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Speed Dating the Boss

Page 19

by Sue Brown

  “Stop worrying and go to sleep. Your cat is fine.”

  Gideon pulled Dan down and enfolded him in his arms again. Dan was asleep in seconds, sated and content in a way he hadn’t been for years.

  THEY CAME together in the night as urgent desire overtook the need to sleep. Dan woke needing the bathroom and had to wriggle out of Gideon’s embrace, because Gideon hadn’t let go of him at all during the night. He was like a much larger, although slightly less furry version of his cat.

  When he got back into bed, Gideon wanted kisses. He gave them willingly, folding into Gideon’s arms and seeking his mouth in the dark. They kissed for a long time, until it was more panting, and their dicks were hard and painting needy trails on their skin.

  “Roll over,” Gideon said eventually.

  Dan did as he was asked, and he heard a quiet snick. Gideon’s preparation was as tender as he expected, until Dan couldn’t take any more and begged him to fuck him. He was starting to realize Gideon liked to hear Dan ask or beg for what he wanted. A crinkle of foil, and then Gideon was pushing his way in. Dan breathed through until Gideon rested behind him, his pubic hair tickling Dan’s ass.

  Gideon moaned gently and kissed the nape of Dan’s neck. “You feel unbelievable.”

  “So do you.” Dan reached behind him with one arm to pull Gideon closer.

  Gideon started to move with small thrusts, getting deeper, until the sound of their panting filled the darkened room. Dan tugged on his cock and matched his rhythm to Gideon’s. Their rhythm worked and stuttered, and then they climaxed. Dan wasn’t sure who was first, but he felt Gideon pump into the condom as he spurted over his hand again. Gideon rested his sweaty forehead against Dan’s back until he finally moved and flicked on one of the small lights, and Dan blinked against the brightness. It was Gideon’s turn to pad to the bathroom and dispose of the condom. Dan cleaned up as best he could and tried not to lay in the wet patch. The sheets were a mess, and Dan took great satisfaction in that thought.

  Dan wrapped himself around Gideon when he returned to bed. He wanted to show the same tenderness that Gideon had shown him.

  “Good night,” he whispered as they lay in the darkness.

  “’Night, darlin’.”

  Chapter 28

  DAN WOKE first, disorientated by the strange room, and even more by the fact there was someone in the bed next to him. He rolled over to stare at Gideon, who was still sleeping. It was a rare moment for Dan to study the man he had fallen so hard for. Gideon was on his back, one arm above his head, the other hand resting on his belly. The sheet was draped over his hips, only showing a hint of the springy hair at the base of his abdomen and hiding his morning wood from view. He looked happy and relaxed, and a slight smile curved his generous mouth.

  Dan licked his lips. Some men changed when they slept, but Gideon was the same man he was when he was awake—strong, virile, and oozing sex appeal. One of his curls had fallen across his eyes, and Dan itched to push it back but didn’t want to disturb him. Gideon snorted and stretched, and Dan held his breath and watched as Gideon turned over onto his belly. He was a study in tanned skin and muscle and broad shoulders. The sheet now draped across his ass, the cleft between the cheeks just visible.

  Gideon made Dan’s mouth go dry just looking at him. He never thought he would get lucky enough to have Gideon in his bed, let alone in his life. He wondered how much angst could have been saved if he’d known Gideon was bisexual all along. But then, Gideon had admitted that he had mourned his wife for a long time and was only now ready for another relationship. It worried Dan a little. Gideon hadn’t really looked elsewhere, and Dan didn’t want to be the “getting back in the saddle” relationship.

  What if Gideon decided he wanted a woman? Dan would be devastated. But he could walk away now, before he got too involved.

  “Who am I kidding?” he murmured, not wanting to disturb Gideon. “I was head over heels the moment I walked into the bar and saw your smile.”

  Unable to resist the urge, Dan pushed the dark curls away from Gideon’s eyes and then gently traced a path down his neck and along the bumps of his spine to the dark valley barely visible under the sheet. Gideon hadn’t moved, and Dan thought he was still asleep until he heard a sleepy “G’morning, darlin’.”

