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Evin's Fight (Southern Charmers Book 3)

Page 2

by Ahren Sanders

Too late. As soon as the words are out of his mouth, Ashlyn glides in with Miller holding her waist.

  Darby shoots me a glance, reading my thoughts, and nonverbally pleads with me to stay.

  Her hand drops to her stomach, and fuck if my irritation doesn’t fade. For over twelve years, I lived with the shell of my sister. She never fully recovered until she came back to Charleston and confronted Pierce.

  Piece by piece, he did what none of us could do and put her back together, suffocating her with his devotion. Now, she’s determined to make up for lost time with the cloud she lived under for so long.

  Our drinks arrive and I dip my chin, deciding not to bail yet.

  When Scottie announces that he’s trying to play matchmaker for all the singles, my eyes narrow at her. She barely hides her amusement.

  I half-listen to them gushing about their encounter today with a woman at the spa. When Scottie calls her a ‘flawless flower child’, the question flies out of my mouth. “Flawless flower child? Is that the politically correct way of saying hippie?”

  “I’d describe her as more Bohemian,” Darby offers. “She is wonderful.”

  The conversation carries on, but everything goes static as my eyes zero in on the woman floating into the bar. Her bright eyes dash around, landing on mine.

  Holy fuck.

  An unfamiliar sensation invades my chest.

  The purple dress hugs her every curve and highlights her tight body, and a mass of multi-colored waves fall down her back, topped with a crown of flowers circling her head like a halo. Tiny sparkles glimmer across her skin, adding to her glow.

  She’s exquisite.

  Absolutely fucking breathtaking.

  An electric current fills the space and I’m unable to tear my eyes from her.

  Mesmerized is the only way to explain what’s happening to me.

  The spell is broken when she’s immediately surrounded by the women in our group.

  The next few minutes are a blur as she’s introduced around.


  I repeat the name silently, letting it roll on my tongue.

  Shit if my brain’s not scrambling to keep up. Our eyes meet again, and this time I make out the hazel glow. The tip of her tongue darts across her bottom lip, making my dick jerk.

  “Hope you enjoy the show. Maybe we can catch up afterward.” She speaks to the group, but her words are directed my way.

  I give a brief nod as Scottie mentions meeting later. She smiles a blinding smile and my heart picks up speed.

  Fuck me. What the hell is happening?

  When she’s disappeared, the skin on the back of my neck prickles. I turn to find Pierce and Miller smirking. They throw out some smart-ass comments, but my thoughts are on the striking beauty.

  This whole goddamned trip just took a turn.

  My phone buzzes with another text, and I scan the message from Rina.

  Please call me. You may assume I’m with another man, but that’s done. I ended it after seeing you and knowing I wasn’t over us. Let’s give it another chance. I’ll be patient this time.

  I don’t give a second thought to my callous reply, ready to end this charade and any further communication.

  I’ve met someone.

  Chapter 2


  I fluff my hair, making sure all the pins are out before slipping the flowered vine on my head.

  “Girl! You were on fire tonight! I swear flames were shooting with every move!” Dante, one of my co-performers and best friends, raves.

  “Thanks, I felt good. Had a fabulous day.”

  “Ah, yes. The famous ‘send off to my twenties’ weekend.”

  “Each day, I’m closer to thirty. At some point, I need to think of my next steps.”

  He eyes me quizzically in the mirror. “Not after tonight. Your contract is as good as gold. You are perfection, Poppy Malone.”

  “Always my cheerleader.”

  “Telling the truth. Speaking of the truth, who is the crew waiting in the lobby?”

  “What makes you think I know them?”

  “We’ll call it a hunch.”

  “If I know who they are, it’s a group of women I met at the spa.”

  “Of course you met friends. But the group waiting isn’t only women. I haven’t seen a group of men that delicious in a while.”

  Evin’s face and the way our eyes locked for a split second when I walked into the bar flash in my mind. Flutters bounce and swarm in my stomach, and my hands tremble slightly as I pile all my stuff together and stow it under the dressing table.

