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My Immortal Cowboy (Hell's Cowboys Book 1)

Page 8

by Victoria Zak

  The truck rolled to a stop, and Charlee smiled. “How did I know you’d take me here?”

  RC inhaled. The pungent magnolia fragrance brought him right back to a special place he frequently visited in his dreams. “It’s our spot.” He cut the engine, but kept the radio on. He met Charlee at the back of the truck where he spread out a blanket in the cab. He offered his hand. “My lady.”

  She grinned in that same heart-stopping way he remembered from when they were kids. She took his hand and he helped her into the back of the truck.

  They sat and he wrapped his arm around her as she rested her head on his shoulder. If someone woke him from this dream, he’d show them no mercy. For the past two years, all he’d had were dreams to keep the hope alive that one day he’d be sitting here just like this with the woman he loved. There was a lot of lost time to make up.

  “So where were you tonight?” RC fidgeted with the hem of her dress.

  “The other day I bumped into this man coming out of the bank. To make a long story short, he asked me to dinner to discuss how he could help me keep my ranch.”

  “What do you mean, keep the ranch?”

  “RC, I’m buried so deep in late mortgage payments that I don’t think I’ll ever see the light of day. Not to mention the back taxes I owe. Why do you think I was strippin’?”

  And there it was. He knew there had to be a good reason.

  “How far behind are you? I would have thought Gran was pretty well off.”

  “No, she had to take out a second mortgage awhile back. I’m at least a year behind.”

  RC leaned his head back and exhaled. “Was he able to help you?”

  “Yes and no,” Charlee said. “If I sell the ranch to him, he’s willing to help. But I really don’t want to sell, RC. This is my home.”

  “I know, sweetheart.” He pulled her close and kissed the top of her head. “I’ll figure something out so you can stay.”

  Charlee sat up. “RC, I can’t—”

  “You can and will. Let me do this for you.”

  Charlee shook her head and snuggled back into his chest. “Stubborn cowboy.”

  “Yep.” Grinning like a fool, RC knew he needed to do this for her; to right the wrong.

  They sat listening to the crickets chirp. Lightly, he trailed his fingers up and down Charlee’s arm, content just holding her.

  An electric guitar rang out over the speakers, joined by thumping bass. RC gave her a huge smile—it was Charlee’s song. She’d danced to it at the club. Her body tensed and he fought back the urge to laugh.

  “You know.” He cleared his throat. “I never got that lap dance I paid for.”

  She giggled. “Well, Texas doesn’t like lap dancing.”

  “What about Charlee?”

  When she didn’t respond, he thought maybe he’d taken it too far. She didn’t like being a stripper. But he had to try; he wanted that private dance.

  Charlee looked up at him and bit her bottom lip. “I have rules.”

  “Oh, you do?”

  “A-ha.” She sat back on her heels. “I don’t get nude.”

  “I can handle that.”

  Seductively, she rose up on her knees and straddled him. She removed his Stetson. RC gazed up at her, watching her as she put on his hat. “Only I can touch the goods.” She winked.

  RC swallowed hard as her hands slid down his button-down, pulling it free from his jeans. He’d abide by her rules for now and let her take charge. In the end, she’d better be ready, because her ass was his.

  The next thing he felt was the warm night air against his skin as Charlee tossed his shirt to the side and stood. She dipped down and swayed her hips. Holy hell! He balled his fists, resisting the urge to reach out, to pull her close, to bury his face between her legs. His mouth watered at the memory of her taste.

  He looked up and met her gaze, gleaming down at him. With a wicked smile, she slid down his chest so he could feel every inch of her body. She knew his weakness, touching him in all the right places. Unable to resist, he gripped her ass, rubbing her sweet, hot heat along his throbbing cock. For fuck’s sake, the woman drove him wild.

  Charlee waggled her finger at him in playful disapproval. “Uh, uh. No touching.”

  “Fuck the rules,” he groaned and in a flash, had Charlee on her back. The trunk bed creaked against the force of his body as he braced himself between her legs. He pressed his cock against her silk panties and passion surged through him like he’d never felt before. He was coming undone at the seams.

