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My Immortal Cowboy (Hell's Cowboys Book 1)

Page 5

by Victoria Zak

  “Who, Tibbs? Nah. He’s my roommate.”

  “No.” She swatted his chest. “Are you in some kind of trouble?”

  “Uh…I hate to break up this loving feeling, but we need to blow this joint before it’s too late,” Tibbs interrupted.

  RC grabbed Charlee’s hand and headed for the door, but he felt her resist. “I’m not going anywhere until you tell me what’s going on.”

  He wished he knew, but right now he needed to get his girl out of here. He kissed her hand. “Baby, I’ll tell you everything later. Right now you need to trust me. I’m not leaving here without you.”

  He could see the confusion in her eyes. Everything was happening so fast. Hell, she’d just seen a ghost.


  RC led her out of the room and Tibbs followed.

  With his heart beating as fast as a hunted rabbit, RC quickly took the stairs, pushing his way through the panicked mob, who were running in all directions.

  “It’s about fucking time, Tibbs!” Kit shouted over the noise, holding his right hand.

  “Lay off, man. We had two bloodsuckers upstairs,” Tibbs said.

  “We need to get to the truck. Clay’s pulling it around back,” Kit hissed in pain.

  “We’re not going to make it out the front door,” RC said. “They have it blocked.”

  “I know a way.” Charlee tugged RC toward the stage. “Follow me.”

  The four of them dodged backstage. They followed Charlee through the dressing room, stepping over broken chairs and glass. Shit! Who was behind this attack? Whoever it was, they meant business.

  “Oh dear God!” Charlee yelled.

  RC looked over at Charlee as she dropped to her knees next to a redhead with three bullet holes in her chest. He kneeled down and felt for a pulse. “She’s gone.”

  “No, Gia.” Charlee covered her mouth.

  “We have to keep moving, Charlee.” When she didn’t respond, RC pulled her up and helped her stand. “Look at me. We need to get out of here, now. Are you with me?”

  Charlee looked at him with a blank stare. She was losing it.

  RC motioned for Tibbs and Kit to run ahead while he removed Charlee from her friend. As soon as they stepped outside, Clay’s truck came to a screeching halt right in front of them. RC opened the door and shoved Charlee into the backseat and dove in next to her. As soon as the last door slammed shut, Clay took off like a bat out of hell.

  For a moment everything was quiet. RC ran his fingers through Charlee’s hair while she rested her head on his shoulder. He leaned his head back and listened to her beating heart, relieved nothing had happened to her. For now, he’d pretend all was right in the universe. He had his girl in his arms and nothing stood between them. Fuck reality! It could wait.

  Clay broke the silence. “How many were there?”

  Tibbs stared out the window. “I blasted two fuckers on my way upstairs to RC.”

  “I took out three,” Clay said. “How about you, Kit?”

  “I got one and another one fled.”

  “And you, RC?” Clay asked.

  “Two.” RC kissed Charlee’s head.

  “Hold up,” Tibbs said as he turned around in the front seat. “The Lone Ranger over here saved your ass.” He grinned at Charlee.

  “What?” Clay glanced at them through the rearview mirror. “No. Hell no!” Clay brought the truck to a screeching halt on the side of the road.

  Bracing himself against the force of the stop, RC gripped the back of the passenger seat. “What the hell, Clay?”

  “The blonde has to go,” Clay demanded.

  “What do you mean?” RC glared at the back of Clay’s head.

  “No humans are allowed underground. Roman will shit.”

  “If Charlee goes, so do I. She’s with me.” He reached for the truck door.

  “Hoss, stop being an asshole. We can’t leave her here without knowing why the club was targeted. She could be in danger.” Kit turned to Charlee and offered her his hand. “By the way, I’m Kit.”

  She shook his hand. “Charlee.”

  “The mule up front with his shorts in a wad is Clay and the one ogling your…” he nodded to her breasts, “that’s Tibbs.”

  “Howdy.” Tibbs tipped his hat and smiled like a kid in a candy shop.

  “For God’s sake!” RC’s fingers flew down his shirt, unbuttoning the damn thing. “Show some respect.” He draped the button-down around Charlee’s shoulders, shielding her body from view.

