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Page 6

by Ashlynn Monroe

  He finished cleaning her up. Isser brought him fresh water. She was asleep before they finished. Sol sat looking at her. Her long, dark lashes left perfect crescents on her cheeks. Her skin was as soft as a flower petal. Everything about her looked fragile, but after today, he knew she wouldn’t break. There was comfort in knowing she could kill to defend herself. His tigress would protect him as fiercely as he protected her.

  “She’s amazing,” Isser whispered.

  Sol nodded. He was afraid to speak and wake her. The peace he felt looking at her was so rare he didn’t want to disrupt the spell. Isser clasped him on the shoulder. His brother’s understanding washed over him in a wave of compassion. Isser stood and went to the console. He began a diagnostic sequence.

  “I’m going to go fix whatever the fuck they did to the landing gear and the door.”

  Sol nodded. He glanced at the door as Isser left.

  Reluctantly he stood up and cleaned the blood and grime away with some of the leftover water. He dressed in fresh clothing. All he wanted to do was get home and keep his woman safe, but Isser was right. The ship needed some repair. Sol grabbed the comm.

  “You need some help out there?”

  “Hell yeah, those assholes really messed things up down here. I could use a light and an extra pair of hands.”

  “Be right there,” Sol replied. He glanced at the sleeping woman. She needed rest. He forced himself to leave her and go outside to help his brother.

  Chapter Seven

  Jewel lay still with her eyes closed. Waiting. She hoped the younger wolves were okay. Her throat closed painfully as she thought about how sad they would be when she was gone. She wished she’d be able to say good-bye, but that wasn’t going to be possible. Every day she grew weaker. Her exhaustion was taking a toll. She’d written both Isser and Sol a short good-bye note, before her strength ebbed so drastically. Jewel asked them not to feel responsibility for her death and to take care of Rion, Makis, and her children. Her passing wouldn’t be their fault. She just couldn’t hold on longer. She loved Isser and Sol and hoped the men she considered brothers would find a way to help her husbands through their loss.

  “My love?” Rion whispered quietly.

  She opened her eyes. Her husband looked…happy?

  “This is Dr. Jordan. He’s already given the cubs an exam. His treatment is working. Kelila is eating again. Color is returning to Torr’s face too. This doctor is a specialist in shifter medicine.”

  “How?” Jewel asked weakly.

  “Rusty has come to help us. He wouldn’t see you because he didn’t want to upset you. I could feel the truth of his remorse. He’s sorry he let your father sell you. He’s staying at the inn. He wanted me to tell you how much regret he feels, and how much he loves you. If we weren’t so desperate, I think I’d have killed him. Makis wanted to rip out his throat too. But, damn it, I love you too much to let my male pride say no to his help.”

  She nodded, her eyes filling with unshed tears. Rusty. Her older brother was full of surprises. After the way he’d helped her father in his attempt to trade her to a mutant prince in exchange for an army, she never thought she would see Rusty again, but right now, she was happy as hell he had come. Rusty’s arrival left her with many questions, yet she was too tired to speak. Rion stepped out of the doctor’s way.

  “Hello, Jewel. You have some fierce males here. They love you. I’m amazed you survived home birthing shifter twins. This is a brutal world, and I’ve seen a lot, but this is one for the record books. You have some beautiful children, and they will be fine. With the right treatment, you will too. Your brother has told me to spare no expense, so I have the good stuff here in my bag. This is the best medicine money can buy. I’m going to have you on your feet in a few days. Does that sound all right to you?”

  Tears shimmered on Jewel’s lashes and obscured her vision. The telltale sign of her joy overflowed to roll down her cheeks. She took a deep gulping breath and nodded fiercely. She was too weak to tell him how grateful she was. Her children would live, and she’d be around to mother them. Nothing could make her happier.

  * * * *

  “How do you think they are?” Sol asked.

  “I’m not sure, but I feel as if we betrayed the pack,” Isser whispered.