  “Oh my God, you’re blushing!” Dante screech-shouts.

  “I’m not.”

  “You are. Those perfectly pearly cheeks are pink. Spill it!”

  I cup my hand over his mouth and glance around, making sure we’re alone. “There’s nothing to spill.”

  His gaze sweeps over me. “Then why are you trembling?”

  It’s useless to deny my nerves to the one man who has been a constant in my life the last seven years. “Because I’m nervous.”

  He chews on his bottom lip, continuing to scan over me. After a few seconds, his expression relaxes. “Six-foot-four, dark unruly hair, slight scruff, hard body, looking like an Armani model?”

  “You described most of them.”

  “This one with unusual eyes the color of light copper, a broody disposition, and staring beams like Superman at the exit door?”


  “Oh yeah. Want to fill me in?”

  “Nothing to say, we haven’t even spoken.”

  “Interesting.” He runs his hand through his platinum blond hair. “Not a word?”

  “Not yet. Why is it interesting?”

  “Because he’s got some seriously possessive vibes for a man who’s never exchanged a word.”

  “You’re exaggerating.” I wave him off, but inside my heart is soaring.

  His face takes on a look of concern. “One day, you will accept how exceptional you truly are.”

  “Exceptional is a stretch, but for now, how do I look?”

  “Like an angel sent from the gypsy gods to grace this earth with all your radiance.”

  “Thank you, Dante. I needed to hear that.” I bounce into him, kissing his cheek.

  “Pips, I’m hanging with you for a while.”

  “You are NOT big-brothering me.”

  “Nope, I’m taking my favorite girl out and meeting her new friends. Wouldn’t be doing my job if I let you go off with a bunch of strangers without checking them out first.”

  “Meaning, you’re checking Evin out.”

  “Evinnnnn, so mystery man has a name?”


  “Come on, Pips. Seven years of living like a nun, and when you decide to dip your toes in the pool, you set your sights on a man like that. I’d be doing an injustice to best friends everywhere if I didn’t at least get a feel for him. Promise not to embarrass you.”

  “Fine, but I think you’re going way out on a limb and assuming things. It’s just drinks. They leave Vegas on Sunday. All of them. Plus, I don’t even know if Evin’s single.”

  “Let’s go.” He offers his elbow, and I link my hand through, letting him lead us through backstage. With each step closer to the stage door, my anticipation grows.

  The second we hit the side lobby, there’s a chorus of clapping. Dante slips into his post-performance mode, taking my hand and twirling me out before swinging me back. The claps grow louder, but my focus lands on the man perched against the wall, his eyes searing where Dante has his hold on my waist.

  I’m not the only one who notices. “If that man wasn’t single before tonight, he is now. Think you should introduce me before my flesh incinerates,” Dante whispers, releasing me.

  “Everyone, this is my best friend, Dante.”

  They all talk at once, praising the show. Dante soaks up the attention, squeezing my elbow before nudging me to the side and out of the cluster. Evin remains a
gainst the wall, watching intensely. Dante’s right, he looks every bit the Armani model. The bright lights from the chandeliers highlight the copper sheen of his eyes that are locked with mine. After what seems like forever, he pushes off.

  I’ve been a dancer most of my life, and for the last seven years, I’ve been a performer in Las Vegas. The industry is not for the faint of heart. It’s never gotten to me. But right now, staring up into the eyes of this gorgeous man, my nerves are shot.

  “Did you enjoy the show?” I ask on a shaky breath when he steps close.


  “Many people feel that way after seeing it for the first time.”

  “I’m not referring to the show.” He bends, running his lips across my cheek and bringing them close to my ear. “You are remarkable.”

  Just like that, my nerves somersault into a rollercoaster dive. “Thank you.”

  He stands back to full height, staying close so the scent of his cologne washes over me. “Poppy?”

  I tip my face to find his eyes are back to the intensity I noticed earlier. “Yes?”

