Book Read Free


Page 8

by Pepper North

  “You want to be a Daddy?” Madi blurted out.

  “No, Madi. I’m looking for a Mommy. I haven’t found her yet, but I will. Keep your fingers crossed for me, would you?” Oliver asked looking hopeful.

  Madi was astounded. She had been afraid of Oliver and thought he had been judging her as she tried to adjust to being a Little girl. The whole time, he was watching because he wanted to find his own Mommy. Madi rushed toward him and wrapped her arms around his enormously muscled form. “I hope you find your Mommy soon!” she said sincerely. “It’s the best feeling.”

  Oliver just nodded his head and gave her a squeeze before stepping away. He crossed his fingers. “Soon!” Just then headlights shone brightly in their eyes interrupting their conversation. “Your parents are home. Good luck at Dr. Richards. I hear he’s a nice man but a very thorough doctor. He knows what’s best for you. I’m off work soon, so I’ll see you tomorrow when you need your car for work.” Oliver smiled and got into her car driving it around to the garage as Nora and Ryan brought their luxury sedan to a stop close to Madi.

  Nora’s door popped open quickly. She jumped out to hug Madi. “It’s been too long, Madi. I’ve missed my Little girl. Come on let’s get you buckled into your safety seat.” She opened the door and helped Madi inside. Latching the belt securely she kissed Madi quickly on her pink lips before getting into the front passenger seat.

  “Hi, Daddy!” Madi greeted him cheerfully. “I missed you and Mommy today.”

  “I missed you a lot, baby. I’m glad to see you. I’ll give you a big kiss when we get to Dr. Richards’ office. Did you have a good day?” Ryan smiled as he watched Madi in the rear-view mirror.

  “It was super boring. I’m assigned to work with another agent, but he only sees me as his secretary. I spent the whole day filling out boring forms. I’ve done so many now that I think I could fill them out in my sleep,” Madi groused. “He says I’ve got a whole stack more for tomorrow. I may die of boredom,” Madi added dramatically.

  “I don’t think anyone ever died from filling out forms. But I agree with you, that is pretty boring,” Nora commented drily before adding mysteriously. “Maybe it’s time for a change.”

  Madi was just about to ask what kind of change when Ryan turned into a gated entrance. He opened his window and announced to the intercom that he was here for an appointment with Dr. Richards at six. The gates opened. Her Daddy drove through and proceeded down the tree-lined drive.

  Suddenly, Madi was nervous. “Mommy, Daddy, are you going to be with me when I see the doctor?”

  Nora and Ryan heard the tremor in her voice. “Of course, Madi. We’re going to be with you the whole time. Dr. Richards is a very nice man. Remember he has a Little girl of his own. He knows how special Little girls are. Dr. Richards is just going to help your Mommy, and I keep you healthy and happy,” Ryan reassured Madi.

  Nora reached around and held one of Madi’s hands that were moving around restlessly. “Madi, we’ll be right there with you. Okay?”

  Madi was quiet for a few seconds before looking up at her Mommy and Daddy. “Okay. I’m still scared,” she admitted.

  “That’s pretty normal, Madi. Little girls are often scared of new things and people,” Ryan soothed her. He winked at her in the mirror. “Dr. Richards is going to be very impressed by your clean tummy.”

  “Is he going to look at my bottom?” Madi said nervously.

  “Madi, the doctor will look at all of you. He’s going to make sure you’re healthy from the top of your head to your cute toes,” Nora smiled.

  “He’s going to look at my toes, too?” Madi asked.

  “I have a feeling that he’ll see your toes a lot tonight,” Ryan said mysteriously. He looked sideways at Nora before adding, “Look, ladies! We’re here.”

  Chapter 21

  Madi stared up at the big mansion in front of her. Her hands were held by her Mommy and Daddy, and they gently led her to the imposing, front door. It was opened, as they got closer, by a man older than Ryan who welcomed them to Dr. Richards’ office.

  “My name is Paul. Dr. Richards will be with you in a few minutes. Please take a seat in the waiting room,” Paul walked them over to a comfortable seating area. It had several groupings of chairs and couches with special areas for Littles to play and color. Madi looked yearningly at the shelves of colorful books on one side of the waiting room.

