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One Night with a Millionaire (Daring Divorcees)

Page 3

by Shannyn Schroeder

  “Hold on a minute. I’ll walk you.” He turned to Theresa. “I’ll be right back. Will you wait for me?”

  She nodded, but his mother said, “I do not need a chaperone.”

  Miles nodded, even though he wanted to laugh.

  “You young people have a good time.” She grabbed the basket he’d won for Sabrina. “I’ll take this so you won’t forget it.”

  He kissed his mother’s cheek, and Theresa reached over and shook her hand. “It was nice to meet you, Mrs. Prescott.”

  “I look forward to hearing what your department will do with the donations.”

  “I’m not sure they’ll give me a full report since I’m just a floor nurse.”

  His mother scoffed. “We both know it’s the floor nurses who keep things running.”

  Theresa smiled. As his mom walked away, Miles realized Theresa was shorter because she’d kicked off her shoes. When she sat again, she stretched her legs out and placed her feet on an adjacent chair.

  “I guess that’s a no to more dancing, huh?” he asked, looking at her bare feet. “I hope that doesn’t mean you’re planning on leaving.”

  “Not if I get a better offer.” A wicked little smile played on her mouth.

  “What constitutes a better offer?”

  She tilted her head, and he watched her hair flow to the side. The desire to tangle his hands in it struck him hard. “Maybe a drink up at the Terrace. I love the amazing view of the city.”

  Now it was Miles’s turn to smile. The Asian-inspired restaurant in the hotel was great, but he had a better idea. “If it’s a view you’re looking for, I can do one better and offer privacy.”


  “I have a corner room with a panoramic view of the skyline. And since I didn’t attack the minibar before coming down here tonight, it should be well stocked.”

  “You have a room here?”

  He nodded in the direction of where his mother had gone. “Not sharing with my mother. I haven’t done that for many, many years.”

  She laughed at his joke. “I’d love a private viewing of the skyline. Lead the way.”

  Chapter Three

  Tess’s heart thumped in her chest. She hadn’t expected things to turn so quickly. She’d thought she’d need to finesse the situation with Miles. While she wouldn’t have suggested getting a room here—she’d never expect someone to spend more than her night’s pay on a room—it was certainly convenient. She held on to Miles’s hand as she slipped back into her shoes. Her feet were not happy about being squished again, but she mentally told them they’d be free in one short elevator ride.

  Miles continued to hold her hand as they walked to the elevator. When they stepped inside and the doors closed, he said, “You’re sure you’re okay with coming to my room? I’d like to get to know you better. No expectations.”

  “What if I have expectations?” she asked, trailing a finger down the front of his shirt.

  Pleasure zipped through her as she watched his throat work at her suggestion. She withheld a laugh. Surely he’d been with women who’d asked for what they wanted.

  “I’ve never done this with a man I’ve met at the gala. And here’s the thing, Miles. I don’t get to go out and have fun all that often. I really, really want to have a good time tonight. Think you can help me?”

  The elevator finally dinged, and she stepped out without waiting for an answer. When she turned, she noticed they were at the top floor.

  “Mine’s this one,” he said, leading her to the door on the left.

  There were only two rooms on this floor, which meant it wasn’t a room, but a suite—and not a simple living-room-kitchen combo. This was like an apartment. Holy crap. Forget what she’d thought about losing a night’s pay for a room. This was a paycheck’s worth. He opened the door and held it for her to enter.

  As he hung up his jacket, Tess sent a quick text to Nina letting her know where she was and who she was with.

  “Problem?” he asked as he came up behind her.

  “Not at all. Letting a friend know where I am.” She tucked her phone away again and turned.

  “I’ve been waiting for this moment all night,” he whispered and laid his hands on her hips.

  That was all the warning she got before his mouth descended on hers. For as taken aback as he’d seemed in the elevator, he was completely sure of himself now. He kissed like a man confident he’d have her naked soon enough.