  “There’s no telling what this group has planned. Promise me you’ll save the last dance for me.”

  At his request, a ripple of excitement joins my overactive nerves.

  “Pips, time for me to head home,” Dante announces.

  “I’ll walk you out.”

  Scottie and Billy say their goodbyes while Evin stands to shake his hand. Even in the low lights of the club, it’s easy to see something passes between them before Dante flashes his approving smile.

  “You satisfied I’m safe now?” I ask when we’re almost to the door.

  “Wouldn’t be leaving you if I didn’t think you were in excellent hands.” He twists, surprising me by pulling me into a hug. “Who would have thought my gypsy goddess would fall for a business mogul?”

  “I think falling for him is premature.”

  He releases me. “Not for anyone paying attention and who knows you as I do. But do me a favor and think long and hard before you jump ahead of yourself. Even you aren’t immune to the Vegas curse.”

  “You don’t think… I’m not… You think I’m going to sleep with him tonight?”

  “Sweet Poppy, you may be innocent, but you’re not ignorant. Even you can’t miss how that man has been observing you like a hawk. It’s like watching a primal form of foreplay.”

  “Now you’re exaggerating.”

  “That man is all man. He could easily have left hours ago with any woman in here.”

  A wave of insecurity washes over me. “Thanks a lot.”

  Dante’s expression softens, and he reaches to squeeze my hand. “Don’t you dare let your mind go there. I’m pointing out the obvious. He only has eyes for you. He’s marked his territory without a single word. I’m just telling you to be careful.”

  I swallow down the self-doubt, knowing Dante’s concern is coming from a place of protection and love. “Noted, and I appreciate your concern, but I have it under control.”

  “I’ll call you tomorrow morning. Now get back there and give that man the dance he is not-so-patiently waiting for.”

  He’s barely out of sight when an odd sensation creeps up my spine. I turn to find Evin standing there with an unreadable expression.

  “I think my patience has been pretty generous.”

  My cheeks burn knowing he overheard.

  He comes to me, taking my hand and leading me around the club to the opposite side of where our table is.

  When we’re in our own little secluded space, he pulls me against him. My arms instinctively wrap around his shoulders as he sways.

  “Did I pass the test?” His voice has a hint of humor.

  “It wasn’t a test. He wanted to know the people I was out with.”

  “Honey, everyone but Scottie and Billy left hours ago. He was sticking around to make sure you were okay. More specifically, you were okay with me.”

  “Yes, you passed the test.”


  “He’s a little protective.”

  “Caught that the second he stepped into the lobby.”

  “He’s my family,” I admit unnecessarily.

  “Assumed as much.”


  “How?” His eyebrows arch. “How’d I know he was family? Or that he was putting me to the test?”


  “Blood-related or not, it was easy to see he cares for you. A man picks up on these things. Not to mention he drilled me on my business profession.”

  “That was kinda overkill.”

  “I was wondering if he’d ever be satisfied enough to leave you with me.”

  I smile at him. “It was the Executive Vice President title that swayed the decision. Fancy monikers like that rarely scream serial killer.”

  He rolls his eyes. “That was my sister’s description.”

  “She’s proud, and she should be. Congratulations on your promotion, Mr. EVP.”

  His arms hook tighter, pressing me flush to his body. “I’ve never once cared about the title or the fanfare. I could take it or leave it. But swear to fucking Christ, if that title makes Dante trust leaving you with me for a few hours, I’ll take it.”

  The mood changes, the intensity spreading throughout my body. I tip on my toes, trying to get as close to eye level as possible. “It wasn’t the title, Evin. It was you.”

  His chest vibrates, a low growl rumbling out before he drops his mouth. Slowly, his lips touch mine. Back and forth, from corner to corner, gently skimming across with feather light kisses. My heart races in my chest, a dull ringing in my ears as I hold my breath, waiting and wanting more. The tip of his tongue traces along the seam, teasing me until I can’t take any more. My hand grips the back of his neck, and I move to open fully when he breaks away, trailing his lips to my ear.

