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The Dead of Night

Page 3

by Paul Jenkins

“I’m sorry about your friend.”

  The man got to his feet and put his head in his hands, “I’m sorry.” He shouted

  Tom put his hand on the man’s shoulder, “Keep it down.”

  The man pushed him away and quickly withdrew a knife he slashed at Tom, Tom managed to dodge the slash and grabbed hold of the man’s arm he raised the axe and brought it down on the man’s head, the impact made a loud cracking noise, the blood splashed across Tom’s face, Tom watched as the man slumped to the floor, “Son of a bitch.”

  The group looked on in shock as to what had just happened, even though this wasn’t the first time they had to kill a living person, it shocked them and they knew that they would never get used to it, this was the way of life now, Jackie turned away and threw up

  “I’m sorry.” Said Tom looking down at the bloodied axe

  “Don’t be.” Replied Josh

  “He tried to attack you first with his knife.” Said Mark

  “We best stay here for the night.” Said Tom

  The group didn’t speak but all nodded in agreement

  “Plus there will be beds here in the sleeping quarters.” Added Tom

  The expression on their faces changed when the word bed was mentioned,

  “A bed, that sounds like a great idea.” Spoke Josh

  They made their way across the base to the sleeping quarters Jackie slumped down on one bed and closed her eyes, the rest spread out across the room and Tom and Alice jumped in the same bed, she turned to Tom, “Are you ok?” She asked

  “I think so.” Replied Tom

  It didn’t take them long to fall asleep it had been weeks since they had slept inside and most of all in a bed.

  The next morning the group had just finished breakfast and where standing around a grave that they had dug for Tim, Ian was speaking,

  “We didn’t really know much about Tim but he was a great asset to us and will be missed.”

  The group disbanded and Tom and Mark headed to the fuel depot while the rest of the group searched for anything valuable. “You ok Tom?” asked Mark

  “I’m ok, how about you?”

  “I’m ok I just hope there is enough gas in these pumps.”

  Tom smiled, “Me too.”

  Tom picked up a jerry can and held the nozzle to the can he looked up at Mark,

  He then said “Moment of truth.”

  He pressed the handle and they both cheered at the sound of the gas filling up the cans.

  “This shit is like gold nowadays.” Mark said

  Tom laughed as he fastened the lid onto the first can, he filled up four more and headed to the truck luckily the keys where still inside he fired up the engine, it roared to life the tank was just under half he pulled it towards the pumps and filled it up. Tom and Mark then jumped into the cab and drove to the main gates the group where standing by waiting.

  “No more walking for miles on end.” Said Alice

  “Everyone pack up and get in.” shouted Tom

  They all leave the base in a happy mood, stomachs full, gas tank full and enough supplies to last them at least a month.

  Chapter Five

  It was late afternoon and the group where about to pull over when they noticed two trucks blocking the road ahead, Tom slowed down the truck

  “What the hell!” He said

  Alice looked up and noticed the trucks blocking the road, “Who would do that?”

  Suddenly a group of twenty men appeared from the bushes with rifles aiming at the truck.


  A tall man stepped out from behind the men and headed towards the truck he tapped on the window

  Tom unwound the window and the man spoke,

  “Where are you heading?”

  “North.” replied Tom

  “What you got in the back?”

  “What’s it to you?” replied Tom

  The man tilted his head to the side, “Well you are passing through our community.”

  “Your community?” asked Tom

  “Yes, do you have a problem with that?”

  “No, let us through and we’ll ne on our way.”

  “Afraid I can’t do that.”

  Tom sighed, “Why the hell not?”

  “Give us something in return.”

  “What do you want?”

  “What do you have?” asked the man

  “We have food and water.” replied Tom

  “What about weapons?”

  “It looks to me that you have plenty why would you need more?”

  The man turned to his men, “Lower you weapons.”

  The men lowered their weapons the man then turned back to the truck,

  “Come to our community maybe we can do a trade?”

