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by Pepper North

  Would you be willing to spend the afternoon with us tomorrow? We would love to take you to lunch and have a chance to talk. Would you meet us at Sullivan’s on Broadway tomorrow at noon? We will reserve the private room, so we can talk without fear of others overhearing. Just tell the staff our last name and they will bring you to meet us. If you have any questions, please call our cellphones at 223-777-0112 (Nora) or 223-777-0221 (Ryan).

  Chapter 4

  Madeline’s fingers were dialing the phone before she even realized what she was doing. The phone rang twice, and a nasal voice identified it as the police’s nonemergency number and asked how to direct the call. Madeline asked for Detective Victor Adams and was put on hold as she was connected.

  “This is Detective Adams,” a strong, deep voice identified himself.

  “Ummm,” Madeline realized at that moment she didn’t know what to say. She froze looking at the message on the screen without saying anything.

  After a long pause, the deep voice asked with a hint of laughter, “Is this Madeline by chance?”

  Madeline nodded her head before realizing that he couldn’t see her. She rushed to answer, “Yes, this is Madeline. I’m sorry to bother you but I was told I could call this number . . .” her voice faded away. “How did you know that my name is Madeline?” she asked perplexed.

  Detective Adams did chuckle at that. “Ryan Redmond just called and asked if a new Little girl could contact me as a character witness. I just imagined how my Little Emily would have approached that first conversation. I had just pictured her calling without having a clue of what to say and panicking when the phone was answered.” His voice became very businesslike, “You were very smart to contact me. It’s always a good idea to make sure that the people that you are meeting are honest. You are also very lucky to have been matched with Ryan and Nora Redmond. They are wonderful people. You can meet them safely. Would you like me to go with you to meet them?”

  “No, I’ll be okay. I’ve actually already met them briefly. I’ll be okay. Thank you for helping me,” her voice hesitated again. “Do you think I could meet Emily some time? I don’t know any other Littles.”

  “I’ll make that happen, sweetheart. Emily loves making new friends. I’ll schedule something with your parents,” the detective answered kindly.

  Madeline said goodbye and hung up the phone. She looked at the message from the Redmonds and squared her shoulders. Lifting her hands to the keyboard, Madeline quickly typed a reply message and pressed send before she could change her mind.

  Chapter 5

  Ryan had just left to drive down to the gate. He parked his car and walked to the gate to open it. He turned when he saw headlights coming from their home. Surely, Oliver wasn’t leaving when his pizza was just about to be delivered. Ryan was surprised to see his wife’s car coming toward him quickly. It slowed as it reached him and the window rolled down.

  “Ryan, she’s answered. I’m going to pick her up now. She’s as eager to meet us as we are to meet her. Put the pizza in the oven, and we’ll have dinner together,” his wife’s face was filled with hope and happiness.

  Ryan smiled back. “I didn’t want to suggest that, but I know that I would have struggled to sleep tonight. Go, Nora. Drive carefully. Bring our Little girl home.” He waved until he saw her taillights fade into the distance and the headlights of the delivery driver pull up to the gate. Ryan gave the driver a very large tip. He wanted everyone to be as happy as he and Nora were.

  Chapter 6

  Nora drove carefully to the apartment building at the address Madeline had sent. She opened the door just as a small figure walked out of the main door walking slowly toward her. She was carrying something that Nora couldn’t quite make out. As they got closer, Nora saw she had a large tote bag over her shoulder that was stuffed with something.

  “Hi, Madeline,” Nora said softly as her eyes filled with tears. “I am so glad to see you. Can I hug you, sweetie?”

  The small woman hesitated and then nodded her head shyly. “I’d really like that. I’m so nervous,” Madeline admitted.

  Nora walked the last few steps to stand in front of her sweeping Madeline into her arms. Nora had always been tall, but this Little girl was almost a foot shorter than she was. She held her tight against her body before easing back to look in her eyes. Nora smiled and leaned down to press her lips against Madeline’s gently. She watched a smile spread across Madeline’s face as well.

