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My Immortal Cowboy (Hell's Cowboys Book 1)

Page 10

by Victoria Zak

  “What the hell? Why is Clay stopping?”

  RC slammed on his brakes, coming to an abrupt stop, barely missing Clay’s bumper. As the dust cleared, five men clothed in black, were standing in front of a gray Bentley Flying Spur. Shoulder-to-shoulder, they were set up like a road block.

  RC opened his door, then paused. Charlee wasn’t here. Anger raged through him, knowing these cockbags had laid a hand on his girl.

  Slamming the door, RC shifted into reverse, then aimed his truck perfectly at the driver’s side of the fucker’s car. He revved the engine, sending out a warning. The men didn’t budge, calling his bluff.

  “Alright then.” RC punched the gas, back tires spinning like hell on wheels. He went full throttle, racing toward the barrier.

  The men scattered in every direction as he crashed his truck into the Bentley.

  RC’s head bounced off the steering wheel. The blow didn’t affect him; in fact, it pissed him off, adding fuel to the fire. He shouldered the door open and stepped out with his bull rope in hand.

  Clay, Tibbs and Kit joined him.

  “What the fuck are you doing?” Clay yelled.

  “Raisin’ hell!” RC answered, snapping his bull rope.

  “Hell yeah.” Tibbs smiled, holding two glowing daggers in each hand, itching to draw blood.

  Like an old western faceoff, both sides formed a line and strode toward each other anticipating the fight, daring someone to make the first move. With confident strides, the Cowboys primed their weapons, ready to send these demons back to hell. RC could smell the fear in one particular man—the one in the middle squirming under his gaze. He’d taken Charlee.

  RC spun his rope into a lasso, waiting to strike. He stalked the bastard, causing him to back-step like a coward. This fuck is going down.

  In an attempt to save his comrade, one of the bastards charged RC. All hell broke loose as the Cowboys advanced the attack.

  Lightning fast, RC unleashed his rope, looping it around the attacker’s neck like a noose. He ripped the man’s head clean from his body with one hard yank, sending the beast to the ground. The head rolled toward the coward who now stood stunned. The bastard took one look at RC, then tucked tail and ran.

  Ah, the chase was on.

  With a calm, frightening stride, he tracked the fleeing fool, twirling another lasso. Once he locked in on the target, he unleashed the rope and captured him. Quickly he tightened the slack, binding the bastard’s arms to his side. He reeled in his prize, winding the excess rope around his arm. He pulled the asshole closer, then cold-cocked him in the face. “Where’s Charlee?” he asked.

  “Fuck you!” The demon snarled. “I’m not going to tell you anything.”

  RC tugged on the rope, coiling it tighter around the demon, cutting into his hide. He’d force the bastard to talk. “I won’t ask you again. Where’s Charlee?”

  RC’s brothers joined him. He watched with intense interest as Tibbs slashed and stabbed with his daggers, Kit demonstrated his mastery of martial arts, and Clay delivered an old-fashioned ass beating. None of them broke a sweat.

  In that moment, as RC eyed the injured demons on the ground, he realized how lucky he was to be a part of this team.

  “Let’s keep this one alive,” Clay said. “Roman will want to interrogate him.”

  “Fine. I’m going after Charlee.” Wasting no time, RC strode to his truck. Looking out his dusty windshield, he searched the open desert for some sign of his girl. She was close, he could feel it.

  “Alright, sweet cheeks, let’s go get her.” Tibbs jumped into the passenger side.

  Surprised, RC looked at him.

  “What? You think you’re alone? We haven’t come this far to fail,” Tibbs said.

  RC was speechless. These cowboys were pulling together to help him find Charlee. They were putting their lives on the line for him. He started the truck and drove back down Bio Hazard Road, where he felt Charlee’s essence the strongest.

  He glanced out his rearview mirror and noticed Clay’s truck following. He shook his head. Something had shifted in his relationship with the Cowboys. He didn’t know when it happened or if it had always been there. From this moment on, he’d accept that he wasn’t a lone wolf. The same assholes he’d resisted, now had his back. They cared about Charlee, and for that, he’d forever be indebted.

