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Everflame: The Complete Series

Page 98

by Dylan Lee Peters

  “What is the meaning of this?” yelled one grumpy man. “Why’ve you pulled us out into the night?”

  The people stared at Evercloud and he glared at them in return, asking one simple question.

  “How can you sleep?” The people were confused and turned to each other mumbling, but Evercloud continued. “How can you sleep!? I know word has reached Cerano of the things that go on in Ephanlarea. Is there no one among you who had family that lived in the burned villages? Is there no one among you that has family that live in Chreos or in Nefas? Do you expect me to believe that all of you are blind and deaf to the happenings of the world? I don’t know how you sleep.” Evercloud could begin to see the shame build upon the people’s faces, the discomfort building as their consciences weighed upon them. “If there is a man or woman among you that has not heard of the Tyrant that pollutes your world, please, raise your hand. Please, tell me now if you are oblivious to the hardship and the fear that you know others suffer.” Not one solitary person raised their hand to the air as Evercloud scanned the audience. Yet as he did, he came across the face of old Mr. Tripp.

  “Mr. Tripp, you have lost a loved one to the terror I speak of.” Mr. Tripp nodded and bowed his head. “I thought I had lost my mother and father,” said Evercloud. “My home was destroyed and I thought they had perished with it. I am lucky though, they lived, and now I am given a second chance. I have been given another chance to help rid this world of what ails it, and to save my family. Don’t you want that chance? For every one of you that has lost someone you love to the Tyrant of Fear, wouldn’t you die for that second chance?

  “We are all the lucky ones, for we can make the right choice. You can go back to your beds and your blankets, you can turn your lights down and sleep… but I cannot. I cannot sleep knowing what I can do. Very soon now, the sun will begin to rise upon a new day, and whether you choose to believe me or not, that day will bring a war against one who wishes to do evil. Will you sit in your homes and hope that war goes well? Will you sit in your chairs and look at those you love, hoping that someone else is keeping them safe? Or will you join the fight, knowing you took on the challenge?”

  “Who are we to challenge the plan of the Holy?” argued an old man in the crowd. “The Book of the Holy asks us to have faith in his plan.”

  “And does that give your heart comfort?” asked Evercloud. “Does it make you feel warm inside to know that you have no control to stop the evil that afflicts the world around you?” No one answered Evercloud’s question, but the heads of Cerano hung low in shame. “Not so long ago, I lost my uncle in a battle against this evil that afflicts us all. But he can rest in peace forever because he knows that he took the challenge. Before he lost his life, he gave us these words to keep in our hearts, he said, now you must remember what it is we fight for. Remember your mothers, your fathers, your sisters and your brothers. Remember all those who have loved you and remained close to your heart. For it is that love that has seen us through the darkness of this world. It is that love that has been a light. See that light. Feel its heat. Now become that light. For it is now we who must banish the darkness for those who have done the same for us, and by everything that I am, every thread of my being, I swear I will not fail!”

  The crowd roared and Evercloud turned away, knowing that he had succeeded in winning their hearts. He walked out of the square as the sun began to rise. It was time for him to return to the crater, to his home. The spirit women would get the people of Cerano to the crater. He was no longer needed here. There were much larger tasks he was now needed for. Evercloud met Riverpaw behind the riser where the great bell hung and he could see the tears in the bear’s eyes.

  “I am ready to take responsibility for it all,” said Evercloud. “For myself, for Densa… For everything.”

  “By the Everflame,” swore Riverpaw with adrenaline coursing through his heart. “We will not fail.”

  Chapter 34: In Judgment of the Light

  The black abyss of space was all around, an infinite assault of nothing in every direction. Densa’s mind was focused so fiercely that nothing mattered, nothing except for him. Densa looked forward, his brow was furrowed and sweating, his arms were in pain from clenching his fists, his teeth were ground so tightly together he feared they might shatter in his mouth. This was the end, one way or another, this was the end.

