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In the Heart of Forever (A Heart Story)

Page 23

by Jo-Anna Walker

  We walked into the kitchen, passing the library, living room and a bathroom on the way. I shook my head at the size of this house. My house.

  “Now, I know this must be overwhelming and I’ll leave in a moment to let you explore your new home. Here’s everything you need to know about what your father willed to you and how much you now have.” Stanley opened the folder and pointed at a number.

  “That’s a big number,” Rave said from beside me.

  “Holy crap. That’s all mine?” My eyes widened.


  I was rich. “Rave, tell me I’m not dreaming.”

  His eyes shone happily for me and he pulled me into a hug. “You’re not dreaming, baby.”

  Tears burned my eyelids but they were no longer tears of sorrow. I was happy. The happiest I had been in years. I had a man that I loved, my mother was back in my life, a new uncle and I could support myself very comfortably.

  “Well, I’ll leave you two alone.”

  I turned to Stanley.

  “Enjoy your evening and Jesse,” he pulled me into a hug. “I’m so happy to have finally met you.”

  I hugged him back.

  “If you need anything, you let me know since I’m now your lawyer as well as your uncle.”

  “Isn’t that not allowed or something?” I asked, frowning.

  “No one needs to know.” He winked.

  I smiled.

  He clapped a hand on Rave’s shoulder and whispered something in his ear.

  “I will,” Rave whispered.

  Stanley squeezed his shoulder and made his way towards the exit.

  “Bye, Uncle Stanley.” I called out to him as he headed down the hall.

  He turned to me and grinned before leaving the house.

  When the door shut, I sighed. Warm arms wrapped around my waist, pulling me against a hard body. I leaned back against Rave. “I can’t believe how this day ended.”

  “It’s not over yet, baby.” He breathed against my neck. His hot breath on my skin sent shivers down my spine and I leaned into him.

  I stepped out of his grasp and headed for the patio door. It was the middle of spring but with the pool being heated, it wouldn’t matter what season it was. I wanted to go swimming. I hadn’t been swimming in years.


  I unlocked the back door and opened it, reveling in the cool air as it washed over my body. I kicked off my shoes and took off my sweater.

  “Jesse?” Rave asked again, his voice lowering this time.

  “I want to go swimming.” I told him and grabbing the hem of my dress, I pulled it up over my head. Knowing he was following me, I undid the clasp on my bra, letting it fall to my feet. I hooked my fingers in my panties and pulled them down, leaving me standing naked before him. I smiled when I heard an intake of breath and took a step towards the very inviting water. “You can join me or stand there and watch me. Either way, I’m going swimming.” I turned my head and looked at him over my shoulder. “I would rather you join me, though.”

  His eyes blazed in the late afternoon sun and he took a step towards me, practically ripping off his shirt.

  I giggled and walked to the pool. Once I reached the edge, I jumped and dove into the water. The water washed over me, it felt like a bath. The pool was deep and I saw Rave jump in as I reached the surface. Floating on my back, I watched the clouds roll by in the afternoon sky when I felt something swim under me. Giggling, I swam away. I could get used to this. When my mom moved in, I wouldn’t be able to go skinny dipping with Rave but I would enjoy it while I could.

  I swam to the end of the pool, stopped and turned around. Rave was a few feet away so I swam to the corner and waited for him. My heart was beating fast and my muscles burned from the exercise but I was happy.

  He resurfaced right in front of me and my stomach flipped at the sight of him. His dark hair was slicked back and beads of water ran down his hard torso.

  He held onto the side of the pool and slammed his mouth on mine, kissing the life out of me.

  I wrapped my legs around his waist and didn’t even hesitate, I guided him into me, needing to feel him. No condoms. No barriers. Just skin and against skin. I couldn’t get enough of him. I loved him and wanted to spend the rest of my life with him. Even though we were young, I knew he was the one.

  Chapter 39

  “Do I have great ideas or what?” I smiled, snuggling into Rave’s side as we sat on a chaise in the back yard.

  He chuckled. “You definitely do.” He kissed my forehead and pulled me tight against him.

  I had found some fleece bathrobes after our fun in the pool and we decided to hang out outside, watching the sunset.

  “So, what are you going to do now that you have all of this?” Rave asked.

  “I really have no idea.”

  “Well, if it helps at all, I can think of some things to do tonight at least.” His voiced lowered.

  “Yeah? Like what?” I teased.

  He smirked before covering my mouth with his. Showing me with his hands roaming over my body, exactly what he had planned to do for the rest of the evening.


  Our breathing ragged, Rave panted.

  I laid against his chest and sighed.

  “Wow, baby. Again, you are amazing.” He ran a hand over my back.

  I smiled and looked up at him. “I have a great teacher.”

  He kissed my nose. “And I better be the only teacher.”

  Thoughts of Allan flew into my head, making anxiety swirl in my belly.

  “Hey, it was a joke. Baby, I’m so sorry.” Rave grabbed the back of my neck and pulled me against him.

  “I’m sorry, I just…I’m trying to forget…but…” Tears burned my eyes and I swallowed, forcing them back. I didn’t want to ruin this moment.

