Risking It All
Page 4
Then again, his genius ways with computers and being able to find out anything that anyone needed gave him a pardon. How could you throw away such brilliance? Drew’s team certainly hadn’t. They needed him.
Drew knocked on the closed door. There was no answer. Drew knocked again, and then tried the handle. It was locked. Either Mitch wasn’t there, or he wasn’t letting anyone in. Drew sighed.
“Come on, Mitch. I’m not contagious. Let me in.”
Then his cell phone rang. It was Mitch’s number. Drew rolled his eyes as he answered.
“Seriously? You’re locking yourself in your room?”
“What? I’ve got everything I need in here. I also have a bathroom”
“Where are you going to sleep?”
“I’ve got a camp bed and sleeping bag set up here.” Mitch replied. “I’m not getting ill.”
“Even from your favorite agent?”
Mitch snorted so loudly Drew could hear it coming from inside the room.
“Since when have you been my favorite?”
“Aren’t I not?”
“No. Now fuck off and I’ll talk to you on your cell. You’re not coming in.”
Drew could see that he wasn’t to be swayed. Mitch was more paranoid than anyone else he knew. Sighing with a shake of his head, Drew headed back to his office. Stupid bugger. He would be the last person getting ill considering how anal he was with keeping everything clean. But he was damn good at his job, so Drew was willing to let it slide. For now.
He headed into the bullpen, seeing that Jason wasn’t at his desk. Then Drew saw Jason in Martin’s office. Both of them were in deep conversation, although Jason didn’t look happy. Had he fallen to Rosalie’s charm and getting reprimanded? Drew didn’t think so; Jason wasn’t above flirting on the job, but he drew the line at anything else. He was more professional than he let on. Fingers crossed, he wasn’t being taken off the case or being put in isolation. They didn’t have anyone else to cover him.
“You still there, Drew?” Mitch piped up in his ear. “Or are you still filling the silence with dead air?”
“Sorry.” Drew sat at his desk, leaning back and stretching his legs. “I thought you would want a moment before I breathed in your general direction.”
“Very funny. By the way, I heard you nearly got Callow last night.”
Drew snorted.
“Nearly doesn’t cut it. Our cop on duty charged after him without backup and he got shot as a result.”
“No, he was sensible enough to wear a vest.”
Mitch let out a heavy sigh.
“At least we don’t have another body on his hands.”
“He could have killed him.” Drew said bitterly. “He shot a cop in the back of the head getting away from his third kill.”
“But he didn’t this time, so don’t fret over it. I’m sure the officer will bounce back.”
Drew didn’t respond to that. Mainly because he was recalling when he was checking Harry over to make sure he wasn’t hurt elsewhere. The man had hit the ground hard enough to cause further injury. He shouldn’t have done it, but Drew couldn’t stop himself. Or stop from getting closer. The urge to touch him was great, and Drew had given in. Thankfully, Harry hadn’t looked down and seen how much Drew was enjoying it.
Fingers crossed, they wouldn’t be put on duty together again, or Drew was going to be more than distracted.
What the hell was wrong with him? He had never acted like this before with other attractive men on duty. What was different about Harry Bryant?
“Drew? Hello, you there?”
“What? Oh.” Drew shook himself. “Sorry, I was miles away.”
“I noticed.” Mitch said snidely. “I don’t like talking to myself.”
“I thought you did it all the time.”
“Fuck you.”
Drew laughed.
“No, thanks. You’re not my type.”
“Thank fuck for that.”
“You never know.” Drew smirked. “You might find you like it.”
Mitch gasped. Then he groaned.
“Really, fuck you, Martindale.”
“I’ll hold you to that.” Drew turned on his computer. “Did you get that background check on Rosalie Muleham?”
“I did. Just got it all compiled.” There was a moment’s silence. “It’s being sent to your email right now.”
Drew went onto his email account. Right at the top was Mitch’s message. He clicked on it and saw a very long email in Mitch’s usual comic sans.
“Can’t you write in a regular font?”
“And become one of the regular flock? Where’s the fun in that?”
“Makes it easier for me to read.” Drew grumbled. “Can you give me a condensed version?”
“Sure.” There was a creaking sound. Mitch’s chair needed oiling. “It makes for interesting reading, I can say that.”
“Do tell.”
“I will. She teaches at the same high school she went to, Carver High. Sound familiar?”
It did. Drew had read that particular file back to front.
“That’s the same high school as Callow.”
“Yep. She was a freshman when he was a senior. Rosalie’s sister Marlene was in Callow’s class.”
Drew remembered Marlene. They had interviewed her before when they discovered that Marlene had dated Callow since high school. She had to have known what he was up to. But Marlene had been as horrified as everyone else that her future husband was a serial killer. She had disappeared shortly after, claiming that she was going to go under the radar so Callow didn’t come after her.
Speaking of which…
“Do you have anything on Marlene Muleham?”
“Didn’t she go off the grid a few years back?”
“She did, but you’ve just reminded me. I wanted to see if she was still off the grid and was okay.”
Mitch sighed.
“I should get paid extra for this.”
