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Seducing Their Swan

Page 12

by Gracie Meadows

  “Are you calling me dumb?”

  “Well if you just now figured that out then you’re slower than I thought. Maybe you should just stop this and move along. Obviously Adam doesn’t want you.” Amanda turned to him as he tried to keep from laughing. Brett however, was leaning on Lawson as he laughed to the point of hysterics.

  “Adam, you’re going to let her talk to me like that?”

  “Well, you insulted my woman, she can do what she wants. Plus you knew this was coming. You started it, if you can’t take it, well not my problem.”

  “Well I never,” Amanda spluttered.

  “That’s the problem, Amanda. You never did anything but what was good for you. Its time you wake up and realize you’re not in high school anymore. People change, if they don’t, well that’s on them. Now if you will excuse me, I think my men and I would like a drink.” Adam smirked but quickly took Ellie’s hand while Brett took the other as they headed to the bar.

  After a few drinks and a nice meal, he was happy to see how most people had changed and Ellie was well received in the town. Most asked about her shop and even asked her to acquire some things for their homes. The sweet smile never left her face the whole night. He did take notice that Amanda and a few of her older friends remained in the back of the room only socializing when people came to them. He had no desire to do that. The night started to draw to an end and he wasn’t ready for it to end. Both he and Brett had been planning this for a while, and with the help of a few friends, it was now or never.

  “Come with us, angel.” Ellie looked at him confused, but Amy told her she was heading out and would have lunch tomorrow at their house. Again, this was all part of the plan. Brett moved next to them before pushing open the doors that led out to the small football field. Ellie looked at them all confused when she saw the checkered blanket lying on the ground with a basket. A small camping lantern was lighting the area. Adam was happy that Chad had reminded him of this fact, because he would have just assumed that the school left the lights on all the time. Shows how much he paid attention when he left the school.

  “What’s all this?” Ellie asked as she came closer to their designated area. Both he and Brett had a plan, a plan that he really hope would work out between them.

  “Sit with us, peaches.” Brett held out his hand for Ellie to take as she slipped off her shoes and sat on the blanket. Brett was never so nervous in his life. Ellie thanked him before he too sat down next to her. Adam sat down next to her pouring them all a glass of wine into plastic cups. Ellie took it and laughed before taking a drink.

  “This is good, thanks. So what’s going on guys?” Ellie looked at both of them expectantly.

  “Well, we found something and we wanted to share it with you.” Brett watched as Adam pulled out a small piece of paper. They had written this letter to their older selves during their senior year. It was dug up yesterday, and he had made sure to grab his and Adam’s earlier tonight. Both he and Adam had forgotten about it, but after doing some thinking and talking with Lawson, he remembered the night. All three of them had been drunk and sleeping in the pool house so their parents didn’t know they snagged their whiskey. Adam handed her a paper.

  “I wrote that knowing no one would ever see it, anyway, read it.” Ellie looked at both of them and Brett held his breath as Ellie started to read it aloud.

  Another day has gone by and Amanda is bugging me to go away with her to Europe. The thought sounded good as she mentioned topless and nude beaches, but I can’t do it. Today I got an oil change. Evan was the one who did it. I never thought of her ever until then. I know that we make fun of her, but today I saw something different. Her pretty, yet plain face drew me in. She didn’t seem to be stuck on me either. Normally girls liked me and always flirted, but she didn’t. She was different. Maybe I need different. I see my parents and they aren’t happy. I don’t want that. Maybe I want to be different too. Maybe I can be like her, different, but happy.

  Her sweet voice seemed to shiver with unshed emotions. Adam took the paper from her hands as Brett waited for his turn.

  “You see, Ellie, even then I knew there was something special about you. I was a jerk to you, and I could never say how sorry I am about that. But I want to make this right between us. No more secrets.” Adam finished talking by kissing her on the lips. Ellie nodded at Adam, before he took her hands.

  “Peaches, please remember I was a kid when I wrote this okay.” He handed it to her and he knew that he didn’t have the flowery words as Adam, but he hoped she would understand that. Ellie took the paper, unfolding it before reading his too.

  What a fucked up day today is. We are piss ass drunk and writing letters to ourselves. What do I want to be, hell I have no clue. I never did. Adam is the smart one, I am the twin that just hangs around. But today Adam told me about a girl that was making him rethink Amanda. Her name is Evan. What type of person would name a girl that? It was no wonder people make fun of her, but then I looked at the yearbook and noticed it was her. She was the girl who had caught my eye. I know it’s weird, but the whole sexy librarian look does it for me. She isn’t some good time girl like most of the sluts in the school, but she seemed to be someone who cares. I watched her today though. She was sitting eating lunch with her weird friend. She had such soft looking skin, and soft features, I was shocked I had never seen her before. Maybe I was just too damn blind to see her. But she was in front of me the whole damn time. The whole time I was pissed off at everyone and everything, and now I missed her. But I know she is too good for me. I’m hard, mean, and don’t give a shit. Her, she is light, delicate, and seems to help everyone. I hope my future me realizes something like that is out there, maybe, just maybe it might be her.

