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Alpha Consumed (The Dixon Brothers Book 2)

Page 5

by Olivia T. Turner

  “You really love him?”

  “I do. It’s going to shatter me if something happens to him.”

  He sucks in a breath and then yanks off his shirt. I stand back as he starts shaking all over.

  My brother’s grizzly has always been so powerful and he looks more ferocious than ever as he rips out of Enzo’s skin with a feral snarl.

  Half the bikers turn and rush over to fight him, but Enzo is ready. He slams his paw into the first man who arrives, knocking him onto his ass.

  Two wolves leap on him, but he catches one in his powerful jaws and shakes the other one off.

  Roman’s Kodiak gets up to his paws and lashes out at a circling wolf. My mate’s fur is matted with blood in places and he looks hurt, but he’s still fighting hard.

  Even throughout the danger, I still get tingles while I watch Roman in his bear form. It’s the first time I’ve seen him like this. He’s beautiful.

  An older couple walks out of the hotel holding hands and then screams when they see the vicious predators in an all-out brawl. The lady loses a shoe as they rush back into the hotel.

  All of the bikers are in their wolf forms. They’re circling around the two bears who are now standing back to back.

  A couple of wolves are limping. One is all bloodied up.

  I run over and grab a baseball bat off the ground, holding it just in case.

  With blood-curdling roars, the two bears rush forward, fighting as one as they drive the wolves back. They don’t stand a chance now that my two men are fighting together.

  They swat their big powerful paws at the wolves and snap their jaws as they charge at them.

  They make the unlucky wolves who get caught in their way pay for showing up with deep gashes and bite marks.

  It doesn’t take long before the wolves give up. They flee back to their bikes and phase into their human forms.

  I squeeze the bat and hold it up in a threatening manner as they jump on their motorcycles and ride off butt naked.

  The two bears chase them up the ramp to the highway but give up when the motorcycles disappear in a rumbling cloud.

  Enzo’s bear stands guard, watching with the hair on his back standing straight up as he makes sure they don’t return.

  Roman’s bear on the other hand, is focused entirely on me. His bright brown eyes—the same eyes I recognize on Roman—are locked on me as he runs back down the ramp.

  It should be terrifying to see a full-grown Kodiak bear charging at me, but I’m filled with nothing but excitement. This is my mate. It’s his other half. A part I haven’t seen yet and have been desperately curious about.

  The adorable bear comes right up to me and sniffs my neck. I giggle as his nose tickles me.

  “I’ve been waiting to meet you,” I whisper as I dig my hands into his thick fur. “We’re going to be good friends.”

  He lowers his head into my stomach and I smile as I pet him lovingly. I’ve never had a pet bear before.

  Enzo’s bear comes lumbering back down the ramp and Roman’s Kodiak looks at him with a huff.

  “No, guys!” I say in a panic as Roman’s bear struts over to meet him. I’m expecting them to continue where they left off, but the bears seem to be friends as they smell each other.

  “Oh, thank God.”

  Now, I just have to worry about their human versions not killing one another.

  Chapter Seven


  I grab my clothes after phasing back and quickly put them on as I keep a watchful eye on Enzo. He gets dressed as well.

  “Thank you,” Bailey says to her brother. She goes up and hugs him and I have to turn away before my possessive Kodiak bear leaps back out and mauls him.

  “I told you this guy was trouble,” he says. “Look at the kind of people he’s associated with.”

  “He’s right, Bailey.” I can’t believe I just said that but it’s true. “It’s too dangerous around me.”

  “I don’t care,” she says as she turns to me with defiant eyes. “I’m not leaving your side.”

  Enzo shakes his head. “And what happens when I’m not around next time and his buddies come back looking for blood?”

  “Then we’ll handle it together,” she says with a defiant nod. “Like true mates.”

  Enzo sighs as he looks at his younger sister. He must know there’s no breaking mates apart and there’s no use in trying.

  He turns to me and we give each other a long heated look.