  Tom looked over to Ian and he nodded,

  “Ok lead the way.”

  “Take a left and drive for a mile you’ll see the gate, ask for Mike he will let you in.”

  “And who are you?” asked Tom


  Tom sighed, “Ok.” He shut the window and took the left turning, after a mile they came to a walled of village with a gate covering the road a man appeared from the gates and made his way towards the truck, Tom leaned out of the cab, “Don sent me he said to ask for Mike.”

  The man nodded and walked back to the gates after a moment they opened up and Tom pulled in. the group climbed out of the cab and where soon surrounded by the people in the community. A man appeared from a building and strutted over to them,

  “You come to trade?” he asked

  “You must be Mike.” Asked Tom

  The man smiled, “Correct, so the trade?”

  “We have food and water.” replied Tom

  “We have lots of that what about weapons?”

  Tom sighed, “You have plenty of those too.”

  “I take it Don sent you?”


  Those gun aren’t loaded we need ammo, do you have any?”

  “Not really.” Replied Tom

  Josh was staring at Mike, “Do you have a problem?”

  “No.” replied Josh

  “If anyone has problems with anyone around here we settle that on the field.”

  “What?” asked Tom?

  “If there is a dispute we let them fight it out for entertainment.”

  “What kind of fights?”

  “Any, from weapon fights, fist fights you name it.”

  “What happens to the loser?” asked Ian

  “If there still alive then they have to leave.”

  “That’s a bit harsh isn’t it?”

  “Not really, I look after the people here and they look after me.”

  “Well what would you trade us?” asked Mark

  Mike looked at Mark, “Food and water for ammo.”

  “We said we don’t have any ammo.” Replied Tom

  “Well you stay here.”

  “You can’t make us.” Snapped Tom

  “I can’t but try to leave and my men will kill you.”

  “You said you had no ammo.”

  “Maybe I was lying.”

  The gates opened again and Don and his men entered the community,

  “Don, show these nice people to one of our rooms.”

  “We don’t want a room.” Replied Tom

  Mike looked at Don, “Don.” He said

  Tom turned to Don and was knocked down to the floor the last thing he heard before blacking out was Alice screaming.

  Tom awoken an hour later his head was pounding he shot up and jumped from the bed,

  “Tom, calm down.” Said Alice

  “Where are we?” he asked

  “They locked us up.” Replied Josh

  Tom held his head, “The truck?” he said

  “They moved it somewhere.” Replied Ian

  “What the fuck is going on?”

  “He brought us some food.” Said Jackie

  Tom looked down at the tray of food and sat back down on the bed a
nd sighed.

  “We need a plane.” He said

  The group turned to Tom he spoke again, “Mike mentioned something about fights.”

  “What are you planning?” Asked Alice

  “Maybe if I can get a fight with him and kick his ass then that’s our ticked out of here.”

  “He’ll never agree to that.” Came a voice from the corner

  “Who are you?” asked Tom

  “Aaron, he locked me up for been to drunk, I mean what else is there to do nowadays.”

  Josh tapped Tom on the shoulder, “He’s coming.”

  The door opened up and Mike entered with Don, “Aaron you can leave now.”

  “Yes boss.” Replied Aaron

  Aaron quickly left the room and scurried away Mike looked over to Tom,

  “Now that you are awake I will be back in twenty just to give you time to come too.”

  Mike slammed the door behind him and walked away.

  Twenty minutes later Tom watched through the bars as Mike strutted towards the cells he unlocked the door and walked in,

  “You people ready?”

  Tom looked at Mike, “For what?” He asked

  “You are tonight’s entertainment.”

  Mike looked to his bodyguard, “Open the cell.”

  The man unlocked the padlock and opened up the door, “Out.” He said

  Tom, Alice, Josh, Ian, Mark and Jackie left the cell Mike pointed to the wall,

  “I want you all to line up against that wall.”

  The body guards pushed them all against the wall,

  “Now my people here are waiting on a fight, you are all going to fight each other.”

