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The Drazen World: Hold (Kindle Worlds Novella)

Page 6

by Kristi Beckhart

  I’m so in awe of her transparency in this moment. I watch her face change too, morphing into one of acceptance, followed with gratitude, and finally joy. I almost push her down and attack her neck with my mouth to thank her before she even says…


  “Just promise me you won’t run again. Promise me you won’t let anything or anyone come between us again. We’re in this together.”

  “I can’t think of anyone else who would try to come between us. I’m pretty sure they’ve all tried. And no more doubting from me. No more indecision. From now on, it’s you and me.”

  Chapter 18


  Three weeks later. Moving Day.

  Crawling over the stacks of brown boxes in Eve’s kitchen to find my water bottle proves to be quite a challenge. The apartment is pretty small, so we managed to pack everything in a couple of days and there are boxes everywhere. She doesn’t really need all this stuff, since I have everything at my place already, but she insisted on bringing some of it. The rest is going to an organization called PREP. Families transitioning from homelessness can shop (for free) in their thrift store one day a week, and the rest of the store hours are open to the public. The proceeds benefit those same families. It’s a great place and mostly volunteer run, so I’m happy to do the manual labor to help her donate. She insisted we do the packing ourselves, rather than hiring a moving company to do it, though we do have movers coming soon to get the boxes out. Not my first choice, since her outfit makes me think of a hundred other things we could be doing right now.

  Her athletic top bares her toned shoulders and arms. Her sports bra squeezes her tits together so much, I want to lift it up and tease those gorgeous nipples. Her shorts are… well, short. When she bends down to lift something, I swear I can see the place I want to burrow into right now. I can hardly wait to get her alone when the moving is done, so we can christen every surface of my… our place together. I better tone down my thoughts or I’ll never make it through the day, but first I catch her on her way back to the bedroom.

  “You look hot in this.” I blow gently in her ear and trace the edge of her sports bra, right where her breast bulges over a little.

  “What? You’ve got to be kidding me. I need a shower already. It’s hot.”

  “You don’t even know, do you?” I circle her flattened nipple through her shirt and bra. “Everything you do makes me want to pin you down and play with your body.” I whisper in her ear, but my lips never touch her. “When you’re finally in my house, I’m gonna make you scream any time, any place I want, so be prepared.”

  She fingers me through my tented shorts, my cock long and stretched toward her. “Right now. Do it now.”

  “Nope. Not now. I want you to be hard for me all day, just like I am for you. I want you wet and waiting for me later tonight.” I lace my fingers over hers, which are now kneading my balls. “All day, I want you to think about how this will fill you up and make you come,” I say as our hands stroke me through the material. “Trust me. I’ll be thinking about it too.”

  “Just a quickie, come on.”

  “You can do it.”

  I pull away from her when there’s a knock at the door, and a long, drawn-out moan escapes her. It takes a few deep breaths before my boner softens a little and I can answer the door. I show the movers around since Eve has disappeared into the bedroom. She better not be taking care of herself in there. I want her good and needy for later.

  The movers and I grab a few boxes and make a trip down to the truck. After handing off the two boxes of books I carried down to the truck, I turn around and see a figure duck between two buildings a half block away.

  On the sidewalk, I take out my phone and pretend to look at it when I’m really searching for Ricardo’s car. I asked him to stay on duty today even though I’m here, since I’ll be busy. The sooner Eve is moved in, the sooner we can all be together where I can better protect her.

  When I turn to run back into the building, I run right into my sister.

  “Sarah,” I say, surprised.

  “Hey! I heard it was a big day and I was in town, so I thought I’d stop by.”

  “How’d you get this address?” I ask, knowing Eve’s address is unlisted.

  “I heard your girlfriend was moving in, Sam.” She shakes her head. “I got her address from Mom and Dad.” She tsks as though I’m still a kid. “And I just gotta say, this could mean irreparable damage to your reputation and your ability to effectively run the business. Our business, goddamn it. We’ve turned this thing into an empire, and now you’re acting irresponsibly because you’re thinking with your dick.”

