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Everflame: The Complete Series

Page 37

by Dylan Lee Peters

  “What happens if the turtles dive below the water?”

  “The cabins are built airtight, and the turtles usually dive only when the monks are sleeping or in deep meditation, so that they use only a minimal amount of air. Part of the relationship between monk and turtle includes adapting to each other’s patterns.”

  “That is really amazing,” said Ben.

  “What is everybody looking at?”

  “Those things on the horizon that look like islands are actually giant Felaquan turtles,” answered Riverpaw without looking away from the water. “I wish Evercloud could see this.”

  “Ummm. Riverpaw.” Tomas tapped the bear on his shoulder.

  “Yeah,” Riverpaw replied and turned to face Tomas. Tomas stood with a smile on his face, pointing to the man from Gray Mountain who stood beside him. “Evercloud!” yelled Riverpaw as he tackled his best friend to the ground. “You’re back!” Riverpaw nuzzled his head into Evercloud’s chest. “I thought I might not see you again… it is you, right, Evercloud?”

  Evercloud looked at his friend oddly. “Who else would I be?”

  “I…well…I wasn’t sure.”

  “You thought I might be Densa,” said Evercloud.

  “No,” said Riverpaw. “I didn’t mean–”

  “It’s okay, Riverpaw. I get it.”

  Captain Nesbitt walked over to Evercloud. “I’m an old fool, Evercloud. I let my paranoia get the best of me and I apologize. I had no right to put that on you.”

  “You’re right though,” said Evercloud.

  “Evercloud,” began Ben. “Are you saying…?”

  “That it’s a possibility we should consider. I don’t know why we hadn’t already. After what we know about Iolana, it makes sense.”

  “Do you… remember anything?” asked Tomas.

  “No. I don’t remember anything that would suggest that I’m Densa, but Captain, you said that this Saquu knew what you were. Will he know what I am?”

  “I don’t know, Evercloud, it is possible. You know, it is also very probable that I am wrong. I never should have said those things to you. I don’t even know if I believe them to be true as I stand before you. I am sorry.”

  “Don’t apologize, Captain. Just help us. You know the gravity of this situation maybe more than any of us do. If I had endured what you have, I would be wary as well. Get us to Saquu, Captain. He might hold all the answers we need.”

  Captain Nesbitt nodded.

  “You heard the man, Mr. Tripp. Full speed ahead and don’t stop ’til we reach the Port of Sanctum.”

  The passengers aboard The Rusty Nail watched as the ship coasted by the giant Felaquan turtles. Their shells were so beautiful as they sparkled above and below the water, they looked like a dream made up of every color in existence.

  “The further I get from home,” said Ben, “I realize more and more how little I know.”

  “You and me both,” said Evercloud and patted Ben upon the shoulder. The two men laughed as the ocean sprayed them in the warm sunlight. They watched as they drew closer and closer to a land neither had ever seen, and from the look of it, neither would ever forget.

  Chapter 15: The Trail of Faith

  I need to know why you’re not speaking to me anymore. If I have upset you, I will change. You have my faith and I do not doubt you, but I do not know how to deal with this woman. Iolana, Chera, whatever…I am confused. Not about what I am supposed to do, but about how I am supposed to do it. Is she the enemy? Am I changing her for the better? Is she changing me? Do I need to stop her? I’m having a harder time shutting her out. She is creating feelings; emotions within me that I am unfamiliar with. Please. What am I supposed to do?

  The Messenger heard footsteps as he sat in his meditation. He opened his eyes to find that Iolana had returned from bathing herself in a nearby stream.

  “I’m sorry,” she said. “Am I interrupting you?”

  The Messenger stood from where he had been sitting upon the forest floor.

  “No. It’s all right. I was finished.”

  “Were you speaking to the Holy?” asked Iolana.

  The Messenger sighed. “I was…trying to. He was not responding to me.”

  “Oh. Does that happen often?”