  “You,” he said so violently that spittle flew from his mouth into the emptiness. The moisture floated forward and was gone in the blink of an eye. It never stood a chance against the immense heat that was all around Densa, for Densa had dared to go where no being had ever dared to go. Densa had dared to move closer than any being had ever dared to move. He stared forward with purpose and rage, as the fire and immensity of the Skyfather was reflected in the dark of his eyes.

  If the great sun had eyes, they would have been filled with disdain, if that terrible inferno had a grin, it would have been smug, and if that fat, old god had a heart, it could have never been found. But a voice the Skyfather did have, and it conveyed all the loathing in the universe.

  “What are you doing?”

  “I’m here to end this,” said Densa, his lips cracking from the heat.

  Derisive laughter came forth like the flames that licked at the emptiness. Densa watched them as he would watch the long tongue of a snake, waiting to strike.

  “You are a pathetic wretch,” said the Skyfather. “You are fortunate that Earth pleaded so desperately for your life. I would have reduced you to nothing ages ago. Now, you actually believe that you can confront me? I who have made everything, I who give and take life as no other can? Scurry along little bug, before I grow tired of your games.”

  “How can she love you? How can she be under your spell?”

  “Love?” laughed the Skyfather. “Earth’s love for me died so long ago, even I cannot recount. She obeys me now because she has no choice. She would be nothing without my power. Everything in her precious world would die without me; she has not the power to sustain life. Is this why you come to me now, little bug? Hmm? You mean to defend her honor? You wish to play the hero?”

  “I am no hero,” said Densa.

  “Of course, you’re not… You are scum. You judge me, little bug, but I’ve seen the stains you have left upon the creatures of Earth. You’re as harsh as any.”

  “No. I’ve learned. I’ve judged myself and I mean to repay my wrongs. But you are right, I am here to judge you.”

  “And you think you have the authority?”

  “Yes, I do!” bellowed Densa. “Because you refuse to do it for yourself.”

  The roiling sun again began to laugh and the anger rose inside Densa to new heights.

  “What could I be judged for?”

  “My mother,” began Densa with a quivering lip. “You destroyed her in every way, save for her existence. The Earth, you keep her a slave to your whims. The first man, you gave him new life and allowed him to terrorize the world.”

  “Oh, and I hurt your feelings, didn’t I, little bug? When the first man took your memory from you and made you live terrible life after terrible life, and then in the end, took your precious love. You couldn’t take it any more, could you? And now you’re here to try and act like you are more than a little bug I’m about to squash. You blame me for doing all those things to you?”

  “NO!! I blame you for doing nothing!”

  “And why should I?”

  “You set all of this in motion, then you let it fall off a cliff. You take no responsibility for anything. You even go as far as to toy with the world, simply because it amuses you. The gifts you gave to the people of Earth, the farce of a prophecy you gave to them. It’s all to watch them run in circles for your amusement. You don’t wish to help. You never wanted to help.”

  “Amusement… yes. After all, why do you think I let the Earth keep you… little bug?” The pain and anger became too much for Densa to bear and he bellowed incoherently at the Skyfather, while the ancient being, mor
e ancient than all, just laughed and laughed. “When you are gone, I will remain. When everything is gone, I will remain. Now be gone with you, before I grow tired and destroy you.”

  Densa bowed his head and he no longer felt the pain of his tension, or the burning of the Skyfather’s heat. The sound of the Skyfather’s laughter became more and more faint, until he heard nothing but a low hum and the pounding of his own heart. The resonation of his heart grew louder in his head, until it shook his body with every new beat. Boom, boom, boom, came the sound in his head as it threatened to tear its way through his chest. Boom, boom, boom, it came like the hammer to the anvil. Boom, boom, boom, it came like the ocean waves against the stony cliffs. Then Densa opened his red eyes and the pounding was gone. Only his darkness remained.

  “We don’t need you anymore. Life will go on. I’m not afraid to destroy you.”

  “You can’t destroy me.”

  “Yes… Yes, I can.”