  And she sure as hell wasn’t complaining.

  His beard tickled her lips as he moved, sending licks of pleasure through her body. It had been much too long since she’d done this. Miles moved his hands over her, palming her ass and bringing her flush against his body with his hard-on pressing against her belly. A moan slipped past her lips and into his mouth.

  He pulled away and stared into her eyes. “Having fun yet?”

  “That was a pretty good beginning, and if it’s a preview of what’s to come, I’m on board.”

  “I promised you a drink and a view.”

  Seriously? He wants to stop for a drink now? Her face must’ve revealed her thoughts.

  He smiled and patted her ass. “The room’s mine. For the entire night. I don’t have anywhere else to be. Do you?”

  She shook her head, not wanting to admit that her real life was waiting for her a few miles away.

  “Then we have time, and there’s no hurry. Make yourself comfortable.” He moved away to pour drinks.

  The only light filtered in from the street outside and the adjacent room, which she assumed was the bedroom. The living room was still dark, and she liked it. She kicked off her heels and dug her toes into the deep plush carpet. Walking to the corner of the room, she stared out the bank of windows, taking in the cityscape.

  “Do you want some more light?” Miles asked when he returned with their drinks.

  “No. This is perfect.”

  “I think so, too.”

  From the corner of her eye, she saw him looking at her and not out the windows. He handed her a glass of whiskey.

  “I can order up a bottle of champagne if you’d like.”

  “I’m good.” She sipped even though she didn’t really like whiskey. She didn’t plan on drinking much anyway.

  “Before I forget. This is for you.” He held out an envelope.

  She eyed it suspiciously as her gut churned. This was like a scene from a movie, where the guy thought he was with a hooker.

  “What’s this?” She set her glass on the table near the window.

  “Open it.”

  The excitement in his eyes made her believe he didn’t think he was paying a hooker, so she opened it. Inside was a card for the spa day she’d wanted.

  “I saw you wanted this, but you didn’t bid on it, so I did. That’s why I was talking to the woman at the table. I asked her what kind of bid would ensure I’d get it.”

  Tess’s head spun. When she’d left the table, the price had been more than she would ever consider paying for any kind of spa day, luxurious or not. “I can’t accept this.”

  “Why not?”

  “You don’t even know me. And this cost a lot of money.”

  “As you pointed out downstairs, it’s for a good cause. I don’t need to know more than what I overheard you telling Baldwin. You save lives. You work twelve hours at a time with the most defenseless of patients. Who deserves a break more than you?”

  Tess didn’t have any words. The gesture was incredibly sweet. And, yes, she wanted it more than she would admit, but she also knew such gifts came with strings. As much as she was enjoying her night with Miles, that’s all it would be—one night. Accepting such an expensive gift might come with the expectation of more time together.

  But she knew trying to explain any of that to Miles would make her sound ungrateful, so she set the envelope on the table beside her glass, wrapped her arms around Miles’s neck, and whispered, “Thank you.”

  They kissed, and while their tongues tangled, Te
ss began unbuttoning his shirt. She pulled it from the waistband of his pants and stepped back. His entire torso was sculpted muscle. She ran her hands over him and raised her gaze to his. She flicked the button on his pants open and shoved him back into the chair positioned in front of the window.

  Kneeling in front of him, she took off his shoes and then peeled off his socks. She kissed her way up his body from his waist to his neck before crawling into his lap and straddling him. Her dress rode high, sliding almost to her hips. He brought his fingers up into her hair and brushed her scalp before he tightened his grip and took her mouth in a hungry kiss. His left hand kept his hold, while his right gripped her ass and brought her tightly against him.

  Within moments, they were both moving and grinding, and the kisses devolved into a clashing of lips and tongues and teeth.

  Miles ripped his mouth away from hers. “You’re wearing too much. Get up.”