  “Oh, for fuck’s sake,” I say, wiping my sweaty brow with the back of my hand. “You have no idea what you’re saying. Besides, you might do the books, but the rest is mine. My fucking empire, to use your word. So don’t threaten me.”

  “I’m not threatening you; I’m looking out for you. And we’ll see what Mom and Dad have to say about your attitude.” She seethes, squinting at me. “You’ve always wanted me out. From day one. This situation will not be your excuse.”

  “This is not a situation! This is my new family. She’s not who you think she is. You’re wrong. And I do not want you out. It’s a family business.”

  “I Googled. I did my research. Unlike you.”

  Of course. I’m not surprised. Sarah Googles everything.

  “She comes from an affluent family. They’ve got money. I’m not so worried about her being after ours”—she shakes her head and corrects herself—“yours anymore, but I’m just worried about you, little bro.” She brushes a blond lock of hair out of her eyes.

  “I know, but you don’t have to be. I don’t know what’s gotten into you lately, but the things you say about Eve are spiteful and almost prejudiced. That’s not like you, and it’s definitely not the way Mom and Dad raised us.”

  She puts her hands on her hips and sighs. It takes her a minute, but she shifts her weight from one foot to the other and says, “Ever since Stacey died, I’ve been ultra-sensitive, I guess. I miss my baby sister, and I’m not sure… you don’t know this, but Mom and Dad did. When Stacey was diagnosed, she was dating a black guy.” She takes a deep breath and blows it out softly, looking as though she’s about to cry. My sister never cries. “As soon as he found out it was terminal, he took off. They hadn’t been dating for very long, but she thought he was the one, you know? It broke her. I always wondered if… maybe she’d have lasted longer… they say you can lose the will to live, right?” She holds her fist up to her closed lips.

  I touch her arm and her shoulders shudder as she weeps. I put my arms around her. She keeps her arms crossed but lays her head on my arm.

  “She was devastated, and he left her. It was a horrible thing to do.” She wipes her eyes, pulling away from me. “I mean, I realize any guy could have done that, but this guy was poor. Stacey didn’t care because that’s how she was. She appreciated people for who they were. She paid for everything. She even co-signed on a car for him. And then he just takes off like that? When she was dying, Sam! She was such a good person, and he left her.”

  “Sounds like Stacey. You’re right, I didn’t know any of that.” I say. “But Eve isn’t like that. Don’t worry about me. I’ve got this, okay?”

  She shakes her head as though she doesn’t believe me, but she says, “Okay. Just maybe consider a prenup if you get married? Or a lease now that she’s moving in? I mean, you should do that with whoever you end up with.”

  I laugh. “You’re such a firstborn.”

  “You’re such a hopeless romantic.” She rolls her eyes, and we laugh together.

  Chapter 19


  What the hell was he thinking? Jesus, now I’m gonna walk around all day feeling as though I’ve got a grapefruit between my legs. I’m so swollen, I don’t know how I’ll get through this day. I sit down for a minute in my bedroom to soak in this whole moving in with Sam thing, and I smile jus
t thinking about it. I realize I’m happy. Like really happy. I can’t wait. I uncross my legs and wait for the grapefruit to shrink so I can actually think clearly.

  I walk downstairs with a box for the moving truck, but before I even see it, I see Sam with his arm around his sister, Sarah, who appears upset. I slowly walk toward them, unsure if I really want to face her right now. But I guess I have to get used to seeing her since she’s his family.

  They’re smiling by the time I get there, and I’m surprised by that. I would rather smack her across the face than pretend to smile with them, but it also looks like she’s been crying.

  Her face grows serious as I approach. Great. Here we go again. I look at Sam, and he smiles and places his hand at the curve on my lower back.

  “Hi, Eve,” Sarah says. “I, um… I’m so sorry. I don’t even know what to say.”

