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Evin's Fight (Southern Charmers Book 3)

Page 8

by Ahren Sanders

  I watch her, deciding that there will be no waiting three weeks. I’m a fucking executive for a reason. My work can be remote to an extent.

  I’ll handle my family, handle my shit in the office, and come right back to her.

  Chapter 8


  I hold tight, savoring the feel of his arms around me. Similar to the first night, we sway to the music in our own world, him setting our rhythm. Since we met, Evin’s been openly affectionate, but tonight there’s an aura of comfort and intimacy between us. Lingering kisses, thoughtful glances, soft touches, all of it meaning much more.

  After our talk, a tremendous weight lifted.

  No expectations, no pressure, no judgment. The awkwardness of my secret is no longer a burden.

  ‘Somehow I've fallen… Under your spell… And somehow I'm feeling… It's up that I fell.’

  All the breath leaves my lungs as his smooth voice sings some of the most beautiful lyrics ever written in my ear.

  The man behind the baby grand piano isn’t singing, which means Evin has to know this song.

  I tilt my face to him, immediately caught in his glittering copper eyes. “How do you know the lyrics to ‘As Long As You’re Mine’?” I whisper in awe.

  “Fifteen years ago, after seeing Wicked, Darby became obsessed with that damn song and played it endlessly. I blocked it out of my brain until about a minute ago.”

  “It’s one of the most revered love songs in Broadway history.”

  “I understand why now.”

  “You’re perfect.”

  He lifts me off my feet effortlessly, bringing me eye-level and kissing me softly. “That’s my line for you.”

  When the song ends, he leads me to our spot at the bar, waving to the bartender to refill our glasses. I glance around, taking in the thousands of lights falling in curtains to create a chandelier effect all around us. “This place is much more elegant than I imagined.”

  “Scottie brought us here the first night in town. I didn’t get it then, but tonight I have a new appreciation for the atmosphere.” His gaze travels over me with the familiar heat tingling my skin. “Have I told you how gorgeous you are?”

  He has many times, but my heart still melts. “I owe Ryanne huge for helping.” I don’t mention that, even though she laid out several options, she discreetly pinned a note inside this dress with the instructions ‘WEAR THIS ONE!’

  The strapless silver mini-dress has a metallic ruffle slanting across my front and stopping right at the slit up my thigh. I paired it with bright pink strappy-heeled sandals that give me a few inches in height.

  I thought it was fun and flirty.

  Evin thought it was sexy. I found this out two seconds after I walked out of the bathroom and he swept me off my feet.

  Either way, it works.

  “I’m the one who owes Ryanne. Although I miss the flowers.” He tucks my loose hair behind my ear.

  “I crushed it when I jumped on my boyfriend earlier.”

  His lips curl up and his eyes go soft. “Best kind of casualty.”

  I sip my champagne, smiling into my glass. Out of the corner of my eye, I catch someone stopping unusually close.

  “Poppy?” My head snaps to the side to find Roman ogling me. Before I can greet him, I’m wrapped in his arms. “I thought that was you.”

  “Hi, Roman.”

  He loosens his hold, staying close. “You look beautiful. How are you?”

  “I’m well, how about you?” My eyes flit to the side to find Evin rock solid, his jaw tight. His lethal gaze is locked on the good-looking man who just checked me out from my head to toe.

  “I’m great. What brings you here?”

  Ugh, this is awkward, but the tension radiating from Evin pushes me on. “I’m on a date.”

  Evin’s arm curls around my waist possessively and Roman’s eyes drop. There’s a flash of surprise replaced with disappointment that’s impossible to miss. He covers it quickly, squaring his shoulders and smiling as he offers his hand. “Roman Spencer.”

  Evin places his glass on the bar, intentionally not letting me go, and shakes his hand. “Evin Graham.”

  Roman steps back, “Well, I’ll leave you two. It was nice to see you and meet you.” He jerks his chin to Evin.

  “You too, Roman. Take care of yourself,” I reply with a sincere smile.

