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Ezekiel's Passion

Page 9

by Bailey West

  “Warren, what’s up?”

  We dapped each other up before I did the same with Dru.

  “Ain’t nothing much over here Mr. MD!”

  Lyrica’s camp had recently announced that I was chosen as the Music Director for her next tour.

  “Yeah man, it’s a brand-new level of responsibility. I’m ready for it, though,” I said.

  “Will you still be playing with the band or are you going to hire someone else?”

  “I’m not sure yet. I’ve been thinking about giving someone else the chance to…”

  I felt my phone vibrating and took a quick look to see who it was. It was an incoming FaceTime call from Zora.

  “Excuse me one minute,” I quickly answered.

  BJ’s little face filled the screen.

  “Zeke!” He smiled brightly.

  “What's up big man?”

  I smiled. I was happy to see him.

  “I called you all by myself!”

  “You did? Where is your Mommy?”

  “Her…she in the other room.” He pointed behind him then turned back to the phone.

  “Did you have a good day today?”

  “Yes. I got to show my class my drumsticks and they all…”

  “BJ!” Zora came into view behind him. “What are you…Zeke?”

  “Hey, Zora,” I smiled. She looked cute in her cut off jogging pants and ribbed t-shirt. Her breasts were displayed nicely in her t-shirt.

  “I called Zeke all by myself Mommy,” BJ said proudly.

  “Baby, I told you Zeke was busy.”

  “It's okay,” I interjected. I was happy to hear from him…them.

  “Zeke, I'm so sorry! I didn't even know he knew how to do this.”

  “He's a genius,” I chuckled. “Hey big man, I’m glad you had a good day, and I’m also glad you called me but remember, you should always ask permission before using your mommy’s things, okay?”

  “Okay,” he nodded while looking sad. “I’m sorry, mommy. I just wanted to say hi to my Zeke.”

  I don’t know when he added the ‘my’ to my name when referring to me, but it made me feel unique and special.

  “It’s fine baby, you just know for next time,” she soothed.

  “Hey BJ, I will see you when I get back in town, okay? We will do something together if it’s okay with your mommy.”

  I looked at Zora. She smiled.

  “Okay!” BJ smiled brightly.

  “Sorry again,” Zora apologized.

  “It's not a problem. I will talk to you soon.”

  “Bye, Zeke.”

  “Bye Doctor Chambers. Bye B.”

  I disconnected the called and looked up to find Warren and Dru staring at me with confused looks on their faces.

  “What?” I looked between them both.

  “Did we miss something? Like a wedding or birth announcement?” Warren asked.

  I chuckled. “No, she’s a friend, and he’s my Lil dude.”

  “Friend?” Dru asked.

  “Lil dude? The Zeke that I know would have never, ever dated a woman with a child,” Warren added.

  “She must have platinum in between those thighs!” Dru laughed while slapping high five with Warren.

  I shrugged my shoulders, “I wouldn’t know.”

  “WHAT!” they both said at the same time.

  “Say it ain’t so Zeke!” Dru laughed.

  “I can’t say what it is yet, but things are changing.”

  Hey, I’m back in town. I wanted to know if you and BJ wanted to come over to swim this weekend. If you’re not busy.

  Zora and I had a conversation about my pool and how underused it had been. I’ve been so busy that I don’t have a whole lot of time to enjoy it. When BJ was over, he commented on the pool. I thought it would be a good way to see them again.

  We don’t have plans. I’m sure BJ will be siked to come and play in the pool. - Zora

  Cool. I missed my little friend while I was away.

  He missed you too. - Zora

  Is he the only one that missed me?

  Yep. Oh wait, I’m sure your brothers missed you as well. - Zora

  Whatever, Z. I will see you bright and early on Saturday?

  Yep. We will be there. - Zora

  “Percy,” I yelled.

  He appeared in the doorway of my office.

  “What’s up?”

