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Everflame: The Complete Series

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by Dylan Lee Peters

  The Everlife filled Evercloud with strength and serenity.

  “What will I do now,” he asked as Densa waded further and further away.

  “You know your purpose, Evercloud. Do exactly what you want to do. They were all right, the other Ancients, they saw it within you.”

  “They saw what exactly? I don’t understand.”

  “You know, I still don’t like you,” said Densa with a small laugh. “But that’s why I did what I did. I always knew you would save the world.”

  Chapter 37: The Light of the Everflame

  All the creatures of Ephanlarea watched on in silence as Evercloud and Riverpaw emerged from the crag at the bottom of the crater. They wanted to cheer, they wanted to roar, they wanted to sing… but the world was made of dust and darkness. The only light was that which came from the Earth’s core. Annie, Tomas, Ben and Tiber Allahnder rushed forward to meet the cousins from Gray Mountain. Eveneye and Goldenheart followed them closely, and slowly the rest of Ephanlarea gathered around them.

  “He’s gone,” said Evercloud. “It’s over.”

  “What do we do now?” asked Ben Floyd. “I mean, where do we go from here?”

  “What do you want to do, Ben?” asked Evercloud.

  “What does what I want have to do with anything?”

  “I means everything,” said Evercloud. “It will let you know exactly what to do next. When we started this, Ben, or when you started this, long before you met me. What did you want out of all this? What world were you looking to find?”

  Ben shook his head. “That all seems so long ago. I don’t know.”

  “Think,” said Evercloud. “All of you, think. It matters.”

  Ben rubbed his hands together and looked into the darkness, searching for something. “I suppose that I selfishly wanted a world that I was more comfortable in, a world where my family and I no longer had to keep ourselves secret and hidden. I want a world that is honest and accepting and tolerant. I want a world where we are all open with each other, a world where I don’t have to wear a mask. Do you remember when we met, Evercloud? It was with the point of a knife at your neck.” Ben laughed as if it were all so foolish. “I want a world where our knives aren’t at each others necks. I just want honesty… that’s all, I suppose.”

  “I can think of how you can begin to build a world like that, Ben. I can think of a place that needs to be rebuilt, and needs to be rebuilt with honesty and truth. A place where honesty would go a long way.”

  “Nefas,” nodded Ben. “You’re right.”

  “The hard road is still in front of you, Ben. But your purpose is clear, and because of that, what you must do, what you want to do, will be all the easier.”

  “You won’t be alone,” said Tiber Allahnder stepping forward. “You’ll have my help and the help of Felaqua. My father sent me forward to ally with Ephanlarea, to make Felaqua stronger through this alliance. I can think of no better way to do that than for Felaqua to help you rebuild Nefas. It is what I want to do.”

  Ben Floyd clasped his hand on Tiber’s shoulder and smiled.

  “What of the rest of us?” asked Annie.

  “Not one of you is any different,” answered Evercloud. “What do you want, Annie?”

  Annie folded her arms and tears welled in her eyes. “I just want a place to call home. I just want an identity. I’m tired of being the outcast, the misfit. I want a place where, when I walk down the street, people smile at me and I can smile back. Maybe I want a place where people know me… maybe where I have a little respect.”

  “I know a place that would be glad to see your smiling face, my lady.” Matthew Zehnder stepped out from the crowd and stood in front of Annie. “Chreos is broken and needs every smile it can get. You helped us to see that we needed to keep fighting for tomorrow, my lady. You have the respect of Chreos… you have my respect. We would be glad for you to call Chreos your home. We would be glad to have your presence upon our streets. Would you come with us and help us build anew?”

  Annie smiled and nodded, wiping the tears from her eyes. A crooked smile appeared under Zehnder’s nose and he took the woman by the hand.

  “What about you, Tomas?” asked Evercloud. “What is it that you want?”

  “Me?” asked Tomas. “Well, I’m no builder of kingdoms.”

  “No one said you have to be, Tomas,” quipped Ben Floyd. “If I’m not mistaken, I think I saw you upon the deck of The Breaker’s Crest amid a moment of happiness.”

  Tomas smiled. “You mean Dendrata? Well, yes, I suppose I have found something I want.” The spirit woman floated in, out of the darkness, glowing with her own green light. Tomas looked upon her as if she were his most precious treasure. “I have everything I ever wanted, really. I’ll be in Elderton Forest for the remainder of my years. Maybe I’ll help the bears make a new home.”

  Dendrata held Tomas’ hand in hers and looked at him sadly. “If it could be true, Tomas, I would make sure we lived with each other for many, many years. But the darkness… the sun is gone from the sky. Our time in this world will be measured in days, I’m afraid… not years.”

  “No,” said Evercloud. “That is where I come in.”

  Everyone looked at Evercloud with confusion and Riverpaw voiced his concern.

  “What are you talking about, Evercloud?”

  “I am the son of the Skyfather,” said Evercloud. “I have the Everflame and the Everlife in my possession. With those two things… I can save Earth. I can save everyone.”

  “But you’ll become… you’ll be gone forever…” Riverpaw was not convinced. “It’s madness, Evercloud.”

  “Sometimes it takes a bit of madness to do what’s right,” said Eveneye as he and Goldenheart walked forward.

