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Evin's Fight (Southern Charmers Book 3)

Page 17

by Ahren Sanders

  “Gotta agree with my boy. That oatmeal has worn off.” Edward taps his trim stomach. “Plus, whatever is cooking has my mouth watering,”

  I bite the inside of my cheek to keep from giggling, but a snort escapes and my hand flies to my mouth. Few people would refer to Evin as a boy.

  Annie looks over my shoulder to Evin. “You cooked?”

  “Poppy insisted.”

  She jerks her attention my way. “You cooked?”

  “Ashlyn stocked Evin’s house with everything I needed to make something easy.” Evin pinches my side at the term ‘Evin’s house', but I go on. “Outside of your dinner last night, Evin and I have eaten out every meal. I hope you don’t mind.”

  “That sounds lovely. I could have cooked, too.”

  “Plus, it allows for a much more casual setting. We can spend time together here before the craziness of the weekend.”

  A myriad of emotions passes over her face before she squares her shoulders, and I know I’ve said the right thing. “How can I help?”

  “Evin tells me the canned biscuits are nothing against yours. Will you make them?”

  I lie through my teeth, but her face is worth it. “Canned biscuits! Who has canned biscuits?” She focuses back on him. “Do you have what I need?”

  “You left it here last time,” he answers with a hint of amusement.

  Without another word, she brushes past us into the house.

  Edward chuckles. “Better go help.”

  When the door closes, Evin spins me to him so fast my head whips. He’s smiling wickedly, my stomach flipping at the gorgeousness in his expression.


  “Lying like a professional to your mother-in-law? Never knew you had it in you. Don’t know if I should be impressed or scared that you can lie so convincingly. Canned biscuits?”

  “It was the only thing that came to mind when she looked upset. You mentioned her biscuits once, and I took a chance on throwing it out there.”

  “Smart call.”

  “Think it went well?” I roll my lip through my teeth, the jitters creeping back in.

  “Baby, you brought her to tears and that rarely occurs. She knows what is happening between us is serious. First look, and her mind is probably filled with little girls in flower braids running around her yard.”

  My knees go weak and I press my weight to him. “Stop. We have to get through breakfast without me crying.”

  He takes my hand and we enter the kitchen to find Annie already wrist-deep in a mixing bowl. “Poppy, do you know where the cookie sheets are?”

  “I believe so.”

  “Grab a few, scoot over here, and learn how it’s done. Evin, make yourself useful and set the table. Least you could do while us women work.”

  The no-nonsense and bossy Annie that I’ve been warned about makes her appearance.

  “I voted to go out to eat. Less mess, stress, and quick,” he argues.

  “Of course, you were worried about quick. You’d do anything to keep Poppy from me.” Her eyes cut to me next. “Take note, if you ever have children, teach them respect early. Apparently, I missed the boat.”

  At this, I laugh openly, squeezing Evin’s hand and getting the pans to join her. I’ve always enjoyed cooking, but cooking with Annie is an experience all on its own. By the time we serve the plates, my cheeks are sore from smiling. As we eat, the conversation jumps around, eventually moving to my life in Vegas.

  Annie hangs on my every word as I explain my background and lead up to my audition and offer from Cirque.

  “Are your workshops part of your training?” Edward asks.

  “No, I do those outside of my weekly training. They aren’t like work at all.”

  Evin drapes his arm around my shoulder. “Those people adore her.”

  “Lynda, Jill, and I have already discussed it. If you have one of those while we visit, we’re joining. Show those young folks how it’s done.” Annie rolls her full upper body, shimmying in her chair.

  “Jesus, help us all.” Evin sighs.

  “Hopefully, it will be one of those hip-hop classes with Dante.”

  I giggle, knowing that Darby showed everyone the video on Evin’s phone.

  “When you get your dates, I’ll see what I can do.”

  “How long are you able to perform?”

  I read through Edward’s question, knowing he’s digging for more than my career timeline. “There’s not an age limit if that’s what you mean. Contracts renew yearly. I’m up through next May at least. Then we’ll see.”