  Sam rubs my back.

  “Hi. Uh, okay,” I say, unsure what she means.

  “I was out of line. If my little bro loves you enough to move in with you, then you must be a good person. I’m sorry I was so rude to you.” She offers me her hand. “Forgive me?”

  I look back and forth between her and Sam. She looks sincere and he clearly believes her, so I shake her hand. “Forgiven.”

  After a long and somewhat awkward goodbye with her, we turn toward the door of my apartment building as one of the movers walks out with my duffle bag. The navy one with white straps that wrap all the way around the bottom and gather at the top to make the handle.

  That bag traveled with me everywhere. To volleyball practice and games, to sleepovers and camp. But most importantly, it’s still filled with the few items I was able to grab when I fled from Matthew. All I had was that bag, the diaper bag, and Aaron. I haven’t even unpacked it yet. It is too emotional. I remember putting in some extra clothing, a few mementos, my journal, and my favorite CD. That’s it. And it’s too emotional to unpack, so long ago, I put a small padlock on the zipper so no one else could see what’s inside. I run to catch up to the moving guy who has the duffle. When I take it from him, my hands shake and I stutter as I ask him for it. This one item is maybe the single most important thing I will move today.

  It’s not something I can think about too much, but when Sam drives me to his house, I keep the duffle with me in the front seat, clinging to it for dear life. At one time, it was my whole life. Today, I’m starting a new one with Sam, but I can’t seem to let this one go. Maybe I’ll find the courage to unpack it when I get there, or maybe I’ll pack it away in storage. Right now, it brings me comfort in this time of change and that’s okay.

  When all of my things are settled into his garage for me to sort through and put away tomorrow, it’s late enough in the evening for me to find Lupita, who has been watching Aaron all day. I walk down the hallway toward his new bedroom, already set up with a new cherry wood crib and dresser set.

  The blackout blinds are closed, so it’s dark in the room, but I hear his little voice.


  I take another step.

  “Mama. Mama.”

  Lupita stands and transfers his warm little body to my arms. Yup. He still smells like pancakes, as always.

  “Hello, my baby boy.” I bounce him in my arms for a moment, holding him close and so happy he’s comfortable. “Thank you, Lupita.”

  She nods and bows out of the room.

  “Nose,” he says and pinches my nose. “Eyyyes.” He pokes me in the eye.

  “Mouse.” He sticks his straight little finger right into my mouth.

  “Mouth-th-th.” I try to correct him, but frankly, he can call it a mouse because that’s adorable.

  This is what you do with a toddler. Same thing every day. He’s really trying to learn the names of things and I love it. I’m so content, sitting here with my son after a day of hard work, rocking him to sleep. It’s always soothing. No matter where we live, this is where home is. Right here with my boy.

  Chapter 20


  After checking the lock on the garage one more time and saying goodbye to Ricardo, I still have a sense that something isn’t right. I check the home security app on my phone and everything is clear, so I stop Ricardo before he leaves.

  “Hey, you wanna stay for a beer quick?” I ask.

  “Yeah. I’ll stay, thanks. Besides, I got a weird feeling.”

  “You too, huh?”


  While we talk, I scan the wide sidewalk, looking for anyone suspicious. Oh, hell, I know who I’m looking for. I bet he’s gonna be here tonight. I bet he followed us here. If so, this ends now.

  I lean back against the rough exterior of my house, shooting the breeze with Ricardo. We stand within the slanted line of the light coming from the top of the garage door. Waiting. Ready. He’ll be here shortly, I’m sure.

  And right on cue…

  “That’s my boy, not yours.” A male voice comes from the shadows just outside the light. Bingo.

  “Is that right?” I answer and put my beer down. “You’ve got an interesting way of showing it.”

  “You stay the hell away from him.” Matthew steps into the light and shows his face. His hair is tousled, his clothes still frumpy, his speech slurred.

  “And why should I do that?” I smirk and stand tall as he approaches.