  Nora wrapped an arm around her Little girl and walked her back to the car. She opened the door and helped her inside. Nora reached around her to fasten the seatbelt and by chance brushed the young woman’s small breast. Immediately, Nora saw Madeline cross her arms over her chest. Without thinking, Nora pulled Madeline’s hands away from hiding her erect nipples. “No, sweetie. Mommy needs to know how you feel at all times. You never hide from Mommy.” Madeline froze and then slowly moved her hands to rest in her lap before her left hand slid down into the tote bag to touch something to reassure herself. Nora saw the plush fur of a stuffed animal as the flap moved slightly. She ran her hand softly along Madeline’s jaw and smiled at her before stepping back to close the door and walk quietly around the car.

  She drove home quickly making small talk with Madeline about the weather and local sports teams to fill the silence. She wanted to set Madeline at ease without discussing important topics until Ryan was able to join the conversation. She pulled up at the gate and opened it to drive through. She pulled up to the front door, and Ryan was sitting on the steps waiting for them.

  Ryan walked down the steps to open Madeline’s door. Helping her with her seatbelt, he lifted her out of the car and into his arms. He held her close as he leaned in and pressed his forehead against hers. “We’ve been waiting to meet you for so long. Thank you for coming to meet us tonight.” Ryan lowered her to the ground and took her small hand in his. He started to pull her up the stairs but felt her pull back. Ryan turned to see her look back at the car urgently.

  “I have him, Madeline. Would you like to carry him?” Nora asked lightly handing over the tote bag as soon as Madeline nodded with a smile. “What’s his name?”

  “Snuffles,” Madeline answered automatically before turning bright red. “I’m sorry. It’s silly. A woman my age shouldn’t bring a stuffed animal to meet new people.” She dropped her head down to look at her toes.

  “If I were Snuffles, I’d insist on coming with you, too. It’s important that he meet us as well,” Ryan said as he helped her loop the straps over her shoulder. “Come with me, Madeline. Are you hungry? Do you like pizza?”

  Nora smiled as she watched the small hand slide back into Ryan’s. That’s why she’d married Ryan. He had the natural charm to make everyone feel an instant connection. Madeline looked back at her to check that Nora was coming as well. “I’m on my way, sweetie. I love pizza.”

  Madeline nodded carefully, “Me, too!” She looked around cautiously at the big house and shadowy grounds. There were lots of lights shining to brighten up the front of the house, but Madeline still felt a shiver when she looked at the dark corners. She never had gotten used to the dark. That’s why she’d brought Snuffles. He always saved her from the shadows when she was a kid. Now that she was grown up, Madeline realized that there were worse things out in the world other than the monster under her bed. But that monster under her bed could get to her so quickly.

  They walked through the door, and Madeline looked around appreciating the beautifully decorated home. “You have a lovely home,” she heard her well-trained young lady of the upper class say automatically. Nora and Ryan’s eyes met over her head. Ryan raised an eyebrow silently asking, “What’s her story?” Nora shrugged. Ryan led them through the big house to the kitchen. The aroma of the pizzas staying warm in the oven wrapped around the three of them.

  Ryan stopped at the large kitchen table and looked carefully at Madeline. She looked back solemnly at him. Ryan pulled a chair out and sat down drawing Madeline close to him
until she stood between his legs. “I’m glad you’re here, Madeline. I can’t wait to learn all about you, but I think you’re probably as hungry as we are. Shall we have some pizza?” he asked simply as he wrapped his arms around her for a quick hug before leaning back to look at her face.

  “I’m glad I’m here, too,” she replied before her tummy growled loudly. “Snuffles and I are hungry, too.”

  “I’d say! That tummy sounded pretty ferocious. We better get some food inside you! Let’s get you in your chair,” Ryan said standing and lifting Madeline off her feet to place her into a large raised wooden seat that Nora scooted between their normal chairs at the table. As he stepped back, Nora slid the attachable tray into place latching Madeline in place.