  “Fine.” Clay shoved the truck into gear. “You’re dealing with Roman on this one, not me.” He pealed out as he merged with the traffic again.

  Right now, RC couldn’t give a rat’s ass about Roman’s rules. He pulled Charlee close, feeling her warmth pressed against his skin. Yeah, they had a lot of time to make up for. He whispered in her ear, “Get some sleep, baby. I’ll take care of everything.” Once he felt her body relax, his brain went into overdrive, trying to think of a way to tell her about his change. She’d have questions, and he didn’t know how many he could answer.


  Hours ticked away. Exactly how many, RC didn’t know. He was back at the Hell’s Cowboys compound with Charlee sleeping next to him in his bed. She hadn’t moved since she’d fallen asleep in the truck. He’d carried her straight to his room and tucked her in bed, where she’d slept like she hadn’t rested in days.

  With nowhere else he wanted to be, he slipped in next to her, watching her. She was lying on her side facing him, with her long dark eyelashes resting on her cheeks. Her lips were a temptation hard to resist. He’d do anything to taste her again. He traced a finger down her cheek and lifted a lock of her hair. Scooting closer, he breathed in her scent.

  The soft fragrance reminded him of the huge magnolia tree in his front yard as a kid. They spent many summers underneath that tree, dreaming and sharing peanut butter and jelly sandwiches. That’s where he kissed her for the first time. Man, he’d never forget the hot summer breeze blowing through her hair, carrying that sweet scent.

  He rolled over on his back, folding his hands under his head, fighting the urge to wake her up and make love. It had been so long and he’d missed her like crazy—every day since he’d disappeared. Reliving their old life, tasting her again, burying himself balls deep inside her … fuck. He needed Charlee in every way, but it could never be.

  Fate had altered their dreams. He wasn’t the same boy, the one who picked flowers for her and took her to their high school prom. Those memories were lost. He’d been reborn as a creature who she could never love or understand. He was the man who would break her heart all over again.

  A memory of the night he’d let Charlee go settled over him. She’d been surprised; never saw it coming when he told her to move on, to go to college and make something of herself. She deserved a better life than what he could provide at the time. The hurt in her eyes branded his mind forever.

  Her soft hand touched his chest. He turned his head, staring into the most stunning blue eyes he’d ever seen.

  “Hey,” Charlee said listlessly.

  RC smiled. “Hey.”

  As beautiful as an angel; he couldn’t look away. And the more her gaze roamed freely over his body… “What? Stop looking at me like that.”

  Charlee tucked her hands under her pillow. “I can’t believe you’re alive. I thought I’d wake and you’d be a dream.”

  He caressed her cheek. “I’ve ached for you every day, Charlee girl.” He swiped a tear from her cheek.

  “Kiss me,” she whispered.

  He held her cheek and slowly leaned in, brushing his lips against hers. She opened for him and he sought out the kiss he’d dreamed about for years. Their tongues glided together, devouring the passion that waited to be released. Even though they’d only scratched the surface of their reunion, RC knew it couldn’t go any further. He had to tell her everything before they could move on.

  It took all his will to break the kiss, though he couldn’t resist t
ouching her. He rested his forehead against hers. Her leg brushed his cock and he groaned.

  “I missed this.” Her hand trailed down his chest and he grabbed it before she crossed the state line.

  “Charlee.” He exhaled. “We… can’t do this. Why don’t we just rest?”

  He felt her glare straight to his soul. Charlee sat up, curling her legs underneath her. “I don’t want to sleep, RC. I want to know what kind of trouble you’re in. Who were those men at the club trying to kill you? Have you been in hiding because of them?”

  He stared at the ceiling and cursed himself for what he was about to do, but it had to be done. A diversion was needed until he figured out how to explain the situation. He crawled out of bed, unable to think straight, being this close to her. Losing his resolve, he shoved his hands through his hair and paced at the foot of the bed. “Charlee, why the hell are you strippin’ at that club? Does Gran know?”