  Rave pinched my chin and lifted my head. “I want you to talk to Emilia.”

  I nodded. Maybe talking to someone who lived what I went through, would help me. She could tell me how to deal with it. “I would like that.”

  He kissed my nose and hugged me against him.



  I ran my hand inside his robe and traced small circles around his nipple, trying to figure out how I would ask him what I wanted to know. “I know we’re young and they say you don’t know what you want yet at such a young age but…” I lifted my head. His deep green eyes questioning what I wanted to know. “I would like to give you a key to my house so you can come and go as you wish.”

  “Jesse.” His mouth fell open, a small gasp leaving his lips.

  I instantly felt dumb. Why would he want a key when we only—

  Warm lips pressed against mine, interrupting my inner rant. He kissed the corner of my mouth and down my jaw before hugging me. “I would love a key to your house.”

  I smiled, tears of happiness filling my eyes that my life was finally starting to turn around. Every so often, I would pinch myself, thinking that maybe I couldn’t have been so lucky and that this was all a nightmare. Some sick joke that life was playing on me.

  “Baby?” Rave kissed my lips softly and looked down at me with concern. “Are you okay?”

  “I keep thinking that this is all a dream,” I whispered.

  Rave leaned his head against mine. “It’s not.”


  The woman standing across the room looked exactly like Rave, except…well she was female. Her black hair was pulled back into a pony tail and her piercing green gaze lit up when they landed us.

  We had gone to the hospital to see her, where she was now no longer a patient. To go through what she had gone through and be sick but come out of it all a stronger and better person, was truly and utterly inspiring. She now worked there and helped others who were in the same situation as she once was but it didn’t matter the problem, even if she had no experience with it, she would help and give some sort of advice. She was the strongest person I knew besides my mom and I hadn’t even of
ficially met Emilia yet.

  Once she was finished talking with a young man, she walked quickly over to us. She hugged her brothers at the same time and then stepped in front of me. Placing her hands on my shoulders, she looked down at me. Her eyes filled with unshed tears before throwing her arms around me.

  I felt breathless as at the unexpected hug but a moment later, I returned the embrace. She didn’t say anything once she released me and grabbed my hand.

  I looked at Rave questionably and he just shrugged but he was happy. We followed behind Emilia to what I assumed was her office and once we filed in, she closed the door.

  I sat on the couch with Rave beside me and Ren sat in a chair across from us. Emilia joined us and grabbed my hands, holding them in her lap. “It is so wonderful to finally meet you. I’ve heard many great things about you, Jesse.”


  She laughed. “You seem surprised. My brother loves you.”

  I looked back at Rave and he grinned, winking at me. “And I love him,” I said, turning back to her.

  “Oh I know. I can tell. So how are you guys doing with everything?”

  I wasn’t sure how much she knew but I told her everything. It came pouring out of me and afterwards, it felt like a huge weight had been lifted off of my shoulders. For some reason, Emilia, who I just met, made it easy to talk about my feelings and what had happened. I also didn’t care that Ren and Rave were in the room. There were no secrets between Rave and I and Ren…well he treated me like a little sister and he helped save me. I would forever be grateful to him for that.

  “Jesse, you are so strong. You have no idea. You survived,” she said softly.

  “If it weren’t for your brothers, I…I don’t know where I would be but I definitely wouldn’t be happy.”

  She looked behind me. “She’s a keeper, Rave. Don’t let her out of your sight.”

  Rave rubbed his hand soothingly down my back. “I won’t. She’s stuck with me.”

  My heart warmed at that thought.

  “Jesse, I think you’ve been adopted into our family,” Emilia joked.

  I looked between the three siblings. The power of love and the bond between them left me awe struck. “If you will have me, I would love to be a part of your family.”

  “You already are, baby.” Rave whispered in my ear.

  I turned to him and placed a soft kiss on his lips. “I love you.”

  “And I love you.” He kissed my nose.

  “Group hug.” Emilia exclaimed and threw her arms around me, grabbing Rave in the process. She motioned for Ren to come over and the four of us hugged. I wouldn’t have changed that moment for the world.

  “I think I love you guys.” I sniffed, embracing the hugs that were given to me. Everyone laughed except for Rave.

  I turned to him and pulled him in for a hug that was specifically just for him. “I know I love you.” I whispered.

  “Good, because Jesse?”

  I leaned back. “Yeah?”

  He grinned. “I meant what I said about you being stuck with me.”

  I threw my arms around his neck and squeezed him as tears rolled freely down my cheeks. “I wouldn’t have it any other way.”

  In the Heart of Christmas



  It was a year after I married my best friend. My partner. My lover. The love I had for Jesse Dawson when we were teenagers never dwindled as I watched her decorate our Christmas tree. It would be our first as a married couple and I thank God every day for the greatest gift of all. Happiness.

  “Rave, stop staring at my ass and hang the star for me.” Jesse looked over her shoulder at me and winked.

  I laughed and took the star from her out stretched hand and placed it on top of the tree.

  After, I stepped up behind her and wrapped my arms around her middle.

  She sighed and leaned her head against my shoulder as she hung some tinsel.