  Madeline looked down at the chair. She read about high chairs that the age play characters had in the books that she’d read. She ran her free hand slowly over the wooden tray before trying to push it away from her. When it didn’t move, she looked up to meet Nora’s eyes. The tall woman with blond hair was looking carefully at her with those beautiful blue eyes. Madeline patted the tray making a slight banging sound that broke the spell that was stretching between the two women.

  Nora smiled before kissing the top of her head. She patted the large tote bag that Madeline still clutched to her chest. “May I pull Snuffles out? He’d probably like to look around as well.” She waited until the small figure nodded before opening the bag and pulling out a bedraggled teddy bear whose faded fur must have been gold years ago. “Hello, Snuffles. Thank you for joining us for dinner. Madeline, may I put Snuffles in the chair next to me?” Madeline nodded slowly and allowed her stuffed friend to be moved to the other side of the table.

  Ryan busied himself pulling the pizza out of the warming oven. He asked Madeline, “I wished we’d ask you which kind of pizza you like best, but we’d ordered before we saw the notification that we had been matched. Do you like a combination pizza or pepperoni?” He watched Nora opened a cabinet and pulled out a brand new sippy cup decorated with puppies before filling it with milk for Madeline. She poured red wine for herself and Ryan.

  “Pepperoni is my favorite,” Madeline replied.

  “It’s mine too,” said Oliver’s deep voice from the doorway.

  Immediately, Madeline began to scramble to free herself from the high chair. “Oh, God,” she kept repeating as she panicked thrashing in the confined space. Immediately, Ryan wrapped his arms around her and lifted her into his arms as Nora unlatched the tray freeing her before Madeline could hurt herself. Ryan said sharply, “Madeline! It’s okay. This is Oliver. He works for us.” The Little girl was too frantic to listen, and she kept struggling. “Smack!” A sharp spank echoed through the room, and Madeline froze in place as she looked into Ryan’s eyes.

  “That is enough, young lady. Now, let me introduce Oliver to you. He is a very nice man for a giant,” Ryan turned her toward the large man who hovered in the entrance to the kitchen. “Oliver, this is Madeline. She has come to meet us.” He looked meaningfully at Oliver and saw him nod his head as he took in the highchair, the stuffed teddy bear, and the sippy cup. “Madeline, this is Oliver. He has worked for me for a very long time. He has taken an oath to never tell anyone’s secrets in this room. You can trust him.”

  Madeline looked up at Ryan and nodded before adding, “You spanked me.”

  “I did,” Ryan said easily. “I will spank you again if you risk hurting yourself or you do not follow directions. Are you calm now?”

  Madeline nodded again. Ryan set her gently into her high chair. He kissed her on top of her head as he leaned over to latch the tray back in place. Nora set her sippy cup on the tray along with a piece of pepperoni pizza cut into small pieces. Madeline picked up a slice of pizza and put it in her mouth as she kept an eye on Oliver. She wasn’t entirely convinced about him yet.

  Nora took another piece of pepperoni pizza from Oliver’s box smiling at him as he signaled for her to take 2. She knew the Little girl wouldn’t be able to eat that much. She said aloud, “Oliver, I know you wanted to watch that special on butterfly gardens that starts in five minutes. I’m sure Madeline will look forward to meeting you again soon if you wish to excuse yourself.” She handed him the pizza box containing the rest of the pepperoni pizza. She knew Oliver wouldn’t be offended if she sent him away. The large man smiled as he took the box.

  “Good golly! Thank goodness, you remembered! I had forgotten that was on tonight. I’ll go back to my quarters on the other side of the gardens now, so I don’t miss anything. Call me if you need anything,” he said quietly before turning to look at the small woman. “Madeline, I’m sorry I scared you. I’ll look forward to getting to know you better on a different day,” he faded from the room.

