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Tethered Wings (Hidden Wings Series)

Page 5

by Cameo Renae

  “I could totally get used to this,” he said.

  “I’m sure you could,” I answered.

  Chapter 6

  “I’m curious as to why the bond chose us, and really want to know more about you. Would you care to enlighten me about your life?”

  “You mean from the beginning?” I questioned.

  “Sure, or wherever you’d like to start.”

  “Well, I recently found out that my mom and dad weren’t my real parents. I had been given to them at birth, as protection from of Lucian’s attempt to eradicate all Nephilim.

  “And your adopted parents were good to you?”

  “I never knew I was adopted. They loved me like I was their own, and I never felt as if I wasn’t theirs. I never once questioned it. They were amazing, and I loved them so much.”

  “What happened to them?” he questioned.

  My breath momentarily seized in my throat. I inhaled deeply and continued.

  “We were on our way home driving on a dark road when one of Lucian’s Fallen dropped down from the sky, right in front of our car. My dad swerved to avoid him, and we careened off the road, straight into some trees. Kade saved me. He was my Guardian, and had followed behind us in another car. Somehow, before the impact, he managed to get into our car and shield me from the crash. I had been screaming, so he put me to sleep.” My heart ached as I thought about it. “If it could have been possible, he would’ve saved my parents, but there was only time to save one. And I was his priority. They were killed instantly.”

  “I’m so sorry,” he said softly.

  “Thank you,” I said.

  “So this Kade is a true hero,” he said with a hint of sarcasm.

  “Yes. He is a hero. My hero. He saved me more times than I can count, and I don’t appreciate you degrading his actions.”

  “Hey, I’m not here to start a war. I really am grateful he saved you, but that doesn’t mean we will be buddies. Right now your hero is my enemy. He holds the heart of the girl I’ve bonded too. You have to remember, I never chose this. In a split second, the bond ripped out half of my heart and handed it to you. Hell if I’m going to stand by and let someone steal that part from me. I am here for you, Emma, and you alone. I will protect you and keep you safe, because fate has chosen us to be together.”

  I closed my eyes and shook my head. “I realize that, and I’m sorry. But you also have to remember it wasn’t my decision either. This damn bond, or fate, or whatever the hell you immortals call it, really screwed up my life. I never asked to be bonded to anyone, let alone two completely different people. I’m the one who will have to make a choice and break someone’s heart. It’s a pressure I don’t want, or need.”

  “Fair enough. Let’s change the subject,” he said. “I was told how your Guardian became mortal…but I’m confused as to why he hasn’t sealed the bond with you yet?”

  “How the hell would you know? Maybe he did,” I said. I didn’t like him talking negative about Kade, or our relationship. He had no clue what we’d been through.

  “Oh, I’d know. If he sealed the bond, I wouldn’t be in the middle of this damn dilemma.”

  “Well, you’ll have to deal with it. He has been doing his job and looking out for my best interests, not his own. Kade is a gentleman, and keeps in line with my wishes.”

  Ethon huffed, “Do-gooder.”

  “Hero,” I replied.

  He snickered. “About heroes, word is you slayed our Hellhounds. Is this true?”

  “I did.” I kept a straight face because I didn’t want him to think I was weak.

  “And how the hell did you do that?”

  “Magic,” I said flatly, then grinned.

  “Alright. I’ll give you that. You are pretty magical,” he agreed. “I raised a few of those Hellhounds myself. They were practically family and would tear anyone’s head off who got near.”

  I glared at him. “Your ‘dogs’ killed a friend of mine, and nearly killed the rest of us. They deserved their end.”

  “They were only doing their job,” he stated.

  “So was I, and I don’t have one ounce of regret,” I said raising my voice an octave louder.

  His eyes glazed over. “I think you and I are more alike than you think.”

  “How would you know?” I questioned.

  “Because when those you care about are in danger, you wouldn’t hesitate to kill for them, and in the end you have no regrets.”