  Gain her trust, thought the Messenger. What choice do I have? I have to let her in.

  “It had never happened until we found those ruins. He has not responded to me since then.”

  “Did we do something wrong?”

  “I don’t know.”

  “I’m sorry, Murray. Do you think it’s me? Maybe I did it.”

  “No. No, it’s not you. He wanted me to help you.”

  “Oh. Really? Wow, I never thought such a powerful being would have ever considered me. I…feel honored.” Iolana gave a bashful grin.

  Is she toying with me or is it genuine, wondered the Messenger?

  “The Holy sees us all, Iolana. That is a small part of his greatness. I’m glad to see that you are not taking that for granted. We should get going though. We are still a great distance from where we should be.”

  The Messenger began walking, but Iolana did not follow.

  “Murray,” she said and waited for him to turn back around. “I know you have told me that you’re keeping things from me for my own protection, but…well, this is all getting to be difficult. My memory has not returned at all. I don’t know where I am or where I’m going…I’m reading this journal we found in an ancient ruin, written by a woman who looks like me and uses my name…I’m losing my grip on reality. Will you please tell me what we’re doing?”

  She’s doing it again, he thought. Why am I feeling this way? Why am I giving in to her so easily?

  The Messenger stared at Iolana with careful consideration. It was obvious to Iolana that he was battling with himself.

  “Please, Murray. You’re all I have right now.”

  A moment of epiphany suddenly broke over the Messenger and he finally realized what the Holy had in mind. Iolana was a reclamation project and she had been left in his hands. It all made sense.

  “Iolana, I think you have been chosen by the Holy as I have. He is giving you a test of faith. That is why he has stopped communication with me. He left me with simple instructions; take you to the village of Hammlin, where I grew up. I think he wanted to see if you would follow a man being led only by faith.”

  “I-Why me?”

  “Iolana, you are special, you have always been special, you just don’t know it. The Holy is going to reveal it to you as he did me, but first, you must show faith in him. It all makes sense now. That’s why he had me take you away.”

  “What? What do you mean take me?”

  “Iolana, I was acting under his command. The men you were with are evil. They crusade to bring evil back to this world. You were in danger with them. That is why I took you from them.”

  “Did he take my memory from me?”

  “I think so, but I’m sure that he’s planning on restoring it, once you’ve shown that you can be faithful. That’s why he has placed us on the other side of Ephanlarea. So that we would have to make a journey of faith.”

  “I’m so confused, Murray. This sounds so crazy.”

  “I know this is a lot to handle, but why else would we be doing this? Why would your memory be gone? Why would we have found those ruins and that creature? It’s all part of the test.”

  “O-Okay. I guess it makes sense.”

  “And I’d wager that journal does hold important information. We should continue reading as we travel.”

  “Murray, are you sure about this?”

  The Messenger walked over to Iolana and placed his hands upon her shoulders.

  “I’ve never been more sure in my entire life.”

  “All right, Murray. I trust you.” Iolana smiled and the Messenger began to lead her upon the trail of faith.

  Chapter 16: Tradition

  “Why have you called us here, Firerock?”

  Both Golden
heart and Autumnbreeze stood in the King’s box that overlooked the arena floor where the terrible beast still roamed. Firerock was sitting in a chair, looking out over the arena and seeming quite uncomfortable.

  “It is with great regret that I have requested your presence, my Queen, but it is for an issue that is unavoidable. I have asked that you bring Autumnbreeze…for support.”

  The two female bears looked at each other in confusion.

  “Is this an issue regarding the beast?” asked Goldenheart.

  “Yes, my Queen. I’m afraid we have come to a conclusion concerning what-, I mean, who the beast is.”

  “Who is we, Firerock?”

  “Tell me, Goldenheart,” continued Firerock without answering her question. “Has our King contacted you at all since his departure?”

  “No, he has not.”

  “He has not contacted the Department of Information either.” Firerock paused. “By the Everflame, this is hard.”