  “You better fucking protect her,” he says with a snarl.

  I hold his stare. “I will. With my life.”

  “I guess there’s nothing I can say to change your mind.”

  Bailey shakes her head. “Nope.”

  “Then be careful you two,” Enzo says as he pulls his keys out of his pocket. “Maybe we can meet again under better circumstances.”

  “I’d like that,” I say and I mean it. I want to be close with Bailey’s family even if one of them is a firecunt.

  We shake hands and Bailey slides under my arm as we watch him leave.

  “Thank you,” she whispers when he disappears onto the highway. “For trying with him.”

  “He’s important to you, so that means he’s important to me. We’ll get there. One day.”

  She stands on her toes and kisses the stubble on my jaw.

  I turn her around in my arms to lay a fat one on her sweet lips, but the older lady from before interrupts when she opens the front door a crack and grabs her shoe.

  “We better go,” I say when I realize that the cops are probably on their way. “Before more trouble comes dressed in blue.”

  We hop in my truck and head home.

  My Kodiak bear is really acting up by the time I pull into the ranch. He’s pissed that our mark is not on her, especially after having all those threatening wolf shifters around.

  Do it, he snarls from inside. Mark her.

  He speaks in snarls not words, but his intentions are crystal clear. He wants our mate marked.

  I take a deep breath as I park the truck and turn the key. Bailey is both nervous and excited to be here and I don’t want to ruin the moment by fighting with my stubborn bear.

  “Are you sure your brothers are going to like me?”

  “They’re going to love you. How could they not?”

  Moose, our huge Great Dane, comes bouncing over with his tongue lolling out and his big tail wagging. He’s white with black spots all over and possibly the best dog in the world.

  “Who’s that?” Bailey asks with a smile as he jumps onto her door.

  “That’s Moose, our ranch’s mascot. Don’t go out unless you’re prepared to be slobbered on.”

  “Your bear did enough of that already,” she says with a grin.

  I watch with my chest swelling with love as she gets out of the truck and makes a big fuss over Moose. He’s already in love with her.

  Join the club.

  My bear growls as he paces around inside, eager for me to do what every shifter animal needs once they find their mate.

  “I’ll do it tonight,” I whisper as I get out of the truck and slam the door closed. I’ll let her get to know Mary and the guys and then I’ll mark her. Okay?

  He growls in annoyance but slinks back down and doesn’t bother me again.

  “Roman!” Jacob yells as he comes charging over from the house. “Where the hell were you? We’ve been worried sick!”

  He stops, skidding on the grass when he sees Bailey kneeling beside Moose. “Who is she?”

  “My mate,” I say proudly with my chin in the air and my chest puffed out. “Isn’t she spectacular?”

  “Will you stop?” Bailey says with a laugh as she gets up. Her cheeks are all pink and she looks more adorable than ever. “Hi, I’m Bailey.”

  She shakes Jacob’s hand as Easton and Cameron come running over to join us.

  “This is Jacob,” I tell her. “He’s the oldest brother. Cameron is the youngest, and the middle child, Eas

  She looks so happy as she meets each one of them. I can’t take my eyes off of her. I can’t stop smiling. I don’t think I’ve ever been this filled with gratitude.

  “We thought the bikers caught up with you,” Jacob says, looking relieved. “And here you were shacked up with your mate.”

  “A phone call would have been nice,” Easton says with a frown. “I searched all over town for you!”

  It didn’t even cross my mind to call. I was way too absorbed with Bailey to even think about anything else.

  “Sorry about that guys,” I say with a guilty grin. “Meeting your mate is pretty all-consuming.”

  “We’ll make it up to you,” Bailey says with a smile. “How about we cook you all a nice dinner and we get to know each other properly?”

  “I like her already,” Cameron says with a smile. “She’s going to fit in just fine.”

  I couldn’t agree more.

  Our dinner ends up a little burnt because I get distracted by the sexy way Bailey looks in an apron and we had to take a break. We would have stayed in my room for the rest of the night if the fire alarm hadn’t gone off.