  “Morning.” Dan blushed a little at being caught openly ogling, but Gideon didn’t seem to mind. He reached over and pulled Dan in for a long, deep kiss. The kissing was as mind-blowing as the sex had been. And Dan sank into it and wriggled so he straddled Gideon’s hips. Gideon wrapped his arms around him. Dan was trapped and happy to be so.

  After a long while, Gideon pulled back and buried his face in Dan’s neck. “You’re going to need a shave soon.”

  “Mmmm, you too.” He rubbed his hand against Gideon’s stubble.

  “We could go and see Baz,” Gideon suggested.

  “Or we could just stay here and fuck each other senseless.”

  Gideon grinned. “That sounds like an excellent idea.”

  “What time do we have to check out?”


  Dan lifted his head and raised his eyebrows in question. “You booked the room for two nights? What about Cowboys and Angels?”

  “Juan, Eddie, and Ariel are running the bar. Bradley can take care of deliveries. Liam can be a pain in the ass like he usually is. I’m having a business meeting with my manager.”

  “A business meeting. A business meeting where you’re lying in bed naked with your manager on top of you?”

  “Yes,” Gideon agreed.

  “Do you have many business meetings in bed, Mr. Tyler?” Dan hoped his tone conveyed how much he disapproved of that idea.

  “Not recently,” Gideon assured him. “And certainly not like this.”

  “Like what?” Dan asked.

  Gideon’s arms tightened around Dan and made him cough. “Like I never want to leave this bed. Like I would be happy to drown in your eyes and body. Like I can’t believe I’ve been lucky enough to find you. I never thought I’d be lucky enough to fall in love again, let alone so completely and deeply.”

  Dan thought he was the one who was going to drown in Gideon’s intense gaze. “Don’t say that if you don’t mean it.”

  “But I do mean it. I don’t say things I don’t mean. You know that. I’m in love with you, Daniel Collins, and I want to spend the rest of my life with you.”

  “I love you too. More than I can say.” It felt good to say it out loud. “You’re the one with the words. I can only show you how I feel.”

  “Why don’t you just do that, then? Show me how you feel for the rest of our lives together.”

  Dan sought Gideon’s mouth and kissed him with all the longing he possessed. His cock slid against Gideon’s and thickened in anticipation of pleasure to come, but right then, meeting Gideon’s mouth was more important.

  Gideon sighed as though he were coming home, and Dan captured the sound and stored it as his own. Gideon had been more than Dan’s plus-one. In such a short time, he’d become a lover and a friend and a partner.

  Something occurred to him, and he pulled back, needing an answer before he carried on. Gideon frowned at the interruption. “What’s the matter?”


  Gideon’s frown deepened. “You want to talk about him now? What about him?”

  Dan didn’t really want to talk about Parker, but this had been bothering him since their encounter in the lobby. “You really going to pull your business from his firm?”

  “He deserves it,” Gideon said flatly.

  “He is an asshole, certainly, but if you do pull your business, he’ll lose his job.”

  Gideon nodded. “I don’t want a man like that involved in my affairs.”

  “I’m not trying to interfere—” Dan started.

  “Yes, you are,” Gideon teased.

  “Maybe a little. But throw him a bone. He’s probably spent the weekend wondering what the hell just happened. Find a w
ay of not working with him, but not making him unemployed.”

  “Why would it bother you if he were unemployed? You said yourself he did nothing but hassle you for weeks. I’m still annoyed at you for not telling me just how much of an ass he was being.”

  “It wasn’t your problem until now,” Dan pointed out. “I just know it wouldn’t sit right for me to be responsible for a man losing his job.”

  “He’s responsible, not you. You’re not the one who was the asshole.”

  “I know.” Dan traced his fingers over Gideon’s strong mouth. “Just think about it. Okay? I know you. You’re not that sort of man. He lost me. He never can have me. Maybe next time he’ll think long and hard before getting another notch on his bedpost.”

  Gideon pressed his lips together. “I’ll think about it. I know you have the best intentions, but the guy is a menace.”

  Dan nodded. Any decision would have to be Gideon’s. Dan leaned forward and kissed the stress out of Gideon’s mouth. “I can think of better things to do than talk about him.”