  He takes off to the other side of the room, and when he’s out of range, Evin’s mouth is at my ear. “One look and I hated him on the spot. Now, I pity him.”

  I twist into him and find his eyes no longer lethal. “Remember that one date over a year ago?”


  “Friends set us up. It didn’t go anywhere.”

  “Didn’t go anywhere at all?”

  “Goodnight kiss.”

  “Pity him.” He grabs his glass and empties it. “A kiss from you and then the brush off. He tasted perfection and never got a chance for more. No wonder he looked crushed.”

  A warm and fuzzy sensation zings through me and I lean up, kissing the underside of his chin. “You say the sweetest things.”

  “I may be a lot of things, but never sweet.”

  “There’s a first time for everything.”

  He grins his sexy grin, and his eyes shimmer with approval. “Let’s keep it to ourselves.”

  “Your secret is safe.”

  “I hate to do this, but I need to excuse myself for a minute.”

  “Why do you hate to do it?”

  “Because looking like you do, I shouldn’t leave your side.”

  “Don’t be silly, I’ll be fine.”

  “Yeah, you will.” He strips off his suit jacket and drapes it around my shoulders, inching me toward the barstool. “Sit your fine ass right here, drink your champagne, and try not to bring too much attention to yourself.”

  I scoot onto the stool and lift the glass to my lips.

  “On second thought, don’t drink until I get back. Too sexy for your own good.”

  I throw my head back laughing, which earns me a scowl. “Don’t move.”

  He goes around the corner, and I follow his every step, appreciating how incredibly handsome he looks in his suit that was no doubt custom made for him. When he’s out of sight and I’m sure no one is looking, I wrap his jacket tighter and inhale deep, appreciating the incredible smell of his cologne. The fragrance is spicy and woody, totally old-school. It’s nothing like the trendy fragrances I buy Dante at Christmas. This is the scent of power and class.

  For a fleeting second, I think about who may have bought this for him, but then the thought vanishes. I trust when he said there hasn’t been a woman in his life. But that doesn’t mean there aren’t women close. His mom, Darby, Stephanie, Ashlyn, his niece Maya, he’s surrounded by women at home that probably keep him stocked in things as simple as cologne. I make a mental note to find the cologne before he leaves so I know what to buy him.

  My attention turns back to the bar, taking in the opulence of the place. A group of women strolls through, and I pick up immediately on the bride in the middle. It may be only Wednesday, but Vegas bachelorette parties happen every night. The large square diamond on her finger gleams in the thousands of lights hanging. My thumb goes to the base of my ring and I spin it, circling the diamond.

  I’m lost in thought, thinking about how Evin will never know how much this present means when my phone vibrates in his jacket pocket.

  I take it out and my blood runs cold. All thoughts of cologne, rings, and everything perfect about Evin dissolve.

  I grabbed the wrong phone. And it’s not Ryanne.

  Rina—I understand how seeing me with another man may have given you the wrong idea. He’s gone. I couldn’t stop thinking of how right I felt when we were together. My actions were irrational and selfish. I’d like to see you when you get home from Vegas, and I’ll be patient this time.

  Bile rises in my throat and jealousy like I’ve never known blisters through my veins. Tea
rs well up and my nose stings right as an arm wraps around my shoulder. Evin’s lips press to my temple and he tenses.

  “What the fuck?”

  “I didn’t mean to read this. I thought it was my phone and Ryanne was…”


  “I think we should go.” I suck in a breath and shrug his jacket from my shoulders. “And I’m going home.”

  “Fuck me. Baby, this isn’t what it seems.”

  I glare up at him and barely wipe the other tears that fall. “I’m a virgin, but I’m not a fool! You haven’t dated, yet this woman feels comfortable texting you at midnight her time to tell you she’s waiting for you at home? I know how this shit goes. Been there, done that before.”

  His face goes hard, his jaw ticking and the beauty of his eyes growing to a deep brown in anger. Without a word, he rips his wallet out and waves his credit card at the bartender.