  This would be the first time he’d tested the limits of sex as a half-breed. The human desire was still there, anticipating every move, yet something else pulsed through his veins. He wanted her to succumb to his every demand, to see her body react to his touch. Then there was an animalistic urge to taste her blood. He didn’t quite understand it all, the feelings warring inside him. Perhaps he wasn’t supposed to comprehend it. Maybe all he needed to do was embrace his vampire beast and just go with it, instead of resisting. He just hoped it wouldn’t spiral out of his control.

  He claimed a breast, sucking and nipping her skin while his hand squeezed the other. He pulled her dress up, catching a look at her slim thighs, smelling her excitement, all challenging that control. His true nature broke through, forcing his fangs to extend despite his effort to keep them hidden. He bit into her belt, tearing through the thin, decorative leather like a hot knife through butter.

  “Are you scared of me now?” he said when he caught her wide-eyed gaze focused on the sharp, white fangs.

  With trembling hands, Charlee caressed a fang with the tip of her finger. “Terrified.”

  He closed his eyes. It was too good to be true. Everything was more complicated now. He couldn’t just waltz in here and pick up where they left off. He tried to retreat, but Charlie grabbed his face and pinned him with a heart-piercing glare.


  “I know you, Russel Reid, and you’d never hurt me.” She rose up and softly brushed his lips with a kiss.

  “I’d die before I’d ever hurt you,” he whispered.

  His insides were on fire when she wrapped her legs around his hips. The heat between her legs sent a jolt straight to his cock and all resolve was surrendered. He came crashing down on top of her, claiming her mouth and body with his masterful touch. He grabbed a handful of Charlee’s hair and yanked her head to the side, raking his fangs up her neck. He shoved his hand down the front of her panties, feeling her wet heat, before he ripped them off, needing to feel more. Fuck!

  He forced her legs open wider with his knee.

  “RC,” she moaned.

  God, the sounds she was making were calling out the beast. He was going to explode. He gripped her hair harder while he claimed her lips with a fierce hunger.

  “RC.” Charlee struggled to talk.

  “That’s right, baby, keep saying my name.”

  “RC, you’re…”

  “Fucking amazing? I know.”

  Charlie slapped him; the sting doused the flames. He sat up, surprised by her reaction. “What the…?”

  “You were hurting me.”

  Her lips were tinged red. Twin trails of blood were smeared down her neck. “Fuck. I’m…” He should be nowhere near Charlee. He jumped off the truck bed, then faced her. “I’m sorry.” He back-stepped, trying to create distance, until he collided with the magnolia tree behind him.

  “RC.” Charlee sat up. “I’m fine.”

  “No, no.” He shoved his hands through his hair. “It’s not fine. I can’t be trusted around you, Charlee girl. Things have changed and we’re going to have to accept it.”

  Charlee climbed over the tailgate and jumped down. “I do accept it. Can’t you see? We need time to get this right.” Charlee walked over to him and reached for his hand, but he pulled away and strode to the truck with the worst case of blue balls he’d ever felt.

  “Get in the truck. I’m taking you home.”

  She didn’t bu

  “I said get in the truck.”


  “If you don’t get in the truck, I’ll pick your ass up and put you in it.”

  Charlee arched a brow. “Then do it.”

  Oh, for fuck’s sake. What kind of a game was she playing? Doesn’t she know she’s playing with wildfire? RC strode back to the tree and was welcomed by Charlee’s dress being thrown at him. He stopped dead in his tracks when her naked body came into view.

  “I’m not going anywhere until you finish what you started,” Charlee demanded.

  She stood with her hands on her hips. Nothing could rival how beautiful her naked silhouette looked in the moonlight, but that beauty came with a whole lot of stubborn. RC’s jaw ticked as he glared at her.

  “Don’t you dare do this to us. I’m willing and able to handle any kind of crazy going on in your head. I trust you. Why can’t you trust me?”

  “Charlee.” He took a step closer. “It’s not you. It’s me. I’ve already lost control. What if you can’t stop me? I’d die if I hurt you.”