  Brett watched as this time tears rolled down her face. Brett took her hands in his trying to get her to look at him.

  “See, peaches, even when we were younger we wanted you. We were just so caught up in our own drama that we didn’t see what was in front of us until later. But we both wanted you. We will always want you. You claim you’re the ugly duckling surrounded by swans but, baby, we are the ducks who cast you out. You were always the swan in our story. You never belonged in that world because you were so much more.” Reaching into his pocket he pulled out the small box. Adam had moved next to him holding her other hand.

  “Evangeline Hodgens, will you do us the extreme honor and marry us. Be our wife, be our everything?” Brett held his breath as Adam helped snap open the lid of the box. It was Amy who helped pick it out, and right now looking at Ellie, her face tear-stained, he really hope they got it right.

  “Yes, oh my God yes,” she cried as she flung her arms wide pulling them both into an embrace. He took her hand and held it out as Adam pulled the ring from the box sliding it on her finger. Each of them kissed before lying down to watch the stars. It was a perfect moment in time, well it was until the sprinklers came on and they all went running to the truck. But when they got home, both he and Adam made up for it, several times over.


  Six months later….

  Ellie watched as the men hung the sign on her shop. Like Brett had said, it did take some time, but it was finally done. The Grand Opening was next week and this was the final step. As both Brett and Adam stepped down the ladder, she smiled. The Ugly Duckling Antiques was her dream for so long, but it seemed as time grew another one bloomed. The idea and thought of a family. She remembered the night of the proposal, and the next day where all her close friends and family came and celebrated their engagement. Her dad was thrilled to have someone in the family who was handy with a tool belt. Her dad had won the court case without going to trial. Adam was really good at his job, and because of his efforts, they settled out of court. It allowed her dad to move out of the small trailer and into a small home that he said was easier for him to maintain. Plus he went back to work with the help of Brett and his company. Her dad was now in charge of all landscaping designs for the buildings they worked on.

  Amy went back to New York showing her collection on Bryant Park fashion week making a huge splash, but came and visited for their wedding. She never wanted anything flashy or showy, so a small wedding was held at their parents’ house. The men had broken the news about her and wanting to marry her. For the first couple of weeks her now mother-in-law didn’t want anything to do with it, but in the end they realized they would rather have her in their lives then be without the boys at all. She isn’t close to them, but they still attend monthly dinners and keep up appearances. Now here she was opening her shop.

  “What do you think, peaches? I think it looks great.” Brett beamed. Of course he thought it looked great, it was something he had carved for her.

  “Good thing I helped with the design,” Adam boosted, wanting to take some credit.

  “You both did amazing. I am excited for next week.” She kissed first one, then the other. It seemed that even through the heartache and trouble in her life, the poor get lucky, and those who were lucky enough to thrive for more ended up swimming in the pond with all the other swans. She was the ugly duckling, and no matter what happened from here on out, she would always remember who she was and never take things for granted.

  The End

  Books by Gracie Meadows

  The Hidden Pack

  Dreamwalker's Duo

  Awakened by a Dream

  Panther Protection

  Bear it All

  Heels for Hire, Inc.

  Covered by Bubbles

  Eyes on the Target

  Stand Alones

  Till My Last Breath

  Valentine's Day Anthology

  Cowboys Candy

  Roping Candy's Heart

  Vampire Lords by Jana Leigh Gracie Meadows

  Sinful's Desire

  Wickedly Ever After

  Seducing Their Swan

  Would love to hear from you!




  Excerpt from Robin and Her Merry Men

  Wickedly Ever After Book One

  By Willow Brooke

  Robin stepped out into the cool night air and gulped in a deep cleansing breath. Ah, the sweet scent of wealth. Good ol’ Gregory was past due for a generous donation to the poor, and she was here to collect. Tuesday nights both he and his wife attended the country club for cocktails, overpriced prime rib, and social gossip. The only one left at home was sweet Ellie. Ellie was the family’s Shih Tzu. One belly rub and a hot dog she was sure had never been brought through the doors later and Ellie was her best friend.

  She effortlessly jumped over the back fence, landing both feet on the ground with a quiet thud, and headed to the trellis. She had discovered earlier during one of her first ‘collection visits’ that the office window lock was broken. Now, it was her door in and out. As she scaled up the side of the house, noise from inside caught her attention. Shit! Their cars are gone. Did they have guests? Hoping that a television had been carelessly left on she continued up and in through the small window.