“You are getting paid for this.”
“Bastard. Hang on.” There were a few sounds of keys being tapped so fast it was like one long noise in Drew’s ear. “Got it. Well, Marlene wasn’t off the grid for very long. She was arrested eighteen months ago. Currently serving a thirty-year sentence in Ohio State Penitentiary.”
That had Drew sitting up.
“What? What was the charge?”
“Accessory to murder in Ohio and Kentucky.” Mitch did some more tapping. “She was associated with the murders of four women in the space of three months. And…” His voice tapered off.
“What? Mitch?”
“I’m still here.” Mitch murmured. “All four women were murdered in the same way as our victims from three years ago. They were young, dark-haired and teachers in various capacities. It was just never reported and put into the database because they crossed state lines and weren’t connected.”
“Not even with Marlene Muleham’s name attached to them?”
Drew cursed. Callow had to have moved to Ohio or Kentucky after he almost caught him. And Marlene hadn’t gone to ground. She had gone with him. How had they not known that Callow had an accomplice? Their profiler had said that Callow was the type to work alone, that he would never take on a partner.
They were going to need a new profiler. Once she had come out of isolation. They wouldn’t have missed this if they had realized there was an accomplice.
“And I’m guessing Marlene never said anything.”
“Nope. She proclaimed her innocence the whole time, but there was clear evidence that she had been involved. She didn’t stand a chance.”
“But they only put her in jail for accessory.”
“Didn’t have enough for murder-one.”
Drew grunted. At least the partner was put away. But was that why Callow was back? Was he obsessed with stalking Rosalie, who reminded him of Marlene, or was he scouting for his next partner? Had Rosalie been in on this the
whole time? Was that why she had been flirtatious the night before; to make sure Drew was distracted?
None of the night before was making sense. If Rosalie was a victim, it would, but now Drew was beginning to think otherwise, it didn’t make sense that Callow and Rosalie would concoct this to make it look like she was going to become another victim.
Unless it was to go after him. But Drew discarded that. That would imply Callow was obsessed with him, which would change the game completely. Drew could handle that. One obsessed man to another.
“By the way, I found the yearbook for Marlene and Callow.” Mitch went on. “Take a look.”
Another email popped into Drew’s inbox. He opened it and saw the page in question spread out on the screen. Marlene Muleham and Alex Callow’s pictures were next to each other. Marlene was a pretty girl, and her description said she was top three of her class, she was head cheerleader and a national-level athlete. Callow’s was similar. Top three, star quarterback, excellence in English. Both very unassuming profiles.
It was hard to believe that both of them would become killers.
Then Drew saw another photograph, this one directly underneath Callow’s. It had him staring. What the hell?
“Mitch? Callow had a brother, didn’t he?”
“Hmm? Yes, he did. A twin, Aaron. Track star and valedictorian, from what I could see when I was doing the background check. Says so on the yearbook, doesn’t it?”
“Yes, it does.” And a lot more than that. Drew swallowed. “What did it say in the file about his family?”
“Their parents died in a car accident shortly after the Callow brothers went into their senior year. The day after he graduated, Aaron vanished.”
“What do you mean, vanished?”
“I mean there’s no online footprint for him. He completely disappears. I can’t find anything at all.”
Drew had a feeling why. Maybe Callow had another partner helping him out. He swallowed.
“Try looking at deed poll documents. Go back six years.”
“Do you know something I don’t?”
“Just do it, Mitch.”
Mitch sighed.
“Touchy today, aren’t you?” After a moment’s silence: “Got it. You nailed it, Drew. Aaron Callow went to the courts and petitioned for an emergency name change. It was about a week after Callow committed his first murder.”
“And the name?”
Not that Drew needed to ask. He already knew. And it made him sick to the stomach.
Chapter Four
Harry looked up when he heard a whining scream coming from the front room. He sighed and put his coffee down. There were days like this when he wanted to be at work. The twins had been driving him mad all morning. They just wouldn’t stop causing trouble, and they had been angels for Kate the day before.
There were times when he wished Andrea was back. She could keep them under control.
Resisting the urge to rub at his chest, Harry hurried into the front room. Jamie was climbing all over Adam, who was screaming for him to get off.
“Jamie!” Harry lifted his son off the other and placed him on the couch. “Would you stop annoying your brother? He doesn’t want to be jumped on.”
“But he started it!” Jamie whined, pointing at his brother. Adam glared back.
“I did not! He was being mean, Dad!”
Harry sighed and held up his hands.
“Look, that’s enough. Stop your fighting. Play nicely or I’m going to put you in your rooms. No iPad, no TV, nothing. You can get on with that work your school sent home with you.”
Jamie pouted. So did Adam. The sight of both of them sulking was almost comical. Harry had to stop himself from laughing.
“Not fair!” Adam muttered.
“Then stop arguing.” Harry turned away. “I’m just going to tidy up the kitchen. Play nicely and then I’ll take you guys for a walk. We can go to Bear Creek Park.”