  Ryan noticed her eyes kept drifting to the books. She was too nervous to sit quietly, so he suggested, “Madi, why don’t you go pick out a book for me to read to you? Let’s see if Dr. Richards has good books to share.”

  Immediately, Madi walked quickly to the book display. She looked carefully through several books. Her parents were entranced by the tip of her tongue that she stuck out slightly as she concentrated on selecting the best book. Fairly quickly, she decided and brought her choice back to Ryan. He scooped her up on his lap and opened the book beginning to read. Ryan was a wonderful book reader. He had different voices for different characters, and he made sound effects that brought the book to life. Before long, Madi was cuddled against his chest with a smile on her face.

  A few seconds later, they heard the rapid patter of feet, and a small, long-haired blond Little appeared. She sat down cross-legged at Ryan’s feet and smiled. “Go ahead, please. This next part is my favorite.”

  Ryan continued to bring the story to life as he read. When he turned the last page, the princess had been saved and her companion in the adventure, Raoul, the clumsy dog, had been welcomed into the palace as the royal hound. Madi clapped her hands in excitement, and so did the other Little.

  “That was awesome!” the mystery Little enthused.

  Madi agreed, “I loved that book! Can we write down the title and we could get it at home?”

  Nora pulled out her phone and took a picture of the book cover. “What a wonderful idea, Madi! We need some books at home. Ryan, I didn’t know that you were so talented!” She watched her strong husband blush slightly at the praise. “Don’t worry, I won’t share your secret talent with anyone else. Madi and I are going to keep you all to ourselves.”

  “Oh, no!” protested the Little girl! “You’ll have to read for us at story night. All the Littles will love to hear you.”

  “What’s story night?” Madi asked with curiosity written on her expressive face.

  A deep voice came from the doorway. “Story night is one of the community events that Mommies and Daddies have organized for their Littles. We’ll make sure you’re added to the list so you can come to all the events. Littles love being together with the other Littles almost as much as their parents like talking to other parents. I’m Dr. Richards. You’ve met my Little girl, Zoey. She escaped from the dinner table just about when she was supposed to eat her vegetables.” He looked seriously at Zoey who blushed slightly.

  “I’m sorry, Daddy, but I was sooooo full. I couldn’t eat another bite. . . And I heard the story being read. You know how much I love stories,” she smiled sweetly at her Daddy.

  Madi saw her subtly cross her fingers. “Could she be lying?” Madi wondered to herself.

  “Jillian has already covered your plate and put it in the refrigerator for you to finish. You may wish to think about whether you want vegetables tonight or tomorrow morning for breakfast, Zoey,” Dr. Richards said softly. Madi could tell that he loved Zoey, but he was very strict.

  Zoey got up and hung her head, “I’ll go eat them now.” She started walking slowly toward the door dragging her feet when she turned around and rushed toward Madi. “I almost forgot. I’m Zoey. I’m glad to meet you.” Zoey flung her arms around both Madi and Ryan as she sat on his lap. Giving them a big hug. She moved quickly to hug Nora as well.

  Madi laughed at her enthusiasm. “I’m Madi, and this is my Mommy and Daddy. I’m glad to meet you, too.”

  Zoey turned to walk dejectedly to the door. She turned at the doorway and winked at Madi before resuming her slumped-over position as she walked to the g
uillotine otherwise known as her plate of vegetables.

  “What a ham!” Dr. Richards said with a smile. “Now, let’s go into the examination room, and we’ll get started making sure that Madi is as healthy and happy as possible.” He led them into a brightly light exam room and instructed Madi’s parents to remove Madi’s clothing.

  She froze in place as Nora and Ryan began pulling her tee shirt over her head and pushing her leggings to the ground. Ryan knelt next to her to help her step out of her socks, shoes, and leggings. All too soon, Madi was standing dressed only in her diaper. She tried to cross her arms over her exposed body, but Nora quickly pressed them down by her sides.