  “I need for you to find all of those little safety things that kids use at a pool; those noodle things, floating vest and whatnot. I need it by Saturday. Also, call the pool company and see if any adjustments need to be made to my pool for a young child to enjoy it. BJ is coming over, and I want to make sure it’s all cool.”

  “I got you. You’re digging Lil Dude, huh?”

  “I am,” I smiled.

  “That’s what’s up. He’s a cool lil kid.”

  “He is.”

  Percy had met Zora and BJ during Sunday dinner at Nette’s house while I was away.

  “His Momma is fine too.”

  I laughed, “Yep, she is.”

  “You think she would like an up and coming musician like myself?”

  I stopped what I was doing on my phone to give Percy my full attention.

  “Percy, don’t get your ass fired in here.”

  He laughed and backed out of my office door after the doorbell rang.

  “I’m just messing with you, Zeke. That must be Lyrica and Obasi.”

  “Yeah go and let them in before I murder you,” I laughed.

  Obasi is Lyrica’s fiancé. He’s a supermodel. He is originally from Mozambique. When I first heard about them dating, I thought that he would be one of those pretty, superficial dudes that were after her for her fame. I was wrong. He cares for her and protects her like he’s her bodyguard instead of the 300-pound dude named Brick that follows her around everywhere.

  I stood to greet them as they came into my office.

  “Zeke,” Lyrica walked into my embrace. I gave her a tight squeeze before releasing her and shaking Obasi’s hand.

  They both sat down. I didn’t notice it at first, but the right side of Obasi’s face was swollen.

  My facial expression must have given it away.

  “You see it too?” Lyrica commented. “I told you it’s swollen baby. You need to go to the dentist.”

  “Absolutely not. My mother told me to chew on some garlic cloves. It will make the pain go away,” Obasi answered her with his thick accent.

  “No baby, all that’s doing is making your breath smell terrible! Zeke, please tell him he needs to see a dentist. Your face shouldn’t be swollen like that,” Lyrica pleaded.

  I had a thought.

  “I have a good friend who is a dentist. I can ask her if we can come by her office so she can take a look at it.”

  “No,” Obasi answered without giving it any thought.

  “How about this: If you don’t go and get your tooth looked at, you will never look at anything else on me,” Lyrica tilted her head to the side waiting on Obasi’s answer.

  I averted my eyes from them and waited for Obasi to respond to the ultimatum that Lyrica had just delivered.

  “Fine! Call your friend, Zeke,” Obasi relented.

  I picked up my cell phone and dialed Zora’s number. She answered immediately.

  “Hey, Zora.”

  “Hey, Ezekiel, What’s up?”

  “I have a huge favor to ask you. I will owe you one if you can help me with this.”

  “I’m listening.”

  “My friend Obasi…”

  “Obasi as in fine ass Obasi, the model?”

  I cleared my throat, “Yeah. He and Lyrica are here with me now and…”

  “Lyrica as in his fiancé Lyrica with the amazing voice?”

  “Yeah…Obasi’s face is swollen, and he is having some tooth pain. I was wondering if we could come to your office so you can take a look at him. He doesn’t like dentists, but I told him I know one whose beauty will take his min
d off the pain.”

  “Whatever, Zeke.”

  “No for real though, he’s in pain.”

  “Yeah bring him over. I will take a look. If I can’t help him one of my partners will be able to. When you arrive, park in the garage and let me know you are down there. I will have one of the assistants take you through a back way, so people aren’t in here ‘fanning out.'”

  “Thanks, Z. See you soon.”

  We arrived at Zora’s office building. I rode with Lyrica and Obasi in her truck. Obasi sat stewing the entire ride. I sent Zora a text.

  We are in the garage.

  That was fast. My assistant is coming down. She will direct you to the private entrance. She has on Hello Kitty scrubs. – Zora


  We waited for about five minutes. A small female appeared from behind a door that is not readily visible from the outside. We all filed out of the truck and followed behind Brick.

  “Hi, I’m Susan, Doctor Chambers’ assistant. Please follow me.”