  “This is great,” Easton says as he struggles to chew the burnt pot roast. “I love meat extra-super-insanely well done.”

  “Sorry about that.” Bailey’s cheeks are red as she looks guiltily at her plate.

  “Don’t be sorry,” Mary says with a knowing grin. “It’s easy to be distracted when you first find your mate. I couldn’t even get through brushing my teeth without Cameron interrupting me.”

  I was always so happy for Cameron but I was also jealous that he found his mate and I hadn’t found mine. I know that Easton and Jacob are feeling that now, so I change the subject.

  I tell them about the Lone Wolf Mercenaries showing up at the hotel and how Bailey’s brother helped us out.

  “Your brother is a firecunt?” Cameron asks with a look of shock on his face.

  “A firefighter, yes,” Bailey answers. I love how she’s not timid or scared of him. She stares him down with defiance in her eyes.

  “He’s actually kind of cool,” I tell them. “I think we’re going to have to try and make amends with those guys.”

  Jacob lifts up his fork, letting the burnt meat fall back to his plate. “And I think you’re going to have to butter us up with more than just a burnt pot roast if you’re going to ask for something impossible like that.”

  “You want us to be friends with the firecunts?” Cameron asks, staring in disbelief. “Seriously?”

  “You don’t have to be friends,” I tell them. “But Enzo is my family now. So no more fighting.”

  We all look around the table at each other. They look unsure.

  “I think no fighting is a great idea,” Mary says. “Let’s take a vote. Who says you all should make amends?”

  Mary, Bailey, and I put our hand in the air.

  “And who says we should put those firecunts in their place?” Cameron asks.

  Cameron, Easton, and Jacob put their hands in the air.

  “Well, Moose,” I say. “You’re the tiebreaker.”

  He pops out from under the table and spits out a big piece of burnt pot roast. He looks like he’s enjoying it as much as everyone else.

  “Hey! Who’s feeding Moose?” I ask with a laugh.

  Everyone denies it. “Fine. I’ll order some pizza.”

  I get up and grab the phone as everyone cheers.

  My eye is still on Bailey—it’s always on Bailey—as she gets to know everyone. She’s already fitting right in.

  I’m confident that everything is going to work out. Our beef with the firefighters, my relationship with Enzo—it’s all going to be fine.

  I have my mate and together, we can do anything.

  Mark her, my bear snarls as it rings on the other side of the line. Do it.

  I just have one more thing to take care of first…

  Chapter Eight


  “Your family is so great,” Bailey says as she walks out of my ensuite bathroom with a big smile on her face. “I had so much fun.”

  I try to smile along with her, but it’s hard.

  My bear is acting like a feral beast inside me, thrashing around and making me pay for making him wait so long.

  “What’s wrong?” she asks as she rushes over and sits beside me on the bed. She runs her gentle hand through my hair as she watches me with worry.

  I must look like a wreck with my body all flexed and my jaw clenched shut. I’m sweating as my skin is pulled taut over my muscles.

  My prick of a bear is trying to force his way out to do the marking himself. I wonder if he knows that he’s going to traumatize this poor girl if he bites her neck. Either that or he’ll kill her.

  Enough! I scream at him.

  He roars back.

  “Are you okay?” she asks again. “Should I get some help?”

  I squeeze my eyes shut as I shake my head. Her delicious scent is filling my lungs, making it even worse.

  “I’m fine,” I lie. Even she knows I’m lying. She can tell by the hoarse, almost monstrous, sound of my voice that things are anything but okay.

  “I’m here with you,” she says as she starts rubbing my tight back. “I’m not leaving.”

  She should leave. This is the first time she’s seeing the real me. The monster that my bear can make us.

  The fact that she hasn’t left makes this even harder. It makes me fall in love with her even more. I hate that she’s seeing me like this. It kills me.

  “Is it your bear?” she asks softly.