  “Baby, they’d be losing a tremendous asset not to renew.” Evin kisses my temple.

  “Have you thought about what happens after you leave the stage?” Annie presses.

  I nod, glancing at Evin then back to them. “I don’t think I’ll ever leave the stage. Dante and I are opening a dance studio when we are no longer with Cirque. I minored in Kinesiology and hope to do strength and conditioning as well. We’ve been talking about it for years and have saved for when we’re ready.”

  “In Vegas?”

  “Not necessarily.” I leave it open because it seems too transparent to tell her I’ll most likely move to Charleston with my husband.

  “Your family must be proud.”

  Evin’s body goes solid, and his hand clasps my shoulder. “Mom,” his warning is brusque.

  “What? Your dad and I are proud of you and Darby for your success. Poppy’s parents must feel the same.”

  “It’s okay, sweetie.” I lean into his side, looking between my unsuspecting in-laws.

  “I cut all ties with my family when I was twenty-one. We haven’t spoken since. They do not know my life.”

  Their faces fill with shock and Evin grumbles under his breath.

  “Cut ties? They haven’t tried to contact you? Find you?” Annie’s voice is low and laced with disbelief.

  “They haven’t contacted me. If they tried to find me, they probably did. I’m not a ghost. But they wanted me to be someone I wasn’t. They had a choice to accept me, stand by me, and support me. It didn’t fit their agenda. I walked away and never regretted it.”

  “How did they let you go?” Annie whispers, her face now pale.

  “Mom, that’s enough,” Evin snarls, and I grab his hand to calm him.

  “Ryanne, Dante, and my team at Cirque became my family.”

  “You have a new member of that team.” Evin slides his chair back and raises me straight to his lap.

  “You have a lot of new members to that team,” Edward affirms gruffly, reaching for Annie’s hand. “We look forward to meeting your family while in Vegas.”

  She looks to him, clearly wanting more answers, but agrees with a smile. “Beauty, brains, talent, manners, and she can cook. I think that adds up nicely.”

  Emotions clog my throat, and I swallow, trying to stop the stinging in my eyes. A sliver of guilt hits me hard.

  “Poppy tends to cry when she’s happy. I love her happy but hate her tears. Can we change topics?”

  “Yep.” Edward digs out another serving of my casserole. “I’m thinking about this trip to Vegas. Not a show man, but seeing that video, things have changed. You think you’ll give this old man a dance at the wedding?”

  My emotions dry up and I flash him a smile. “You’re on.”

  Chapter 17


  “Told you she was a flawless flower child,” Scottie gloats. “You can thank me anytime.”

  I grin into my glass and keep my eyes on my wife, who’s dancing with Devin in her arms and Cole spinning around.

  “Thank you.”

  “You’d be stupid not to go the distance.”

  I don’t know if it’s the wedding vibe surrounding us, but I’m in a telling mood. “Who says I haven’t already?”

  Scottie gasps and Billie clinks his glass to mine. “Nice. Knew you were wicked smart with numbers, but glad you have some common sense, too.”

  “I-I-I… you… did you… are yo
u saying?” Scottie stammers, his eyes wide and volleying to the dance floor and back.

  “Poppy and I married last week,” I confirm, a rush of pride racing in my veins.

  “Oh my God!” He bounces dramatically, fanning his face.

  “Calm your ass down before you cause a scene. We haven’t told anyone yet.”

  “Why not?” he gapes.

  “Because Poppy is selfless and thoughtful. She wanted this weekend to be solely about Stephanie and Todd. We’re telling the family tomorrow night.”

  “She lied to me! That ring!”

  “She didn’t lie. It is an heirloom she inherited from her grandmother. It’s also the ring I slipped on her finger, knowing the woman she loved more than anything intended for it to be there forever.”

  “I can’t believe this. You eloped?”

  “Yeah, and I’d appreciate it if you could refrain from announcing it in the middle of this reception.”

  “This is huge. Annie and Darby are going to be beside themselves. We have to plan a party.”