  Taken aback by his sudden change in tone, Charlee leapt from the bed and grabbed RC’s arm so he’d stop pacing and look at her. “Who the hell are you to pass judgment, Mr. I-need-you-out-of-my-life-so-I-can-chase-down-my-next-bull-ride? If I recall correctly, you left me, RC.”

  “It wasn’t like that.”

  “The hell it wasn’t. For the past two years it’s been nothing but heartache. Gran got sick and I had to quit college and come home to help her, then you…died.” She took a deep breath. “I’m doing everything I can to keep the one thing I have left, and that’s Gran’s ranch. So, to answer your question, no, Gran doesn’t know what I’m doing. She passed away right after…” Charlee broke down before she could finish the sentence.

  Fuck. The damn waterworks got him every time. He tried to wrap his arms around her, but she jerked away.

  “No.” Charlee stomped to the door. “I don’t care what kind of trouble you’re in. Leave me out of it.”

  “Charlee, wait. Don’t I get a chance to explain?” RC sprinted to the door, but it was too late, she’d already opened the door to the living room he shared with Tibbs. He grabbed her arm, meeting her stare as she turned around. “I forbid you to leave,” he growled next to her ear.

  She eyed his hand on her arm, and his heart froze. By the look on her face, she wasn’t up for negotiations.

  Clay stepped into the room. He tipped his hat to Charlee, then glared at RC. “Roman wants to talk to us. Now.”

  “Give me two seconds, Clay.” He turned back to Charlee. “This isn’t over.”

  She folded her arms across her chest. “I want to go home.”

  “Kit,” Clay called.

  “Hoss,” Kit answered from the living room.

  “Can you escort this young lady to her house?”

  “I reckon I can.” Kit got off the sofa and grabbed the car keys on the counter.

  “Clay, I can take care of Charlee when we get back. I don’t think—”

  “That’s right rookie, it’s not your job to think.” Clay took Charlee’s hand and guided her out of the room.

  RC followed them. “Charlee!”

  She looked over her shoulder and glared at him.

  “Be careful. I’ll see you soon.” He watched her walk out the door with Kit.

  Frustrated, he pounded his fist on the doorframe.

  “Well, that didn’t go as planned, did it?” Tibbs said, standing at the kitchen, sipping from a cup of coffee.

  “Shut up, Tibbs.” RC stormed back into his bedroom, fetching a shirt and his hat. No one kept Roman waiting.


  “I want to know what happened out there tonight,” Roman demanded. “Val and Vin told me what went down at the club.”

  RC, Clay and Tibbs stood in front of his desk.

  “We were minding our own business until we heard gunfire upstairs,” Clay explained. “Kit, Tibbs, and myself were attacked by at least six bloodsuckers.”

  “And where were you?” Roman asked RC.

  “In V.I.P. when I was attacked by two suckers.”

  Roman raised a brow. “What were you doing upstairs?”

  “It’s not like that,” RC said, keeping his gaze ahead.

  “Then would you enlighten me about the stripper? You know the rules.”

  RC’s blood boiled, hearing his girl called a stripper. He looked at Roman. “She’s an old friend. I couldn’t leave her in danger, so I brought her back here. I know I shouldn’t—”

  Roman smacked the desk. “I don’t want to hear any more excuses. You fucked up.”

  No shit. But for Charlee, he’d break every last rule to ensure her safety.

  “You’re in luck, son.” Roman reclined his chair. “Val and Vin reassured me that she’s not a threat.”

  Of course she wasn’t. Nothing was going to happen to her.

  “Val tells me they have never seen these men at the club before.” Roman steepled his fingers under his chin. “Do we know anything about them?”

  “Kit told me one got away,” Clay said. “I’m sure he’ll have some intel soon.”

  “Where’s Kit?” Roman asked.


  “I’m right here.” Kit walked into the office and removed his hat.

  “The rest of you leave us. We’re done here.” Roman stood and walked to the front of his desk. “Oh, by the way, I don’t want y’all back at the club until we clean this mess up. You’re on lockdown. No one leaves the compound until we know more about these thugs.”

  RC glared at Roman but knew better than to argue. Lockdown? And how was he going to stay away from Charlee? How long could he withstand not seeing her again? He gave himself a day, tops, before he’d crack.

