” Τhe words slip out of my mouth without me knowing I would even say them as realization dawns on me. “You’ve been planning this since I gave you that dress back.”

  “Eat your lunch, Miss West. Before it gets cold.” Caleb has a satisfied look in his eyes as he digs into his meal, a triumphant smirk on his lips.

  I feel both hot and cold at knowing I’ve been played so thoroughly but words are beyond me at noting how neatly I’ve been trapped.


  LA is a loud city.

  Beautiful, but loud.

day passed in a blur of finishing reports, rescheduling meetings, running around town to make sure all the arrangements had been made.

  Caleb had made sure I wouldn’t even have time to breathe.

  I glower at him, but he ignores it in favor of texting someone.

  The one good thing is that he has me so busy that I can’t even find the time to think about all the revelations that have been dumped on me recently.

  “We’re staying at the Ritz,” he tells me. “After the meeting today, we can do some sightseeing. I can show you around.” He grins at me, a suddenly boyish look.

  My heart skips a beat as I swallow and turn to look out the window of the car, considering, admitting, “I’ve never really traveled to another city before.”

  “Well, this is your chance to explore to your heart’s content. There’s the Universal Studios and Disneyland, if you’re interested in that.” He sees my eyes light up and chuckles softly. “I’ll put it on the list.”

  “Sorry.” I feel my cheeks heating up. “I’ve always wanted to go there as a kid. But you don’t have to go with me. I can just—?”

  “I want to. I haven’t done any of the touristy things.” Although, he’s smiling, a hint of darkness enters his eyes. “They have a Museum of Art here as well.”

  I’m suddenly giddy as a child, not having even imagined I would get the time or the opportunity to do any of this.

  My good mood evaporates, however, when we reach the hotel and find out the grievous mistake they’ve made.

  “You can’t be serious,” I say in dismay. “There have to be other rooms available!”

  The concierge looks embarrassed. “Ma’am, I assure you, there is no room left here or in any of the nearby hotels. Bookings have been in advance because of the event. I was told to book one of the best rooms we had for Mr. Starr.”

  I look over my shoulder at Caleb who looks too pleased. “What are you smirking about?” I hiss at him, furious.

  He just gives an elegant half shrug. “These things do happen, Kendall. I’m not having you stay in another hotel, so let’s just make the best of what we have.”

  I try to calm myself down. “There must be some inn or some—?”

  “You’re not staying at some random inn. “Caleb looks stern. “I’m hardly going to bite you if we share a room.”

  And a bed, I tell myself, shaken. “I can sleep on the couch,” I suggest uneasily.

  Caleb doesn’t say a word.

  In the next ten minutes, I find out that the couch isn’t something one can sleep on. “What the hell is this?” I’m crouching next to the couch and poking it.

  From where he’s tipping the bellhop, Caleb glances over and his amusement seems to grow. “That is an ugly couch. Kendall.” He walks over to me. “You’re perfectly safe with me. I won’t touch you without your permission.”

  I stare up at him, feeling conflicted.

  Caleb wants me.

  He hasn’t made a secret out of the fact and recent information has just solidified this. I don’t understand why but I do know that this could be a very grievous mistake.

  “You have my word,” he promises.

  I bite my lower lip. “I’m sure there has to be some—?”

  “Kendall.” Caleb gives me a look.

  I sigh. “Fine. But I have pepper spray on me somewhere. I’m just saying.” I let him pull me up to my feet and I blink at the sudden proximity.

  He yanks me in a powerful move ‘til my chest is nearly brushing his. His face is so close to mine as he looks down at me.

  I can even see the flecks of gold in his amber eyes and my mouth dries.

  Should I pepper spray myself?

  He steps back then after a few heartbeats.

  I feel dazed, almost empty.

  “We should change for the meeting.”

  As we unpack, my eyes dart towards the bed and my hands tremble. I’ve never slept in the same bed with a man, and the first time I’m doing it is with my boss…a man who has somewhat dubious intentions.

  “I’m pretty sure the bed doesn’t bite, either.” Caleb’s lips are twitching as he watches me.

  My face heats up again. I know my cheeks are pink too. I grab my clothes and glare at him before making my way to the bathroom to change.

  The rest of the day is a blur of activities because the meeting drags on for hours and Caleb is annoyed by the time we are leaving. By that time the sun has set and as we walk towards the car, I stare longingly towards the lights. The city looks so alive.