  As much as she enjoyed the contact with his body, she wanted to be naked with him, so she followed his direction and stood. She reached up to unclasp Nina’s necklace, but Miles was in a hurry. He had her dress unzipped and falling off her body in seconds. A chill coasted across her bare skin, and she shivered. Miles stepped close, the heat from his body warming her.

  From behind, he moved his hands across her breasts and down her stomach. Just as she started to feel self-conscious about her much-softer-than-his body, he trailed his tongue down the side of her neck and slid one of his hands past the edge of her panties. If her squishy stomach didn’t turn him off, she could ignore it. Reaching behind her head, she held on to his neck and rocked her hips against his hand.

  For someone who’d complained about the amount of clothing she was wearing, he was still mostly dressed. Her rocking motion caused her to bump into his hips, colliding with his hard dick. The movement pulled a grunt from his lips.

  “Just when I thought you were immune to my advances,” she said.

  “I’m anything but immune. Turn around. I need to touch more of you.”

  She turned in his arms. He reached for the clasp on her bra as she shoved his pants and underwear off. His dick bobbed for attention, so she wrapped her hand around him. A hiss whistled from his lips as he palmed her breasts and tweaked her nipples.

  He walked forward, forcing her to retreat until her back pressed against the cold glass of the window. His chocolate-brown eyes darkened with desire. “Stay there.”

  His command caused a warm flush to course through her and compete with the chill at her back.

  Miles dropped his shirt, allowing her to see his entire body, which was a damn fine sight. He skimmed his hands down her sides and caught the waistband of her panties on the way down. He lowered himself, feathering kisses on her skin, causing another shiver.

  Once his knees hit the floor, he nudged her legs wider and buried his face between them, licking and sucking her until she was ready to climb the window behind her like Spider-Man. He brought her to the edge of release and stood up, holding his pants in his hands.

  Tess tried not to glare at him for stopping, because she knew he must be searching for a condom—thank God for the man who always assumed he might get laid—but she really wanted to come. He ripped open the condom, rolled it on, and then began kissing her neck again.

  His dick slid between her legs, rubbing against her, and she practically jumped. She spread her thighs wide, inviting him in. They both thrust their hips, and while it felt great, it wouldn’t be enough to get her off.

  “Miles.” His name was barely more than a gasp.


  “Get inside me. Now.”

  “Getting there.”

  She dug her nails into his shoulders as he nipped her neck and then sucked a nipple into his mouth. “Now.”

  He pulled away with a smirk. “I believe I promised you a view of the city.” As he spoke, he continued to stroke and caress her all over. “Turn around.”

  She turned with his hands still touching her. It was like he didn’t want to leave an inch of skin unexplored.

  “Put your hands on the glass.”

  Completely turned on, she did as he said, her hands trembling with desire. Leaning forward a bit, she kept her legs spread wide. Cool air kissed her bare skin now as Miles looked at her. She made quite the picture, enough that she should be embarrassed, but she wasn’t. His eyes on her only stoked her passion.

  He stepped close with his dick in his hand, guiding it to her. With one hand on her hip, he thrust into her. She closed her eyes and pressed her forehead against the cool glass. God, he felt so good. Her body quickly adjusted to the intrusion, and she pressed against him, wanting—no, needing—movement, friction, release.

  Again, he fisted his hand in her hair and tugged. “Can’t see the beautiful scenery with your eyes closed.”

  His breath coasted across her cheek. She heard the barely restrained control in his voice, another turn on.

  “Open your eyes and watch, Theresa.”

  She dragged her eyes open as she pulled her forehead from the glass. Of course, the skyline was beautiful, but more staggering was their reflection in the window. Miles’s gaze focused clearly on hers, and he began thrusting. Slowly. One long stroke out and then back in to the hilt. He dug his fingers into the soft flesh of her hips to keep her in place, preventing her from controlling his penetration. When he picked up the pace, rolling his hips to hit all of her favorite spots, she was brought back to the edge again.