  I nodded. He was right. That was exactly how I felt.

  A few weeks ago, I would rather have captured a bug and set it free, than killed it. Now, I was battling with supernatural beings, killing when I had the chance. It made me wonder what my future had in store. What would I become? I could feel a change happening. If I had a moment of peace, it would probably scare the hell out of me. Instead, the threat of constant danger strengthened and protected me from my weaker self.

  “My father should make you a Gatekeeper,” he snickered.

  “Screw that. He can guard his own damn gates.”

  “Feisty. I like that,” he noted with a wicked grin.

  I shook my head and grinned back. He was right. This was not my normal temperament. He was bringing out a different side of me…and I sort of liked it.

  “What’s your story, Ethon? I’ll bet you were a little devil growing up…” I sniggered at my amusing word play.

  “Oh, the shame, Emma. That was pretty bad,” he said shaking his head. “But seriously, you want to hear my story?”

  “Yes. I’ve been told we have some time to kill. So, I know the story of how you ended up with Lucifer, but what was it like growing up in hell?”

  “Fair warning, my story is pretty boring. The Underworld probably wasn’t much different than growing up in any other place, except it was dark, hot, and there weren’t many others to interact with. I spent a lot of time either with my father, his pets, or those who schooled and trained me. That two-headed mutt you met was one of my best friends.”

  “I could tell it, or they, really loved you,” I giggled.

  “Yeah, it wasn’t a charmed life, but it wasn’t boring. My father kept me hidden deep within his chambers for safety’s sake, because he knew Lucian would have me killed if he ever found out. He had his best warriors train me in every aspect of battle. When I turned eighteen, my transformation gifted me wings and speed, and ever since, there has been no one who can match me.” His lips turned up slightly.

  “After I turned eighteen, my father set me free. I was stronger than any of his best warriors, and he knew I could take care of myself. I’ve been free ever since.”

  I exhaled into a whistle. “That wasn’t boring. It sounds like you’ve led a very adventurous life.”

  “I don’t know if you’d call it ‘adventurous’, but I see your point. It wasn’t boring.”

  We finally reached the weeping willow, and Ethon sat under the shade of its hanging branches. The pond was the most beautiful turquoise blue. He took a small pebble and skipped it across the top of the water, sending ripples out to all its corners.

  “Come. Sit,” he said, patting the ground next to him.

  I slowly made my way over and settled into a spot near him, but not too close.

  “So what is the connection you have with Alaine?” he questioned.

  I paused before I answered because I knew he wasn’t supposed to know Alaine was my birth mother.

  He already knew Samuel was my father. If he found out Alaine was my birth mother, things would get complicated very quickly. I just hoped he wouldn’t put two-and-two together. Right now, he thought I was a Nephilim - half-mortal and half-immortal, and my birth mother was human. So that would count Alaine out. I’d just leave the explaining of that particular part of my life to Samuel and Alaine, when the time was right.

  “Well, Alaine is my mother’s half-sister, and the only living kin I have left. As soon as she heard about the accident and subsequent death of my parents, she immediately made arrangeme
nts, and took me in.”

  “That was very generous of her. She seems like a very caring woman. And what about the other two mortals? How did she come by them?”

  “Well, Courtney and Caleb were children of her best friend who died of cancer. Alaine was with her just before she died, and promised her she’d take care of them. They’ve been with her since.”

  Ethon nodded. “That was a very brave thing to do, to rear another’s children. I have great respect for your aunt.”

  “So do I,” I whispered. I scooted forward until I almost touched his leg, because it felt like there was something uneven under me. When I looked back, I noticed a perfectly square rock under the earth. Ethon’s arm quickly snaked around my waist, and pulled me in-between his legs, with my back resting on his chest.

  “Are you more comfortable now?” he asked.

  My pulse began to race, and my stomach twisted. “Yes,” I gulped.

  I didn’t want to turn around because I knew if I did, I would be in trouble. The pull of the bond was just too strong.