  I nod. As crazed as he is, the soothing sound of her voice and the comforting feel of her touch makes him ease back a little. He’s as obsessed with her as I am.

  “What does he want?” she whispers. “To mark me?”

  My eyes dart over to her. “You know about that?”

  “My brother is a shifter,” she says with a soft smile. “So was my dad. I’ve heard that it can be hard to be with your mate when the marking is not on her.”

  My heart pounds as she reaches up and touches her neck.

  “Do you feel it?” I ask, wondering how she knew the exact spot under her ear.

  “It’s tingling. It has been all day, but it’s really tingling now.”

  I drag my eyes down her body and start to feel my cock harden. I can’t get enough of this girl. I want to be with her forever.

  Suddenly, my girl gets up and straddles me. I place my hands on her big hips as she hovers her lips over mine. Her sexy brown hair smells so good as it tickles my face.

  “I want you to mark me, Roman,” she whispers on my lips. I’m hard as a rock now. I’m aching. “I want you to do it. I want to be yours.”

  She kisses me on the lips and I yank her hips toward me until her spread pussy is pressed against my firm cock. Her hips take over, rolling and grinding on my erection through our clothes.

  I slide my tongue into her mouth, tasting her sweet essence as she runs her hands along the sides of my neck.

  “You can mark me,” she whispers as she pulls her delicious mouth away from mine. “Under one condition.”

  “What’s that?”

  “You fuck me while you do it.”

  I roll her onto the bed and growl as I grab her jeans. She quickly unbuttons them and I pull them down with one hard swipe.

  There’s already a wet spot on her white panties. The heady scent of her arousal hits my nose and my nostrils flare with lust. I need her so badly.

  The need is insatiable and it takes over.

  We remove our clothes in a frenzy and I take a quick second to look over her beautiful naked body before I climb back on top of her.

  “Hands and knees,” I growl.

  She darts up onto her hands and knees with her gorgeous ass in the air. Her pussy is already slick with her warm juices. I drag my hand up her folds and use her wetness to lube up my hard cock.

  There’s no time for foreplay. T
his is much too urgent. I need my cock in her like I need to breathe.

  She moans I grab my hard dick and guide it through her folds. I’m not taking it easy on her this time. I can’t.

  “Put it in,” she begs when my cock finds her wet hole. I thrust in with one hard drive of my hips and she cries out as I fill her completely.

  She’s still so tight, squeezing and milking my dick as I hold it inside of her heat.

  My bear starts to claw his way to the surface. He’s growling with impatience.

  He’s done waiting.

  I struggle to hold him back as I start thrusting in and out of my mate’s sweet cunt.

  Her hair is bouncing on her back with each hard pump. I grab it and wrap it around my fist, holding her head back as I take her.

  “Oh,” she cries as I grab her ass with my free hand.

  The view from back here is spectacular. Her sweet ass is spread and her little pink asshole is tempting me with everything I have.

  I run my thumb over it as her pussy coats my hard cock with her cream.

  My bear rushes forward when I’m distracted by her ass and he nearly gets through. I grit my teeth and grunt as I try to pull him back.

  He’s so close. Close enough that my muscles start swelling. My skin gets tight. It feels like it’s going to tear as I drive my cock harder and faster into her sweet cunt.

  My whole body gets bigger as he tries to break through. I’m holding on by a thread. My gums burn as my canines extend until they’re pressing my lips out. Everything is burning. Everything is bigger. My muscles, my jaw, my cock.

  Bailey is crying out and whimpering as my cock thickens and lengthens inside her. She’s still driving her hips back against every thrust, loving it as I claim her pussy.

  Her big tits are swaying back and forth with every hard thrust. I’m close to phasing but I still can’t help but reach down and grab her fleshy tits. I slide my hand down to her cunt and play with her clit as I hold my bear back.

  He’s roaring inside of me, furious that I’ve made him wait this long.

  Bailey starts cumming on my hand and on my cock. Her head is down, her face dug into the sheets as she cries out loud.


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