  “What is it that you need to say to me, Firerock?” Goldenheart was beginning to get nervous now.

  “There is no easy way to say this, so pardon me if I don’t put this delicately.” A single tear fell from Firerock’s face and his voice cracked just slightly. “The Tyrant has struck us again. He has turned our King, your husband, Eveneye, into the beast you see before you.”

  “What?” said Goldenheart in shock.

  “It took me some time to believe it was true, but there is too much evidence to support it.”

  “That is not possible, Firerock. That thing is not my Eveneye.”

  “I’m sorry, Goldenheart. I will be calling the Kingdom into the arena tonight. They need to be told. They need to understand the severity of the Tyrant’s presence in our land. They have a right to the knowledge.”

  “You will be telling them lies, Firerock. I don’t think you understand the gravity of your actions.”

  “You might not think I am capable of leading, but I understand what this Kingdom needs. It needs a leader. I would never lie to the Kingdom. What I will tell them tonight is truth!”

  “NO it isn’t!” Goldenheart shouted and began to cry. The madness of what was about to happen was hitting her hard. “Don’t do this, Firerock. I’m begging you. Please. That is not my husband. It’s not Eveneye. Look at it. LOOK AT IT!”

  “I’m sorry. I’ve made my decision. Your husband left me in control. You would do well to support my decision, and support my ascension to the throne. I am only doing what Eveneye would have wanted. I’ll give you time to consider this, as I can see you are upset.”

  With those cold words, Firerock exited the King’s box and left Goldenheart and Autumnbreeze to pick up the pieces.

  “Goldie, are you…all right?” asked Autumnbreeze.

  Goldenheart turned to Autumnbreeze with a fire burning deep in her eyes.

  “He wants my support? He’ll have it…and he’ll wish he never asked.”


  It took time for the arena to fill. The bears of Gray Mountain were not fully convinced that it was safe. It took a few brave souls to enter and make sure that the beast could not get to them. After a few bears had entered, the rest of the Kingdom began to slowly trickle in.

  The walls were built high above the arena floor, given the nature of some of the events that took place in the kingdom. Most of the onlookers could recall the challenges of King Eveneye and the dangers they witnessed. The beast paced the floor, staring back at the bears who gazed in amazement, seemingly trapped by its fiery, red eyes.

  Firerock watched the crowd file in from his perch in the King’s box. Oaktongue sat by his side.

  “Don’t worry, Firerock. You don’t need the Queen’s support. The Kingdom is well aware that Eveneye left you in charge, and now… They will be all the support you need.”

  “I hope you are right,” said Firerock. “I don’t know how I feel about doing this.”

  “The Kingdom needs leadership. We cannot deprive them of it.”

  “What will we do with the beast though…I mean, the King?”

  “I don’t know if it can be killed. We’ll have to discuss that later. Right now, we have to reestablish order.”

  Two guards walked into the King’s box and Firerock and Oaktongue turned to receive them.

  “Firerock,” spoke the guard, “the Queen has arrived, accompanied by Autumnbreeze.”

  Goldenheart and Autumnbreeze walked into the King’s box and Goldenheart looked at Firerock.

  “I have had time to come to terms with what you said to me earlier. As much as it breaks my heart, I know that it will also break the heart of the Kingdom, and it is my duty to be there for my Kingdom. A kingdom needs a king and the Tyrant has taken ours from us. I will support your ascension to the throne, Firerock. But I ask you to grant me this wish. Allow me to inform the Kingdom. Let them hear this horrible news from their Queen.”

  Firerock and Oaktongue were shocked. At no point did they anticipate the Queen’s cooperation to this extent. Oaktongue’s sense of malicious intent was setting off alarms. Why is she doing this? he thought. What is her play? But before he could question Goldenheart’s request, Firerock was already accepting it.

  “Of course, my Queen. I will certainly respect your wish. Also, if I may, I would like to add a request of my own. I would never insult the memory of your husband by asking you to be my queen, however, I would be honored if you would remain queen by position. I think it would be too much for the Kingdom to lose you as well.”