  I felt his large hands engulf my waist, and then was lifted and turned like I weighed nothing. I was now face to face with the deviled beauty, straddling him. His crimson eyes were ablaze with desire, and this time I could see little specks, or embers, burning deep within them. I was completely spellbound.

  “You’re beautiful,” he exhaled. “Sinfully beautiful.” His fingers grazed the side of my cheek, leaving a trail of tingles.

  “Ethon, what are you doing?”

  “I think if you’re going to have to make a decision about one of us, I should at least get a chance to show you what I have to offer. Don’t you think that’s only fair?”

  “Yes,” I automatically said, “I mean, no… I – I don’t know.” There was a war going on inside of myself, and he could see it.

  “Don’t worry. I promise not to seal any bonds,” he assured me with a grin on his face. And then I thought I heard him whisper. “But we might get close.”

  His arms suddenly wrapped around me. Electricity buzzed heavily, causing everything to melt away, except…I was hyper-aware of where our bodies touched. His eyes were fire, burning even brighter. They locked me in and took me captive.

  Before I could blink, he pressed his warm lips to mine, and I melted against his large frame.

  “Ethon,” I whispered into his mouth. The heat between us was growing, we were nearly combustible.

  “I’ve got you,” he said, out of breath. He then rolled us backwards, his body stretching out on top of mine. Holding my arms above my head with one hand, he slowly left open kisses on the nape of my neck, across my jawline, and then back to my lips. I moaned with pleasure as his eager mouth found mine.

  It happened so fast, but it felt so damn good.

  I was warring with myself. We should stop, it wasn’t fair to Kade. But the bond wanted us to seal its magic. It was strong and tenacious, attempting to block all rational.

  A cacophonous shrill suddenly pierced the air.

  I opened my eyes.

  Soaring high above, was a large black raven. It’s ungodly, shrieking caw persisted, completely terminating our heated make-out session.

  Ethon pushed himself up and yelled, “Ash, you stupid-ass bird. I’ll pluck out your freaking feathers out – one by one - until you’re naked, and then I’ll cook and eat you!”

  The huge bird started to descend from the sky, and as it did, I sat up and tried to straighten myself. I had a disturbing feeling that Lucifer might have been watching us through his dark villainous eyes. I wondered how long he was above us, or how much it heard.

  Ash finally flapped down and landed on a branch, just out of reach. Its head tilted back and forth, and its beady black eyes steeled on us.

  “Father? Are you here?” Ethon asked the bird.

  The raven gave a slight nod of its head. At least it looked like a nod.

  “How the hell did you find me here?” Ethon yelled at it.

  It flapped its wings a few times, and then floated down until it sat right next to him. Suddenly its beak began to move and intelligible words emerged. The voice was unmistakable. It was Lucifer.

  I felt embarrassed he’d seen us.

  “Ethon. Bane and Azzah are searching for you. The Darkling sent by Lucian have been exterminated, and the girl must be returned. You do not need a war with the Guardians on your hands. It will only complicate matters.”

  “You know I could give a shit,” Ethon answered.

  “Ethon,” Lucifer scolded. “You have an abundance of time to seal the bond. Now is not the time. Not while we are in the midst of war.”

  “I’m fully aware, and we weren’t going to seal any bond,” he answered.

  “Lucian was testing the strength of the Guardians. He is gathering an army and building his power, biding his time until he strikes. My army is ready and awaiting orders. But a word of caution. Lucian is sly. He is watching from the shadows. Be on your guard at all times, my son. He would revel in killing you and presenting me your head on a platter.”

  “Don’t be concerned about me, father. I can take care of myself.”

  “I trust in you, but a father worries. Take her back, Ethon. Bane and Azzah are nearby.”

  “I will.”

  The raven gave one more piercing shrill and took off. I watched it fly toward an almost invisible spiral in the sky, and then it vanished.

  Ethon huffed, then stood and brushed himself off. “Well, that freaking sucked. I’m sorry we were so rudely interrupted.”