  “But you did stop. If you trust me, then let me handle this.” She kissed him, then went to the truck. She spread the blanket on the ground, then encouraged him to lie down. “Trust me,” she whispered.

  He couldn’t say no. He owed her so much. And though he had doubts, nothing could stop this, nothing.

  Charlee climbed on top of him, working the snaps on his button-fly while he kicked off his boots. She slipped his Wranglers off and there were no barriers left between them.

  With feather-light strokes, she ran her fingers across his chest. Her touch soothed him, beating back the chaos inside him. It was working.

  “Are you okay?” she asked.


  “Good. Ready for more?”

  “Yes, ma’am.”

  She gripped his cock, sliding her hand up and down with an even, steady motion, stirring his need back to life. He reached down and grabbed her hand. “I need you now, baby.” He pushed her hand from his cock and took it into his own hand, sliding it down and over her clit to the wet heat of her entrance. She slid down his length, inch by tantalizing inch until he was buried deep. “Aah, fuck!” he hissed. He held her there for a moment, feeling her stretch around him.

  She felt so good sliding up and down his dick. He needed more. He grabbed her ass and picked up the pace, thrusting into her.

  “Uh, uh. Slow and easy, cowboy.”

  Slow and easy? He wanted her to ride him like a buckin’ bull. In time he’d have her his way, but for now she was in control. Barely.

  They found their rhythm. RC’s orgasm was coming on strong. His fangs descended and that instinctual urge to conquer surged through him again. He freaked and gripped Charlee’s hips to move her off of him.

  As if she understood his fears, Charlee tilted his chin up and looked him in the eyes. “Stay with me.”

  With his focus on her, he let go, allowing himself to enjoy the mind-blowing sensations she was giving him. But he wanted her to feel the same. He reached between her legs and rubbed her clit while he pumped deeper inside her. She moaned in his ear, which made him feel like a devil.

  “Oh God, RC.”

  “Come with me, baby,” he whispered through gritted teeth, the last thread of his control about to snap the fuck in half.

  Her muscles tightened around his cock. He had her right where he wanted her. As his orgasm intensified, he stroked her faster, sending her over the edge at the same time. She buried her head in the crook of his neck and nipped him. He cupped her ass with both hands, holding on as a wave of electric heat sparked through him. Stars bust behind his eyes, brighter than he’d ever seen when he’d been human. He’d done it! He’d just made love to his Charlee girl and he hadn’t killed her. Life couldn’t get much better than that.

  He waited for Charlee to catch her breath. If this was how slow and easy felt, he couldn’t wait for all-out down and dirty. He looked down at her and kissed her shoulder. “Hey, you okay?”

  She nodded. “That was incredible.”

  “Yeah, it was.” He took her hand in his. “You want to do it again?” He kissed her fingers and wiggled his brows, his cock already hard again. This was a vamp benefit he could get used to.

  Charlee giggled.

  A few minutes ticked by. He held her close, threading his fingers through her soft hair. Her long legs were draped across his, her hand resting on his chest. He marveled at how good it felt to have her breasts pressed against his body, to remember everything about her. If he had the power to stop time and stay this way forever, he’d do it in a heartbeat. But time didn’t exist anymore; he was an immortal. The innocence of their relationship had been stolen by his untimely death and darkness. She might accept him, but his world would reject her.

  Underground Diablo was no place for a human. During his training on the streets, he saw things he wished he could unsee. Vampires ran freely. It was their domain, and they behaved badly. The human blood slave trade was a dirty business and profitable for the bloodsuckers. A vamp takes what a vamp wants. It turned his stomach.

  If he took Charlee underground, he’d be sending her to her death.

  He detested the thought of taking her away from everything that made her human. He was now the property of Hell’s Cowboys, a duty he had accepted and lived by. He served his kind, and dished out justice with the crack of his whip.

  Here he was again, bound to break Charlee’s heart. He didn’t see any other way. He was devoted to the underworld and she had to live where the sun touched her skin. Finding a way to break the bad news wouldn’t be easy, especially when she started to ask questions.