  With Charlee in danger, RC couldn’t waste any more time. He pushed the Ford beyond its ability. Judging by the knocking noise coming from the engine, he’d be lucky if he made it in time.

  The electricity running through his veins pulsed faster the closer he came to Charlee. Off in the distance, he noticed a RV. Taking a hard right, he drove off the road.

  “She’s there.” He pointed to the vehicle.

  He slammed into park, then hit the ground running, ripping the camper door off its hinges. “Charlee!”

  Whimpers sounded from the front. Holy shit! He raced to Charlee and removed the tape from her mouth. “Charlee girl, everything will be all right. I’m here.”

  “No, Russel,” she said through labored breaths. “You have to leave. It’s a trap.”

  “Who did this to you?” RC continued removing the bindings.

  At that moment, Tibbs opened the back of the RV. “Whoa!! That’s a lot of boom.”

  RC glanced back and slowly stood as he spotted the brown sacks. “What the…”

  “Yep, you’re looking at I’d say at least eight hundred pounds of explosives. Enough to blow us into nonexistence,” Tibbs said.

  Charlee stood, holding her stomach and trembling. A mixture of sweat and tears streaked her face. He wasn’t sure how to outrun this fireball, which terrified RC to the bone. Yet he couldn’t show it. He had to be strong for Charlee, because she was on the verge of a meltdown.

  He cupped her face, thumbing away the tears. “We’re in this together. I’ll get us out of here. I swear.”

  Charlee shook her head and looked back at the explosives.

  “Look at me, sweetheart.” RC locked eyes with her. “I’m getting us out of here. Alive. Do you understand me?”


  Charlee tried to find comfort in RC. She wanted to believe there was a way out of this mess. But how? If she took one step off the RV, the detonator would trigger the explosives. Even if she had the courage to run, she wouldn’t have enough time to outrun the danger.

  Charlee stepped into RC’s embrace, feeling the weight of her destiny in the anklet.

  “Charlee girl, we need to find the detonator. Do you know where it is?”

  She looked up at him. “It’s around my ankle. If I leave the RV, it will activate the timer. We’ll have seconds before the bomb will go off.” She paused, thinking back to what Mace had told her. That’s it! If she could remove the detonator, then she could leave.

  She took a step back as hope flooded over her. “We need to remove the anklet.”

  “Here, sit down and I’ll try,” RC said.

  She sat in the driver’s seat and reached down, tugging at the strap on the device.

  “Whoa,” RC warned. “We don’t want to upset this little guy. Let me try.”

  RC carefully searched for a hinge or clasp to pry it apart. He worked at the seam with no luck. “Who did this to you?” he ground out.

  She didn’t know where to start. “Mace Wrathmore.”

  “Damn, woman, you should choose your friends more wisely.” Tibbs stepped into the RV, looking over RC’s shoulder.

  “Do you mind? I’m kinda busy here,” RC lashed out.

  “Oh, you’re not going to remove that until the timer starts,” Tibbs said.

  “What do you mean?”

  Tibbs bent down and observed the blinking metal. “The clasps on this bad boy won’t open until the timer is detonated. And from what I can see, this looks like you got about five seconds to high-tail it out of here before the boom.”

  “Five seconds?” Charlee asked.


  RC stood and remo
ved his hat, wiping the sweat from his forehead.

  Charlee glanced down at the ring of red lights pulsing around her ankle. “Do you know how to disarm it?”

  “There’s no kill switch,” Tibbs said.

  “What do you mean, no kill switch? Isn’t there a wire we can snip?” RC placed his hand on Charlee’s shoulder. “There has to be a way out.”

  Tibbs straightened, adjusting his mirror-lensed shades. “Whoever rigged this knew what they were doing. I only see one way out of here.”

  RC glared at him. “Which is?”

  “I hope you have your running shoes on.”

  As the cowboys deliberated an escape, Charlee saw the horror written on their faces. Their words faded as she drifted into numbness, knowing she was going to die. This was it. She had to make a choice. Either RC and her left together, jeopardizing both of their lives or she’d stay and risk her own. She’d got herself into this mess. If she’d only given Mace what he wanted, she wouldn’t be here.

  She sat and her shoulders slumped. Tears rolled down her face as she stared at the anklet. There was only one way out, and she wasn’t going to let RC die because of her stupid mistake.