  “I’m sort of glad we were. I think we needed it… we probably would not have stopped.”

  His eyes snapped to mine and beamed. “I knew you couldn’t resist my charms.”

  I opened my mouth, but nothing came out. He was right. His charms were almost impossible to resist, even without the bond. The bond just multiplied it one thousand times.

  We may have been complete opposites, but I kind of liked who I was around him. I had previously thought choosing was going to be really simple. Ethon wasn’t even on my radar until today. I couldn’t say that now. He was a spitfire, and very witty. He’d also endured his own battles, and was raised by someone other than his birth parents. Thankfully, Lucifer saved him and kept him safe. He was all that remained of his bloodline.

  Then, there was Kade…who was everything I’d ever dreamed about in a guy. He was the very first boy to steal my heart. A knight in shining armor. The bond chose us first, and I knew why. Kade had many good qualities. He was handsome, sweet, protective, a perfect gentleman, and he had his own spunk and charm. Most importantly, he had validated his love for me over and over again.

  “Are you ready?” Ethon asked, stepping closer.

  “Yes.” The air around us was alive and buzzing.

  “Let’s fly, angel,” he smiled, holding his hand out to me. I giggled, placing my hand in his. Ethon yanked me to him, wrapping his arms around me. I decided to hook my legs around his waist…for safety reasons.

  He gave me one last kiss.

  “Hold on,” he whispered. His beautiful wings magically appeared and stretched out past his sides.

  I tightened my hold on his neck and waist, and a look of pleasure washed over his face. He lifted his eyes to the sky, and with a flap of his wings, we shot up. I knew we probably wouldn’t have any more alone time, but I was glad I had a chance to learn a little about him.

  We were flying in the same direction Ash had flown. I twisted my head up just to see if I could see anything, and noticed a small ripple in the sky.

  As soon as we reached it, we were instantly transported from bright and sunny, to the dark forest, dodging trees. Ethon was flying so fast, everything was a blur. It made me nauseated. Closing my eyes, I burrowed my face into his neck and breathed in his calming scent.

  “Please let me know when I can open my eyes again,” I murmured against his skin.

  “Deal,” he chuckled.

  Chapter 7

  There was a sudden
change in direction, and I knew we were headed straight up. I quickly opened my eyes to peek, just as we burst from the darkness of the trees, into the dark open sky. Ahead of us, about a half-mile away, two dark figures were headed toward us. The goons.

  Bane and Azzah looked just as excited to see us as we were to see them. Their faces were hard, and had Darkling blood splattered all over. They looked like the most miserable creatures on the planet. Were they ever in a good mood?

  I had a sneaking suspicion that Bane and Azzah were bitter to the core; it exuded from their pores. Anger and hate flowed through their veins.

  “So, did we have fun slaying the Darkling?” Ethon jested.

  They growled in response, glares were evil, and their faces started to turn a shade of red.

  “Ethon, don’t,” I pleaded. I knew he had a love-hate relationship with them, but I was on a hate-hate basis with them right now. He was making it worse.

  He glanced at me with a nod, as if he was complying.

  “They’re all dead,” Bane said in a deep voice. “Samuel wants the girl.”

  “I know. We were just on our way back.”

  “We’ll escort you,” Azzah said. His voice low and showed no emotion.

  “If you can catch me,” Ethon antagonized.

  Flapping his wings, we shot off. I screamed and burrowed into him again, as he flew at a crazy supersonic speed. I knew we lost Bane and Azzah and I was pretty happy about it.

  A little over a minute later his cheek pressed on mine. “We’re here.”

  As I opened my eyes, Alaine’s house came into view. It was a beautiful site from the air, except the Labyrinth. There, the ground was covered with death.

  A small crowd was gathered out by the cabin in the back, and Ethon chose to land directly in the center.


  My stomach churned as we made our descent.

  As soon as our feet touched the ground, Alaine ran and grabbed me, pulling me into her embrace, away from Ethon.


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