  And with that, Densa gave a mighty war cry and dove toward the core of the sun.

  Chapter 35: Unforgiven

  Morning was just breaking over the horizon as Riverpaw and Evercloud came to the woods around the crater. They were amazed to see so many humans and animals gathered together, ready to fight or to do anything they could to free their world from the Great Tyrant. The trees were still chalky with dust, and as the two cousins looked around, the sunlight reflected off of the gray dust in a way that made the world seem illusory. Evercloud scanned the forest for a familiar face, and soon heard Annie calling out to him.

  “Evercloud! Evercloud!” Annie found her way to the man and wrapped her arms around him. “We’ve done it,” she said.

  Evercloud smiled at the young woman but tried to temper his emotion. “We haven’t done anything yet,” he said. “Has anyone seen Densa?”

  “No, not yet,” replied Annie, replacing her smile with a frown. “I haven’t found Tomas or Ben yet either, but Evercloud… I don’t know how much time we have?”

  “What do you mean?” asked Riverpaw.

  “Maybe you should look for yourselves.”

  Riverpaw and Evercloud launched themselves high into the air and carefully proceeded to fly out over the crater’s edge. It didn’t take them long to see the terrible form of the Great Tyrant, using his massive, white sword to chip his way, further and further, down to Earth’s core.

  “He must know that everyone is here,” said Riverpaw in hushed tones. “There are thousands upon thousands down there.”

  “I don’t think he cares, Riverpaw.” Evercloud stared on and pain shot through his consciousness every time the Tyrant brought his sword down upon Earth’s crust. “He knows his power protects him. He doesn’t care about anything else. Once he reaches his goal… we’ll be gone.”

  “How much longer can we wait for Densa?” asked Riverpaw.

  “No longer.”

  Evercloud looked down into the forests and he could see the many eyes upon him. They were scared and they were tired, but they were also strong and searching. Evercloud knew what it was they were searching for. He knew that he had lost the power of earth, wind, fire and water, but he was the Skyfather’s son, and that power had always been within him. He raised his golden claw to the sky and felt the power of the Everflame.

  For all of the time I have spent on this quest, for all of the doubt and fear that has hindered my way, I have always held power. Maybe each one of those creatures down there holds a different power than I, but it is power just the same.

  “Before you waits danger and pain!” yelled Evercloud as loud as his lungs would let him. “Follow me and rid them from your hearts forever! By the flame!”

  “EVERFLAME!” came the voices rumbling above the din of the Tyrant’s sword. “EVERFLAME!” echoed the hearts of an entire land.

  Like a wave, they descended into the crater without fear, and Evercloud and Riverpaw dove from the sky to join them. The Tyrant looked up from his work with a growl that grew into a roar, and the battle for Earth had begun.

  The fastest of the animals reached the Tyrant first and threw their bodies at him, clawing and biting whatever they could. The Tyrant tossed them aside with ease, but when Evercloud came down upon him with his claw, the electric terror fell to the ground with a thud. More animals came and pounced upon the giant frame of the Tyrant, doing what they could to bury him before he could regain his composure. Alas, his power was too great. The Tyrant sent a wave of energy out that threw every creature upon him thirty yards away. He cackled and brandished his great weapon.

  “You can’t stop me!” his voice rose in pitch. “Everyone of you will die!!”

  Evercloud and Riverpaw gathered themselves, just in time to see human archers begin to send volley after volley of arrows careening toward the Tyrant. The sight was magnificent and a great roar went up from the creatures of Ephanlarea. However, the arrows had no affect at all. The Tyrant completely ignored them and continued to chip away at Earth’s crust with one maniacal swing after another.

  “This is no use,” said Riverpaw. “It doesn’t matter how many of us there are. We need someone who can match his power.”

  Evercloud looked back at the humans and animals of Ephanlarea and saw how tentative they were to continue their attack. Those who had survived the first wave were battered badly. Evercloud couldn’t let them continue to throw themselves at the Tyrant without hope.