  We followed Susan through the hidden door to a set of elevators. She punched in a code. The elevator doors closed and then opened to a plush office area. We followed her past several doors with nameplates listing the doctor’s names. We stopped at the door that read: Zora N. Chambers, DDS. Susan knocked before opening it.

  “Doctor Chambers, your guests have arrived. Should I set them up in Operatory six?”

  Zora appeared in the doorway wearing her dark blue scrubs and a white lab coat over them. She smiled at everyone. She had her hair pulled back into a ponytail and didn’t have on much makeup. She was still gorgeous.

  “Hi, I’m Zora Chambers. She extended her hand to Obasi and then to Lyrica. Susan will show you to the room, and I will be right in.”

  Lyrica, Obasi, and Brick moved through the office and disappeared behind a door down the hall. I moved in to give her a hug. She moved into my embrace.

  “Thank you for doing this for me.”

  “I get a chance to meet two superstars? Please! My pleasure. Let me go and see what’s happening in his mouth.”

  I followed her down the hall.


  I walked into the operatory. Obasi was seated in the patient chair. Lyrica stood beside him while the giant bodyguard stood in the corner quietly observing.

  “Mr. Babtunde, how long has your face been swollen?”

  I looked from his dark almost black eyes to his beautiful dark skin. I’ve seen him on countless magazine covers, and I’ve seen him walking in fashion shows. He is even more handsome in person. I couldn’t ogle him too much because he was in pain. The right side of his handsome face was visibly swollen.

  “He woke up like this,” Lyrica answered for him. “I told him that he needed to see a dentist as soon as the pain started but he wouldn’t listen to me.”

  I smiled at Lyrica then turned back to Obasi.

  “You’ve had problems in the past with dentists, Mr. Babatunde?”

  “I hate you guys,” he rolled his eyes.

  “Obi,” Lyrica hissed.

  I chuckled, “I’m not offended. If I had a nickel for every time I heard that, I would be a billionaire.”

  I moved to the small sink in the room and washed my hands.

  I looked at Susan, “No allergies, correct?” I didn’t see any unique markings on his dental folder that would inform me that he was allergic to anything.

  “Correct,” she confirmed.

  I put on a fresh mask and covered my eyes with my glasses then I donned a pair of fresh latex gloves.

  “Is it okay if I rest my hand on your face? I just want to see how the swelling feels.”

  He took a deep breath and nodded.

  I lightly placed my hand on his cheek.

  “It’s warm. That means that there is some infection present. Can you determine if it’s the upper tooth or the lower tooth?”

  He nodded, “I just know that it hurts. I don’t know where it’s coming from.”

  “Can you open for me?”

  He slowly opened his mouth.

  “I’m going to recline your chair some for a better view.”

  I used the foot pedal to recline his chair. I used the mouth mirror to look around in his mouth to determine where the swelling was coming from. I saw his bottom wisdom tooth peeking through his gums, but it was erupting horizontally instead of vertically.

  “First things first, let try to relieve some of this discomfort.”

  “I hate needles,” he replied.

  “Most people do. I’m going to put something on here to numb your gums so we can get an x-ray, okay?”

  While I was talking, I reached behind the chair to retrieve the syringe. I was going to attempt to give Obasi an injection without him knowing.

  “Does it hurt when I pull back on your cheek like this?” I used the first finger of my left hand to pull his cheek back.

  “No,” came out a little muffled since I was pulling his cheek back.

  “What about when I wiggle it like this?” I wiggled his cheek while simultaneously giving him an injection of Lidocaine. I pulled back, and Susan went right in with the suction.

  I went behind him, refilled my syringe with another cartridge and pushed another dose without him realizing what was happening.

  Susan suctioned him again.

  “Baby! You did so well,” Lyrica cheered.

  “What?” Obasi was confused.

  “You just got a shot, and you didn’t even flinch!”

  “A shot? No, I didn’t. She just put that jelly stuff on me.”

  “No, Obi, she gave you two shots!” She held up two fingers.