  “You don’t know who you’re dealing with.” Several inches shorter than me, he puffs out his chest, trying to look tough, but I see through him when he stumbles. He’s drunk.

  Ricardo sets his beer down on the concrete and steps forward.

  “Yeah, I kinda do. Deadbeat. Drunk. You fucking locked up your family.” My index finger taps his nose and he swats it away. “You had your chance and you messed up. Now it’s my turn.”

  His piercing eyes lock with mine as his hand curls into a fist. “She’s mine. I’m gonna get her back. I’ll kill you if I have to!”

  He pulls his arm back, winding up for the punch. I catch his swinging arm before it gets anywhere near my face, and Ricardo joins me. We push him a little too hard up against the sharp edges of the wall and knock the wind out of him.

  “Stay away from her. And stay away from me and my business,” I say.

  He huffs and tries to jerk away from the grip I have on his arm, but the two of us hold him back.

  “Or I’ll have you arrested. I’ve got you on my security cameras at work, and you’re on camera right now. I have access to lawyers who could make sure you never see the light of day again.”

  He freezes. Now I’ve got his attention.

  “She’s moved on. She’s mine now. Go home before I call the police.”

  His eyes search mine and seem to fall toward surrender with each passing second.

  My voice softens a bit as I say, “And you know what? I’m gonna do you a favor. I’m gonna take care of your boy for you. I’ll keep him safe and feed him. I’ll rock him to sleep and play ball with him. But you gotta get sober, man. You have to get well or you’re going to do more damage than you already have. Go home and get some help.”

  “Matthew?” Eve is standing at the open service door of the garage.

  “Eve!” He fights against us, trying to get to her, but we hold on tighter.

  “What are you doing here? Why aren’t you at Riverside?”

  “I needed to see you.” He smiles, looking hopeful.

  She storms toward us. “So you follow me around and stalk me? What the fuck?”

  “I just came here tonight to say goodbye, but these fuckers won’t let me go.” He pulls away from us, and we let him. He loses his balance, stumbling to the concrete.

  “What is wrong with you? You can’t do this anymore, Matthew. I should call the police! I should have called the police before!” Her voice is low and powerful, her eyes darkening in anger with every word. Her posture is straight, poised, and proud. God, I love her. “Get out of here. Now.”

  He stands up like he’s going to walk towards her, so I keep my arms out to prote
ct Eve if needed, but he stops and stares at her, then finally looks down.

  His posture changes; he looks defeated. “Okay. But I’m coming back. You’ll see, Eve. We’re still meant to be.”

  He quietly walks away, his figure swallowed by the shadows of my neighborhood. I barely see him get into an old beater of a car. The raspy engine rumbles to life, and the muffler drags intermittently as he drives away.

  I hope he’ll leave us alone now. That was his last chance.

  Chapter 21


  Tap. Tap. Tap. We knock on Mia’s apartment door. It’s Tuesday, and even though we don’t live right next door anymore, we’ve decided to continue the greatest tradition ever. Taco Tuesday.

  She opens the door with her usual fervor and bounces around her apartment to the cha cha music blaring from the speakers. Aaron jumps out of my arms and stomps his feet in the same motions she is. Her blond curls are bouncing every which way, and he’s shaking his booty faster and faster. They really are the cutest together.

  I miss her being so close by, but Sam squeezes my hand and winks, which reminds me that we’re still in a better place now. But she is such a great friend and we had a good setup, and I’ll never forget that. Even if Mia and I were to ever fall by the wayside, because that happens sometimes, she’ll always have a special place in my heart.

  After dinner, just as we’re starting a rousing game of hide-and-seek, my phone rings. I answer.

  “Eve? It’s Jack.” His voice breaks. “Renee said you saw Matthew…”

  I excuse myself into Mia’s bedroom. “Yeah, he was here, you know, a while ago, but I don’t know where he is now.”

  “I know…” He clears his throat. “That’s because he’s gone.”


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