  “Go ahead and remove her diaper as well.” Dr. Richards asked, and when she stood totally naked, he pointed to the scale in the room. “Step up on the scale turning to face the center of the room, please.” Her weight showed up on a digital panel on the counter. Ryan looked concerned. Dr. Richards lowered the height lever down to measure how tall Madi was. He recorded this information in her new chart. “Okay, Madi. Lay down on the table on your tummy.” He turned to uncover a tray of instruments. Dr. Richards squeezed a tube of lubricant onto a big gauze pad and picked up a wide thermometer. He waited until Madi was laying down before moving to her side.

  “Ryan, why don’t you stand at the top of the table and hold Madi’s hands to reassure her. Little girls sometimes get nervous at the doctor’s office.” He waited until Ryan moved into position and held Madi’s hands firmly. Dr. Richards began to spread her buttocks, and Madi clenched her bottom as tightly as possible.

  Nora began to rub her lower back. “Madi, you’re a good Little girl. Relax your bottom for the doctor. He’s just going to take your temperature,” she said softly.

  That was all the doctor needed to distract the Little girl. He quickly spread her bottom cheeks and pressed the lubricated thermometer deep into her rectum. “Much better, Madi. Now, just relax. Take some deep breaths through your mouth and let them out slowly. Good, girl,” he praised. Dr. Richards looked at Nora and Ryan. “I’m not sure how much background knowledge you have concerning the care of a Little girl. I’m going to send you home with a booklet that will help answer some questions. I’ll probably tell you some information you already know today. Like, I assume you have a Little thermometer. I would recommend taking Madi’s temperature in the morning when she wakes and in the evening before bed. That will help you monitor her health. Is Madi wearing a diaper full time?” he asked as he rotated the thermometer slightly inside Madi.

  Madi groaned softly and pressed her face into the padded table. She could feel the thermometer stroking inside her. It was beginning to arouse her. She didn’t want to be turned on at the doctor’s office. She felt her face blush as her body became moist between her legs.

  “She wears and uses a diaper at home always. Madi is currently working in an office across town, so she’s wearing panties at work. We’re hoping to change that soon,” Nora answered lightly. She smiled at Madi as her Little girl turned her head in surprise to look at Nora.

  “It is best to be consistent. A Little that wears a diaper 24/7 adjusts to them very quickly. I do recommend that all Littles have a vitamin supplement. We’ll do some testing to see what nutrients Madi needs, and I’ll prepare a vitamin suppository tailored to her needs,” Dr. Richards said to the parents. “I only suggest that Littles take medicine in the form of a suppository or if they are here in my office, a shot might be recommended. Oral medications are inefficient for Little patients. They absorb more medicine through their rectums. We do need to make sure that their tummies are properly cleaned out to be ready to absorb medicine effectively. Did you use the cleanser that I sent over?” He finally pulled out the thermometer and rotated it to read the temperature.

  “Yes, Dr. Richards. The cleanser was very effective. We followed it by two rinses. That seemed to give us the clear results you recommended. Please let us know when you examine her bottom if we should do anything different,” Ryan said evenly. He met Madi’s wide eyes. “It’s okay, sweetie. Just grown-ups talking about how to help you feel your best.”

  “Okay, Madi. Turn over and sit up,” the doctor instructed.

  Again, Madi tried to cover her small breasts to hide her erect nipples. Nora held her hands in hers. “The doctor will be examining all of your body, today. You don’t need to hide, sweetheart.”

  Dr. Richards looked into her eyes, ears, and mouth. He pressed his stethoscope to her chest and back. “Does Madi respond well to pacifiers?” he asked her parents softly. Madi’s heart rate was elevated.

  Nora nodded her head, “Madi loves a pacifier to suck on when going to sleep.”

  The doctor opened a drawer and pulled out a packaged pacifier and a jar. Opening the pacifier, he unscrewed the lid on the jar to dip the pacifier’s nipple into a thick mixture. Coating it, he held it to Madi’s mouth. “Try this, Madi. It will make you less nervous. I promise.”

  Madi looked suspiciously at the pacifier, but it smelled wonderful–almost like Christmas cookies. She opened her mouth and let Dr. Richards slide the pacifier inside. She sucked hesitantly on the pacifier and sighed. She began to suck slowly on it, and the adults watched as Madi shoulders relaxed and her face became less anxious.

  “I think we need some of that mix,” Ryan said amazed.