  “Now we’re in agreement.” Gideon rolled over, and then it was Dan pressed into the mattress. “I hated the thought of you taking anyone else to the wedding.” Gideon’s voice was so low Dan could barely hear him.

  “You know, you only had to ask.”

  Gideon’s smile was wry. “I didn’t think you’d believe me if I asked you out for a date. I thought you’d believe it was a pity date.” Dan opened his mouth and shut it again. That’s exactly what he had thought. Gideon nodded. “I like looking after people. I wanted to take care of you.”


  “And forever, if you’ll have me.”

  “I’ll consider it,” Dan teased, but he yelped when Gideon dug two fingers in to tickle his ribs. “Uncle! Uncle!” When Gideon quit tickling him, he asked, “What do you want to talk about now?”

  Gideon grunted. “I’m more of an action man, myself. I’d rather show you how I feel than talk about it.”

  Dan could go along with that plan. He lay out on the bed and surrendered himself to whatever Gideon had planned.

  Gideon brushed his lips along the faint traces of the bruise on Dan’s cheek. Then he nuzzled into Dan’s ear and kissed down his neck. Dan shivered and pressed his skin into Gideon’s mouth. The one thing Dan had learned about Gideon last night was that he didn’t like to be rushed when he made love. And this was definitely making love. Dan wasn’t just another notch on his bedpost. Dan was there in his bed, and Gideon had every intention of keeping him there forever.

  He left wet kisses through the hair on Dan’s chest until he reached his nipples, which he licked and sucked until they were on the point of being sore. Then he slid a little downward to focus on Dan’s belly button. Dan lay there with his eyes closed until he needed to see what Gideon was doing, needed to look at the dark-haired lover intent on driving Dan out of his mind.

  “Need more,” Dan whispered.

  Gideon raised his head. “What you need?”

  “I need you inside me.”

  Gideon slid down farther until his ass was all but off the bed, and he licked the tip of Dan’s cock. “What part of me do you want inside you? My tongue, my fingers, or my dick?”

  “Yes,” Dan moaned. One of them, all of them. He really wasn’t fussy, as long as he got it now.

  “All of me is yours, darlin’.” Gideon reached over for the lube they’d chucked aside overnight and squeezed a little into his fingers.

  Dan moaned as the cool lube hit his hole. “Cruel.”

  Gideon chuckled, but he drove two fingers into Dan, and Dan stopped worrying about the coolness of the lube. Gideon prepared him thoroughly and then replaced two fingers with his thick cock, and Dan sighed in relief. That was what he needed.

  They didn’t move for a moment as Dan relaxed around Gideon. Then he pulled back and drove in again and drew a moan from Dan that seemed to last forever. Gideon filled him, completed him. He didn’t need anything else. Right at that moment, he had everything he wanted. He didn’t even really need to come, not yet, anyway. But his body had other ideas, and it wasn’t long before he felt his orgasm coiling in his balls. He gasped, and his body spasmed around Gideon as he came. Gideon shouted and joined him in climax.

  Finally they stilled, and Gideon collapsed onto his side. He made a desultory attempt to clean up and disposed of the condom, but as soon as he could, Gideon put his knee between Dan’s legs and his hand on Dan’s chest and tugged lightly at the chest hair.

  Dan looked into Gideon’s eyes. “I love you, Gideon.”

  A tear spilled onto Gideon’s cheek. “I never thought anyone would say that to me again. Thank you for waiting for me, darlin’.”

  Dan reached up to kiss away the tear. “You were worth waiting for.”


  COWBOYS AND Angels was closed to the public again. The private function was in full swing, and Bradley, Juan, and Eddie served drinks as fast as they could to people who kept arriving. Most of the regulars were there, including old Buck, who complained it was past his bedtime. But he wasn’t about to leave. He sat in his usual seat with his favorite beer and gave a gummy grin to anyone who sat down to talk to him.

  Technically it was Dan’s night off. But as he now lived above the bar, he didn’t spend much time away. He and SmokeyJo had moved in nearly a year earlier, and once the gray cat established her territory and ground rules to Gideon and Ariel, they lived in mostly peaceful harmony.