While the government had told everyone to stay indoors and don’t go out unless they absolutely had to, there was a concession that going outside for a walk was good for everyone’s health, both physically and mentally. Harry knew it was a good idea, but people were already starting to moan that the coronavirus was spreading due to everyone going out for walks. It was a ridiculous situation. People needed some exercise and fresh air. Being indoors all the time was going to have a bad effect on people.
And it would make him go crazy. He loved his sons, but they were a handful. They still got to go to school due to Harry being a single parent working as a police officer, a man on the frontline combating the coronavirus, so they got to have some interaction. But at home it was like they were going bonkers very quickly. They needed the regular walks to get the energy out. Then both could slump on the couch and watch TV while Harry tried to get the house in order.
It was moments like this that Harry wished he was at work. But then he remembered what was going on, and that it could target anyone. While his children were fit and healthy, as was he, it was still a scary time. He wanted to make sure they were safe.
Maybe he could call in and claim one of them was unwell so they had to self-isolate. It would make sense and then Harry would be able to keep a closer eye on them. But his natural instinct to look after the public would win through.
At least he had Kate to rely on. His next-door neighbor had been told to work from home, and her husband was stranded abroad with his job. She needed something to do and she adored Jamie and Adam. It wasn’t something that should be allowed, but they kept their interactions with anyone else to the very bare minimum, so it was working for them for now.
Harry took a look at the kitchen and grimaced. He had two loads of washing, at least, to sort out, the dishwasher to load and unload and to clean all the surfaces. And that was before he made lunch for the boys. Normally, it wouldn’t take too long, but Harry had been darting back and forth dealing with his kids. He was beginning to appreciate parents who stayed at home all day with their children. They certainly didn’t sit down watching TV all day. They never got the chance.
He was starting to load the washing machine when there was a knock at the door. Harry froze. Oh, shit. Was it Alex? Harry hadn’t heard anything from him since the night before, and Harry felt like he was walking on eggshells. His brother was going to be having a word about what happened and why Harry hadn’t put the envelope in Drew’s car.
Then again, if it was Alex, he wouldn’t use the front door. He would sneak in around the back. Harry had double-locked the back door, so unless Alex knew how to get past a deadbolt without drawing attention to himself, he wasn’t getting in that way.
The knocking started again. Jamie appeared in the doorway.
“Someone’s at the door, Dad.”
“I heard.” Harry reached into a drawer where he kept his service weapon. “Stay in the front room with Adam. If I start shouting, you know what to do.”
“Okay, Dad.”
Jamie didn’t ask anything further, simply disappearing back into the front room. Harry brought out his gun and checked that it was loaded. If it was Alex at the door, Harry was going to be prepared for him. He tucked the gun into the back of his jeans and kept one hand on the grip as he headed down the hallway. He wasn’t about to be jumped by the bastard.
But it wasn’t Alex. Harry opened the door a crack and stared when he saw Drew Martindale standing on the threshold. The man seemed to loom up in front of him. Again, Harry felt his stomach knot and something hit him in the chest. In daylight, the agent was even better looking than before.
But he had to be careful. Drew had to know something. It wouldn’t take much for the FBI to figure out who he was. Harry had to watch where he walked. He couldn’t let his sudden attraction for the federal agent take charge. Harry opened the door a little further.
“Special Agent Martindale. I…” Harry took his hand off his gun. “I wasn’t expecting to see you here.”
“Officer Bryant.” Drew’s eyes drifted
over Harry’s face and body, focusing for a moment longer on his chest before travelling further down. Did he look a moment too long at his crotch? “I wanted to see if you were okay. I mean, you were injured last night.”
Injured. Harry could hardly forget it. His chest was showing a nice bruise where he had been shot, and he kept having the urge to itch. He shrugged, trying to ignore the urge to adjust his jeans. God, he had to get a grip on himself.
“It’s fine. It’s nothing I can’t handle.”
“Good.” Drew’s eyes flicked back up to his face. His expression hardened. “I need to talk to you, Harry. Or do you prefer Aaron?”
He knew. Drew already knew who he was. Harry had been expecting it, but to hear it so bluntly still knocked him off-balance. Was he going to be arrested? Drew wasn’t moving to bring out any handcuffs, so there was a chance that wouldn’t happen. But Harry could feel his body tensing for fight or flight.
“Who is it, Dad?”
Harry spun around. Adam had appeared in the doorway, holding onto one of his Avengers toys. He looked nervous as he stared at Drew. Harry took a deep breath. Hopefully, Adam hadn’t heard what Drew had said.
“It’s just someone from work, Adam. Something relating to a case I’m on.”
“But you just work in traffic, Dad.” Adam pointed out.
“It’s linked to a bigger case.” Harry hurried to him and gently turned Adam around. “Go and play with Jamie. I’ll let you turn the TV on.”
“But you said…”
“Never mind what I said. You can have the TV on.” Harry kissed his son’s head. “Just don’t turn it up too loud.”
Adam didn’t argue further, hurrying to the TV now he had been given permission to use it. Harry had to smile at the sudden animation. He had tried to keep the TV off for certain times of the day so they didn’t become reliant on it, but now he was seeing that keeping it off was easier said than done.