  “I’m going in. Don’t let them follow me,” said Evercloud to Riverpaw.

  “But Evercloud–”

  “Who then, Riverpaw? Who? It has to be me.”

  Evercloud turned and flew at the Great Tyrant, slashing at his leg with all the might of the Everflame. An electric shriek ripped the sky and the Tyrant fell to the ground, his leg having been cut from under him. The monster writhed on the ground momentarily, but then his leg began to regenerate and Evercloud knew he didn’t have time to wait.

  The man from Gray Mountain charged the Tyrant, and came down upon his massive chest. Evercloud sunk his claw deep into the electric light, over and over, the Tyrant giving a primal screech with each blow. Evercloud continued his attack relentlessly, hoping against hope that the next blow he delivered would spell the Tyrant’s end. Suddenly, a cry came from the crowd.

  “Evercloud! Watch out!”

  The man looked up, just in time to see the Tyrant swinging his great sword at him. The son of the Skyfather dodged the attack, and fell away from the Tyrant, stumbling upon the jagged rocks. As Evercloud regained his footing, he saw the frame of the Tyrant raise into the air, and in a flash of red light, he was whole again.

  No! thought Evercloud. I was so close.

  The Tyrant hung in the air, glowing with red and white light as the world looked on in horror. The Tyrant was charging himself. Evercloud and Riverpaw had seen it in the tower in Nefas, but this time, the Tyrant was growing larger and brighter with light and electric energy than Evercloud had thought was possible.

  He’s going to kill us all, thought Evercloud. He’s far too powerful. This was a terrible mistake. Damn you, Densa! Damn you and damn me!

  The Tyrant looked down at the Ephanlareans and laughed as his power grew and grew. Soon he would unleash enough energy to obliterate anything within a mile of the crater. Then, once he had removed that obstacle, he would drain all the power from Earth. Nothing would stop him.

  “You don’t deserve the little power you have,” sneered the Great Tyrant, ready to deal the fatal blow.

  Suddenly, the world became darker, as if the light were being drained from the sky. Everyone looked up, including the Tyrant, and every jaw dropped low in complete disbelief. As the Ephanlareans looked up at the sun, sitting low in the morning sky, its fiery glow began to wither and disappear like water leaking from a basin. The earth grew darker and darker until the light of day vanished and the fire of the sun was no more. Evercloud looked up and it seemed as though the sun were nothing but dim, grey rock, floating in the sky like a black moon.

NOOOOO!!!!” yelled the Tyrant, lowering himself back to the crater. His concentration was broken and he began to curse and clench his fists. “DENSSSSAAAAA!!”

  Like a dying star, Densa fell from the sun with impossible speed, and when he landed in the crater, the ground shook and a cloud of dust billowed into the air.

  I can’t believe it, thought Evercloud as he stared at the man rising from the jagged rock. He destroyed the Skyfather… He destroyed the sun.

  Densa walked forward unharmed, though his clothes had been scorched from his body. His eyes were red and fixated upon the Great Tyrant. Densa circled the electric terror like a predator.

  “I’ve come for you… Gerometus.”

  “NOOOO!!” bellowed the Tyrant and swung his bright sword at Densa. “How dare you call me that? How dare you?”

  Densa dodged the blow with ease and circled further around the Great Tyrant, spinning him around slowly.

  “It is the name I gave you, long ago, before I laid you in that abyss. For that I am sorry… but for this… for what I do now… I do not apologize.”

  “Don’t you give me your pity. Don’t you ever give me your pity. You don’t get to do that anymore. I was reborn and I am now more powerful than you will ever be.”

  “That is not true, Gerometus. I am stronger now.”

  “AAAARGH!” growled the Tyrant and prepared for another attack. “Never call me that!”

  The Tyrant leapt forward and attempted to grab Densa, but the Ancient leapt deftly above the Tyrant’s outstretched arms and delivered a blow to the side of his head that sent the monster reeling across the jagged basin of the crater.


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