  Once inside, she knew her worst fears were correct. Except, by the sound of things, the question as to who was home still remained. Keeping a low profile, she crouched down and remained in the shadows to get a better look through the cracked door. A man she had never seen before paced up and down the hall with his cell phone attached to his ear, his voice loud and angry. The shadows kept her from getting a good look, but his broad muscular shoulders and enormous arms made her feel sorry for whoever was on the other end of that phone.

  “Don’t mind me. I just dropped in to pick up a few things,” Robin whispered to herself. She could have said it out loud and chances of being herd were next to none going by the one-sided heated argument she was witnessing.

  With a shrug she waited until his back was turned and crept down the hall into the master bedroom. Mrs. Naylor’s jewelry was kept in an unlocked chest on her dresser, and always was a quick grab when she was in a crunch. Each time her collection grew, usually from the guilt of Mr. Naylor’s extra-marital activities.

  Tonight was no different except he must have been a very bad bad boy. The jewelry case was stocked with new and bigger bling than most rap stars ever saw in their lifetime. Huge precious stones and gems set in the most exquisite settings lined the velvet interior in neat little rows. “No time to window shop today, I’ll take one of everything please.” She dumped the contents in her bag and hurried back the way she came, hoping to make it out before the angry man wasn’t distracted. She neatly put everything back in place and eased out of the room to her exit. Just as she slipped in the office door, Mr. tall, mysterious, and sexy turned around. Shit! Did he see me? She darted toward the window just as he came barreling into the room. Their eyes locked in an intensity that had her heart pounding through her chest. His dark blue eyes held her hypnotized. Robin flashed him a seductive smile, hooking her repelling cable to the frame and jumped down the two stories in one bounce. She had already unhooked and was out of sight when he peered out, laughing.

  Excerpt from His Sleeping Beau

  Wickedly Ever After Book Two

  By Jess Buffett

  “Damn winter,” he mumbled under his breath. “Stupid car.”

  Zanth continued cursing the blasted contraption, making his way through his tiny living space, through his bedroom and into the bathroom.

  The colder season had come later this year, and up until the day before everything had been sunny and warm. How could things change so damn quickly?

  Thunder clapped loudly outside and he growled at frustration.

  “Couldn’t die on a nice sunny afternoon, could you?”

  Stepping into the shower, he turned the taps, relieved when the warmth of the spray hit his ice-cold skin. His teeth finally stopped chattering, and he felt the stress of the day slowly drift down the drain along with the water.

  Damn, he was tired.

  His kids had been unreasonably difficult today, and more than one teacher had felt the need to spread their bad mood.

  “Must be something in the wind,” he chuckled to himself.

  An old tale his aunt Flora used to tell him. When change was coming, it would appear in the wind...or something like that. He loved the woman dearly, but she had always been a bit nuts.

  Zanth yelped when the water suddenly went cold. Almost falling face first, he dashed out of the shower, then leaned back in to turn off the taps.

  “What the hell?” he muttered. “Don’t tell me I forgot to pay the hot water bill.”

  Reaching for a towel, he wrapped it around his waist, praying his hot water system hadn’t just given out on him. That was the last thing he needed.

  Groaning at the thought of having to come up with more money, he shuffled into his bedroom and ransacked his drawers, desperate for something warm to put on. Ah, hell, he’d be happy with dry and clean at this point.

  “Come on, where is that damn shirt?” he grumbled.

  “You’d probably find it easier to locate the shirt if you were tidier,” a deep rumble came from behind.

  Zanth screamed, too terrified to be embarrassed by the sound, and spun around. A large figure stood near the window, shadows making it too difficult to see any detail. “W-who are you?”

  And where the hell did he put that cricket bat?

  A chuckle echoed through the room. “Do you really want to know? Or are you biding time until you find the closest weapon?”

  Yeah, except I can’t even find the damn thing.



  “On whether or not you plan to kill me.” He squinted in the dark, trying to see the other man. “Now, are you going to tell me who you are?”

  “There’s no need to be alarmed. I’m not here to hurt you.”

  Really? Zanth attempted to remain calm, but what part of this wasn't supposed to alarm him?

sp; “No, you just break into my house while I’m in the shower, then wait until I’m in nothing but a towel before making your presence known. You’re hovering in the dark so I can’t even see you, which is even creepier by the way. I mean, seriously, if you mean no harm, how about turning on the light. Or I don’t know, knocking on the fucking door and waiting for it to be answered.”

  “Actually, I was here before you even arrived home.” Zanth could see the stranger’s lips twitching in the light of the street lamp outside.

  He rolled his eyes. “Oh, that’s so much better.”

  The bastard clearly thought he was funny, a deep chuckle filling the room.

  “Do you always talk this much?”

  “Only when unwelcome visitors sneak into my house,” he muttered.

  He saw the shadowed figure’s head cock to the side. “Have that happen often, do you?”

  Thinking back to his ex who now had a police restraint against him, Zanth begrudgingly admitted, “More than I’d like.”

  JK Publishing, Inc.

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