  Sol glanced back at their sleeping woman. Her exhaustion after her first shift was normal, and after saving both their asses, she deserved some rest. “I just hope we still have time.”

  “I know. Me too. We’re in range. Should I make a call home?” Sol asked.

  “Be my guest. Warning them about Ruby is a good idea. They have the right to know we’ve added to the pack,” Isser replied prudently.

  Sol grabbed the comm. His fingers skidded across the flat glass panel. There were a few minutes of lag as they hailed the comm unit they kept at home to stay in touch with Jewel when they were out hunting.

  “Hello,” Jewel said.

  “Jewel?” Sol asked. His surprise was evident in the way his voice rose.

  “How are you both? Did the hunt go well?” Jewel spoke in a strong voice. She sounded healthy.

  The wolves turned sharply to make eye contact with each other. Isser’s lips parted, and his eyes went wide. Sol grinned.

  “The more important question is how you and the pups are feeling,” Sol said.

  “My brother pulled through with credits. He brought a doctor. Everyone is recovering under the doc’s excellent care. How did your first hunt without Rion and Makis go? My boys are itching to get back to work. I hope you didn’t make too much money. I need a reason to get the men out of my hair. I love them, but they need a challenge greater than chasing Boon around the house and caring for infants. They’ve been amazing. I’m a lucky girl.” Even through the comm, Sol heard the emotion in Jewel’s voice, and it caused his heart to swell.

  “We have some news. We didn’t collect the bounty, but we did find something even more valuable. Isser and I are bringing our mate home. Her name is Ruby.”

  There was a moment of silence on the other end of the comm. Sol’s heart sank. If Jewel didn’t like their woman, it would be bad. She was the alpha female. They needed her to accept Ruby as she had them.

  A loud joyous cheer erupted, and Isser grabbed the comm out of his hand.

  “I assume that means you’re glad we’ve added to the pack?” Isser asked. Sol could hear the underlying worry in his voice.

  “Yes! A million times, yes! This is better than money! I’m so excited. Does she like children? I can’t wait to meet her.” Jewel spoke in a quick, excited voice. It sounded as if she might be jumping up and down. “Is she a shifter or human?”

  Sol and Isser exchanged a glance.

  “She’s a tiger.”

  Then they waited. Jewel didn’t gasp or yell.

  “I didn’t know there were tiger shifters. You haven’t told me if she likes children. It will be so nice to have another woman here to keep you in line. I’ve spent so much of my life around men. I hope she’ll like me.”

  Relief filled Sol. Jewel’s lack of prejudice would make convincing the alpha males that Ruby posed no threat much easier.

  “I can’t believe anyone wouldn’t like you, my sister. We haven’t talked about children, so I can’t give you an answer,” Isser said.

  Jewel chuckled warmly. Even with the static, the joy in her amusement came across clearly.

  “Well, get your butts home so I can ask her all the important questions. I can’t wait to hear the story of how you came to find your mate.”

  “We’ll tell you all of it. Just make sure you have a feast ready. Unless you’re not feeling up to it? If you’re under doctor’s orders to rest, you need to obey them.”

  “I will have the feast ready. It’s tradition, after all. I feel wonderful, I promise. Good-bye until I see you both again,” Jewel said as she ended the connection.

  Isser set the comm down. “That went better than I thought it would.”

  “We’re taking our
woman home. It will be a day to remember,” Sol replied. Emotion clogged his throat, so he said nothing else.

  A soft noise caused him to turn. Ruby sat up and yawned. She created a lovely picture with her tousled hair and nothing but one of Isser’s long shirts. Sol wanted to see her in his brother’s arms again, and then he wanted to have her himself. His cock ached, but he remained where he was. He knew she was tired and sore. Her mind was broadcasting her discomfort even without her trying to. She was so easy to read now.

  She gave them a slow smile and glanced at Sol’s crotch. “I’m glad you missed me while I was napping,” she said. “I can feel how much you want me. It’s so strange. This connection is deep, almost like I can read your minds.”