  Once again Dan was the focus of the event, but this time he didn’t care. He’d finally received his degree in business and economics. It was his graduation party, and he’d earned every second of his celebration.

  Buzzing with happiness and more beer than he usually drank, Dan leaned against Gideon as they talked to Cris, Marty, and Lena. As usual Gideon had one arm wrapped around him, his hand resting over Dan’s heart and a bottle of beer in the other. It was a possessive he’s-mine attitude that made Dan roll his eyes because Gideon still growled a little if Cris got too close. Dan was where he wanted to be, in the arms of the man he loved. It still made him light-headed just thinking about it.

  They’d endured endless ribbing for wearing matching dark-green dress shirts and dark-gray slacks. Dan ran a hand over his newly styled hair. He refused to grow it very long, but now Gideon had his hair to hold on to. They’d both visited Baz for a haircut and a shave. Yes, and a mani-pedi with Aunty Vera too. Dan had finally gotten over his fear of grooming.

  He had a chance to unwind after weeks of intense study. He was going to relax with his husband and not think about stats and profit margins at all.

  His husband. That was still shiny and new. Like today new, which was the reason for the matching clothes. It was also their wedding reception. Gideon had offered him a big affair, but Dan looked at him in horror. City Hall and a party at Cowboys and Angels was all he needed. Dan looked at the platinum ring on his finger and felt the unaccustomed weight. It seemed significant. He was a married man.

  “Happy?” Gideon murmured in his ear. His ring was currently over Dan’s heart, just where it should be.

  Dan tilted his head. “I’ve never been happier.”

  “What’s next for you two now that Dan’s finished his degree and you’ve tied the knot?” Lena asked.

  Marty chuckled. “A house in the burbs and babies?”

  Dan choked on his beer, but Gideon just laughed. “We’ll leave that to you two.”

  “As long their uncles, Dan and Gideon and Cris look after them,” Lena said.

  Daniel Christopher Kennedy had made an early appearance five months after the wedding and had his honorary uncles and grandparents wrapped around his tiny finger. Lena’s parents were babysitting tonight. Little Dan was the glue that brought the families together. They were all besotted by their first grandchild. For his part Dan loved his godson and was more than happy to take care of him if Marty and Lena wanted a date. He was also just as happy to give him back to his doting pare
nts. Babies were not on his things-to-do list, and Gideon didn’t feel the need to start another family.

  “What are you going to do now that you’ve finished your degree?” Cris asked. He’d become a regular at the bar, and Dan—so far without success—was trying to persuade him to come work at Cowboys and Angels.

  “I’m not sure,” Dan said. “I had plans to start my own bar eventually. I guess my life has changed. We can make new plans together.” He smiled at Gideon, who kissed him briefly.

  “Talking of plans, now is the time.” Gideon squeezed Dan for a moment and waved at Bradley.

  Dan shot him a suspicious look. “What are you scheming?”

  Gideon grinned at him. “That’s my boy. Always suspicious.”

  “He knows you well,” Marty said.

  Ignoring them all Gideon stepped away from Dan and rapped his knuckles on the bar to call for silence.

  “You promised there would be no speeches tonight.” Dan had extracted that promise on pain of no sex for a week.

  “This isn’t a speech. Kind of.” Gideon took a large manila envelope from Bradley. “Quiet!”

  They all turned to look at Gideon, and Dan’s heart sank. Gideon was up to something. He was sure of it.

  “My husband says I’m not allowed to make a speech—”

  “Never stopped you before.”

  There was a ripple of laughter as someone heckled from the back. Gideon flipped them off in their general direction.

  “I want to thank you all for being here tonight to celebrate Dan’s graduation and our wedding day.” Gideon took a deep breath, and Dan saw the sheen of tears in his eyes. “Dan, I know you said no presents, but this is for you. For completing your degree. For joining the Tyler family. For making me a very happy man.” He handed Dan the envelope.

  Dan stared at it. “What is it?”

  “Open it and find out.”

  Dan slid open the flap and pulled out the official document. A lump formed in his throat, and he swallowed hard. He looked at Gideon and then caught Ariel and Bradley grinning like lunatics from behind the bar, obviously in on the secret.


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