  “You’re not going home.”

  “I am going home.” I slide off the chair and slink by him. “This is over.”

  “No, you’re going to listen to me explain why that text means nothing.”

  My instincts are telling me to get my phone and get away. I can go to Dante’s for the night and get my things from the hotel tomorrow when Evin’s gone.

  A low growl rumbles from his throat as his arm goes to my waist, tucking me to him. “If you run, I’ll catch you. Whatever you’re thinking is wrong.”

  I peer up and a tear escapes. His hard glare softens and fills with regret. “Shit, don’t cry.”

  Swiping the tear, I look away and swallow the emotions clawing at me.

  When the check is paid, he grabs his jacket and links my hand in his. Outside, the strip is revving up for another big night. I mindlessly take in the people, the lights, the sounds. All the years I’ve lived here, it’s never made sense how people can get swept up in the hype. Now it makes sense.

  We pass the fountains as the music begins and I tug Evin’s hand to stop.

  “Not in the mood for the show tonight,” he clips.


  He studies me, his hand squeezing tightly. “Fuck, I can’t say no to you.”

  I find myself back in his hold, my back pressed to his front with his chin on my shoulder. While the water, music, and lights all dance to a beautiful tempo, I think about what happened. My heart stammers in my chest, but my brain clicks into rational mode.

  What the hell was I thinking? Out of nowhere, a vicious memory from long ago slams into me.

  The starry-eyed young girl staring at the man she thought she loved. The man she planned to surprise with a night of romance that would lead to everything he’d been waiting for.

  The same man that had another woman in his arms the last time I saw him.

  Evin doesn’t deserve to be punished for him.

  The show ends too soon, shutting down before I can figure out exactly how to apologize. He keeps me close through the crowd of people and I’m thankful the elevator ride is full, giving me the extra time to think.

  We get into the room, and I’m immediately swarmed with thoughts of the last few days. “I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have read your private messages. It was intrusive and inappropriate. This has been wonderful—”

  “Shut it, Poppy. Don’t finish that sentence.”

  I jerk at the abrasive and coldness of his tone. He tosses his jacket to the chair and takes his phone out of his pocket, scrolling his screen. “Unfuckingbelievable. If the roles were reversed, I’d be a madman. Some man sends you a message at midnight telling you they want to see you? I’d lose my mind. Right now, I’m so fucking pissed I’m trying to hold it together.”

  “Truly, Evin, I shouldn’t have seen that.”

  His head snaps up, his eyes blazing with anger. “Baby, I’m not mad you saw it. I’m furious she upset you, put doubts in your head, and made you cry. She doesn’t have that right nor that power. She’s not a part of my life.”

  “Then why did she send that? You said you didn’t date anyone recently. She obviously thinks differently.”

  He scrubs a hand through his hair and exhales loudly. “Goddammit.”

  His attitude and expression are all I need to see the picture. “Oh,” is all I say at first, then I remember her words. “Was it easy to walk away? She mentioned you seeing her with another man. Did that bother you?”

  “No, it didn’t bother me. Whatever you’re thinking is nothing like what happened. Rina and I had a casual thing. We didn’t date.”

  “I may be inexperienced, but I’m not naïve. This was more than casual. She had deeper feelings.”

  “I swear this makes me the biggest asshole on the planet, but I have to set your mind straight. You asked if it was easy to walk away and the answer is yes. There was absolutely no emotional entanglement on my end. We’d meet up once in a while. It was convenient and simple until it wasn’t. She wanted more and gave me an ultimatum. I ended things.”

  “How long did you… ummm… see her?”

  “Apparently, long enough to give her the impression she could pressure me.”

  “That’s not an answer.”

  “Does it matter how long it went on? It’s over, it’s been over for a while. Her trying to pick back up isn’t happening. I’ve told her that.”

  “Her messaging you in the middle of the night doesn’t look like she got the message.”

  “No, it looks desperate.”

  “Is there any chance she’s—” I trail off, not able to stomach the words.