  Isser glanced at Sol, and it made horny Sol chuckle. He was broadcasting without thinking about it too. “I will always miss you when you are sleeping. Get rest when you can, because we will keep you busy every night.”

  Ruby laughed lightly. “Only if you make my body feel like you did before. I’ll howl at every moon if you can give me pleasure like that again.”

  “We’ll be home very soon,” Isser said.

  “Home.” Ruby spoke the word in a breathy little burst of awe. “I’ve never really had a home.”

  “Now you do. You will make our home complete.”

  She smiled and held out her arms. Sol gave Isser a quick glance and a grin before he left the pilot’s chair and Isser at the helm. He knelt down, and Ruby wrapped her arms around him.

  “I’m home. Right now, for the rest of my life, this is home,” he whispered.

  She pressed her lips to his in a quick, tender connection. Her full heart radiated emotions she couldn’t express. He let her telepathic feeling wash over him and relished her love. She pulled back to gaze into his eyes.


  “Forever,” she whispered.

  “And ever,” Sol replied.

  She grinned.

  “Spread your legs,” he ordered. She scooted back on the cot and spread her legs wide. Her pink pussy was natural and perfect. He could smell her desire and see the dewy moisture. She was like a flower at dawn, and he wanted to savor her fragrance before he plucked her.

  “Oh, fuck, don’t start writing poetry, pup.” Isser was in his head.

  Sol ignored the other wolf. He was probably just bitter at being forced to drive.

  “Hell yes, but you drive so poorly we’d all die if I left you alone at the helm.”

  “Are you two talking about me in your heads?” Ruby questioned.

  Sol snorted. “No. Isser is just being a jackass. He’s jealous, but right now, you’re all mine. You’re my salvation. I love you.”

  She smiled at him, and it made something gentle blossom in his heart. He was a warrior, and all this tenderness was new to him.

  RUBY COULDN’T BELIEVE she wanted sex after everything they’d just experienced, but she wanted Sol badly. Finding a release with him was a reaffirmation of life, and she wanted to live. She wanted to survive for these men. They were her oxygen and nourishment. She needed them. It was crazy, but she wanted both of them to take her. Together they made her complete. She was better because they were fucking—loving her. This healing magic of their cocks had filled an emptiness in her soul.

  It was strange being with just Sol, but she understood they couldn’t both pleasure her every time. Sol scooped her up in his arms and rolled over with her, kissing her. He tasted of something exotic. She wrapped her arms around his neck. Her emotions raged. Ruby’s body burned, and she pressed her mouth to his. The kiss seared her brain into a mushy mess.

  His fingers moved tenderly through her hair. His lips played on hers with a hunger that left her breathless. She wanted more. Ruby began pulling restlessly at his shirt. He laughed lightly as he let her help him out of the garment. His muscular chest, covered by sparse dark hair that curled slightly, invited uncontrollable fingers to skim through it. She’d no idea where the boldness came from, but it was there. He seemed to appreciate her curiosity and obvious desire. With groans and growls, he encouraged her to run her hands over his chest and back. She found so many scars of all shapes and sizes she lost count of them. Instead of detracting from his appearance, his marks of battle enhanced his manly perfection.

  Her cheeks felt red-hot as her gaze perused the man buffet laid out before her. His legs were very muscular and covered in dark hair. She hadn’t been in any shape to enjoy the sight of her men before, but now she was back to being herself. Sol must’ve sensed the change in her. He indulged her curiosity, but soon he was no longer lying back, letting her take in his naked form. Now he took the lead. He got to his knees and gazed at her intently. What she saw in his expression made her mouth go dry. His desire was evident in his expression.

  Taking his hand gently in hers, she placed it between her legs so his fingers brushed her body.

  “Sol, do you feel how hot I am for you, how wet? I want you inside me. I want to feel all of you in me.” His eyes blazed with golden light at her words. Then he brought her to him, kissing her with crushing force. His hot kiss ended all thought.