  “All night I’ve been thinking of the taste of you on my lips. Listening to you, watching you, wanting to drag you out here for every song. I waited my time, being a selfish bastard because when I had you in my arms, I wanted it alone. No eyes, no whispers, no gawking and questions.”

  “Why’d you stop?” I hardly recognize the raw and unfiltered need in my voice.

  “One more second and I wasn’t stopping.”

  “That’s a problem?”

  “I was close to losing control, Poppy, and I’m not a man who loses control.”



  “That’s quite a feat. “

  He dips back into me, sweeping his lips across mine again. “Dance with me.”

  My fingers scrape through the short hair and the base of his scalp as he sways us to the beat at his pace. Song after song changes, each of them being more geared to a faster style, but he never stops moving me in our own rhythm.

  His mouth stays close, his eyes fixed with mine. Our movement becomes intimate, everything fading away. I don’t notice the dance floor emptying until a throat clears behind me. Evin’s head pops up, and he squeezes my hips tight.

  “What?” he growls.

  “We’re leaving. There’s a bottle of champagne waiting at the table,” Scottie states.

  I disengage myself and turn, leaning in for a hug. “Goodnight.”

  “I expect to see you at the pool tomorrow.”

  “I’ll try my best,” I promise, moving to Billy for a quick embrace.

  Evin wraps my hand back in his, flicks his goodbye, and guides us to our table. He pours two glasses of champagne and gestures to the stool before sliding next to me.

  With the intimacy of the dance floor gone, I fidget, trying to find something to say. “I’ve never done this,” blurts out before I can stop it.


  “I mean, meeting a group of strangers, hanging out, dancing, kissing…” I trail off, swallowing half my glass in one gulp, hoping for liquid courage.

  His lips curl up, and he twirls the ends of my hair. “I know.”

hat about you?”

  “Never been to Vegas, hardly hang out with strangers, haven’t danced with anyone but my niece or mom in years, and have never kissed a woman on a dance floor in my life.” He reaches behind and brings the bottle between us, refilling our glasses. “But I’ll point out we’re not strangers anymore.”

  “What happens next?”

  “We enjoy our night, wake up in the morning, and do it again.”

  I toast him, smiling widely. “I’d like to see you tomorrow.”

  His relaxed mood changes and he leans up, bringing his mouth to mine again. “I plan to be the first thing you see when you wake up.”

  I freeze and he picks up on it immediately, placing the bottle on the table next to us. “I’m not looking for a one-night stand, Poppy.”

  “What are you looking for?” The question comes out husky.

  “I want to know what it’s like to wake up with you next to me.”

  Against my accord, my body relaxes into his, and I kiss the underside of his jaw. “We’ll see about that. What if I’m a beast in the morning?”

  He laughs, his body vibrating as he wraps his arm around me protectively. “I can deal with beasts in the morning.”

  The sound settles over me, sending little sparks through my system. I sip my drink, trying to hide the goofy grin. “Tell me more about your family.”

  His eyes soften as he picks up on my sudden change of subject. “You’ve met Darby and Pierce and heard all about Devin. Pierce’s other two children, Maya and Cole, are awesome. Mom and Dad are nuts. They own a little farm in Charleston. Mom loves her horses. A few years ago, she had an accident, and we didn’t know if she’d ever ride again. It took a lot of rehab, but she got back in the saddle, literally.”

  “What kind of accident?”

  “She fell off her horse and took a beating.”

  I suck in a sharp breath. “And she’s riding again?”

  “Yes, she’s too stubborn to be told no. When you meet her, you’ll understand.”

  My heart flips in my chest at his statement. Meet his mom? I swallow another large sip and press on. “Sounds like you’re all close.”

  “We are, but that doesn’t mean we haven’t had rocky roads. Mom and Dad divorced after Darby moved to Charlotte. But they never truly separated. It confused the hell out of everyone, but we learned to live with it. They announced their reconciliation shortly after Darby moved back to Charleston.”


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