  Chapter 7

  Ryan helped himself to three pieces of pizza and sat down at the table next to Madeline. Nora joined them immediately with a slice of the combination pizza in front of her. They all started to talk at the same time only to stop and look at each other laughing. “Let me start, Madeline. Then, we can focus on you for the rest of the evening,” Nora said with her eyes dancing. “Ryan and I have been married for ten years. We love each other madly, but we have known that something is missing. We aren’t interested in giving birth to a baby, but we know that we have a lot of love to share with someone special. I was the first to suggest that we explore an age play relationship,” she began looking nervously at Ryan.

  “And I couldn’t believe that Nora was as interested in age play as I am. We have been looking on our own for a special Little girl to make our family complete. The designer of the PLAYTIME app is a close friend of ours. When we found out about the app that he’d been working on in secret for several years, we immediately filled out our application. There aren’t a lot of married couples that are looking for a Little. We had begun to get discouraged. Tell us about you, sweetheart.”

  Madeline swallowed her bite of pizza and started to shake. She was so out of her comfort zone. “I’m going to just be honest,” she started looking down at her tray. “This is the most daring thing that I’ve ever done. I heard about it from a friend, well really a co-worker, at the office. She was making fun of the app, but I was fascinated. I’ve visited the site every night for several weeks but only dared fill out the application tonight. I first read a story about age play several years ago. I hadn’t thought there were actually other people in the world that fantasized about being a Little boy or girl, or a parent. I was raised by my father after my parents divorced when I was six months old. I really was raised by a series of nannies. Each one was fired after several days, weeks or months after they had an affair with my father and he got tired of them. Applying with PLAYTIME was daring, not because I am having trouble admitting to myself that I am looking for an age play relationship but because my father has many enemies and many people who would try to use a relationship with me to manipulate him. I’ve had a few close relationships both with males and females. I am attracted to both sexes. It’s not important what they are but who they are. Does that make sense?”

  Ryan looked at Nora who nodded slowly before turning back to Madeline. “It makes perfect sense. Would you tell us who your father is? Or, would you prefer to tell us later?”

  “Can I tell you later? He’s not as important as who you are,” Madeline swallowed loudly and continued in a whisper, “or who you can become. I’m really glad to be here.”

  “We’re glad you’re here as well, Madeline. Now eat before that tummy growls at us again,” Ryan admonished lightly with a smile.

  The conversation became lighter as they ate the delicious pizza. Ryan and Nora discovered that Madeline was a real estate agent that worked in a large firm downtown. She had just passed the licensing test but had not been awarded her first client. The firm required that she shadow another agent through at least five sales. Madeline was waiting to find out who she would be working with through this trial period. In the meantime, she continued to work in the records departm
ent. She had started there two years ago.

  They all laughed delighted to hear that their interests were aligned. Ryan tried to stop himself from imagining the future when he and Nora could design homes and Madeline could find the right buyer for them. Their contacts in the age play community were looking for specially designed homes for Little ones and their parents. Charlotte, Benton Gordon’s Little girl, had recently helped design and decorate a home for Jake and his Mommy, Anne. Jake had already approached Ryan and Nora asking for their expertise in designing homes built specially to make Littles safe and happy. They were all excited to see where this collaborative effort could lead them. Madeline could fill the gap they needed in matching age play participants with the home of their dreams.

  When they had all eaten their fill of the delicious pizza, Ryan stowed their dishes away while Nora encouraged Madeline to drink the rest of her milk. Nora wiped the Little girl’s mouth and hands free of the cheesy pizza before releasing the tray on the high chair. She helped Madeline scamper down from her chair to collect Snuffles before leading her down the hall to their private family room. Nora sat down on the soft, leather couch and pulled Madeline into her lap.

  “Oh, I can’t sit on your lap. I’m too big,” Madeline protested wiggling to slide off. Arms of iron surrounded her and held her in place. Madeline craned her head to look back at Nora.


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