  “You can’t do this.” Snapped Tom

  “I do what I want.”

  Mike walked to the door and opened it up, “Now get out there.”

  The group made their way out the door and where met by bright lights and a crowd of people who where mumbling between themselves. It was almost midnight and there was a cool breeze in the air. Mike stood in front of the crowd and raised his hand,

  “Shut the fuck up.”

  The crowd fell silent, “Now these people here are going to fight the winner gets to stay and the rest will die.”

  Tom edged forward, “Hey.” He shouted

  Mike turned around, “Don’t interrupt me.”

  “How about I fight you, one on one, if I win we get to leave.”

  Alice looked at Tom, “Tom no.”

  Mike walked towards Tom, he looked over to Alice and back handed her and she fell back,

  Tom shot towards Mike, “You son of a bitch.”

  Mikes right hand man Don, grabbed hold of Tom,

  “Ha-ha you are crazy.” Said Mike

  “Fight me or are you a coward.”

  There were a few laughs in the crowd Tom had embarrassed Mike in front of his people.

  “How fucking dare you.”

  “Come on what are you afraid of?” Tom taunted Mike

  He faced the crowd and could see them all smiling and mumbling to each other,

  “Ok. If you can beat Don, my right hand man, then you get to fight me.”

  Ian steps forward “I will take on your right hand man.”

  “Good luck with that.” Replied Mike

  The crowd began to boo, “Shut the fuck up of I’ll kick you all out of here.”

  “It’s on.” Mike accepted the offer

  Mike heads towards a chair facing the fight, “Front row seat to an ass kicking.”

  The bodyguards led Alice, Jackie, Tom, Josh and Mark to the side while Ian stood looking into the man’s eyes the man was at least a foot taller than Ian,

  “You’re going down big boy.”

  The man grumbled and laughed he then faced Mike, Mike stood up from his chair,

  He held his hand in the air, “Fight.” He shouted and lowered his hand

  Ian and the right hand man began circling each other, the man swung his arm but Ian managed to duck he threw a punch at the man’s kidney he ducked another swing from the giant’s arm and hit him with an uppercut that made him lose his balance for a moment the giant became angry, he wiped blood from his mouth, “My turn.”

  He ran at Ian and tackled him to the floor he punched Ian in the face he then raised both hands, which were balled into fists, Ian quickly kneed the giant between the legs he tumbled off of Ian and clutched his groin, Ian jumped up and kicked him in the head then got on top of the giant and began punching away, Tom looked over to Mike’s face, his jaw was wide open he was watching as his right hand man was getting beaten up Mike stood to his feet,

  “That’s enough.” He shouted

  Ian threw one last punch and got to his feet Mike looked towards the crowd they had a look of confusion on their faces, “Get up Don.”

  The crowd began to boo, “He clearly won.” Shouted a man

  Mike looked at his guards and then back at the crowd,

  “Join your friends.” He said to Ian

  Ian turned and walked away Don slowly staggered to his feet,

  “Come back you haven’t won yet!”

  Ian turned around to face Don, “Best of three.” Replied Ian

  Mike smiled, “I like that.”

  Don ran at Ian again and tackled him to the floor, he swung a few punches and got back to his feet he made his way towards a wooden box that was a few feet away from Mikes chair

  Tom and Alice looked at each other, Tom got to his feet, “Hey what’s going on?”

  Mike rose to his feet, “I forgot to mention there is a weapons box.”

  “Come on Ian get up.” Shouted Tom

  Ian sat up and saw that Don had turned from the box holding a sledgehammer,

  “Oh shit.”

  Ian shot to his feet and at Don, Don raised the sledgehammer and Ian slid between Dons legs and ran to the box he looked inside and grabbed hold of a machete, he turned to Don who was now running towards him Ian took a deep breath Don was inches away now.

