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Because of Him_The Forgiveness Duo

Page 11

by Ava Danielle

  “She’s right,” I agree prepping my fist.

  “Fine,” the lady removes her hand and walks away leaving us giggling like schoolgirls.

  Successfully we open our newly bought Blender and toss in all sorts of fruits we had left over from Thanksgiving. The excitement about our blender definitely fills the apartment around noon when Bennett struts out of my bedroom in sweat pants and an annoyed look. “That’s the item you guys went home with after hours of shopping?” he yawns.

  “Did you just wake up?” I kiss his lips and back away with a disgusted look waving my face, “you have dragon breath. You need to get that shit cleaned up.”

  “What? I don’t get a better kiss than that after you just woke me up? I’m wounded,” he holds his heart as I point into the direction of the bathroom.

  Love is a wonderful thing, not a stinky thing.

  Stuffed and satisfied Bennett and I cuddle on the sofa with Cassie catching up to some movies and television. It’s a relaxing day with old stories of growing up and the avoidable subject of Noah. It seems every day one of us makes contact with Noah unwillingly. Whether it be with Bennett at the fire station when he suddenly shows up to interview one of the men about drugs. Or at the magazine asking Cassie if perhaps we could write an article about the drug problem in town. Maybe he forgets we’re a travel magazine just trying to show the good side of the city. It baffles me how he continues to meddle into our lives.

  Bennett’s hands are fondling down my pants. Cassie is only a few inches away and every time I try to get Bennett to stop, his fingers slide further and further down nearly playing with my clit. I’m shocked how much he doesn’t seem to care we’re not alone. My hand’s trying to pull his hand out, but he’s distracting me with his lips against my neck. Neck kisses, my favorite. But his fingers manage to tease my clit and there’s nothing I can do about it. Without words Cassie disappears from the couch leaving us completely alone.

  “You know?” he asks.

  “Know what?” I’m confused.

  “Why she left?” he pushes his finger further into my clit.

  “Because you wouldn’t stop messing with me,” I throw my head back into his chest enjoying the moment.

  “Because you moaned. And when you moan, it’s not quiet,” he adds another finger.

  “Well if you weren’t so horny and always trying to play with me and so fucking good at it, I wouldn’t have to moan,” I feel myself moan even those words.

  This wouldn’t be the first time we’ve had sex on the sofa and I guarantee it won’t be the last. He and I have a very healthy sexual relationship. We can’t keep our hands off each other, in the sense we’re really always horny for each other. Any chance I get to have his dick in my hand, I take it. Every chance I get to feel him inside of me, I take it. I take him anyway I can get him.

  “So, when’s our next trip?” He seems to forget it takes me a while to wind down after he’s giving me yet another amazing orgasm.

  In between breaths, “I don’t know,” I sigh, “are you sure you’re going to be able to go with me?” I inhale deeply.

  “If I have a long enough heads up, I’m definitely going to be able to.”

  “What are your interests?” I nuzzle into his arm.

  Playing with my hair, he counts off all the amazing abandoned places he’d like to see. However, when I mentioned an abandoned mall, at first, he was anything but excited, until I mentioned we could pretend to make a video acting silly, something he’s mentioned wanting to do for a while now.

  “I’m game,” he pushes me aside ready to charge his phone and get dressed.

  “I didn’t say right now,” I roll over and sigh deeply.

  “I do,” he lends me his hand demanding me to follow lead.

  Dusk is upon us as we pull into the parking lot of the mall. Bennett couldn’t wait any longer and decided we needed to get out in the evening and explore the mall at dusk. I admit, I’m a little reserved and skeptical about the feeling I’ll have. I’m afraid the fright might take over my ability to observe any detail. With him by my side I should be doing all right.

  The parking lot is completely empty, the store signs have been removed, and the only entrance open to still look around the mall is the old food court entrance. Driving around the mall until we find the right entrance I notice the old Macy’s store, which is only visible when you look at it close enough. It’s a bit eerie. Once we find the door and we enter inside, I’m stunned how real it all still feels. The teal carpet guiding the way with the teal and white pillars makes it feel like you’ve gone back a few decades, the 80’s to be exact. There are gates marking off certain areas. Being the only ones walking around a mall is unreal. Some stores look like they were just closed with everything still inside. The mall walker’s signs with mile marks still exist on the walls. The escalators are locked off with gates and padlocks to keep from going up. Some stores have been left destroyed with broken furniture and shelves. The sound of voices echo through and music plays on the speakers above. “Do you hear it, too?” I ask wondering if I’m hearing voices. Construction workers scare us from a store as we look through some of the closed gates. Some stores have empty shelves, some are still fully decorated, and in others there’s empty space with the original store signs still hung – Man Line, Forever Young, Lizzies, Vas Uez Liquidation – whatever that could mean with missing letters. Direction signs guide us towards the Mall Office, North Wing, South Wing, Global Market, Global Fun N Food. The remains of Hickory Hollow are anything but exciting. It’s quiet. The floor is tiled with white and orange tiles and teal carpeting.