  Caleb sees the expression on my face and knocks on the driver’s window. “Go without us. We want to walk a bit. If need be, we’ll catch a cab.”

  “Are you sure?” I ask, hesitantly, touching the sleeve of his jacket without thinking. “I can go alone.”

  When he looks down at where I’m touching him, I yank my hand away like I’ve been scalded, my cheeks aflame.

  His eyes move over my face and something like satisfaction settles behind his eyes, as he says smoothly, “I’ve been cooped in an office all day as well. A walk through the city with you by my side is just what I need.”

  If my cheeks were flushed before, now they’re completely red at his words, and I mutter, “Then stop dawdling.”

  His smile broadens and he offers me his arm.

  I stare at it.

  He looks amused at my confusion and reaches out for my hand, tucking it into his elbow.

  “This is highly inappropriate,” I complain, insincerely, even as I move closer to him to use him as a shield against the sudden gust of cold wind.

  “Absolutely,” Caleb agrees, amiably, as he tucks me against his side, protecting me from any onslaught of wind.

  We walk in companionable silence for a while and I take in the sights, the glittering lights from a Casino, the rush of people on the sidewalk, a street magician.

  I pause to take in his last act and Caleb waits patiently as I watch with awed eyes.

  However, throughout, his eyes are on me, and I know it. It feeds the thrill inside of me and yet at the same time, there’s a part of me warning me to tread very carefully.

  I put a few dollar bills in the man’s hat as he offers it around.

  “That was more than you needed to give,” Caleb says when we start walking away.

  My eyes roam over the elegant pavement and I respond lightly, “He’s trying to make ends meet. I know the feeling. There were days when we could only afford one meal a day and some days when we weren’t even that lucky.”

  I feel his body stiffen as we walk away but he says nothing, preferring to keep his own counsel.



  I wake up to Kendall wrapped around me, the massive wall of pillows that she had so diligently prepared last night, scattered around the bed haphazardly. Her head is on my chest, and one of my legs is between hers. One of her hands is on my chest as well and she looks like she belongs here.

  We’re wrapped so tightly around each other that it’s hard to see where one begins and the other ends.

  My own hand is tangled in her hair and for a few seconds I close my eyes, enjoying the luxury of this moment, of holding Kendall in my arms. I can imagine for a few minutes that nothing else matters, that everything has been resolved. I can touch this woman, and kiss her, without her pulling away from me.

  However, like every dream, this moment passes too, as I open my eyes and watch her unguarded face in sleep. Suddenly overwhelmed by emotion, I lean down and press a kiss to her forehead, closing my eyes briefly.

  And then, I’m untangling myself from her, not wanting her to wake up in this position. She wouldn’t react well.

  I’ve showered and dressed and now I open my laptop to pretend like I’m working while I’m just watching her sleep. I’ve searched for her for so many years and now, here she is, in front of me, well within reach, and I still can’t claim her.

  She’s a suspicious sort, watching me warily at times, and yet I’ve seen her excited, happy, fur
ious, but all of that with people she’s started to trust.

  Never me.

  And it hurts.

  However, I’m prepared to take all the pain she unwittingly doles out on me to reach the end of this long game when she truly becomes mine.

  A soft sigh makes me turn my eyes to the laptop, and I bring up a random contract on the screen as I can hear Kendall wake up.

  I hear the sharp intake of breath as she realizes where she is and then I can feel her eyes boring holes in the side of my skull.

  “Morning,” she says shyly.

  I look over and drink in the sight of her, sitting up in bed, the blanket wrapped around her, only her face and the tip of the shirtsleeves of her giraffe dotted sleepwear. On anyone else, it would look hideous. On her, it made me want to tear it off of her and use my hands to drive her wild.

  “Is it cold?” I glance at the thermostat. “I can turn it up.”

  She shakes her head and then glances outside at the grey winter skies, her voice rough with sleep, “Do we have a meeting today?”

  “No, but I—”

  She flops back onto the bed, with a happy sigh. “Great. I’m going back to sleep.” She’s completely taken over the bed, wrapped in the blanket.

  I wander over and sit down beside her, poking at the blanket. “You look like a burrito.”

  “You hate burritos,” her muffled reply comes, smothered in layers of the blanket.

  “I can make an exception. I’ve developed a particular taste for this one.”

  When her head pops out, her ears red. “You’re absolutely shameless.”

  I smirk and nudge at her again. “Get dressed or I might just feel inclined to join you in taking a nap.”

  The threat has her eyes widening and she scrambles out of bed.


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