  “I’ll send this jar home with you. It is very effective–especially with Little girls.” Dr. Richards tipped Madi’s chin up to look at her eyes. “I’m going to examine your breasts next Madi. I want you to suck on your pacifier and relax. You will become aroused today during my exam. That’s perfectly normal. I need to see your response to a stimulus. There is no one here but your parents and your doctor. There’s no need to feel embarrassed, okay?” He waited until Madi nodded before beginning to press his fingers firmly against Madi’s breasts. He, then, helped her lay back to recheck her breasts. Dr. Richards noted that Madi was beginning to move her hips restlessly on the table as he pulled lightly on her erect nipples.

  “Madi’s breasts are very healthy and sensitive. You should check her breasts at least every month to note any changes. I suggest that you do this after her period.” Dr. Richards addressed Ryan and Nora. “Are your periods regular, Madi?” he looked at the Little girl.

  She blushed and shook her head ‘no.”

  “This doesn’t surprise me,” Dr. Richards said easily to her parents. “Madi is very small. Her body fat ratio is low enough that she probably doesn’t ovulate regularly. Menstrual periods are easily managed with diapers. I’m assuming that sexual contact will be a part of your relationship with Madi?” The doctor hesitated. Both parents said “yes” without delay. “Are you on birth control, Madi?”

  Madi’s head shook ‘no’ again.

  “I would suggest that Madi begin to take a contraceptive shot that will prevent pregnancy for several months and avoid the need for a daily pill which can be easy for Littles to forget. Have you been tested for sexually transmitted diseases?” the doctor looked serious at the parents.

  “We’ve both been monogamous for a long time, over twelve years for both of us. I would be happy to let you run some tests on all of us. I’m assuming that if we all test clean and Madi is prevented from an unwanted pregnancy, that we could dispense with contraceptives like condoms,” Nora asked. Her husband nodded his head. “I would love for Madi to be reassured that we can interact fully without concern.”

  “We’ll take care of the testing when I finish my exam.” Dr. Richards pressed down Madi’s rib cage and on her stomach. “You’ve done a great job with the exam prep. Madi’s tummy is sensitive. That tells me that she doesn’t have regular bowel movements. We’ll set her up on a schedule of enemas and suppositories to help her tummy expel waste more effectively. Again, wearing a diaper full time will support this. Okay, Little girl, I’m going to look at your tummy from the inside. Ryan, help me move her left foot into the stirrup just like I do for her right. That’s right wrap the safety strap around her
calf and foot to keep her safe.”

  Madi stretched a nervous hand out to each parent. She felt so exposed with the legs spread widely apart. She moaned behind the pacifier as Dr. Richards pulled on gloves and sat down on a stool between her legs and adjusted his light to shine on her most private areas.

  The doctor rubbed the inside of her thighs to reassure her. “You’re doing a great job, Madi. Now, you’ll feel my fingers as I begin to examine you.” He ran his fingers through the moisture welling from her vagina. Pulling apart her labia, Dr. Richards stroked her tender flesh noting the areas that were the most responsive before pulling back the hood around her clitoris repeatedly and stroking the cluster of nerves lightly. Hearing Madi groan louder, the doctor continued to stimulate her clitoris with a gentle finger while moving the other hand to her vaginal opening. He began to press one and then, two fingers into her vagina. That was all that Madi needed to climax strongly with her body arching on the padded table. She panted in reaction. “Good girl, Madi. Your parents are very lucky. You are a very responsive Little girl,” the doctor complimented.

  “Now, you’ll feel the speculum slide into your vagina. A little discomfort as I open it up to look at your vagina.” Dr. Richards smiled at her gasp before he quickly performed a pap smear. He spread a mixture around the interior surfaces of her vagina and withdrew the speculum. “That may heat a little inside of you, Madi. Don’t worry if you orgasm again. That’s a good thing,” he reassured as he stood and pressed two fingers into her vagina while pressing on her abdomen. Ryan could see her vaginal opening clenching on the doctor’s fingers.

  “One last area to examine, Madi. You’re a very good girl,” the doctor said sitting back on his stool. He scooped up a finger full of lubricant and pressed it to Madi’s anus.


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