  While writing my notes and researching some viable information for the article we sit on this old white sofa that is still placed in the middle of the mall. Looking around we are wondering what their plans are with all these stores. It’s not completely abandoned, there are some stores being turned into a Laser Tag and one barber shop still stands open. You wouldn’t think it just driving up into the parking lot though.

  You may think it’s crazy to drive all over to explore abandoned places, but once you walk those grounds that were once vibrant and action packed, it’s a surreal feeling to be upon silence feeling there is still that action. It sounds crazy, I know. But imagine going back into an empty house you once lived in and having memories of that house, you can feel those memories come back to life. It’s pretty close to the same except you imagine others and the memories this place may hold. The kids that may have ran through the halls after being told not to. The couple that met up as teenagers and ended up making out in a corner. A boyfriend buying an engagement ring for his girlfriend, the retired couple that have been married for nearly fifty years spending a Sunday Afternoon after church browsing the department stores. It’s all here. You can imagine it.

  Bennett pulls out his cell phone and starts speaking into the camera while I’m writing my notes. He’s rambling on about something and decided to take selfies with me. I’m distracted and become ornery.

  “You about ready to go?” I ask as he plays with his phone.

  “Whenever you are,” he puts his phone away as we walk back out of the mall. But we didn’t make it far. Security stops us,

  “Can I ask what you’re doing here?” one of the officer asks.

  “I’m a journalist writing an article,” I start to explain but Bennett notices my hesitation and interrupts,

  “Actually, I’m a firefighter and was told to check the safety of this building since it’s been abandoned. I have a permit with me in my vehicle if you’d like to follow us but be warned I parked around the other side of the building just to put in some steps,” he points towards me and my Fitbit, “figured I’d kill two birds with one stone,” he laughs.

  Nervously I wait for a response from the officer worried there might be repercussions.

  “Nah, I’m not into all that extra walking,” the somewhat heavier officer says. You can tell he’s had maybe one too many donuts. Bennett pulls out a card from his
wallet and shows the officers, “Looks legit,” the officer says as they wish us a great day and walk away.

  A big sigh of relief escapes my lips, “damn, that was close,” I push the door open as we scurry out,

  “What did you show them?” I’m curious.

  “My firefighters permit so they’d believe me.”

  Grabbing his hand, “good save, Babe. I’m so glad I have you.” He picks me up in the empty parking lot, swings me around, and makes it known across the empty lot how much he loves me.

  “I’ll shout it to the world.”

  The past year has been a whirlwind of emotions. Never growing up have I ever felt a rollercoaster ride of feelings and confusion. It’s been an up and down. It’s been a wondering, crying, distraught, mind blowing, and the happiest feeling. I’ve changed from becoming someone’s girlfriend, to being left behind, to finding the broken pieces and mending them together again, to rise from the ground and start my own business, make a name for myself, only to fall in love again, and be destroyed by the person that left me behind at the start. It’s been a crazy year, but I wouldn’t trade it for anything because for the first time in my life, I finally feel settled where I need to be.

  With Christmas just around the corner and Bennett and I getting serious, we’ve decided to visit my family back in Colorado. They’ve returned from Spain this past year retiring in our old vacation home in the mountains. He’s excited to finally meet my parents and I’m excited to see some snow and go skiing. It’s been a few years since I’ve seen them and the break will be a nice change of scenery. I love Nashville, but there’s nothing to be compared to the snow-covered Colorado Mountains.

  “Tickets are booked,” I sit behind my desk at work as Cassie sits across from me.

  “Are you nervous to bring him to your family?” she asks.

  “No, they remember him, they just aren’t aware how close Bennett and I actually are.”

  “What?” she’s surprised, “you haven’t told them?”

  “I haven’t told them Noah is alive either,” I lay it all out.

  “Oh shit,” she utters.

  “I figured it would be better to say it face-to-face?” I question.

  “In a way, I guess. But maybe you should’ve eased them into it. I hope your mom doesn’t have a heart attack.”

  “I think the heart attack would’ve come if I’d brought Noah. Instead, I’m bringing someone they don’t think is dead, that’s a plus,” I huff.

  “Have you seen Noah since Halloween?”

  “I don’t wanna. I’ve heard he’s come around, but I manage to not be where he is, which is a good thing. I just wish he was really dead.” I know it’s horrible to say, but when you’ve thought someone is dead, your mind prepares you to never see them again, and you finally get used to the thought, then it’s even harder when they return.

  She sighs, “Makes sense.”

  Doing a little bit at work I’m surprised to see Bennett show up at the office in his uniform. Quickly he walks around my desk and places a kiss on my lips. Surprised it’s nothing more than a simple kiss I pull him in for more. The heat rises between us, “Did you close the door?” I ask as he pulls back,

  “Babe, I’m only here to grab the envelope you wanted me to take to the bank.”

  Sad, I lean back in my chair, “and here I thought we could, you know.” He stops me,

  “Bow Chica Bow Wow on your desk?” he laughs as he grabs the envelope.

  “Something like that,” I laugh and situate myself.

  “I have to get to work and figured I’d drop the money off at the bank for you on my way. That’s the least I can do for you after you buying the tickets to take me to Colorado.”