  RC glanced over Tibbs’s shoulder and saw Charlee fading. “Hey, give us a sec.”

  “No problem, man.” Tibbs gave him a sorrowful nod and left the RV.

  Wiping his sweaty palms down his Wranglers, RC approached Charlee. “Hey.”

  She looked defeated and RC’s heart broke. They were going to make it out. He’d see to it.

  “Listen.” He knelt down on one knee and took her hands in his. “I know we haven’t had time to talk about my crazy life, the change and all. But I do come with benefits.” He saw the corner of Charlee’s lips lift in a half-smile.

  “Oh yeah.” She sniffled. “Like what, teleportation?”

  RC chuckled. “No, I wish. It would sure make our situation a lot better, wouldn’t it?”

  “I’m so sorry that I brought you into this mess.”

  “Charlee, what are you not telling me?”

  “You know the date I went on with Mace Wrathmore?”

  RC gritted his teeth. “Yes.”

  “He wanted to buy my ranch, and since I turned him down, this is his retaliation. He’s a vampire, RC. Before he left, he…” She swallowed hard. “He forced me to sign my ranch over to him.” She hung her head. “I’ve lost everything.”

  “Hey.” He lifted her chin. “You’re lucky he left you alive. Mace Wrathmore is a very evil, powerful vampire. Your ranch must be extremely important for him to risk his life coming out in the sun.”

  Charlee squeezed his hand. “He said he wants to kill you.”

  “That bastard wants to dispose of all dhampirs. Like I said, he’s dangerous and you’re lucky to be alive.”

  “Yeah, but not for long.”

  “Hey, you’re the strongest woman I know, a fighter. Plus, I’m here now.”

  “So, what are these benefits of yours?”

  “I can run really fast. There’s no doubt we can outrun the blast. It’s the shockwave we’ll have to be careful of.”

  “So, you’re saying we’re going to make a run for it?”

  “Yes, ma’am.”

  “I can’t. If anything happens to you—”

  “It won’t. I’m immortal. The explosion may ring my bell a little, but it won’t kill me. In fact, I can protect you from the blast.”

  Charlee shook her head. “I don’t know.”

  “Hey, you’ve seen what I can do in eight seconds.” He winked. “Trust me. I can do a whole lot more than that now.”

  RC waited for what seemed like an eternity for her to respond. He wasn’t going to leave without her. He’d stay until she agreed with the plan. And if she didn’t, he’d fling her over his shoulder, giving her no choice.

  “Okay,” she whispered. “I trust you with all of my heart.”

  RC smiled. “That’s my Charlee girl.” He stood, taking her with him. “Let’s get out of here.”

  They stopped abruptly at the side door. “Tibbs!” RC called.

  “Yeah, boss?”

  “Get the trucks in place. We’re coming out.”

  “Roger that.” Tibbs took off toward the trucks and motioned for Clay to follow.

  RC waited until the pickups were parked. He surveyed the area, making sure his plan was solid. All he had to do was make it to the trucks; from that point on, they were home free. Five seconds. Judging by the amount of explosives packed in the rear of the RV, the aftershock would be huge. Miles of terrain would be torn up, not to mention all the flying debris. God, he hoped he was making the right decision.

  He turned to Charlee. “Are you ready?”

  She stared out into the desert, then nodded.

  “Okay. I’ll step out of the RV first, then you’ll jump into my arms. Leave the rest to me. I’ll take care of it.” He gave her a reassuring grin.

  He hit the ground with a thud. He took Charlee’s hand. “Ready, Charlee girl?”

  Without hesitation, he scooped Charlee into his arms. As soon as she left the RV, the detonator flashed green and flew off her ankle. She buried her head into his neck and held on tight. In a flash, he was off and running, praying every step of the way.

  They were halfway there, only seconds remaining on the clock. He pumped his legs faster, pushing himself harder and harder. He held the whole world in his arms; he’d make it.

  They were within a foot of the safe zone when RC felt the shift. He dared to look behind him, knowing what was about to take place. His vampire side kicked in, and in slow motion, he saw the RV glow bright from the inside, then expand, exploding into a flaming inferno. Smoke and fire plumed like a mushroom, then spread over the desert, sending fiery debris in every direction. The boom was deafening.