  “Why don’t you enjoy this one that you already planned. Once we tell Mom, she’ll be calling you.”

  “Scottie, you need to tone it down,” Billie orders. “Stephanie and Darby are eyeing you.”

  He stills, draining his martini and turning back to the dance floor. “I’m happy for you, Evin.”

  “Appreciate that.”

  “Man, I hate to bring it up, but how is this going to work?”

  “Right now and the foreseeable future, I’ll be traveling to her as often as possible. The distance and separation suck, but the rings on her finger help soothe that burn.”

  The song ends and Devin lets out a baby squeal before planting his face in Poppy’s neck.

  “I’m going to dance with my bride before my nephew tries to steal her.”

  “The baby or the twelve-year-old?”


  “Good call, Cole is one-hundred percent Pierce in every way. Which means he’s starting young. Try not to crush his heart.”

  I hand off my glass to Billie and go to the dance floor. “My turn, buddy.”

  “Thanks for the dance, Poppy.” Cole leans in for a quick hug then runs off.

  Devin pumps out his baby fist but doesn’t make any move to leave her hold. I link my arms around her waist and pull them both close. “You seem to capture hearts of all ages.”

  “I’m not sure about that.”

  “Believe me, you are. And baby, you wanted today to be about Stephanie and Todd, but you’ve stolen the spotlight.”

  “I think it’s more about the notorious bachelor having a date.”

  My arms tighten. “The notorious bachelor dumped that title weeks ago.”

  She smiles up at me, bringing her hand to my neck. “Today has been a big day.”

  There’s something off in her voice and my instincts go on alert.

  “The grand celebration, the splendor, the breathtaking backdrop of the ocean while two people you care about marry. It was beautiful to witness.”

  “It was,” I agree cautiously.

  “Do you regret not having all this?”

  “Fuck no.” There’s no hesitation. “But the question is, do you?”

  “No, as beautiful as it was, this is not me. Like most girls, I dreamed up my wedding in my head. It could have been the beach, the mountains, a magnificent garden with hundreds of twinkling lights—no matter what, it was small and intimate. You made my wishes come true without knowing that. It was perfect.”

  “It’s the same for me, Poppy. You think Pierce, Miller, Todd, any man remembers all this shit? No, they remember the first sight of their bride, every step as she walked to him with glittering eyes and an expression meant for only him. The whispers of her promise to love him forever, and the feeling that scores through knowing she is yours. That first kiss after the ring slides on her finger making it official. That’s what a man remembers. The rest is nothing in comparison. I know because all that is burned in my brain until the day I die.”

  “You’ll make me cry.”

  “Hold it in, baby, because there’s more. I don’t regret or feel slighted because what we had made my wishes come true.”

  “Stop, stop being sweet or I’ll bawl like a lunatic holding a baby on the dance floor of an exquisite wedding reception.”

  I drop my forehead to hers, which Devin takes as an invitation to fist my hair. “I’ll stop after this. When you don’t have a baby in your arms, I’ll explain in explicit detail the other memory of that night that is burned in my brain. Promise you, that will be anything but sweet.”

  Her body shudders and her hazel eyes melt into a shade of blue I recognize well. “Does this explanation come with a demonstration?”

  My cock hardens at the huskiness in her voice. “Oh, yeah.”

  A throat clears loudly, and we turn to find Pierce and Darby. Pierce’s expression is lit with amusement while Darby is eyeing me with a glare I recognize well.

  “Darby—” I begin, but she waves a hand dismissively.

  “The jig is up. Don’t insult me by trying to skip around the truth. I’m a master in the art of evasion.”

  Devin hears his mom’s voice and instantly perks up, pumping his fist at her. The glare in her gaze lessens, and once again, I make a note that my nephew is an excellent distraction.

  “Well?” she snipes.

  “You may know the art of evasion, but you’re slipping in other areas. Took you long enough to figure it out.”

  Pierce barks out a laugh, curling his arm around her hip.

  “This isn’t funny.” She pokes him in the chest. “And for your information, I knew Thursday night at the bonfire something was off. This pregnancy and the fact my best friend was getting married may have impaired my speed, but I’m not slipping.”