  It was my treat, though he wasn’t happy with the thought. What do you get a man for Christmas that has everything? All he asked for was time spent with me, uninterrupted time, and he’ll be more than happy to know he’ll get that in Colorado at the cabin my family owns. But he’ll know about that soon enough.

  After Bennett leaves my office, I’m surfing the web for some things for us to do in Colorado, for someone that’s never been outside of Tennessee, except for our trip to Louisiana, I’m excited about all the things I can show him. Turning the television on to find my favorite show General Hospital (don’t make fun of me) I half pay attention to it as I’m forming the next magazine and adding some of the amazing stories my staff have written. I’ve hired a few writers over the last few weeks and I haven’t regretted it yet. My magazine is finally pulling through and taking off. I started with only a few local shops taking it into their inventory, now it’s sold by some of the major retailers. It’s a big deal. While watching my favorite Character Nathan West strip into his uniform I’m glued to the television only for it to be interrupted with Breaking News, “Seriously?” I shout at the television as I go back to my work.

  “You good?” Cassie storms in wondering about my outburst.

  “Ugh, they interrupted GH for breaking news,” I ignore the television as I’m putting the magazine back together again.

  In the background I hear the report of a bank robbery and get even more upset of the interruption of my show.

  “What about this?” I ask Cassie as we continue to work on the magazine.

  “Shh,” she stops me mid-sentence and turns her head towards the television.

  “They said there were casualties, damn,” she mumbles as she’s staring at the screen,

  “Holy fuck, look at those cops running.” I take a minute to also watch the screen hoping my show comes back momentarily.

  “Wow, they even brought in the SWAT team,” I’m now also hooked on the reporter’s words as we watch this situation unfold.

  “I can’t believe the helicopter is recording all this live,” we’re both sitting on top of the desk watching the television eating some Twizzlers I had pulled out of my drawer as if we’re watching a thriller on Lifetime.

  “Oh, look, look,” I point at the television, “they’re at the back door. What if they’re met with the criminals?” I chew.

  “There’s someone coming around the front, shit, he’s being carried out,” and I suddenly realize.

  “Cassie,” I drop my Twizzler, “Cassie. Cassie. Cassie. Cassie,” I shout jumping off the desk.

  “What?” she looks at me paranoid.

  “That’s the bank Bennett is at. He dropped off some money for me. Cassie!” I shout.

  She grabs my phone off my desk and hands it to me, “Call Bennett. Call him right now before he gets there.”

  “What if he’s already there?” I ask.

  “Just fucking dial,” she screams. It rings and rings and rings and panic fills me.

  “He always answers. Always. Unless he’s on a call.” Hoping deep down he didn’t make it to the bank I’m pacing the room never taking my eyes off the television screen. What seems like hours have only been a few minutes. I’m waiting. I’m wondering. I’m scared. I’m losing my fucking mind. The live television cuts off, returning GH, as they plan to give more details after the show, I’m left with Nathan West and no care in the world. My favorite show suddenly turned into a nuisance.

  Two hours. And still no word from Bennett. Two hours of worry. If something has happened, I’m sure I would’ve received a call or something. Instead, dead silence. I call the fire station and the secretary couldn’t tell me much more than they’re out on a drill and to maybe call back in a few hours. The waiting game is the worst game. Impatiently I’ve lost all creativity towards my magazine. Closing up early after I’d sent everyone home, I’m met with Cassie in the elevator. “I thought you already left,” I wondered to see her.

  “Nope, leaving now, what’s the latest on the robbery?”

  “I don’t have a fucking clue, the show came back on and I never heard anything else.”

  My cell rings and without looking at the number on the display I answer. Broken words from the shitty reception in the elevator, I can’t understand anything as
I yell, “Hang on, don’t hang up, I’m trying for better reception,” as the doors open and I storm out of the building.

  “Hello? Can you hear me?” a male voice asks on the other end of the line.

  “Yes, yes I’m here. I was stuck in an elevator. Who’s this?” I ask.

  “This is Dr. Storm calling from Vanderbilt Medical Center, am I speaking to Jenna Greene?”

  Eyes wide, heart racing, speechless, and scared, I just “hmm” into the phone.

  “We have a patient here,” I mumble Bennett’s name under my breath, “as I was looking through the wallet to identify the patient, we stumbled across your name and number and some photos of what I presume is you two together, I have Noah Wright here and if you could come down to the hospital for some questioning, that would be great.”

  Did he say Noah? Noah is as at the hospital? Why are they calling me about Noah?

  “Did you say Noah Wright?” I’m stunned.

  “Yes, ma’am,” the doctor doesn’t seem phased by my many questions as I’m trying to figure out what happened and how his condition is,

  “It would be helpful if you could come down to the hospital,” he continues to say as I finally agree.

  “They called you about Noah?” Cassie is as stunned as I am.

  “They did. What do I do?” I’m shaking from head-to-toe.

  “I’m going to take you to Vanderbilt and we’ll go from there,” she firmly grabs my hand before I collapse in the parking lot.


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