  “What’s he doing?” Asked Alice

  “He’s got this don’t worry.” Replied Mark

  Don swung the sledgehammer again Ian rolled out of the way and slashed the machete across the back of Don’s legs he dropped the hammer and fell to his knees Ian raised the machete.

  “Stop!” shouted Mike

  Once again the crowd booed, “Shut the fuck up.”

  “Kill him.” Came a voice from the crowd

  Mike shook his head and sighed, “Ok I’ll fight you.”

  Tom stood up from the seat and made his way towards Ian

  Mike pointed to Ian, “You go sit down.”

  Ian dropped the machete and made his way to the seats mike looked to his guards,

  “Clear up the field.”

  Three guards walked over, two of them helped Don to his feet and the other removed the weapons. Mike made his way down to the field from his chair the crowd fell silent.

  Tom spoke, “Just me and you one on one with no weapons.”

  “I make the rules.” Replied Mike

  “No we settle this the old fashioned way or are you too much of a pussy.”

  Mike scowled, “Fine.”

  The crowd began to cheer as Tom and Mike stood facing each other the guard raised his hand and then shouted, “Fight.”

  Tom smirked and quickly threw a punch at Mike he tumbled back and hit the floor, he looked around as the crowd began to laugh, the people had never seen Mike fight any battles he always had his guards around him, Mike grunted and got to his feet he swung a punch at Tom but Tom stepped back and punched Mike in the gut, Mike leaned forward holding his stomach, Tom pushed Mike to the floor, “You are nothing but a coward.”

  Mike began to crawl backwards he came to the edge of the grass with Tom following, Mike grabbed a heap of dirt in his hands and quickly threw into Tom’s face, Tom stepped backwards and Mike jumped to his feet the crowd booed, “You’ll all pay for this.”

  Mike threw a few punches at Tom knocking h
im backwards, Tom gained his composer and blocked one of Mike’s punch, he then head butted Mike, Mike tumbles backwards and held his nose, “You motherfucker, my nose.”

  Tom walked towards Mike and grabbed his collar he punched him in the stomach again he then lifted him up, “Am I embarrassing you in front of your people?”

  Tom punched Mike again and he fell to the floor the crowd cheered as they knew that their leader was about to die, although he fed and protected these people he wanted them to fight and clear fences by themselves, Tom put his knee onto Mikes chest and began punching away. The members of Mike’s group watched on as Tom was beating the hell out of their leader, “You are a coward who hides behind his men.”

  Tom threw more punches at Mike his face was already swelling up, his nose bleeding and his lip bust open. Tom stopped and looked at his firsts, his knuckles where covered in blood,

  He stood and faced the crowd, “Look at what we have become, fighting and killing each other, we should be looking out for one another, good people are dying out there and we have fucking idiots like this trying to take over this new world.”

  “Look out.” Shouted a man from the crowd

  Tom turned as Mike had gotten to his feet he tried to swing a punch at Tom but he ducked and pushed Mike to his knees, “You lose now my friends and I can go and you have to leave.”

  “Kill him.” Came a voice from the crowd

  “Yeah, fucking kill him.” Came another

  Tom looked towards Alice then Mike began to speak,

  “I took care of you people and this is how you repay me! Guards kill this man.”

  Mumbles came from the crowd Mike’s bodyguards dropped their weapons to the floor.

  “What are you doing? Kill this man.”

  “Your rules Mike we don’t interfere.” Replied one of the guards

  A man appeared from the crowd holding a pistol, he handed it to Tom,

  “This was why he never fought he always said if he fought and lost the crowd would decide.”

  “No, I want to leave.” Snapped Mike

  The man looked down at Mike, “Just like my brother wanted to leave and Johnny’s brother, you promised them if they lost they could leave this place but you shot them in front of these people you broke your promise.”

  Mike tried to stand up but the man punched him in the jaw the blood dripped from his mouth

  “I always wanted to do that.”

  The man nodded to Tom and walked away back to the crowd, Tom looked down at the gun then back at Alice and his friends they all gave him a nod and Tom turned to Mike,


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