  Her body tingled as his hands ran over her skin. She heard him mutter, “Soft, sweet…” Then he trailed kisses over those same spots. He was tender, clearly holding back his need, to see to her pleasure. When his hot mouth found her nipple, she cried out, and she arched her back. He licked and nipped her breast in a deliciously wondrous rhythm that left Ruby panting and begging for more. When he stopped, she wanted to pull him back to her until his lips plundered her other breast. She wanted something more. He stirred her to a frenzy of need, and she wanted—no, needed—something. However, she wasn’t sure what or how to express the want of it to him.

  He began to kiss his way down her body until his hot breath warmed her belly button. His tongue flicked inside the little round orifice, and she shuddered with delight. Moving lower, he toyed with her clitoris. Sol swirled the little nub, and the rhythm brought her so close to the edge of orgasm she couldn’t stop panting. He nibbled her lightly. Ruby tumbled over the edge of her desire as she came. Crying out she felt her body spasm. She was made of pure need, and nothing mattered but her release.

  She struggled to catch her breath and lay back, awed and amazed at how wonderful it had been. He smiled in pure male satisfaction. Then he was hovering above her. Their gazes locked. He entered her swiftly.

  He began to move within her, slowly. Pleasure built and built until she shattered against him. She wrapped her arms around his neck and her legs around his hips as they rode the waves of orgasm together and came, at last, to the finish, panting and sweaty, in each other’s arms. Unspoken feelings passed between them. He tenderly brushed the hair off her face. She lovingly held her palm to his cheek and said, “Thank you, Sol.”

  “Never thank me, but I will always thank you. You’re amazing, my beautiful tigress,” Sol whispered against her ear as he held her tightly. He kissed her neck, forehead, and then lips. She clung to him. Ruby laid her hand softly on his shoulder. She wouldn’t tell him, but her heart was already his. She was forever changed. Her men had branded her with their passion and awoken the insatiable woman she didn’t know she was. There certainly wasn’t another man, besides Isser of course, who’d be able to compare to Sol, fabulous lover and bounty hunter extraordinaire. She wanted Isser next.

  Sol kissed her again, hard. He grabbed a cloth and quickly cleaned her between her legs. Then he stood when she was clean. “He’ll be right here.” She was confused, but not for long. Sol took the wheel, and Isser began walking toward the cot, stripping as he moved. His cock was fully erect. She enjoyed looking as his body as much as she had Sol’s. He began to caress her without preamble. He knew how much she wanted him because of their special link.

  Welcoming the feeling of large hands on her aching nipples, she bit her lip and groaned low in her throat. His strong fingers rolled them, pinching. “Don’t stop.” He didn’t. The feelings he stirred blossomed in her womb until i
t ignited to burn like fire. Ruby’s hips bucked as she writhed uncontrollably. He was turning her into nothing but a sex maniac, and she liked it.

  “More,” she pleaded. She closed her eyes, and she moaned.

  Ruby felt her pussy grow wet again with want. She tried to focus, but then the wonderful erotic sensation returned. She could feel nothing but lust. Her back arched as Isser squeezed her nipples hard enough to make her cry out with the pain/pleasure.

  Isser’s hard cock pressed against her hip. She smiled. Wanting to feel him, she slowly began to stroke the shaft with her hand. His skin felt like velvet, but he was as hard as stone. She felt a drop of moisture, and she knew that he wanted her, badly. Smiling, she tried to wiggle away, so that she could put him in her mouth.

  Isser pinched her clit. ”Oh!” He grinned. She wanted him to do it again. Using the pad of his thumb, wet with her lust, he began to rub small, hard circles over it.

  Arching her back, Ruby gasped.

  “Tell me.” He took his hand away.

  “I’m yours. Both of yours. Always.”

  The moment she’d said the words, Isser’s head went between her legs, and his tongue began working her body just as his thumb had. Ruby groaned. In her mindless haze of lust, it all felt so right.

  Ruby wanted him as much as she’d wanted Sol.

  He continued to lick her and taste her. She felt one of his long fingers slide inside her pussy. His motion enhanced the pleasure that his tongue was giving her.


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