  “Hell, fuck, no.” His face morphs into horror and disgust. “Get that out of your head. If that woman is pregnant, it’s not by me.”

  A small amount of relief washes through me.

  “I’ve never wanted to lay into a woman in my life, but that look on your face is threatening my temper.”

  “Maybe we should change the subject.”

  “Wish I could, but what she did tonight put a black cloud of suspicion in your head.”

  “I told you, I overreacted.”

  “No, what you did was react. There’s a difference. Hours ago, we sat on that sofa and you admitted something special and valuable to me. You gave me your trust. She planted seeds of doubt. That pisses me off. She made the mistake of giving me an ultimatum, but if she hadn’t, there still wouldn’t be anything between us.”

  I flinch at his bluntness and drop my eyes to the floor. “Ultimatums are a deal breaker, I guess.”

  In an instant, he’s in my space, lifting my chin and giving me no choice but to face him. “Ultimatums are shit anyway you word them, but you want something from me and it means a lot to you, I’d work my ass to the bone to make sure you got it. She would not get that. No one but family ever has.”

  As much as this thrills me, I can’t hide my curiosity. “What did she want from you?”

  “We had different views on our situation. I thought we were on the same page. In her mind, her pussy had more control than it did, and she tried to use it.”

  “I’m not like that. I’d never assume my…” I swallow hard, hoping I don’t sound foolish, “… my pussy controlled you.”

  At my words, all the frustration drains and his beautiful lips curve up. “Another reason you’ll get anything from me. You don’t realize it but already have the power. The big difference here is nothing about us will ever be casual.”

  “I’m sorry,” I repeat.

  “You have nothing to be sorry for. Except for my texts with Ryanne earlier today, I have nothing to hide.”

  “I acted like a total bitch.”

  “No, you didn’t.” He pauses, his thumb rubbing along my chin and eyes filling with concern. “But, baby, we have to talk about what happened back there. I understand it upset you, but your first instinct was to run. You went into fight-or-flight mode quicker than anyone I’ve ever seen. You also made a snap decision to end things without giving me a chance to explain. There was a second I didn’t know if I could get through. I swore I’d never pressure
you, and I’m sorry, but time isn’t on my side here. Let me in on what is in your head.”

  My stomach twists and humiliation sets in. For us to move on, he deserves to know my story. Even if it means slicing open the wound of raw betrayal.

  “It’s not a pretty story.”

  “Already figured that out on my own. There’s no way I can leave tomorrow with this between us. Tell me what happened to you, so I make sure it never happens again.”

  “I’ll tell you everything, but first make me a promise.”


  “When I explain, promise me you’ll never look at me differently.”

  “Nothing you could tell me would ever make me see you as anything but perfect.”

  The tenderness and sincerity in his voice are all it takes. If I can trust this man with my heart, I can trust him with my ugly past.

  “In college, I was in a serious relationship with a man that cheated.”

  “Poppy, he was an idiot. You have got to know, I’m not that man.”

  “He was nothing compared to you. But he wasn’t the idiot in this situation. I was inexperienced and trusting.”

  “Just because you weren’t sleeping with him doesn’t give a pass to cheat. That’s not a man, that’s an asshole. Don’t take that on yourself.”

  “Sex was only half of it. And even with the humiliation and the unfaithfulness, I was grateful to him for not taking that from me. He left me with that small piece of dignity.”

  “I can understand how that would scar you, but it was a long time ago.”

  “It scarred me, but not how you think.”

  His body visibly tenses, but his thumb continues to graze gently along my jawline. He patiently waits for me to continue.

  “Cheating wasn’t the worst part. Isaac Blake did the ultimate betrayal.”

  He freezes and his eyes flash with recognition. “Isaac Blake the Tight End in the NFL?”

  “Yes. But he wasn’t in the NFL yet when we dated.”

  “What did that fucker do?”

  I suck in a deep breath and prepare to tell him the secret only a few people in my life know.

  “Isaac Blake slept with my sister.”


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