  “I’m guessing this is the magic of twin power and she knows?” Poppy asks quietly.

  “Yeah, baby, she knows.”

  Darby cuts her eyes to Poppy. “Of course I know.”

  “Please don’t be mad. It was my idea to stay quiet until after this weekend.”

  Darby’s face softens and she drops the attitude, her smile splitting wide. “Oh, Poppy, I’m not mad. I’m thrilled, elated, want to scream in excitement happy. But it’s my job to give Evin a hard time.”

  Poppy relaxes in my arms. “Thank God.”

  “Since I can’t do any of those things without making a spectacle of myself because everyone will assume I’m in labor, tell me how long I have to keep this secret.”

  “Tomorrow night, you can unleash all the crazy you want.”

  “Did Elvis officiate?”

  “Shit, no.”

  “Marilyn Monroe? Frank Sinatra? Sammy Davis Jr.?”

  “Hell, Darby, do you think I’d stand in front of an impersonator and say my vows?”

  She shrugs. “You’re full of surprises.”

  “It was a romantic wedding,” Poppy pipes in.

  My sister’s expression grows dreamy. “Tell me you have pictures.”

  “Around two hundred, including Ryanne’s video of our proposal.”

  Pierce jerks. “You asked her? Thought you were smarter than that.”

  “Not sure you should dole out advice on proposals, man. Considering your track record.”

  “I didn’t say he asked. It was more of a telling conversation,” Poppy corrects him.

  He grins smugly. “You learned something.”

  “This is perfect. I can’t wait for tomorrow night. We’ll bring dessert. Now, I’m taking my baby off your hands.”

  “I got him.” Pierce reaches out. “You’re done for the day.”

  She rolls her eyes. “You’re being ridiculous.”

  “Baby, he’s twenty-five pounds. You want him, then sit your ass down, get off your feet, and rest.”

  “Poppy, I hope Evin isn’t nearly as bossy. If he is, nip it in the bud now. Or else, you’ll find yourself in a lifetime battle.” Darby tries
to sound irritated, but there’s no conviction in her words. Pierce may be overly protective, but he worships my sister with everything he is.

  “I think it may be too late,” Poppy reveals.

  “Oh, sister, get ready then.”

  At the term ‘sister’ my pulse quickens and I check for Poppy’s reaction. She doesn’t falter, her eyes glowing as she hands Devin to Pierce. “Maybe tomorrow night you can give me some pointers.”

  As soon as the baby is out of her arms, Darby takes advantage of her position and slides in for a hug. “My brother has never been this happy, and I have you to thank for that. Welcome to our family.”

  “I’m sincerely glad to be a part of it.” There’s an undeniable crack in Poppy’s voice.

  Darby transfers her back to me, pulling away with her own quivering lips.

  “We’ll leave you two to dance before I mess up and gush.”

  “Good idea,” I agree.

  “Congrats, man. You’re in for the ride of your life.” Peirce tips his chin and leads them away.

  “I didn’t know how much it meant to me until that second.” Poppy winds her hands around my neck.


  “Her approval and accepting me into your life. It felt awesome.”

  Hatred for her family boils in my blood.

  “I know that look and what you’re thinking, but this has little to do with them.”

  “It has everything to do with them.”

  “No, it is me wanting to be accepted by one of the most important women in your life.”

  “Look around you, baby. There’s nothing but acceptance and love in your future.”

  She flashes me that blinding smile that lights up her face and hits me hard every time.

  We stay like this, lost in each other and swaying to the music, until the band announces the tradition of the bouquet toss. “Come on, Poppy, get your beautiful bohemian butt to the front,” Mom yells.

  “You are not doing that shit,” I complain, not willing to take a chance she catches it.

  “It will be suspicious if I don’t.”

  “Get in the back. Don’t even try,” I order.

  “I see a lifetime of battles,” she refers to Darby’s remarks.

  “You want bossy, I’ll haul your ass out of here over my shoulder and not give a damn.”


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