  What is this idiot doing? wondered Oaktongue.

  “Of course, I will remain Queen,” answered Goldenheart. “I will always be available to assist my Kingdom.”

  “Thank you, Goldenheart. Your change of spirit means a great deal to me. Please address the crowd whenever you are ready.”

  The four bears took their seats and waited for the arena to finish filling. Firerock turned and smiled at Oaktongue who rolled his eyes and shook his head. All the bears of Gray Mountain were now seated in the arena. They stared at the monstrosity upon the arena floor with bated breath. No one knew why they had been called to the arena. The Queen stood from her seat and the crowd’s eyes found her as she began to speak.

  “My Kingdom, it is with broken hearts that we have called you to the arena this night. What I am about to tell you will be hard to believe and even more difficult to accept, but do believe, for it is truth. I have searched my own heart and I know it to be so.

  “Before you walks a beast that was once a familiar face to every bear in the Kingdom, but that face has been distorted, twisted, and changed. We are living in dark times and the Tyrant has struck at our hearts not once, but now twice. It was not long ago that the mighty Whiteclaw was taken from us. Now the Tyrant has turned one of us into the creature that you see before you.

  “Your King, Eveneye, my husband, has been transformed into this creature of evil.” Gasps and cries came from the crowd as the shock hit them like a wave. “Please,” continued Goldenheart. “I know this is difficult. My mourning process has only just begun, but this is not all that you need to be informed of on this night. “The creature before you was my husband, your King, but he is not here anymore, and he will not return. The leaders of this Kingdom cannot stand by idly, for it is the Kingdom with which our responsibility lies. We must press on. We have an enemy, the Tyrant, who will not allow us reprieve. He will continue his assault. Now, more than ever, we need leadership.

  “So I am here tonight to give my support for the new King of Gray Mountain. I am here to give my support to Firerock.” Firerock stood from his seat and waved to the crowd, as the Queen continued to speak. “My husband chose Firerock to take care of the Kingdom in his absence. Firerock is responsible for saving us from the creature our King has become. He has strength and wit to lead. He cares deeply for the Kingdom and his history shows that he is dedicated to the prosperity and traditions of Gray Mountain. And it is through our traditions that he will earn his position as King.”

  Firerock looked at Goldenheart oddly.

  No, she wouldn’t, thought Oaktongue.

  “My husband is gone. Eveneye, as we knew him, is gone. However, a creature remains that has ruled this kingdom and still, at this time, has right to his throne. So, tomorrow night, I invite you all back to the arena as we watch Firerock invoke the ritual of challenge. Due to the nature of the situation, and for the benefit of the Kingdom, only the third challenge, one-on-one combat, will be necessary. Fare thee well, Firerock. The Kingdom depends on you.”

  Goldenheart sat down and the crowd erupted in cheers of support for her and for Firerock. Firerock turned toward her so that his back was to the crowd.

  “Are you mad?”

  “My husband is still out there alive, you bastard, and when he returns, I’ll see to it that he spits upon your grave.”

  Goldenheart stood from her seat and walked out of the King’s box, followed closely by Autumnbreeze. The Kingdom began to file out of the arena, never having heard the exchange between Firerock and Goldenheart, but assuming that the Queen’s exit marked the end of the announcement.

  After all of the bears had left the arena, Firerock turned to Oaktongue.

  “Do you have any idea what this means?” asked Firerock.

  “We’ve grossly underestimated the Queen,” replied Oaktongue.

  “That thing will tear me apart. We don’t even know if it can be killed.”

  “Don’t worry, we’ll think of something.”

  “And if we don’t?”

  Oaktongue had no response.

  Firerock threw a chair against the wall and it splintered into pieces. He looked out over the arena floor and found the beast he would have to defeat staring back at him with its blood-red eyes.

  Chapter 17: Warm and Fuzzy


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