  “Father! Mother!” exclaimed Evercloud as he met his parents with embraces. “I was so afraid that I had lost you.”

  “You’ll never lose us, Evercloud. Even when we are apart, we’ll always be with you. But I can tell you know that. You’re special, Evercloud. You’ve always been special, and not just because you are our son. Everyone that has ever met you has seen it in your eyes… that you were meant for something more. We just didn’t know what that was.”

  “Like you told me,” said Evercloud. “I was named Evercloud because I was a mystery.”

  “Son, you are The Great Mystery.” Eveneye smiled. “I knew it so long ago. Maybe I didn’t know it exactly, but I knew I needed to fight to protect you. I knew what was right. That’s all you can do in this world. Try to do what’s right.”

  “That’s why I need to do this,” said Evercloud.

  “But is it what you want?” asked Goldenheart. “Is it truly? Or is it just what you think is right?”

  “It’s what I want,” confirmed Evercloud. “For so many reasons, Mother, I couldn’t tell you all of them, but I will tell you one reason. You. I can give you everything you’ve ever given me. I can make it so that this world is here for you and for father. I can give you my love, respect, courage, honesty, wisdom, humility and truth. I can give you all these wonderful gifts that you have given to me. It fills my heart to know that I can do this. It’s all that I want.”

  Goldenheart smiled and embraced her son as tears fell from her face. “You truly are the sun, Evercloud. I love you.”

  “I love you.”

  Evercloud left his mother’s embrace and said his goodbyes, and then the man from Gray Mountain walked off into the darkness. As he wandered alone, he looked into the black sky and knew it was time for him to take his place. It was time to give the world back to everyone.

  This is it, he thought. Know me darkness; know me well…

  “You weren’t thinking of leaving without me, were you?”

  Evercloud turned to see his cousin’s furry face poking out of the darkness.

  “Riverpaw,” said Evercloud solemnly, “you can’t come with me this time.”

  “I know,” said Riverpaw. “It was a joke… I guess it wasn’t that funny. I just�
�� I wanted to thank you.”

  “Thank me? For what?”

  “For everything, Evercloud. You’re more than my cousin, you’re my brother… you’re my best friend. I wouldn’t have made it this far without you. You remember walking up those stairs, after my father’s speech in the mountains. You know, when we were trying to free Tenturo. All I was thinking was that I wanted to make the Kingdom proud, I wanted to be their champion, and I wanted to be their protector. I realized after a while, that I just wanted to be you, Evercloud. And now…”

  “Now, you will be everything you ever wanted to be, Riverpaw. The bears need a hero. You’re the greatest hero this world has left.”

  “I’m going to miss you.”

  “I’m going to miss you, too.”

  Evercloud turned, walked onward, and prepared to take flight into the dark sky.

  “Hey, Evercloud,” called Riverpaw. “Are you ready for this?”

  Evercloud smiled and called back to Riverpaw as loud as he could, “I’ve waited my whole life for something like this!”

  Evercloud ignited himself in flame and took off into the black sky like a comet. The world watched on as he grew smaller and smaller, soaring further and further away from them. Then, like a match, he ignited the sun and the world was again bathed in light.

  Riverpaw looked up into the sky, squinting his eyes in the bright sunlight.

  “Look at that, Dad. We are going to be just fine. We have the Everflame.”


  Chapter 38: The Falls

  Densa turned and looked at the waterfall and he breathed a long, deep breath, in through his nose and out through his mouth. Iolana put her hand in his and he felt it. He felt it as if she were truly…

  “Where are we going, my love?” Densa asked with a voice unwavering.

  Iolana smiled and shrugged her small shoulders. “I’m not really sure,” she said. “But we’ll be together.”

  “Always,” said Densa.

  They waded forward in the crystal pool, coming closer and closer to the falls, closer and closer to a new and unknown existence. They stared into each other’s eyes and knew that they were ready for whatever the unknown might bring. Densa let his left hand trace the top of the pool just slightly, as he used to allow the tall grass of the field around his farm tickle his palms. He held Iolana’s hand tight with his right hand and as the water began to pass over their heads he thought:

  We are all following dreams and visions; we who are cursed and graced by this fire called hope. However, I will not be a slave to dreams and visions; I will lead myself. I am strong and I am a singularity. I am a builder of self, in wisdom, body and spirit. I have the faith to believe in and cast judgment upon myself.

  I will stand the line between the light and the darkness. I will master myself for as long as I am lost in the gray.

  Those unwilling to stand the line should know: if you should find you have not the strength to judge your own heart, I will not be there to help you. If you fall weak and succumb to despair, I will not save you and lend you my hand. If you are maligned by evil, and fear the darkness may overcome you, it is only you that can stand amid that darkness and become its master. You have within you the potential to reach your salvation. Find your purpose and do not rest until it burns within you like a fire. We all must have the strength and courage to pass judgment upon this world and upon ourselves. We can only be in harmony and free from each other once we are all accountable.

  But remember, if you allow your weakness to pollute a world inhabited by others, you may find yourself standing alone in shadow. Those you have wronged may face you, and you may see their eyes go red.

  I go forth with my love, knowing nothing can stop me now. I have judged this world, I have judged myself, and I have found my purpose…

  I am the Messenger.





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