  RC followed Clay and Tibbs, but stopped next to Kit. “Is she home safely?”

  Kit nodded. “All safe and tucked in.”

  RC squeezed the Cowboy’s shoulder. “Thank you.”

  Kit took a seat, resting his elbows on his knees. How long was Roman going to make him wait for his ass chewing? He had failed him in letting the enemy escape. Truth be told, the fucker hadn’t bested him; he’d let him go on purpose. He wanted the bloodsucker crawling back to his brood, warning them who was coming after them. He was tired of hiding behind Roman’s conservative way of operating. Time to shit or get off the pot. And he was ready to do some ass kicking.

  “I want to know everything about these assholes.” Roman handed him a stack of photographs. “These are images from the security footage from the club. I want to know who they work for, when their last meal was, when they took their last shit. I want full details. Understand?”

  “Loud and clear, Hoss.”

  Kit thumbed through the images, holding back the rising snarl of disgust he felt from picture to picture.

  “Clay tells me one of the men got away,” Roman said, crossing his arms over his chest.

  Kit nodded. “I was taken off guard.”

  “It’s not like you to miss a shot.”

  Kit peered up from the stack of photos. “Look Roman, everyone is entitled to a bad day.”

  “Not a Hell’s Cowboy.”

  Falling silent, Kit stared at the floor.

  “Did you set up surveillance at the stripper’s house? I want us to keep a close eye on her until we figure out who these men are.”

  “Yes sir, inside and out.”

  “Good,” Roman said. “Listen, I don’t know now what’s going on inside that head of yours, but you’d best tread softly, son. Everyone has their demons to fight, but I’m not one of them.”

  Adjusting his Stetson, Kit gathered the images and stood. “Are we done here? I have work to do.”

  “I’m done.”

  Thank Christ, because Kit couldn’t stand being idle even for a short amount of time. He needed to be behind his command station checking surveillance footage, and uncovering downtown Diablo’s mysteries.

  Kit was almost home free when Roman started up again. “By the way, you should have Selene check your injury.”

  Shit. Kit looked down at his wounded shoulder.
Blood had seeped through the bandage and onto his shirt. “I’d rather eat dirt,” Kit said as he walked out of the office and into the elevator.

  As the doors closed, he pivoted on his heels, slamming the back of his head against the wall. Roman was suspicious; he saw it in his eyes. Boss knew he’d let the bloodsucker go on purpose. Lucky for him, he’d be spending the next few days buried in the cyber world, trying to get a lead on the attackers, and off Roman’s radar. All he needed was a date with a strong pot of coffee and a carton of cigarettes, and he could go for days nonstop.

  The silver doors glided open with a hiss. Kit faced the door, ready to exit, but his whole body tensed. Waves of ebony hair framed a face he knew all too well. A tight white tank top and ass-hugging jeans suggested she was out for blood. There was a time he would have enjoyed being her latest victim, but not anymore. Her lips spread into a wicked red smile, rendering him speechless. Damn if the Devil wasn’t a woman in red cowgirl boots.

  “Hi, darlin’,” Selene greeted him.

  Gathering what was left of his composure before he did something stupid, like pin her inside the elevator and fuck her senseless, Kit casually tipped his hat, shouldering past her.

  “You’re hurt.”

  “Not your problem,” Kit said.

  “Stop being a horse’s ass and let me help you. I can tell you’ve lost a lot of blood.”

  In a flash, Kit had Selene restrained against the wall. Holding her hands above her head, he pressed his body alongside hers and inhaled her exotic, tropical scent. He nuzzled her neck. Mouth watering, his fangs throbbed and extended, begging to sink deep into her hot flesh, tasting her once again. Driving his point home, he pushed his hard cock into her stomach. “You’ve done enough.”

  With a seductive thrust, she moved her body against his. “I can take care of that for you, too.” She licked the tip of his nose, adding more fire to his already kindling desire.

  Kit held her icy stare, knowing damn well she got off on playing with his emotions, watching him squirm beneath her relentless spell. He’d called her bluff many times and quite frankly, the game was beginning to bore him.


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