  But tonight, he would live in his dream world and love his Charlee girl until she was branded into his skin like a tattoo.


  After making up for lost time, several times over, breakfast was non-negotiable, but a cupcake request wasn’t what Charlee had in mind. Eggs and bacon was more like it. However, she couldn’t deny her cowboy his one special wish, strawberry shortcake cupcakes. The ones where she would hide a plump berry in the yellow cake and top it off with a swirl of whip cream. She hadn’t made these tasty treats in a long time. Hopefully, she remembered the recipe.

  She pulled on her favorite worn blue jeans and slipped on a pink tee, then tied her just-had-mind-blowing-sex hair up into a lazy bun. “Are you sure you want cupcakes for breakfast?” She walked back to the bed where RC was lying on his back with a watchful eye on her.

  Her gaze roamed down his muscled chest. Just then it hit her; he had changed so much. He’d always stayed toned, but now his physique was enhanced. Pure, raw male strength bled from every pore, from every fiber of his new body. And those deep amber eyes were breathtaking. The familiarity was still there, but something dark lurked behind them. And that was most definitely not the RC she had known.

  The sun barely peeked over the horizon, dimly lighting her bedroom. She looked down at RC. Straight white teeth smiled back at her. RC has fangs?

  He sat up. “What’s wrong, baby?”

  “Nothing.” She shook free from her thoughts. “I can’t believe you’re alive and in my bed.” She caressed his cheek.

  “I’m as alive as I’m going to be.” He covered her hand, then kissed her palm. “So, are you coming back to bed, or cooking?” He tried to pull her into bed.

  Charlee gave him a little shove and he fell back against the pillows. “Whoa there cowboy. This filly needs food,” she laughed. “Plus, you have me craving strawberries.”

  RC folded his hands behind his head. “Have it your way. Come and get me when you’re done.”

  Charlee retrieved one of the throw pillows from the floor and flung it at him, hitting his chest.

  RC sat up. “What was that for?”

  Charlee grinned. “Just because.”

  Before he had a chance to retaliate, she ran out of the bedroom, closing the door behind her.

  Charlee couldn’t stop smilin
g as she reached the kitchen and collected measuring cups and spoons from a drawer. She went to the pantry and gathered the ingredients to make the cupcakes. With her arms full, she set the items down on the counter, then opened the refrigerator for the eggs and strawberries.

  Since Gran had passed, she hadn’t baked often, so this was a rare treat. She cracked an egg over the bowl and then whisked in some vanilla extract. There were a lot of things she used to enjoy but had pushed aside. Now she spent most of her time working so she didn’t lose the ranch.

  She measured out the flour and dumped it into the sifter. Maybe Mace was right. Maybe it was time to live for herself and sell the ranch. With what he was offering, she could buy another house and still have money left over to go back to college. It was a no brainer. She wouldn’t have to go back to stripping or worry about the bank foreclosing on her home. She could feel the stress being lifted from her shoulders as she considered being debt free.

  All she had to do was accept his offer.

  Some things are too good to be true. Why did Mace want her ranch so desperately that he was willing to pay triple the market value? Her instincts warned her that his money didn’t come without strings attached.

  She looked around the kitchen. There was so much updating to be done. The cabinets dated back to the 1920s when her great-granddad and grandma had bought the place. Some of the cabinet doors were falling off their hinges and creaked so bad that she had removed the ones above the stove, leaving open shelves. To keep the kitchen looking nice, she sewed some curtains do-it-yourself style to cover the cabinets housing her kitchen gadgets.

  It was a quick fix. Even though Gran kept a tidy house, it was time for a kitchen makeover. And that wasn’t going to happen any time soon on her limited funds.

  She poured the batter into a cupcake pan, filling the white paper cups a quarter of an inch from the top, then burying a strawberry in each cupcake.

  This was her home. Losing it meant letting go of a piece of herself. The house with all its flaws represented everything she loved the most. The cattle had been sold off long ago and she’d considered renting out a couple acres for grazing, but local ranchers were financially pressed as well, leaving most no option but to sell their land.


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