  I squeezed her gently and kissed her neck, inhaling the sweet scent of gingerbread. “I love you baby.”

  She patted my hand that was on her stomach. “I love you.”

  I lowered to my knees and turned her.

  She frowned. “What are you doing?”

  I chuckled and kissed her protruding belly. “Now baby. Our Christmas wish is for you to come any day now. You’ve been in there for way too long.”

  Jesse laughed and ran her hand over my head. “A Christmas baby would be nice.”

  Our first baby was a week over due. It was stubborn just like its parents.

  “We would love it if you came on Christmas and I promise, you will get double the gifts.”

  “You can’t bribe her.”


  Jesse rolled her eyes at my correction. We had a running bet between us. If she won, she got a vacation. If I won, I got a new car. It was a win win if you asked me.

  I rained kisses on her belly before rising to my full height.

  “Rave?” Her brown eyes darkened, filling with a desire that I caused.

  I cupped the back of her neck and brushed my mouth along hers. “Yeah?”

  She moaned against my lips at the light feathery touch.

  I backed up to the couch, bringing her with me and pulled her onto my lap.

  Jesse ran her hands through my hair. “When is everyone supposed to be here?”

  I gripped her hips and looked at the clock, frowning. “Twenty minutes.”

  She started unbuckling my belt and nipping my jaw line. “Let’s make this quick then.”

  I ran my hands under her dress and squeezed her ass, making her breath hitch.

  Jesse rose to her feet, reached under her dress and pulled off her panties.

  My blood stirred. My body hard and waiting or her.

  She smirked and looked down at my crotch. “Are you ready for me?”

  I reached for her. “Always.”

  She licked her lips and sauntered towards me.

  I undid my jeans the rest of the way and wrapped my hand around myself as she straddled my lip.

  Jesse took control as she covered my mouth with hers, licking her way between my lips.

  I groaned as she lowered herself onto me. I would never get used to the feeling of her warmth during the pregnancy. My body tingled as she wrapped herself around me, riding me as fast as she could.

  I cupped the back of her neck, pulling her mouth harder against mine as she slowly rode me. The snug feeling of her core squeezing me, sent shivers down my back.

  Her body tensed and she placed her hands on my shoulders, gripping me tight.

  Knowing what she needed, I ran my hands up her thighs and squeezed her hips. I released her mouth and bit her chin.

  She smiled. “Rave.”

  I sped up my hips, our bodies moving as one. “Is that what you wanted, baby?”

  She moaned. “Yes.”

  “Tell me.”

  She leaned down to my ear, her hot breath scorching my skin. “Harder.”

  Jesse trailed kisses along my jaw before licking her way between my lips.

  My hips sped up, thrusting into her with a fervor we both craved.

  Our tongues danced, dueled as we made love under the glow of the Christmas tree.

  “Come for me.”

  She moaned against my lips and cried out as her body shook through a release.

  “That’s it baby.” I pumped into her, lengthening her cry of pleasure as she screamed my name.

  A tingle shot down my back and my hips slowed as an explosion erupted through me.

  We panted, breathing deeply as we rested our foreheads together.

  Jesse placed a soft kiss on my lips and cupped my cheek, running her thumb along my mouth. “I love you, husband.”

  I smiled and wrapped my arms around her waist, reveling the feel of being inside her. “I love you, wife.”

  She giggled and pushed out of my grasp, placing one last kiss on my mouth.

  My body stirred for her
. God, I couldn’t get enough.

  She laughed and rose to her feet. “Later baby. We have guests—“

  A knock sounded on the front door.

  “Perfect timing,” I grumbled. I righted my pants and watched Jesse grab her panties before heading into the hall. She looked back at me and blew me a kiss while I made my way to the door. I grinned like a fool, making her giggle and greeted our guests.

  “Hi little brother.” Ren pulled me into an embrace and wrapped his thick arms around my shoulders.

  “Hey, I want in on this hug too.”

  I laughed as a small body pushed us apart and smiled down at our sister. “Hi Emilia.”

  “Okay, can we not stand in the doorway? It’s freezing out here,” my mother in law, Jackie, stated as she came up the steps.

  The sound of familiar banter between our families made my heart warm.

  I took everyone’s coats and placed them in the hall closet while they went into the living room.

  “Where’s Uncle Stanley?” I heard Jesse ask.

  “He should be here soon. Are you sure you’re not having twins?”

  My stomach dripped at Jackie’s question.

  I walked around the corner just as the doorbell rang again.

  Twins. Holy crap. We better not be having twins.

  “We better not be having twins.”

  I chuckled to myself as I opened the door. God, I loved my wife.

  Jesse’s Uncle Stanley stood on the porch, a bright smile on his tanned face.

  “Hi Rave.” He pulled me into an embrace and we shivered as a gust of wind flew around us. The cold winter air surrounding us as we stepped into my house.

  “What’s with the tan?”

  Uncle Stanley laughed. “It’s a new thing I’m trying.”

  I rolled my eyes. “Ladies don’t care if you’re tanned or not.”

  A cheesy grin formed on his face. “I’d like to test that theory out for myself.”

  I shook my head and grabbed his coat, hanging it up in the hall closet.


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