  Their eyes never parted, staring at each other in their erotic reflection. This was the freedom she’d been looking for—to be the woman she used to be, not the one buried under scrubs and mommy responsibilities.

  Thankfully, she didn’t have to say anything. Miles curved an arm around her body and toyed with her, not losing the rhythm of his thrusts. She came apart in his arms, and his pace slowed until he came.


  Miles lay in bed with Theresa snuggled on his chest. Just as he’d begun cursing himself for only having one condom, Theresa countered with two of her own. They’d exhausted their bodies, and Miles had been lucky enough to call down to room service before they closed for the night.

  After two more very satisfying orgasms, they’d gorged on ice cream and cake. Then they’d shared a shower, where they’d indulged in pleasure without penetration. In between kissing and coming, they’d talked and joked, and Miles thought he might’ve just experienced one of the best nights of his life. Theresa played things close to the vest, though, and he had no way to read her.

  “When can I see you again?” he finally asked as she started to doze.

  “I dunno. I work a lot.”

  “So do I, but everyone needs some time off. Even if we just meet for drinks.” He stroked her shoulder and down her arm, hoping for agreement.

  She rolled over, taking the whole blanket with her, and mumbled, “Talk tomorrow.”

  He settled for her answer even though she hadn’t agreed to see him again. He’d had more than his fair share of one-night stands, especially after being forced to wear a tux and play nice all night. But more often than not, it had been all about the sex.

  Being with Theresa was the first time in a long time that it had been more. Of course, the sex was at the top of his list, but he enjoyed every minute they’d been together. He trailed his fingers down her back.

  Usually, at this point in the evening, he was itching to leave. Or expecting her to. Theresa sighed into sleep beside him. He waited for the itch that didn’t come.

  More disturbing was that it didn’t bother him.


  Tess rolled over, and her muscles protested as she reached for the bedside clock. Shit. Five a.m. How the hell did that happen so fast? Miles’s arm was draped across her hip. She’d forgotten how nice it was to simply share a bed with a man, have his arms around her in the middle of the night.

  She sighed and slipped out from his light grasp. She stood next to the bed and took a moment to admire him. He was sexy
and funny and had given her everything she’d wanted for her night. Part of her felt bad about sneaking out now, but after their night together, and despite his reputation, Miles hadn’t said, “Thanks for the good time. See you around.”

  He wanted to see her again. She didn’t even know what to do with that. She didn’t know how to date. How would he react when he found out she had three kids? That alone was enough to send most guys running. She’d learned that little tidbit when she’d first dipped her toes in the dating pool after the divorce.

  She’d rather be a good memory for him, let them have this night, than ruin whatever image he’d created in his head about where this might go. After quickly gathering her clothes, she pulled them on and carried her shoes. She yanked her hair into a messy ponytail. Hopefully, no one would look at her like she’d just spent the night being thoroughly ravaged.

  She slid quietly from the room and put her shoes on as she waited for the elevator. It wasn’t until she walked through the lobby that she realized she’d left Nina’s necklace by the table where she’d taken it off last night. Damn. There was no going back now. She’d have to buy Nina a new one.

  Overall, not a horrible price to pay. The memories of this night would be enough to fuel her fantasies for a good long time. She turned in her valet ticket and didn’t inhale deeply until she was in the safety of her van. This early on a Sunday meant traffic was nonexistent, especially going away from downtown.

  At home, she snuck quietly into the house. Nina slept soundly on the couch. While the couch was fine for watching TV, it was nowhere near comfortable enough for sleeping, which was why Tess had left her bed ready. Yet, here Nina was, dead to the world.

  Tess was torn. Go back to bed and try to sleep or just make a pot of coffee and enjoy the quiet of her house for an hour or so until the kids woke up. Coffee won. An hour of sleep wouldn’t make up for what she’d lost last night, so it wasn’t worth the attempt. She’d just go to bed extra early tonight.

  She started the coffeemaker and then ran upstairs to shower and change. When she returned to the kitchen, Nina was awake.


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