  Fuck! The earth tremored. The shockwave was coming straight for them, racing fifteen times as fast as a speeding bullet. There was no time to waste, he had to protect her. Thankful for his vampire speed and quick reflexes, he stopped, dropped, and covered Charlee with his body just as the flames flashed over them. He felt the heat and prayed they would be spared the full effect of the shockwave.

  The dust settled and RC slowly uncovered Charlee. Relief washed over him as he heard her heart still beating and felt her breathing beneath him. He brushed her hair away from her face. “Charlee girl, we made it.”

  Charlee coughed up blood. “Charlee?” He sat back on his heels. “No. No. Fuck no!”

  A piece of twisted metal protruded from her stomach, her clothes were covered in blood. She tried to pull it out, but RC stopped her. She looked down at her mangled body. “Oh, God, RC.”

  The object was embedded deep, and if he pulled it out, she could very well bleed to death. “Shhh. Leave it. You’re going to be fine.”

  Clay, Kit and Tibbs ran to RC’s side.

  “Christ!” Clay swore.

  “She needs Selene. ASAP,” Kit said. “I’ll call ahead so she can get ready.”

  “I’ll go get the truck.” Tibbs ran back toward the pickups.

  In a flash, Tibbs was back with the truck and opened the passenger door.

  RC picked Charlee up, careful not to disturb the wound. “Don’t worry about a thing, darlin’. I got you.” He slid into the truck, and Tibbs hauled ass back to the compound.

  RC monitored her breathing; she was fading. “Tibbs, can you go any faster?”

  “I’m going as fast as your hunk of junk will allow.” Tibbs looked over at Charlee. “She’s lost a lot of blood.”

  “No shit,” RC bit back.

  “Give her your blood. It’s not strong enough to heal her, but it will keep her stable until we get to Selene.”

  There was no thinking twice about it. His fangs dropped, he sliced his wrist, then hovered it above her lips. “Drink, Charlee girl. My blood can help you. It’s one of those added benefits I have.” He was trying to keep her thinking positive, and he’d die trying to keep her alive.

part of him was ashamed of what he’d become when Charlee hesitated to take his wrist. Somehow, it hurt his vampire pride. But as soon as his blood entered her mouth, she clamped her lips around the slash and sucked.

  “That’s it.” He caressed her head.

  Tibbs turned right off the highway and onto a one lane, gravel road that wound behind a mountain, leading them into the main, underground tunnel. Bright lights whizzed past them as Tibbs accelerated. Taking a sharp left, they entered the Cowboys’ parking garage. Tibbs whipped the Ford into its designated spot, jamming the thing in park.

  Right behind them, Clay parked and removed their prisoner from his truck. “I need to take this asshole to Roman. I’ll catch up with you.” He shoved the bastard forward.

  With Charlee in his arms, RC raced to the elevator where Tibbs and Kit were holding the door open. Within seconds, they were out and racing down the hallway to the infirmary. Selene greeted them at the door, ready to do what she did best—save lives.

  “Lay her down, over here.” Selene pointed

  RC laid Charlee down on the hospital bed, but wouldn’t leave her side. He brushed her hair away from her forehead and held her hand. “You’re going to be just fine, Charlee girl.” Her head rolled to the side. Christ, she was pale. She coughed up blood. “Selene! We’re losing her!”

  Selene slapped on her surgical gloves and walked over to Charlee, observing the piece of metal sticking out from her stomach.

  Impatient, RC looked at Selene. “Well?”

  Selene met his stare. “You’re asking for a miracle, darlin’.”

  RC shook his head. This couldn’t be happening. Charlee couldn’t possibly be dying. He looked down at her chest slowly rising and falling. “Darlin’ hang on…” His voice cracked. “Hang on for us.” He leaned in and rested his forehead on hers.

  Charlee’s body went limp. He closed his eyes tight, wishing he’d wake from this nightmare. “No, Charlee girl.”

  “Someone, please, get him out of here,” Selene demanded.

  Tibbs walked up behind RC and squeezed his shoulder. “Come on. Let Selene do her job.”

  “I can’t leave her.”

  “I know. But you’re not helping Charlee by staying here.”


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