  “I didn’t feel any needle. Doctor, did you give me a shot?”

  “Technically, I gave you two injections of Lidocaine to numb the back area of your mouth.”

  I removed my gloves and went back to the sink to wash my hands.

  “No, way!”

  He looked at Brick and Ezekiel who both shook their heads.

  “Yeah dude, she numbed you up,” Ezekiel confirmed.

  “But I didn’t feel anything!” Obasi continued.

  I spoke to him while I wrote notes in his record, “Dentistry has come a long way. It doesn’t have to hurt. We are developing new techniques all the time to reduce the pain. Susan is going to place a device in your mouth that you shouldn’t feel at this point. She will take an x-ray so we can accurately diagnose you. Then I will be back, okay?” I smiled and touched his shoulder. “Susan, dim the lights in here for a few minutes and give the anesthesia time to work. Then get me a panoramic x-ray.”

  I went back to my office and waited for the x-rays to populate on my computer screen before I went back into the operatory with them.

  “Mr. Babatunde, you have an abscess on your wisdom tooth at the bottom. It’s trying to erupt, but it’s coming in horizontally instead of vertically. It has some decay that has gone down to the pulp of the tooth and caused the infection. That tooth needs to be extracted along with your other three wisdom teeth. Do you have a dentist in California?”

  “No, I don’t. Can you do it?” Obasi asked with his eyes slightly closed.

  “Yes, I can, but we would need to wait for about a week. First, I am going to write you a prescription for Penicillin. It’s an antibiotic that will treat the infection. Also, I am giving you a prescription for eight hundred milligrams of ibuprofen. Take both of these as soon as you pick them up from the pharmacy. This will help you stay ahead of the pain once the numbing medication wears off. We have to treat that abscess before we can safely perform any dental surgery.”

  “Okay, then we will come back in a week,” Obasi answered. He was much more pleasant now that he was out of pain.

  I went to the computer and pulled up my schedule for the next week.

  “I have space. Susan, can you go up front and confirm a time for Mr. Babatunde? Use the name Ezekiel Bluette, please. I don’t want everyone knowing they are here.”

  Susan handed me my prescrip
tion pad and left the room.

  “Doctor Chambers, after he has the teeth removed, can he get a regular exam and cleaning?” Lyrica asked.

  “Yes, but we are going to give him a few weeks to heal from the extractions then we can look at getting his mouth into optimal shape.”

  Obasi was still reclined in the dental chair dozing off.

  “He hasn’t slept because of this pain,” Lyrica whispered.

  “Dental pain can change your whole personality. We try to get them out of pain before they start making decisions on dental treatments. If we don’t take care of the pain first, then everyone’s answer would be to extract their teeth, just so the pain would go away. We don’t want to do that because teeth are important.”

  Susan came back with one of my business cards with the date and time for Obasi’s next appointment.

  “Here you go,” I handed the card to Lyrica along with Obasi’s prescription.

  She smiled and moved in to hug me. We embraced.

  “Thank you so much!”

  Brick helped Obasi out of the chair.

  “We need to get one of these at the house!” Obasi pointed to the dental chair. “Thank you, Doctor Chambers. I will see you next week.”

  We shook hands.

  “Susan will direct you back out the way you came.”

  “I will be out in a minute,” Zeke called to them.

  They all left the room leaving Zeke and me by ourselves.

  “Zora, thank you. You were amazing. I just knew he was going to be flopping all around like a fish out of water when you gave him that sho…I mean injection.”

  I smiled. He listened when I explained what I did to Obasi. “We don’t like to call them shots because that frightens people and they are already afraid of my profession as a whole. You notice I didn’t say I needed to pull his teeth. I said extract.”

  “I noticed. That’s dope,” he smiled.

  I didn’t realize how much I missed seeing him until now.

  “So, I will see you and my Lil Dude on Saturday, right?”

  “Right,” I smiled.

  We hugged. It felt good to feel his arms around me. He kissed my cheek.

  “Susan will take you down the elevator.”


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